Trials & Error

By Whatitdofifthharmony

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It doesn't hurt to try... More



329 15 3
By Whatitdofifthharmony

A week has past since Normani and Dinah had gotten to know each other as well as Ryan and Keith boo loving every chance they see each other. Normani and Ryan were walking down the halls until Keith stopped them.

"Ryan." Keith ignored Normani who was on her phone anyways.

"Keith." Ryan looked up at him with a smile.

"Let's go on a date." Keith smirked.

"Date-" Ryan was about to respond to his request but Rameer interrupted him.

"How about a double date?" Rameer suggested catching Normani's attention.

"Rameer?" Ryan rose her eyebrow.

"I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now Normani." Rameer admitted and Ryan turned to Normani who had an unreadable expression.

"Oh?" Ryan smirked.

"I...I cannot accept." Normani snapped out of her thoughts and Rameer frowned slightly.

"Why not?" Rameer wondered.

"I-uh, I'm uh dating Dinah." Normani bluntly lied and everyone jaw dropped.

"What?!?" All they says simultaneously.

"Dorky Dinah?" Keith whispered.

"Don't call her that." Ryan hit him lightly on the stomach.

"What? she's a dork." Keith snickered.

"Yes, her..." Normani forced a smile.

"Speak of the devil." Ryan muttered.

"Shit." Normani mumbled under her breath.

"When did you and Normani start dating?" Rameer asked Dinah and Dinah looked around confused.

"I- excuse me? Are you talking to me?" Dinah questioned.

"Yes, who else?" Rameer rolled his eyes.

"Uh..." Dinah trailed off before running away, feeling that Rameer was going to beat her for something she didn't know she was a part of.

"Why did she just run?" Rameer scoffed.

"Because she's a dork." Keith mumbled under his breath and Ryan hit him in the stomach once again.

"I'll go talk to her." Normani ushered as she backed away slowly.

"You do know we are going to have a serious chat at lunch right?" Ryan crossed her arms.

"Yes I do know that, thanks." Normani sarcastically remarked before leaving to find Dinah.

Normani walked around to not see her at all. She then came across Dinah hiding herself in her own locker. 'Oh Jesus.' Normani thought as she approached Dinah.

"Hey, I'm not actually dating her. I don't know where you got that-" Dinah rambled causing Normani to cut her off.

"Dinah." Normani called and Dinah perked up.

"Normani?" Dinah called back confusing.

"Please get your head out of the locker." Normani tried not to let out a laugh but couldn't help herself from smiling.

"Oh...Wait why did you tell him that we are dating?" Dinah panicked and Normani sighed.

"Well...because- I want to go on a date with you." Normani crossed her arms.

"What?" Dinah asked in shock.

"Will you go on one with me or no?" Normani huffed.

"You're not being serious are you?" Dinah readjusted her glasses.

"I am." Normani bluntly stated.

"Normani and Dinah, practice is cancelled today." Victoria told her as she walked past the two with her boyfriend in hand and Normani turned to her.

"Okay thank you. So, how about after school?" Normani turned back to Dinah.

"Uh- I- yeah...sure." Dinah answered nervously.

"Cool, see you after school." Normani turned on her heel and walked off to class.

"Yeah..." Dinah put her head back in her locker in annoyance...

The day went by kinda fast and as the time ticked, Dinah's anxiety also rose. As soon as that last bell rung, Dinah was going to go to the bathroom to have a breather but Normani greeted her right outside the classroom.

"You okay?" Normani eyebrow rose and Dinah furrowed hers.

"I-I-" Dinah couldn't get a sentence out so Normani stopped her.

"Come with me." Normani grabbed Dinah's hand causing Dinah to blush as Normani lead them somewhere.

"Where are we going." Dinah asked as they made their way outside.

"The bleachers." Normani responded.

"The footballers-" Dinah was about to ask and Normani answered.

"They have a game away today." Normani climbed the bleachers.

"JV?" Dinah stopped Normani and Normani turned to lock eyes with Dinah.

"Also away." Normani sat down and Dinah does so as well.

"Oh..." Dinah sighed, putting her head down.

"We can just pretend if you want, it'll benefit us both." Normani looked up at the clouds.

"Benefit?" Dinah looked at Normani and Normani nodded.

"No one will mess with you and no one will try to talk to me anymore." Normani specified.

"It must be nice being so popular." Dinah laughed lightly.

"I'm not that popular." Normani scoffed.

"And I'm not popular at all." Dinah shrugged.

"It's the glasses." Normani pointed out.

"I'm blind." Dinah readjusted them.

"Get contacts." Normani recommends.

"I'm broke." Dinah frowned.

"Get different glasses next time." Normani suggested.

"I don't wanna change my self for others." Dinah sighed.

"I'm just suggesting, I don't care about what you look like. As long as people know that you're my girlfriend and vise versa then I'm fine." Normani explained and Dinah looked off into the distance.

"Why me?" Dinah wondered.

"You're one of the only girls I know that is single." Normani stated.

"You're assuming-" Dinah gets cut off by Normani.

"Dinah please, I know you're not dating anyone." Normani laughed.

"Well actually I am." Dinah crossed her arms.

"Whom?" Normani furrowed her eyebrows.

"You, duh." Dinah rolled her eyes playfully and Normani pulled another unreadable expression.

"I already hate you." Normani muttered as Dinah laughed her ass off.

"You walked into that one." Dinah readjusted her glasses again and Normani shook her head, holding back a smile.

"I'm bored, let's go get ice cream." Normani stood up with her hands in her pocket and Dinah hurriedly stood up as well seeing Normani walk away.

They left the field and made their way to a bus stop. When the bus arrived, they got on and sat down next to each other.

"Are we going to the mall or an actual ice cream store?" Dinah asked.

"To an actual ice cream store." Normani searched up the place on her phone.

"Oh goodness." Dinah remarked, reminding herself that she's broke.

"I'll pay for it." Normani pulled out her card and Dinah let out a deep sigh.

"I need a job." Dinah frowned.

"What for?" Normani questioned.

"So I can financially support this "relationship" in the future." Dinah stated.

"We're too young to even get a job, relax." Normani looked up to see the place emerging in the distance.

"Oh're right." Dinah fidgeted with her backpack.

"Oh here's our stop." Normani pushed the stop button and got up causing Dinah to get up as well.

They get off the bus and waited to cross the street. As soon as it was safe, they walked hand in hand across and to the ice cream store.

"Ma'am, you are bougie." Dinah shook her head seeing which shop it was.

"The tournament gave me a lot of money and a scholarship." Normani pulled out her card.

"Must be nice to be number 1." Dinah fantasized.

"It just must be nice to be me, huh?" Normani mocked.

"I mean...yeah?" Dinah opened the door for Normani.

"Oh hell, thank you." Normani rolled her eyes as she walked in.

"Normani..." A familiar voice spoke causing Normani to freeze.

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