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I hear voices and beeping sound of a machine as it vibrates lowly beside me, I half open my eyes to be met with bright lights good thing I didn't fully open them. I wait for a second for me to adjust then I open them fully to notice that I am in a hospital bed. Looking around I see people talking and I don't think they noticed that I am a wake.

So I get up slowly to not hurt myself more than I can tell right now which I am not sure if I have any wounds, I was pretty fine the last time before I passed out.

" Hey, you are awake", Jason says as he comes to my side. "Careful", He tells me as he helps me sit adjusting my pillow to make me comfortable. Looking around it's Jason, Mason and Nixon in the room. I don't see Victor or Nathan.

"Are you okay?", I ask Nixon looking at his casted leg.

"I am good", he replies.

"Where is Victor and Nathan?" I ask as I stretch to get some water.

"Let me", Jason says as he helps me out.

"They are in surgery", Nixon says not giving me more.

"And?" I ask with a frown, why is he giving me short versions.

" Nothing, they haven't told us anything else". Nixon says as he looks at his casted leg and no one says anything else making it to an awkward moment.

Mason clears his throat to remove the tension" Jason and I will go get a doctor".

"Okay", I tell them, but before they could move I hold Jason's hand, " Thank you for being here ".

He smiles as he leans in to give me a kiss on my left temple "Always", he whispers sending shivers down my spine, then he kisses my cheek leaving me blushing as they walk out of the doors.

Smiling to myself, I see Nixon smirking... Ooh shit he saw me blushing without thinking my hands are up to my face, hoping the bed to swallow me whole.

" No need to hide, I saw nothing", He says as he laughs.

" Then why are you laughing?", I whine as I pull the bed sheet on top of me.

" I am just happy to see you get manhandled", He says laughing even loudly.

" I wasn't manhandled", I say with desperation.

" If you say so", he continues to laugh.

" I wasn't ", I throw him a pillow.

" You're all blushy blushy and giggling",

" OMG", I whisper as I crawl under the sheets, leaving him to his happiness.

" Jason is a good guy, don't worry about him hurting you", Nixon says when he calmed down, making me to come out and look at him.

" Like what Mason did to Nathan?", I ask him.

" Mason made a mistake, but I promise Jason won't do something like that ".

" And how do you know that? You didn't think Mason would have done what he did".

"I grew up with Jason, Mason transferred"

I stare at him testing his waters, " I wasn't afraid of him hurting me but thank you for caring".

"Anytime", He winks as he smirked. Something about him towards me has changed, not like I am complaining just wondering what changed.

"I feel fine by the way, thanks for asking", I tell him smiling at him.

"I know", he smiles back.

A knock is heard as the door slowly opens revealing Jason and Mason at the door peaking.

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