Brave (New Earth Saga)

By Ladymadonna99writes

31.5K 1.4K 601

Meet Morgan, a brave and fearless girl navigating life at a brand new co-ed school on Earth's first colony pl... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50

Ch. 38

426 21 7
By Ladymadonna99writes

Joe looked absolutely shocked to hear me finish his sentence with the name of my biological father... Anthony Trust. I didn't want this to be the truth, but unfortunately I'd been living with this truth for longer than I'd like to admit. Now that Joe had come clean to me about Anthony Trust and the royal bombshell that was apparently my family background, I decided to come clean to Joe about every hint and creepy interaction I'd had with Anthony. Additionally, Joe even explained why he'd been so disturbed when I was going to the dance with Aaron.

Everything was finally starting to click about this Anthony Trust. I now understood why people seemed to hold their breath when he walked in a room. Why he never seemed to fear anyone or anything. Anthony Trust embodied supremacy and power with every step he took, and now knowing that he'd been a rich and famous prince on Earth... it all made sense.

Because New Earth is so far from Earth, we're very slow to obtain updates on Earth's current events. We mostly learn about Earth's history that led Earth to discovering New Earth. Oh and we also have access to some of Earth's older media that settlers brought with them to New Earth.

Right now, on every news station, website, and social media page there was a headline covering the story of former prince turned politician Anthony Trust versus mega rich Fuse CEO, Joe Mangello. Joe and Anthony Trust's case will be held in front of parliament to battle over custody of ME. This decision will have the power to overturn the law allowing giants to adopt humans in the first place. That would mean that families like mine wouldn't even be possible for anyone. According to some stations it's suspected that overturning this law could overturn giant/human marriages, and roll back advancements in integrating humans and giants. I don't even want to entertain the idea of ending up with Anthony Trust.

For the past two weeks I've been at home with Joe and Gram, while Wendleton High has been covered with news cameras everyday waiting to see what stupid thing I'll do upon my return. To be honest I was more than okay with completing the term virtually, for I didn't really have much to return to at school anymore. The two humans I was closest to, Aaron and Jade, had double crossed me, so I wouldn't miss them. Then the two giants I was closest to, Trent and Logan were also completing school virtually at the moment in order to avoid contact with the press. I'm pretty sure Joe's lawyers had arranged for Logan not to return to school once the press realized the party had been held at his house, and well, we certainly couldn't trust Logan in front of a camera. As far as Trent goes, his family was still doing everything they could do to find River. Since police had all but called off their search, Joe had supplied them with a team of private investigators.

Some pluses in my life came on the medical end for once. My stitches from the bullet wound had finally dissolved, and my hand was no longer wrapped in a splint from punching Aaron. Now, even though I couldn't use my e-scooter at school, I could certainly use my e-scooter at home. Perks of living in such a huge house. Joe and Gram were at court all day... AGAIN... so I blew off some steam zooming around the kitchen and living room on my e-scooter.


I answered my new phone after one ring once I saw it was Trent calling..

"Are you watching the trial right now?!" Trent asked in a panicked tone.

"No. Joe unplugged the TV and deffs doesn't want me to watch... why?"

"Sh#T Morgan. It's bad. Joe hasn't fully lost but they just announced that child services will be taking you to a temporary government appointed human guardian until the end of the trial,"

"WHAT?! Wait- when?"

"Right now,"

"No. No, no, no. I'm home alone right now. Do I get to see Joe.. or Gram? Wait. What's happening?

"I don't know, but the news is saying neither Joe or Anthony Trust are permitted to come in contact with you outside of dates when you are called to court,"

"WHAT!" I basically shouted as giant fist pounded on the front door. "Trent, people are here. Wait- I think it's the police. What should I do?"

"Sh#t, Uh I don't know," Trent started to reply as my front door boomed open and 3 giant police officers barreled in.

I was closest to Joe's bedroom so I ran in, hoping the officers hadn't seen my minuscule form so far down the hall. Once inside Joe's room I ran under the bed, but knew this hiding spot wasn't the best. I could hear the officers calling my name. I think they were being gentle, but what could possibly be gentle about sitting at home and abruptly having three giant men stomping into your house.

Since no one had fully entered Joe's room yet, I dashed from under the bed and entered Joe's closet. There were so many boxes and items through the closet for me to find a better hiding spot, in theory. On the floor were a ton of fancy shoes, since Joe wore mostly suits to work... I could hide in one of those, but a shoe seemed too obvious. Next I saw a series of boxes in the back under clothes, and they certainly looked like items I could scale and hide within... but again, too obvious. I needed to hide somewhere that seemed like it was impossible for me to reach. I looked around in a panic at all of Joe's clothes that hung high above me in the towering closet... Could I?... Should I?... how would I?

A line of Joe's pants hung low enough that I could reach the bottom of them. Praying that my body could actually do this, I started to climb up the pant leg of a pair of black slacks with the pocket of these slacks being my destination.At first when I began to climb I was surprised to find that it wasn't so hard. Before I knew it, I'd made it halfway up the pant leg when my muscles, or lack thereof, started aching. I needed to take a break, but I couldn't. Obviously time was of the essence. I had about 20ish feet left to climb. I could do it, right?

"Morgan? NEPD. No need to hide sweetheart, we come in peace," an officer rumbled.

"Don't say that man," another officer whispered.


"If she's been watching the trial then she knows why we're here. I wouldn't necessarily call that peace,"

"Shh, bro. She'll be fine,"

"Being taken from her home by a bunch of giant men..."

"She's not under the bed. D#mn where is the little thing,"

I was so close to the pocket when I felt a looming giant enter the closet. Sh#t.

"Go check the kitchen with Landon, and I'll finish checking the closet," the giant instructed. I could tell this giant voice belonged to the giant who'd felt some semblance of guilt and sympathy about this situation. Hopefully that would help me. For now, I stayed frozen in my climbing position on Joe's pant leg. I was absolutely exhausted, and was starting to feel my hands growing clammy. I couldn't let go from this high up, but I also couldn't keep moving because that would surely draw attention. For now I froze.

The giant officer took slow steps directly towards me. Who was I kidding? I'd surely been caught. This giant stranger was most likely going to grab me any second now, and I'd be forced to leave my home without even saying goodbye.

"Morgan?" The officer whispered my name, now incredibly close to me. I turned my head and made full eye contact, which was rather difficult given the pool of tears threatening to escape my eyes. Then, surprisingly gently the officer's hand wrapped around my body and he lifted me off the pant leg. "I'm sorry," The officer whispered back, eliciting my floodgates to officially open. I felt myself let out a sob I couldn't hold back. "Shhh," the officer replied as he now stood to his full height. Next, the officer shocked me when his voice boomed as he yelled out to the other officers. "SHE'S NOT IN THE CLOSET!"

Whaaa? Yes I was in the closet. Hello! We were both in the closet! Finally the officer looked down at me, still held in his loose fist. He looked up to the row of Joe's dress shirts that towered above the row of Joe's dress pants, and then he took action. The officer parted the row of shirts, finding one that had a front pocket. He quickly placed me in the pocket, and gently moved the shirt so that it was once again equidistant to the other shirts. And then he left. I heard the officers in the distance rumbling around for a bit longer until all sound in the house disappeared. I was officially alone in the closet, laying in a pocket that was most likely 70-80 feet off the ground. Nothing to worry about here... Hour after hour passed, and still the house remained silent. Wouldn't Joe and Gram come home by now? I was getting more and more anxious up here. How long was I going to be stuck up here?

Finally I heard voices in the house. First I heard Joe, and he sounded terribly upset.

"This can't be real! We have to find her! I- I don't know what to do with myself!" Joe yelled.

"Joe! Joe!" I yelled as loud as I could, hoping he'd hear me.

"Mom, I can't do this. She could be anywhere by now!"

"JOOEE!!!" I tried calling, louder this time. It seemed my voice may have been heard because the house fell silent abruptly.

"Morgan?" Joe called. Yes! He'd heard me! After a few more times playing marco polo through continuing to call for Joe he'd made it into his closet. As soon as Joe had me in his hand he fell to his knees and started hugging me. His hands were actually trembling, as he cradled me to his chest. Gram stood in the doorway with tears in her eyes.

"We thought we lost you," Gram said, as she too came in for a hug.

"I... Morgan. I was so scared. How did you get up there?"

"One of the police officers... He helped me,"

"See Joe! I've been telling you, there are plenty of giants who support you. Anyone with a heart knows this case is wrong," Gram exclaimed.

"I'm starving," I announced, eliciting a chuckle from Joe and Gram. The three of us entered the kitchen where Joe seemed reluctant to put me down in my kitchen area. I grabbed a cereal bar immediately and sat across from Gram and Joe. I was feeling victorious. These people actually thought they could tear us apart?! No freaking way! "I've never been so happy to be at home! LIke why would parliament think we'd actually think it was a good idea to send me to live with some stranger!"

"Sweetheart... about that," Joe replied, seeming nervous.


"I want nothing more than for you to stay and for everything to go back to normal but..."

"But, what?!" I asked, feeling worried from the tone Joe was using.

"Morgan... I have to let them take you. It's against the law for me to even be here with you now,"

"What! But no one has to know,"

"But they eventually will know. We can't risk breaking the law because they'll use that to keep us apart permanently,"

"So... You're giving me away?!"

"No, don't think of it like that. Tonight we can pack anything you want to take with you, and then in the morning I'll have no choice but to let officials know you'd been hiding here."

And now I was basically bawling. "Don't make me go! I don't want to live somewhere else!"

"I know sweetheart, but we have to do this, hopefully just for a little while, so that I don't do anything to jeopardize the case,"

The decision was made. My heart shattered. Depending on how this trial goes, tonight could be the last night I ever spend in this house.

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