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(BXBXBXB) It a story about four brothers who at first never see eye to eye on things but as time goes they st... More



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A bright light shines between the curtains shining direct to my face. I squeeze my eyes shut to block the light if it's even possible, so I turn the other side as I pull my blanket up to my head hoping to go back to sleep. As if it was waiting for me to settle then it rings reminding me that I need to get up, I hate my alarm.

Five more minutes and I will get up, I turn my alarm off and put my head on the pillow slowly drifting to sleep.

" Good morning sunshine", Nate bangs my door open, pushing all the curtains open before he pulls the blanket off me leaving me bare, good thing I am wearing pajama bottom.

" Nate", I groan trying reaching for the blanket without any luck. " Get out of my room".

" I am not going anywhere and I brother need you to get up", Nate holds both my legs and pulls me out of bed and as much as I try to hold myself I get yanked from the bed onto the floor hitting my head first.

I hear a snap sound coming from my nose, he broke my nose. I immediately ran to the bathroom and there I see blood coming from my nose, he fucking broke my nose! " Aaaahh".

" OMG! are you okay?" Nate rushes next to me as he turns my head forcefully.

" Why did you do that?" I scream at him slapping his hands off.

" I didn't mean to break your nose, I just wanted you to wake up", He says still trying to make me face him.

" I am awake now, you happy", I say trying to clean myself up.

" I am sorry Simon, please let me see", He pleads this time making me to look at him and being met with his sorry face and gave in. He inspects me and smiles, " Well it's not broken just dislocated".

"Why is it bleeding?" I say on a verge of tears, damn it hurts.

" It happens but it's not broken, trust me". He says as turns my head left and right slowly.

" Trust you? I don't think...", I hear another crack sound followed by a rush of pain, he did it again. " Aaaahh, what is wrong with you?"

" I am trying to help, see it's back and the bleed as stopped".

" Stop helping because all you do is hurt me, aren't you supposed to be in your room crying instead of coming into my room and break my nose". The moment I say that I regretted it, especially seeing Nathan's shocked face.

" I will go now", He says in a low voice almost missing it as he walks away.

" Nathan", I call for him but never stops. I hate pain, it makes you say stupid things. I look again back to the mirror to see that my nose is back but the swell is there, no school for me today good thing it's Saturday. We were supposed to go to school because of a match, they are playing a friendly game against a nearby school and Jason asked me to be there. I guess until next time then.

I walk back to my room, seeing it to be in a mess. I pick up the blankets and make the bed, when I was done I walk to the closet and find something to wear which it's just a black sweat pants and a grey t/shirt, since I am not going anywhere I might as well wear something comfy. I go the bathroom to take a quick shower as I try to think of different ways to apologies to Nathan.

It has been three days since the Mason's incident, when I told everyone to go away Nathan broke down and it did hurt me to see him like that. Not knowing what Mason did to him but I was sure it was bad bringing me to hate him at the moment for causing pain to my brother. When he was calm enough he told me what happened at some point I understood Mason's reasons for doing that, but still he did hurt him and it made me angry to see him like that. Good thing Nixon and Victor came back the next day and they didn't hold a grudge against me.

For the past two days Nathan didn't sleep, eat or even got out of the room, just curling up and crying. Nixon told me that this is what had happened the last time and it took him long to go back to normal and now it was happening all over again. Dad and Damien weren't so happy about it and even banned us to be friends with Mason, I mean I don't even know the guy.

Mom didn't know what was happening so Dad had to tell her, which she didn't say much about it and tended to Nathan like any parent would. School went on, Maddie and Mason were no where to be seen, we guess they left already.

I get out of the shower all cleaned, putting on my clothes then I decide to go find Nathan if he is even still here. I go to his room first he is not there so I go to Nixon's then Victor's and he is not in any, well I guess he is gone and I am alone in this house since mom is at work, Nixon and Victor at school and Bella is with his dads today.

I go to the living room put some music in a high volume and sway myself to the kitchen. Rampaging through the pantry I have decided on pancakes, the moment I get out I find Nathan in the kitchen with his hands on his hips.

" Nathan?" I startled a little.

" What are you doing?" He asks.

" Making breakfast, you hungry?"

" Yeah I could eat", He says taking a seat. " Why the noise?"

" I thought you were gone", I tell him as I put all the ingredients on the counter.

" After I broke your nose? I am not that evil", He says smiling at me, I guess he is not angry or sad. " Can I at least turn the volume down".

" Yeah sure". Which he hops down fast and bolted to the living room.

" So what should we do today?" Nathan asks as he goes back to seat on the stool.

" No plans, you tell me", I say as I fry my first pancake.

" We never had bro to bro day out. What do you say we go have some fun".

" With my swollen nose, no way".

" Ooh...I forgot about that, sorry". He says looking at me with a smirk, " you should put ice on that ".

" When I am done feeding my abuser", I say smiling at him.

" whatever".

We stayed silent for a while me making pancakes and he decided to make some tea, we are in a comfortable silence.

" Nate ", I call him which he only hums for response. " I am sorry about earlier I didn't mean to say that, I was in pain".

" I know and I kind of deserved it. I almost broke your nose".

" Yeah you almost did", I put another pancake on the plate. " I can't wait to see Victor's face when he gets here".

" OMG, Simon tell him you lost your balance and you fell. Damn he is going to kill me". He leaves the tea pot and runs to the freezer getting an ice pack. " Put this on your nose right now!".

" I am cooking", I tell him putting the ice pack on the counter.

" I don't care, I will tape it if you won't hold it", He glares at me.

Before I could even consider my other options the front door is open, " Hey guys, we are home". We could hear Victor's voice as they come in.

" In the kitchen", Nathan replies with wide eyes. ' I am dead' he mouths to me as he walks to where he left the tea pot.

" You guys are early", I say as I turn off the stove and put the pan in the sink. Hoping they won't notice my nose.

" Yeah, the game is over", Victor says as he ruffles Nathan's hair.

"We won", Nixon says as he puts his gym bag down, walking to Nathan. " You okay?"

"Yeah, I am okay. You?" Nathan says as he smiles.

" I am okay if you're okay", he tells him as he plants a kiss on his forehead. Nixon was more worried when Nathan broke down, he felt helpless even though he didn't want us to see that he was hurting.

" So you didn't want to stay with your teammates for your glory?" I ask them as I get the plates.

" Jason is hosting a party later and he also invited the other team to come". Victor says as he takes the plates from my hands freezing as he looks at me. Here I was hoping he won't notice.

" What the fuck happened to your nose?" He asks as he puts the plates down.

"Nothing serious...", I start.

" That's not nothing", Nixon says as he comes closer both crowding me.

" I lost..."

" I happened, it was an accident". Nathan steps in.

" What happened to loosing my balance? ", I asked him confused, he told me to say that.

" You know I can't lie", Nathan says as he pulls a stool.

" Why would you want to lie? ", Victor asks as he inspects my nose.. Which I just slap his hands away.

" Have you seen how you guys treat us, like we are five", Nathan says yearning a laugh from both Victor and Nixon. "And they think it's funny".

Victor walks to the freezer and got a packet of ice bag, bringing it to where I am. He takes a seat and pulls out another stool. " Come and sit " He says patting the stool.

I don't object and sit, which he pulls the stool towards him so we can be close, " brace for the impact " he says as he puts the bag on my nose slowly.

Its hurting but not so much and I can feel some relief, so I close my eyes for a moment, " feeling better ", he asks and I only hum for a response.

We stayed like that for over two minutes, I open my eyes to find him smiling at me, " what's so funny ". I ask him, he better not be laughing at me.

" What did you think, I was going to do to Nathan if you told me it was him who did this to you?".

" I didn't think much, ask Nathan " I tell him.

" He probably thought you were going to break his nose too". Nixon says as he looks at Nathan then back to Victor as they both start laughing.

" It's not funny ", Both Nate and I tell them.

" Okay.. Okay. We will easy up on you guys, we were just trying to look out for you guys ". Nixon says.

" But if it's too much, then we will back off a little ". Victor tells us this time

" Thank you ", Nathan and I say at once as we do a high five. Finally, it took them long enough.

" If that's settled, can we eat now. I am starving ". Nathan says as he pulls the pancakes plate.

" Yeah okay". Victor puts down the ice pack and we both dig in.

We all agreed to go to the party later which I didn't want to show my swollen nose to everyone and Nate didn't want to miss it, Weird.

I think he is still heart broken so he is trying to live past his pain and forget about it for a minute. If I stayed back then he won't go and I wouldn't forgive myself for making him miss that. And for the two wonder twins well missing the party was not an option to them.

We told our parents about the party, they agreed thankfully with a condition of being home early. Mom will be spending her night at Dad's so no one will be home if we decide to come here instead of Dad's. We need to choose one house, this is soo confusing.

We got ready and by eight we were on away to Jason's house which I have never been too. Nathan being our driver, I am sitting next to him while the big bros are at the back. How I love this new agreement.

The moment I see the house, I fell in love with it because the first thing I noticed is the black paint covering the outside wall, despite being more glass than solid walls. Jason has two older sisters, the first one is married and has got her own family and the second sister is off to collage in another state, so it's just him and his parents, whom I bet this weekend are not around to host a party.

Nathan parks the car near the gate, so we have to walk to the entrance door. People everywhere, music is blasting good thing no neighbors to complain. Nixon and Victor lead the way and we just follow them behind like lost puppies, the only good thing is that most people are already drunk so I bet no one will notice my nose. I need to stop thinking about my nose.

There are a lot of people, but it's not crowded that you will have to push someone to pass, most people are outside than inside, benefits of having big house. Meh. Looking around I see Patrick, Dora and Eric standing near a stair case.

" Nathan" I nudge him to get his attention and when I do I point to where they are." Our lunch buddies".

" Let's go say Hi", we part ways with Nixon and Victor for we know they will ditch us the moment they find their friends.

" Hey guys", Dora greets us when she saw us.

" Hey", I greet them and so does Nathan.

" We missed you on our lunch table", Eric says.

" Yeah, a lot happened but don't worry we haven't ditched you". Nathan a sure them.

Then I notice Patrick is wearing one of the team jerseys, " You are on the team?" I never thought he plays but he looks athletic.

" Yeah, I am on the team. I'd rather hang out with my girlfriend than them". He says the last part looking at Dora.

" Ooh, you guys are dating. I had no idea, did you Simon?" Nathan asks looking at me.

" Nope I didn't" Some friends we are.

" No harm done, we don't hangout that much", Patrick says.

" Maybe we should, it will be great". I suggest 

" Yeah, sure" they all I agree.

" So we are gonna get some drinks, we will be back", Nathan says and off we go to where drinks are.

Both team players have worn their jersey's so we know which is which while the rest of us just mingle with our casual wear. We maneuver ourselves to the kitchen, as we are choosing what to get and what not, some one turn me around bringing me very close to their face and there he is smiling brightly, looking all handsome and glory.

" Jason", I breath out I don't think I can say anything past that.

" Hey", He doesn't loose the smile as he looks directly into my soul, then he frowns " What happened to your nose?"

" Long story", I say lowly.

" I have got time", He says as he gets closer. " Care to tell me".

" Maybe next time", I gulp. He is getting really close.

" Okay, I will wait but for now", he leans in and kiss my nose. " I can kiss it better".

We keep on staring at each other as if searching for something or questioning something through our eyes and none of us got the answer so we don't move. Jason takes a leap and starts to lean in and I take the leap too and lean forward until....

" Is that Mason?" I hear someone ask. 

" Hey Mason", Someone else calls for him.

My senses kick back in bringing me back to reality, Nathan. Jason sees my panic so he pulls away and look to the direction where Mason's name was called and there he is with Nathan in front of him.

I don't know what they are taking about due to music noise but Nathan is furious while Mason looks sad and the next thing, Nathan curls his hand into a fist and punch him shocking everyone including himself, no one saw that coming. Before I could react Nathan rans off followed by Nixon and Victor as they call for him.

He's got the keys.

" I am sorry", I tell Jason and ran after Nathan passing Mason who is on the floor.

" Nathan!", I try to call him but he won't stop.

We shouldn't have come to the party.

Why would Mason do that.

" Nathan!".



Till next time.

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