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By rosereader6

12.9K 572 17

She was in between from good and bad but she knew where her heart belongs... āš ļø warnings... -This story is 17... More



476 23 0
By rosereader6

The princesses giggles were echoed in their dorm room, mostly doing their hair or talking to about boys maybe reading each other letters.

"Oh my god tristan said to me i was adorable on my dress earlier" kiko said reena, beatrix and millicent was in awe but maxine was busy looking at the flower crown.

She only could think about was amadeus all the rumors her new friends said, "someone is busy there" beatrix said

"Ooh" the three said

"What no i am not, i was just thinking about-"

"Amadeus" maxine was cut out reena said his name she closed her mouth and nodded.

"Look it's just a rumor" reena said as they all nodded.

"Come on we need some beauty sleep, tomorrow professor dovey will teach us" beatrix said as she went to her bed and tucking herself.

"Goodnight maxine" the princesses said as they turned of their lamp, maxine didn't say her goodnight to them.

Instead she went on their balcony it was breezy, her hair flowed in the air maxine take a one last look on the flower crown and she put on the stone railings the crown.

"Goodnight charlotte" she said as maxine went back on the room, little did she know someone listening..

It was amadeus he wanted to make sure if maxine remembers but of course she didn't he sigh, he went down on the roof taking the flower crown on his hand and throws it..

Professor dovey dragged lady lesso on a libraby, mostly lesso was so pissed of because she was on her heels.

"Geez, easy from the dragging i am on my heels" she whined dovey groaned but she calmed herself.

"It's about charlotte" dovey said

"Charlotte? That girl you wanted to talk about?" Lesso asked as dovey couldn't help but she pinched lesso's ear hardly enough she could yelled for help.

"Okay okay"

"Look she entered my school, she's mine now!!" Lesso angrily said

"You want another?" Dovey asked gesturing her hands but lesso surrendered.

"She was conflicted in between"

"Her two mothers were different, thena was the goddess of war her other mother hela was the goddess of hell" dovey explained lesso just nodded at her.

"So what are yoy saying, that we shared her?" Lesso asked her


"Sorry no!, If she's evil she stays like that look what did she did to me earlier she stabbed me!!"

"I think she's possess"

"Please lesso" dovey pleaded

"Okay" lady lesso said dovey smiled but lesso raised her hands by infront her face.


"But what?" Dovey asked

"Here's a deal, three days she will stay at your school" lady lesso said

"Fine deal" dovey said immediatley

"Good, i need to go now i am tired" lady lesso said leaving dovey alone but she was going somewhere.

Lesso took of her heels and walk silently on the dorm room, she went to room 66 silently opening door.

She saw how deadly sleeper her students was snoring so loudly but charlotte was different from them, she sat on the bed just watch her sleep.

Charlotte stirred from her sleep as she felt someone came to her bed but as she opened her eyes were blurred not seeing that person so clearly.

"Hello?" Charlotte said as she stand up like cannot sleep anymore so she just walk around the hall.

She ended up on a bridge of school of good and evil, she sat on the stone rails looking the clear sky she also waits something.

"Are you waiting for your cousin?" She flinched hearing dovey's voice as charlotte can only respond a yawn.

"No, i just wait for a thunder" charlotte said

"Thunder?" Dovey asked

"Mhm, uncle thor gave me a message with his thunder but i never heard anything until now" she said dovey sigh and hold her shoulder.

"After what happened to us, i still dreamed it" charlotte said

"What happened on your class to lady lesso tell me, i will listen to you" dovey said with her concerned look on her face charlotte look at her.

"My mother thena had it, mahd wy'ry one of the sickness that cannot be healed my uncle gilgamesh helped her with that sickness. Now he was dead no one had helped but my mother came in her life and she had me"

"That's why i don't use it because i might killed someone like what to my cousin it still feared me i almost killed i am a monster" charlotte said with her angry tears came dovey hugged comforting her she sobbed.

"Your not a monster" dovey said wiping her tears.

"Can you make me happy?" Charlotte said with a laughed.

"Well you will stay in my school for three days" dovey said


"Yeah, well i told lesso that your story" she said but charlotte hugged her tightly she returned it with her smile.

"Thank you"

"No problem, now go to sleep i hate a student who hadn't had their beauty sleep now chop chop go to sleep now" she said charlotte laughed and left, dovey sighed in relief.

"Do you want some tea prince amadeus?" Little charlotte said as they play some of their tea set.

"Yes please may i?" Amadeus said as maxine fake poured a tea on his cup, he fake sip.

They giggled as amadeus laughed as well..

Amadeus woke up as someone slip something a paper on his door, he went their opening the letter.

Can i come in?
-charlotte :)

"You can knock you know that" he said

"I know" charlotte said as amadeus opens the door she immediatley entered his room.

"Amadeus you know what just happened dovey-"

"Said you can stay there for three days" he said as he yawned amadeus and was very tired but he was going to listen to her for now.

"Wait how do you know that?"

"Lesso told me" he said as charlotte was about to leave without saying goodbye or goodnight as he held her wrist.

"Charlotte i need your help me" he said she was confused

"About what?" She asked, as Charlotte knows the look of his face he wanted to restore maxine's memory.

"Look she really couldn't remember anything just make new memories but different" charlotte said but amadeus kneel infront of her held her hands and look at her.

"I am begging you please just help me charlotte please" she pleaded.

"Fine, just don't kneel infront of me please" she said as he face smiled and hugged her tightly she gasped tapping him.

"Sorry, but thank you so much you know that i will-"

"Okay bye bye" she cut him off leaving his chamber.

Charlotted yawned now she really needs some sleep she walked until she was on her dorm, as she hops on her bed she notice something on her bed.

A red curly hair charlotte was confused Hester doesn't have red hair but she has pink highlight even dot or anadil were natural hair, was it.

"Lady lesso" charlotte confusedly said

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