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I run after him passing Mason on the floor groaning, he must be hurting and I don't know if I should stop and help or just run by. Few steps almost out of the door, I stop looking back at Mason and I decide to go back and check on him.

" Are you okay?" I kneel so I could take a quick look and I find his nose is bleeding. Damn Nathan what is with the nose today? I need to go my brother need me and I don't have time for this. I look up and I see Jason coming towards me with a towel on his hand.

" Go, I will deal with him", Jason says as he kneels to examine him.

" Thank you", I say as I kiss him and run out of the house towards the parking lot.

I ran as fast as I can to catchup on them to find Nathan in the car driving away as Victor rans in front of the car while Nixon is on Nathan's window talking him out.

" Nathan, stop", Victor says as he stands in front of the car preventing Nathan from going anywhere while he is in that state. " Can you please stop".

" Victor!" I yell at him what the hell is he thinking?

Nathan stops the car few feet from hitting Victor making me stop on my feet closing my eyes for a second, I don't want to see what was going to happen, gladly he stops but not turning the car off or even showing that he will be getting out either. He rolls down the window, " I am not staying".

" Good, we are coming with you", Nix says as he looks at Victor for a second then goes to open at the back seat. Victor takes the front seat and Nix getting at the back. I ran to catch up with them before they leave me and seat at the back with Nixon as Nathan speeds us out.

"What the hell happened?" Nixon yells beside me making me to look at him confused. I mean why is he yelling?

" Mason happened", Nathan says as he drives past the speeding limit.

" We saw him, Nathan. What did he say to you?" Victor Yells this time. OMG why are they yelling?

" He told me, he loves me. Can you believe that? He had a nerve to come near me and to tell me that he loves me. He almost died right in front of me and then he fucking left me. What does he take me for a fool? No no no I won't accept that..."

" Nathan may be you should slow down?" I say as I notice the increasing of speed.

" Yeah, Nathan maybe you should", Victor says as he looks at the dashboard.

" He comes to me with his perfect hair, amazing smile and his handsome face to tell me he loves me? He thinks that I will just forget and get back to him? I am not his program experiment". 

" I don't think he sees you as his experiment", Victor says.

" Maybe he still loves you, I don't think he stopped loving you", Nixon tells him this time.

" You're only saying that because he is your friend Nix. You are supposed to be on my side Nixon. Mine", He shouts.

" It's not about sides Nate", Nixon says quietly.

" I am not his friend and I don't even know him, but I could see he is trying". I tell him " He didn't have to come back but he did. He went to the hospital because he wanted to get better for you".

" I didn't ask him to", Nathan scoffs.

" You didn't have to, but still he did it anyway because he loves you to much and he didn't want to loose you. He chose you despite of everything". Nixon reasons with him.

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