Roll for Love.

By LeaMarelyn

75 8 4

A story of a High elf cleric losing the strongest member of her group - a Tiefling sorcerer - to a corrupted... More

Joining the Party
The Village and the Dragon
Rebuilding the Village
The Elf and The Tiefling
Adventuring 101
The Arrival of King Svedaor
Gaia Jubilee Crash
The Castle...
The Elf And The Tiefling.. Pt. 2
Adventure of a Lifetime
Fearful Party
Who did it?
Facing Him...
Curse of the DM.
A taste of darkness...
The Call of Destiny
Bonds of Blood
Veiled Flames.
Battle for Redemption
A Relief into Light - Or so it was...
The Grand Jubilee
The Elf and the Tiefling... Pt. 3
Nyx - Our baby girl..

A New Beginning

2 0 0
By LeaMarelyn

Light seeps into the room where I was sleeping comfortably in the bed from the tavern. The rich smell of the earth and soil lift me from my bed and I wake up fully, looking around the room I notice a concerned team except Aazarovth. The mood slightly dampens seeing me. Eshin walks next to me, "You were talking within your sleep, calling to Verece.. crying to him it's not okay or something..." he says as I sit up, rubbing my eyes and swinging my legs to the side of the bed, "If you're wondering where your childhood friend is, he's outside, he's gone for a walk, I think he was startled with something else you said." 

I nod and stand up, "I'll- I'll just get breakfast okay? and then Imma-" Dracana comes to me and hushes me. "Verece did that a lot, I mean A LOT, it's understandable. You don't have to tell us. just as long as you return fine we'll know there isn't a problem, if you take longer than you would, we'll investigate, its fine, you don't exactly blend in very well so we could find you pretty easily if Sedin isn't a dumbass" she says head patting me and then letting me out the room in my night gown. I look into a mirror and notice my hair a little messy, I sigh and go to the river with my adventurer gear and cloak and I wash myself in the river, I know a waters reflection shows everything if you look carefully enough. I scry within the waters surface and behind me I see a familiar face, I look deeper into it and see a bigger picture, I see myself and this familiar face, I- I was wearing a white flowy gown, my hair in curls and ribbons, A veil covered my face and the familiar one wore a black suit, I focus a little more to get more information, I fall back and onto the side of the river bank, cutting myself on my right leg, I wince at the pain and watch the blood run from my wound, I place the finger tips of my hands together and close my eyes tightly so I am concentrating really really hard. The wound slowly closes but I lose focus hearing a voice and the wound reopens, making it worse, I scream in the failed healing and in pain and slowly change into my adventurer attire, I stumble to the edge of the forest near the village we were in and look deeply into it. "hurt m'dear?" a voice calls, I step back and looked over my shoulder if anyone was toying with me...

No one... 

I turn and walk off...

"I can heal you." It called again... "For free. No Catch." 

I look over my shoulder and considered it. "Come to me then." I call as the voice gives itself a figure, the figure then comes into the light and smiles, "I saw you scrying in the water, what did you see?" I see a malicious smirk form on his scarred face, He was a Tiefling but he was wearing a cloak so I couldn't tell if it was Verece, It looked like him, but it didn't sound like him, or did it? I shake my head and answer, "Nothing. Just myself." i lied just to keep what I actually saw a secret.

He shrugs, "Maybe you need to focus a little longer, the water can show you a lot when you think." he says, "Anyway, your leg," he gestures and I notice a familiar hand...

"You can't be here." I say as he tilts his head, "we'll do it in the forest if your comfortable that way-" He quickly hid his identity and ran off after seeing Sedin and Eshin show up, "He really wants you. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's simping for you." Sedin teases, "I gathered it would be him, come, the fluffy Satyr wants cuddles," My eyes sparkle, "CUDDLES ARE MY SPECIALTY!" I say running forwards and falling face first into the dirt and getting a mouthful of soil. I spit it out and Sedin coincidentally takes a cloth from his pocket and ties it around the wound on my leg, I flinch and he raises his right eyebrow before he helps me up and places my arm around him, I rest on him as he smiles. For a changeling, he wasn't as frightening as I had thought, I was told that changelings were one of the most scariest races because they could CHANGE into someone you KNEW/KNOW and lead you on, then KILL you if you were a target to them or to someone they were hired by, the greatest killing machines, and they always kept their identity secret. Pretty scary in my opinion. But what I have seen from Sedin, he didn't seem to have any ill intention- not like Him.

Sedin had silvery blue long hair that was tied into a high ponytail and then a braid was in another braid, he pale white skin, bluish white eyes, and a diagonal scar across his face from the top right of his forehead to the bottom left of his chin. This scar cut through his right eyebrow and skipped past his right eye. His left ear had a hoop that connects to a dagger. He wore a black partially see-through skin tight sleeveless crop top with a zip that crossed his left side down to his right hip, on top of that he wore a black leather cloak that sank to his ankles, he would take this off when he was fighting, other times he'd keep it on with the hood up. He also wore black jeans that were ripped at the knees, a rip was above the tear on his left leg and there were two on his other leg. His shoes were shiny leather and the buckles were a clean silver. The treads on the bottom looked like they could break a bone if he stepped on you, which, not that I would ask him to but, if he wanted he could step on me - totally not that I like him or anything - Okay maybe I do.. A little bit.. Underneath his jacket on his right arm were bandages, probably of some scarring of a traumatic event, I don't wanna bring that up to him in case it is.

We walk for a bit until we notice, Aazarovth who was stood outside of the tavern. He takes us inside where he then sets me led down facing the floor takes off the cloth off of my leg and gets Sedin to go wash it, Sedin leaves and Aazarovth takes his lyre and plays a few soft notes healing the wound on my leg. A warmth floods through my leg but there was no pain, it seemed rather painless and ticklish I almost giggled slightly, I get up off the floor and Aazarovth helps me to stand. I hug him gently and waddle off on outside where I'm joined by the group, Aazarovth comes out and nuzzles me, I giggle as the guys laugh too.

All was cut short however when we notice a few humans run into our village, one who was darkly skinned black hair in dreadlocks and a whitish marking over their right eye, points over at us and the people run to our group, we separate off into groups, me with Aazarovth and we help some people calm down, "The country, Istanal! Our homeland, It's under attack! please! please help us! we called help from other lands, the halflings, the tieflings, the- the- everyone this guy who's attacking us is out of his mind! we're trying our best to defend but nothing is working, the dead keeps rising as we are making it fall" the guy with dreadlocks complains, he seems out of breath and I sadden in sympathy, "let them stay here." I say to the inn keeper, the half-elf nods and allows the humans in to rest. It's time I took the lead and we begin anew.

I'm not scared anymore...

I take the group with me to Istanal... From the village north of Sacratar's capital to Istanal, it took 5 months, it was painful but we took refuge in some broken buildings to rest, Aazarovth entertained us when the days seemed dark, when we noticed something...

Roaring just north of us was a dark black cloud spiralling in a circle above a village,  I stood my ground readying my shield and mace, "This is it guys, this is just one of the many battles we have to face against the Necromancer" I say as Dracana stands shocked I turn and look at her, "I know. I don't wish to tear my own heart asunder." 

"I agree." Dracana says nodding, readying her sword and shield also. Aazarovth nods and smirks, "Even if we only make a dent into his army, we'll still be able to show him that we aren't to be messed with..." he says as Sedin and Eshin nod. We turn to the dark cloud and run straight for it,  with every second the screams and cries of human lives are torn apart by the necromancers army, rendering me unable to revive them. The only fuel to the fire was seeing an older sister be slain in front of her little brother, and then, the little boy running away screaming and crying, only to be shot with an arrow deep in his head, I growl deeply, "He's pushed it this time." 

I walk to the frey of the battle and gaze upon thine enemy. Glaring upon the corpses I shall lay them back to rest, they shalln't fight in thy name of the necromancer they shall rest with peace and solitude, he who guides them shall know that failure and defeat is look at him eye to eye.

Slaying each and every undead creature the dark cloud that held the village captive dissipated and the rest of the undead fled to the shadows where they hid yet to come out once more. "the country Instanal is in safe hands, soldiers, if you are injured retreat to the nearest cleric, the divine will heal you for your valor and courage, all who have seen death shall be placed in coffins and a mass memorial will be made!" I call as the humans cheer. Some of the injured human soldiers make their way to see me, only 100 minorly grazed, 150 moderately injured and 50 severly, many died from shots of arrows, decapitation and many more... I walk to the two kids and pry the arrow out of the little boy's head. I hold in my feelings and begin the process to revive the boy as does Dracana with the girl. The girl sits up and notices me reviving the boy, from her attire I could see that she was in the cleric sector, "Is he okay?" she says as a tear sheds itself from her eye, I reassure her and continue to revive the boy, "hold my hand, I'm quite short so my hand cant get a secure divine connection" I say as the girl nods holding my hand and then raising her other hand to the sky, the boy's wound in his head refuses to heal but then with a tear from the girl landing on him his wound begins to heal slowly, he lies there for about 5 minutes or so before eventually sitting up coughing and spluttering, the girl thanks me and hugs the little boy, "thank goodness elijzah," she cries picking him up as he was crying, "You're okay now, it's okay, you're fine" she reassured him as I heard someone call for a cleric, I run on over and see a man rested around a woman, "help him please, he's severely injured" she panics as I send her to Dracana after laying the male down. The male had 3 different lacerations and his right leg amputated, I cross my hand and rest them over his chest, I heal him the best I can and seal the wound on his leg I sigh and help him up, I walk him over to the woman and tell her that her husband will need to get a prosthetic leg.

Deep in the distance over a field of farm animals and crops, a hooded figure floats 500ft off of the ground and glares at the village he huffs and turns his right hand into a fist and holds it against the open palm of his left. In result, the animals lay down and become lifeless, the crops begin to wither and wilt. The surrounding area becomes foggy with a black thick smog. it left dead animals with maggots crawling over them and dead plants that have wilted except for one rose that had turned a piercing cyan, the colour was bright and it was the only colour that brightened the black smog that intoxicated the lands...


Unaware I'm tearing you asunder
Ooh, there is thunder in our hearts

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