Twisted Fate

By FaultInMagicYogFever

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Christopher Trott leads a troubled life. His past restricts him from making new friends and forming relations... More

Chapter 1 <<Trott>>
Chapter 1 <<Ross>>
Chapter 1 <<Smith>>
Chapter 1 <<Sparkles*>>
Chapter 1 <<Parv>>
Chapter 2 <<Trott>>
Chapter 2 <<AmieƩ>>
Chapter 2 <<Matt>>
Chapter 2 <<Catti>>
Chapter 2 <<Diana>>
Chapter 3 <<Trott>>
Chapter 3 <<Ross>>
Chapter 3 <<Smith>>
<<Chapter 4. Trott>>

Chapter 3 <<Sparkles*>>

35 6 3
By FaultInMagicYogFever

As I walk back to my office, I try to forget that conversation I just had with Smith. That was not something I needed, or wanted, to see. Well, gay ships are pretty adorable...
I pass the Hat Films office and peek in. I see Ross and Parv kissing, so nothing unusual - WAIT WHAT.
"What the actual fuck, guys?!" I exclaim, mortified. Don't they have girlfriends?!

The two break apart, looking sheepish. "Hello Sparkles*?" Parv says in more of a question than a greeting, sounding alarmed.

I look from him, to Ross, then back at him. Finally, I shake my head and sigh. "Why am I not surprised?" And I walk back

Shaking my head, I push open the door. Catti is still there, spinning around on my chair with earphones in, leading to a pocket in which I assume her phone resides in. I shut the door quietly, leaning against the wall. I watch her for a moment, not wanting to interrupt her. It's been far too long since I've seen her, and it's nice to know that she's still as much of a kid as before.

I clear my throat loudly. "You having fun there?"

Quickly, she freezes and stops spinning, yanking her earphones out. A light blush creeps onto her face. "Uh... Yeah."

I laugh. "You're adorable."

"So I've heard," she beams cockily, flashing me a grin.

"Someone's sassy." I alliterate, teasing her. She bites her lip momentarily, then gathers her earphones from where they were dropped, winding them back up.

"What we're you listening to," I inquire. "Area 11?"

"You wish," she scoffs, looking back up at me. "Those guys are just a bunch of pricks with instruments."

"Thank you." I laugh - so does she. Catti has always loved Area 11, I know that much, and I hope she still does.

"No, I was actually listening to Sleeping With Sirens."

I gasp with mock-hurt. "And to think you actually loved me."

She shakes her head, red hair spilling out across her face and bouncing with the movement. She tucks a loose strand back behind her ear when she's done. "No, I'm only into you for your gingerness."

"I'll take it." I shrug, beaming with happiness. She's back. She's really back.

"So did you get the Jaffas?" She asks, changing the subject. I suddenly remember that's why I left the room in the first place.

"Riiiiight," I nod sheepishly. "Totally didn't forget that..."

"You idjit!" Catti laughs, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "What got you distracted?"

I remember the conversation I had with Smith and Matt, recalling what had happened, and seeing Parv and Ross make out. "Um... Don't ask." I look around awkwardly. "I'll be right back!" My handle finds the door, opening it.

"Wait!" Catti's voice stops me. I glance back at her, a nervous expression plastered to her face. "I-is my brother still working here?"

I feel all happiness drain from my own expression. Catti and her brother have a... Complicated relationship. "Cat, you shouldn't be worrying about him," I sigh, seeing the uneasiness in her bright green eyes. Is it just me or are they more dull than usual?

"Sparks?" She persists weakly. "Please, I just want to talk to him."

"Yeah, he is," I give in. "But I haven't seen him here today." She nods slowly, looking at her feet. "Catti," I snap her out of her sulking. "Forget about him! Alright? If he doesn't want you in his life then maybe you're better off without him. You have me, and is that not enough?"

"You don't understand," she breathes quietly. I sigh, going back over to her and pulling her into a hug. She graciously melts into my arms, letting me hold her.

"Then I'll try my best to."

"Just..." She mumbles into the fabric of my striped jumper. "Look for him. Please."

"Only if you promise you won't leave me again."

She pulls away from me, eyes full of sadness. "Tom," she whispers. Oh no - it's never a good sign when she uses my full name. "Look, I-I love you. I love you so much, and you'll always be the one... But you know I can't stay in one place. I have to travel, I have to see the world," then she adds more quietly, "I have to find my parents."

"Please." I choke out.

"I didn't come back to stay, I came back to say hello. To say goodbye."

"I thought you didn't do goodbyes?"

Tears prick her eyes. "I... That was different. When I left last time, I was planning on coming back. Eventually. And- and I did. But... I'm not staying, you have to know that. I'm not happy here."

"Cat... We could have a life together. A family." I struggle to fight the lump in my throat and keep my voice even.

"I would love that, I really would, but..." A stray tear runs down her cheek. She quickly wipes it away with the back of her hand. "I came back to tell you I love you. I never meant to hurt you, and I'm sorry if I did. I'm... I'm... I'm leaving again." My lips part slightly in shock. I don't know what to say. "I have a flight back to New York scheduled for midnight, tonight."

"No," I whimper, shake my head,my own vision blurry with tears. "No, you can't leave me again."

"I got offered a job in New York as a journalist."

"I'll go with you," I instantly offer, without putting any thought into it

"No. I'll be travelling all over the world, and that wouldn't be fair to you. You have a life here, and the band. I can't let you throw that all away."

"You left me once, and that hurt like hell. I missed you so much, Catti. Everyday I would pick up my phone, wishing you would call me. I was worried sick because no one knew where you were!" I realize I've been raising my voice, so I shut my mouth, my hands trembling.

She takes a step towards me, then plants a soft kiss on my lips. I don't object, instead I thread my fingers through her hair, pulling her body closer with my other hand.
She's the one to pull away.
"I'm sorry, Tom."

"I love you."

She smiles. "And I love you." More tears fall down her cheeks. I desperately want to brush them away, hold her close, keep her next to me forever. "I have to go. I have other things I need to take care of, and I don't want to be late for my flight." She glances up at me sadly, then spins around and leaves.

It takes a few moments for this all to sink in. I can't let her leave me again, I can't let her go. "Catti! Wait!" I call out chasing after her. My eyes may now be clear, but my head isn't. By the time I reach the end of the hall, she disappears through the stairwell door forever. The last part of her I see is her wavy auburn hair waving from side to side. "Catti." I choke out, coming to a halt, my voice a mere whisper. "Don't leave me."

I don't see her again.



*an hour later*

I approach the door nervously, afraid of the reaction I may receive. I clutch my Starbucks in one hand, trying to keep it from sloshing out through the lid as my hand shakes uncontrollably.
Finally, with all the courage I can muster, I knock on the door.

I hear the barking of a dog, then a male scolding it, followed by footsteps. The door swings open to reveal my half-brother.

"Chris Trott," I breath. It's been so long since we've last seen each other, and our last conversation wasn't a pleasant one.
Realization flickers in his eyes, then it's replaced by disgust and anger. He goes to slam the door, but I stop it with my foot, pushing it back open. He steps back, as if I'm some sort of disease-ridden animal. "Chris, wait!"

"You aren't welcome in this house!" He snarls back.

"Please!" I beg. "Just listen to me."

"And why should I do that?" He challenges. I'm inside the house now, and he's several feet ahead of me.

"Because if you do, then you'll never have to see me again!" I answer honestly, hoping to appeal to what would be in his best interests.
He seems to ponder this for a moment. I don't know if he comes to a decision or not, but his expression definitely doesn't reveal anything. I continue. "I'm leaving Bristol in just under two hours. Please, just give half an hour." I add. Still no response. "Then I'll be out of you life for good."

"Fine." Chris finally responded gesturing for me to enter the house further. My heart swells with happiness at this. He hates me, the guy bloody hates me, but he may actually talk to me. I shut the front door after me and follow him to his kitchen where we sit down at the table. I set my drink on the table, looking around. The kitchen looks a bit messy, which does drive me insane since I'm a neat-freak, but I don't say anything about it. A greyhound puppy suddenly comes bounding over to me, sniffing my leg intently.

"Aw, who's this?" I inquire.

"May," my half brother answers grimly, eyeing me cautiously as if he expects me to do something to May. I wouldn't, for the record.

"She's adorable. How many months-"

"Why are you here?" He interrupts, clearly not interested in the small talk.

I stumble to find words for a moment. "I... Uh, well I'm back in Bristol for the day."

"No shit. Why did you come back? I was happier when you dropped off the face of the Earth." No remorse. Ouch. I'm petty sure I just heard my heart crack.

"I... I'm being offered a job as a journalist. I'll be travelling the world, so I rona boy won't have time to come back to Bristol. I came to say goodbye to you... And Sparkles*."

Anger flashes in his eyes. "You're still seeing him?" He spits, getting to his feet.

"Y-yeah. No, I broke up with him. I think. I don't know." I squeak, trying to shrink down in my chair and make me as small as possible.

"I thought I told you I didn't want you seeing any of my friends!" The hostility is clear in his voice, and he scares me.

I look down at my hands. "I'm sorry... I'll be gone soon, anyway."


My gaze snaps back up to look at Chris. "Why do you hate me?!"

He laughs scornfully, clenching his hands into his fists. "Because you were the reason Dad left! He chose you and your Mum over me!"

"But that wasn't my fault!" I plead.

"Yes it was!" He roars. "Everything is your fault!"

"I-I'm sorry." I whimper, tears threatening to fall. "But Chris, you're my brother. I wish you wouldn't hate me. You have to understand that whatever our Dad did, it wasn't my fault!"


"Please! You're the only family I have left!" The tears start falling down my cheeks. "I'll be out of your life soon enough, I just want for you to not hate me."

A new expression crosses his face, it wasn't remorse, though... Something else. "I'm your only family?"

I nod, sniffling. "I... You're right." He says quietly, opening his arms for me. "I'm so sorry. Come here."
I smile softly, getting up and hugging him tightly. So... Does he not hate me anymore? This is what I wanted, for my half brother to not hate me, but for some reason something doesn't feel right.
"I'm sorry, Catti," he repeats. "You're right. We should make amends." We pull away from each other. "In fact, I'll start right now by doing a good deed." He grins, pointing at a hallway. "Down the hall on the farthest door to your left is the bathroom is a bathroom, if you want to get yourself cleaned up."

I smile gratefully, realizing my make up must be running. "Thank you." I follow his instructions.

After a few minutes, I return, feeling much better. I see the time and my jaw drops open. "Oh gosh, is it already eleven?!"

"Yeah." Chris responds.

"Oh no! I- I have to go or I'll be late for the flight!" I admit ruefully. I go to grab my Starbucks from the table, but I realize it's not there. "Where's my-"

"Right here." Chris says. I look over and see him at the counter near the sink with my drink. He hands it to me. "Sorry, May kept jumping up and trying to get it."

"Oh, thanks."

"My pleasure." He grins, almost... Evilly?

I glance at the messy counter, spotting a box with an alarming name on it. "Oh, you shouldn't keep rat poison on the counter, it's dangerous." I inform him with best intentions. I hadn't seen it when I got here, so it's lucky I noticed it now.

"Oh, thank you! I'll keep that in mind. Sorry, I had a rat problem." He leads me to the door.

"Bye, Chris!" I wave.

"Goodbye." And with that, he slams the door. How... Odd.

I begin my walk back to the hotel that's only about ten blocks away, sipping at my drink to keep me warm.

Only half way there, I begin to feel sick. As I go further, I feel dizzy. Once I'm at the street the hotel is on, I collapse onto the pavement. My hands skid on the ground, skinning them. I prop myself up and begun coughing violently. I put one hand to my mouth, feeling liquid splatter on it. When I lower it, I see a dark scarlet colour. Blood. My blood.
I continue coughing, too weak to call for help, panicking. What the hell.

That's when I connect two and two. Trott moving my drink to the counter and the rat poison on the counter. He... No, he couldn't have poisoned me.

Pain overwhelms my body, tears trickling from my eyes and blood from my mouth.

Then, darkness.

Sweet, sweet, emptiness, darkness, nothingness.


Cedar here!
So I'm sad to say that I will be dropping out of this collab. ;-;
I have too many other books of my own that I can barely keep up with, let alone an extra collab on the side. This is my final chapter, but the fic will continue! The other fabtabulous writers will continue it!
(Sorry for the shitty chapter)

That's all for now. Love you all! <3

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