The Hockey Girl

By JaydeHyatt

120K 1.9K 333

Alara Kinkaid is a sixteen year old, year eleven student at Condor High. This girl is all about ice hockey. I... More

The Hockey Girl (Prologue)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

7.5K 132 15
By JaydeHyatt

I couldn’t reign in my laughter. “You did not!” I exclaimed. Nate ducked his head, sheepish.

“I did. Ploughed straight through the cake.”

My laughter was certainly not at any risk of dying down anytime soon.

We were sitting in a beautiful restaurant named La Porchetta in the town next to our own. I’d never been here before and I found that I thoroughly loved it. It was a small Italian restaurant with the options of eating either inside or out – we’d decided to eat inside due to the unusual chill in the spring air.

The restaurant was small, cozy. There were vibrant colours of red and green – the same colours as the restaurants logo – surrounding us. There were elegantly carved dark wooden tables and chairs arranged neatly around the restaurant and beautiful artworks covered the walls.

Nate played the role of the perfect gentleman that his mother had raised him to be perfectly. He’d opened doors for me, pulled out my chair and smiled as I took my seat. We’d ordered five minutes ago and were currently discussing Nate and Alexei’s escapades at Alexei’s brother, Tom’s wedding last year.

I was still laughing a good thirty seconds later – picturing Nate ploughing through a wedding cake.

“Lucky for us, it was a day before the actual wedding when it happened. They were able to get another cake in time although I thought Tom’s fiancé was going to kill us.” Nate explained.

I made an effort to stifle my laughter, “Why on earth were you attempting to fly-kick each other?” I could imagine the two of them doing this and I smiled fondly at the imagining. I was glad that Nate had been his old care-free self in that moment.

He awarded me with his signature devilish smile, “I honestly can’t remember.” He laughed lightly, “I remember him making contact with my chest. I fell and twisted when trying o regain my footing. I heard Alexei hooting with laughter as my face landed straight in the cake.”

More laughter ensued. “I just want to know one more thing…” I said as I fiddled with the straw placed in my tall glass of water.

He smiled, “Anything.” The singular word that he uttered sounded like a promise.

“Did the cake taste good?”

Nate’s handsome features were alight with his laughter. “Trust you to ask that.” He manages to speak through his laughter.

“What?” I shoot him an innocent look, “I love cake, sue me.”

“Don’t we all?” He asks rhetorically but I nod regardless.

“Excuse me?” I looked up toward the inviting voice to see a waiter who I presumed would be around twenty. I couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was.

“I am Jack and I will be your waiter for tonight. Your orders; the Alla Matriciana with fettuccine pasta and the Pollo e Avocado with penne pasta.” He announced.

Nate indicated to Jack which dishes belonged to whom and I smiled as I looked down at my Alla Matriciana - delicious. I glanced up from my dish and was struck by the sight of Jack smiling invitingly at Nate. I quickly lifted a hand to cover the smirk that I was sure was clear as day on my face.

Trust me to stray from a regular cliché. Nate was talking casually with the waiter about the merits of the dish he had chosen, the waiter giving a gorgeous smile.

“Well, please let me know if either you or your sister needs anything. I’ll be more than happy to help.” The handsome waiter said this with a single-minded attention focussed on Nate who hadn’t seemed to clue in yet.

I was too amused by the hidden proposition itself to be offended at the Jack’s assumption that I was Nate’s sister.

“She’s not my sister.” Nate immediately denies, his voice sounded confused to my ears, bless him.

The waiter looked a little surprised before he smiled again, “Forgive me, your friend then?” There was a question behind Jack’s words.

Nate looked toward me and gave me the devilish grin that I found myself to be falling for quickly. “Actually, I’m hoping that she’ll be more soon.” I felt my cheeks warm with the blush that appeared at Nate’s confession. This boy held a power over me that I was not ready to admit the degree of.

Jack appeared confused for a moment when I glanced over to him before I mouthed, ‘sorry, other team’ and Jack laughed good naturedly.

“Well, I hope that works out for you both.”

“You and I both mate.” Nate agreed.

As Jack walked away I could no longer hold back my laughter. Nate looked over to me with a confused expression but I merely shook my head and began to eat my meal – which was delicious.

“What is it that you find so funny?” Nate asked as he finished chewing a portion of his Pollo e Avocado.

“You seriously have no clue, do you?” I asked before taking another bite of my pasta.

Nate had food in his mouth so he simply shook his head in response to my query.

This was too good.

I placed my fork down on the edge of my dish, preparing myself for the laughter that would no doubt ensue.

“He was hitting on you Nate.”

Nate raised a single dark-brown eyebrow. He placed his fork down just as I had before saying, “Who?”

I laughed lightly. “Jack, the waiter, he was hitting on you.”

Nate appeared confused for another good ten seconds before his brown eyes lit with understanding. Hit mouth opened to form an ‘O’ shape of surprise. “You’re kidding?”

I laughed harder. “Nope.” I answered.

Nate’s expression was reflective as he said, “Well, it appears you’ve got some competition Alara.”

I managed to reign in my amusement. “He was really good looking too.”

“Ay, but sadly for him and lucky for you, I’m one-hundred per cent batting for the other team.”

I smirked at him, “Lucky me.” I was glad that I’d managed to find a decent guy who wasn’t gay, taken or married as the saying went – not that marriage was really a factor at this age.

We continued to eat our meals, talking easily.

“You know me far too well Nate.” I said, smiling. It was around seven-thirty and I was currently facing an air hockey table. Perfection.

When Nate and I left the restaurant he’d lead me to an arcade across the road from La Porchetta. Nate hadn’t wasted any time in exchanging a ten-dollar note for gold coins at the service desk, before leading me over to the singular air hockey table.

Air hockey had always been a favourite of mine – a favourite of the whole team actually. We’d turn it into a massive competition whenever we played – with money at stake of course.

Nate laughed his alluring, deep laugh. “I know that it’s your favourite. I just hope that your ego can take it when I beat you at your favourite game.”

I laughed at Nate’s words as I looked up at his signature devilish grin, “I think you’re forgetting that I’m the reigning champion. Prepare to lose buddy.”

Nate continued to grin, “What do you say we up the stakes?”

A smile graced my face. Now we’re talking, I thought.

“What do you propose?” I asked curiously.

Nate approached me slowly and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. “We play a single game. Winner is granted one wish; whatever they want from the losing party.” Nate announced.

I pretended to consider his terms as I linked my own arms around the back of his neck. I couldn’t help but enjoy the sight of the muscles in his shoulders bunching at my touch.

I nodded, smirking, “That sounds fair – as long as the wish is within reason.”

Nate laughed, “Define within reason.”

I continued to smirk as I answered his question, “Well, I don’t particularly feel like running naked through town if you even consider that option. I know that was Adam’s punishment the last bet he lost with the team.”

Nate laughed once more and I truly enjoyed the sound. I especially enjoyed the fact that it was me who had caused his laughter.

“I wouldn’t dream of making you do that Alara. I’d prefer to keep you all to myself.” I resisted the urge to kiss the suggestive smirk from his alluring lips.

I leaned my face closer to Nate’s so that our lips were almost touching. Just as Nate leaned in closer, I pulled away with a smirk. “I agree. Winner of the one game gets a single wish.” I bit back my laughter as Nate shook his head as if trying to chase away the desire that I could see in his eyes. I’d always been comfortable and confident in our friendship and I was glad that those aspects were still present.

I walked over to the end of the air hockey table farthest from Nate and waited for him to inject a two-dollar coin into the machine. He did so quickly and the puck ejected from the machine on my side.

I grabbed the puck after I took hold of the red mallet in front of me. I watched Nate as he approached the opposite end of the table and picked up his own blue mallet. I smirked at him. “Prepare to lose, Nate.”

He smirked back, “We’ll see Alara, we’ll see.”

It was six all, the next shot won.

I’m a very competitive person. I can admit that openly. Heck, my whole team knows how competitive I am. Nate is equally as competitive as I am. Combine our competitive natures and you have World War III ice hockey style. Naturally, World War III ice hockey style had drawn quite the crowd. There were at least fifteen people standing around watching us. I noticed four men around Nate’s and my age walk over when we began playing and I’m pretty sure they had even made bets amongst themselves.

“You are so going down Lauren.” I warned.

Nate smirked at me. His expression was so invitingly attractive that I was almost swayed from my goal. Almost. I would win this. I had to. I wasn’t exactly sure about what I wanted from Nate when I won but I had an idea. Here’s hoping that he’d be up for it.

“Hmm…” Nate brought his pointer finger and thumb to his chin in the universal ‘thinking pose’. “What should I demand when you lose?” He continued to pretend to think for a good ten seconds.

“That’s it! Oh how I’m going to love winning this bet.”

I smirked at the handsome guy who stood opposite me. In the eyes of many others this would have been a strange activity for a first date, but to me, it was perfect. Nate and I had been friends for so long. I was comfortable around him. I know that the dynamic is changing between us but I still feel that element of comfort; like I can be myself around him.

“You just wait Nate. You’re so in for it.” I said with a smirk.

Nate placed a guiding hand on the ice hockey puck, steering it into his line of fire.

I tightened my grip on my own mallet as I trained my eyes on Nate’s arms for any sign of movement. I could not lose this point. I would not lose this point.

I caught the quick movement in Nate’s muscular arm as he shot his arm out, swiping the puck into the side of the table. I moved my own are slightly to the left in order to block his shot lightly before firing a shot back that narrowly missed his goal.

Cheering sounded around us and I did my best to ignore it as Nate and I hit the puck back and forward time and time again.

Five minutes later and my arm is killing me. I tend to go a little overboard with air hockey. I tense my muscles too much and only end up in pain. I do it every single time. My resolve was strong however – well I called it resolve, others would label it as a stubborn streak.

People had stopped cheering and were looking on in suspense. I hadn’t looked over to them; my eyes were trained on the movement of the puck across the table.

The puck was careening toward my goal but I diverted its path quickly with a swipe of my mallet. The hit sent the puck sliding into the side of the table before it rebounded off… heading straight for Nate’s goal.

I allowed myself to look up and I noticed that Nate was staring directly at me. I couldn’t understand what had stolen his attention, merely watched as people shouted at him before he focussed on the game once more. He had enough time to stop the puck and I held my breath. I wasn’t sure how much more of this my arm could take.  

The puck glided into the goal just as Nate’s mallet moved into the place the puck had been mere seconds before.

Score! I shouted in my head at the same time as many others around me said the word aloud. I looked up at Nate and he grinned. I smiled at him as he walked toward me.

“Good game Lauren.” I complimented with sincerity.

He grinned down at me from his place directly in front of me. “Not so bad yourself Ari.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist once again. “Your wish is my command.” He joked.

I smirked at him, “I’ll think it over.” I informed him as I pulled away.

Nate smiled at me with a light in his eyes that I loved. “C’mon Ari,” He said as he took my hand in his, leading me back to the car.

“One piece of chocolate brownie cake and a piece of new york cheese cake please.” Nate ordered for us and I smiled broadly at his choices.

After we’d left the arcade we’d driven back to town. Nate had parked the car in front of my favourite diner. We were standing at the counter, holding hands and I couldn’t help but think how perfect this night had been. Nate had managed to include a new experience with the restaurant, a love of mine with the air hockey and to top it off; cake – my favourites at that.

I gripped Nate’s hand to get his attention and he looked down at me. I mouthed ‘thank you’ to him which earned me a stunning grin on his part.

“You two are so cute!” I was distracted from ogling Nate when the girl behind the counter spoke.

“I’m sorry – it’s just, how long have you two been together?” She asked with pleasant curiosity. I smiled at her.

I could tell that Nate was grinning without looking at him when he said, “This is our first date actually.”

Shock was evident on the girl’s face. “Really?” She questioned, disbelieving. “I thought for sure you would have said years. You just seem so in sync.”

I couldn’t help my smile, “We’ve been friends for a long time.” I explained.

She smiled, “Well, I hope the two of you stay together. We need more couples like you two in the world.”

I blushed. I couldn’t help the reaction.

“Thanks.” Nate said with a smile as the girl walked off to collect our orders.

I followed Nate to a booth with two forks in hand – I couldn’t eat cake with a spoon like some people, it just felt wrong.

As we sat down opposite each other my curiosity got the better of me, “How did you know that these are my favourites?” I asked.

Nate looked at me as I handed him a fork. He shrugged, “You always order either the chocolate brownie cake or the new york cheese cake whenever the team comes here. You always seem to have an inner argument about the merits of each before deciding though so I figured I’d get you both.”

The smile that lit my face was sincere and very much impressed. “Aren’t you full of surprises.” I said as I dug my fork into the cheesecake.

“Pleasant surprises I hope?” Nate asked as he took a bite of the chocolate cake.


“Thought of what your wish is yet?” Nate asked as we swapped cakes. I know, chocolate cake and cheesecake don’t exactly sound compatible. I love it though and apparently Nate likes it as well.

I smirked slyly. I certainly knew what it was that I wanted but I wasn’t ready to share that thought with Nate yet.

“I’m still thinking.” I responded.

He grunted, “I think you know exactly what it is, you just want me to suffer for a while first.” Almost but not quite, I thought.

“Oh really?”

Nate nodded as he chewed his cake.

“You think me that evil?” I questioned jokingly.

Nate shot me his devilish grin, “I know you Ari, and you’d definitely do that.”

He was right; I would do that but this time that wasn’t the case. “We’ll see Nate, we’ll see.”

We were walking toward the front door of my house at twenty minutes past ten. Nate was explaining that he wanted to get me home before my ‘curfew’ in order to score some brownie points with Vas.

“Nate, Vas isn’t even here. He went home. Remember?” I teased.

I watched as his muscles moved when he shrugged. “I know but knowing him you’ll get a call at ten-thirty from him.” I wanted to argue the point but I knew that Nate spoke the truth. Knowing Vasic as I did, he would definitely call.

I sighed, taking Nate’s hands in my own as we reached my front door. “I had a great night Nate, thank you.” I couldn’t help my smile.

Nate smirked as he looked down at me with an air of confidence but I could see the relief in his disarming eyes. “I’m glad you enjoyed it Ari.” He said as he lightly brushed a lock of my hair from my face. “Does that mean that I’ve earned a second date?” He asked.

“Well, I don’t know how you’re going to top this one.”

Nate was a smart guy and he caught on immediately, “So I do get another one.” He grinned, “Good.”

I laughed at him, this boy who could make me smile with the barest of efforts.

“Ari?” Nate’s wonderful voice distracted me from staring at his inviting lips. Well, almost distracted me.


“What’s your wish?”


I could hear his laughter, “From the bet Ari? You won the air hockey game.” This distracted me from my staring.

I blinked a few times before speaking in an effort to clear my head. “Yes, I did, didn’t I?” I pretended to think once more whilst drumming up the courage necessary to ask for my wish. Now or never I suppose.

“I’d like for you to kiss me.” I said. My voice was surprisingly clear, strong and even sounded confident to my own ears but the butterfly-feeling in my stomach painted a different picture.

Nate’s eyes widened slightly but he recovered quickly, a handsome smirk appearing once more. “That’s a wish I’d be more than happy to grant.” He whispers as he leans toward me.

I close my eyes as our lips meet and I’m overcome with a euphoric feeling. My arms travel up Nate’s arms to link behind his neck as his arms loop around my waist.

We pull apart too soon in my opinion but I smile nevertheless. It’s a perfect kiss to end a perfect night. I’m not the kind of person that uses the term ‘perfect’ often but this moment certainly calls for it.

Nate smiles down at me – not his regular devilish smile but a sweet smile that has me wanting to kiss him again. He brushes the hair that had fallen onto my face again and leans in to kiss my forehead with his soft lips.

“Thanks for an amazing night Alara.” He whispers before he pulls away. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says before walking back to his car.

I distractedly grab the spare key from under a fairy statue in the garden nearby and let myself into the house. Just as I close the door, my cell phone rings in my back pocket. I answer it without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Oh good, you're home right?” Vasic asks.

I can’t help but laugh.


A/N: Hey guys! I really, really hope that you like this. I'm not so good with the cute couple stuff but I truly hope you like this. If not, please feel free to offer suggestions or critique the chapter - always welcome!

I've been thinking of some names to put to the characters for this book and I have come up with my Nate, Riaz, Riordan, Tai, Vasic and Kaleb. If you have any suggestions for characters please feel free to offer them! I'd love to hear it.  

I apologise for the chapter not being edited but I really wanted to get it posted. 

Thank you for reading. You guys are amazing!  

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