Our own fairytale

By Lonely-writer-girl

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So this is a Grimm story set during 2x15 where Juliette and Nick are broken up due to her amnesia from her co... More

Chapter 1: best day of my life
Chapter 2: lucky
Chapter 3: ghost
Chapter 4: think about it
Chapter 5: love
chapter 6: believer
Chapter 7: trouble
Chapter8: heart pf stone
Chapter 9: home
Chapter 10:hit it
Chapter 11: oh, what a life
Chapter 12: the one that got away
Chapte 13: same old same old
Chapter 14: dust to dust
Chapter 15: i had me a girl
chapter 16: devils backbone
chapter 17: disarm
Chapte 18: sacred hearts
Chapter 20: eavesdrop
chapter 21: form this valley
Chapter 22: oh henry
chapter 23: D'arline

chapter 19: tell mama

1.1K 27 2
By Lonely-writer-girl

Ever since Nick had his dream of Monroe and Rosalee's wedding where he killed the guests who had discovered that he was a Grimm, he felt as though it was obvious that he was the wrong choice for Monroe's best man despite the fact that he really wanted to be his best man. Mia tried her best to reassure him that everything would be fine and it was just his fears playing on him, however she knew that if things took a wrong turn then they could really bad for everyone involved. This is why one day after work Nick decided to visit Mia who was working late due to her parent's night for her students, he needed to talk to her before he went to Monroe and Rosalee about his worries over the whole best man thing. Mia was currently trying to sort out all of the materials she needed to talk to the parents of her students such as examples of their work, the grades over the last year and their student files into neat piles that was also in the order that she was expecting the parents to come. Mia was wearing red high waisted pants, a black tank top that was tucked into her pants, a cream sweater with beige elbow patches and black flat loafers. She wore her hair in a slightly loose bun held together with elastics, a doughnut bun and hair pins, her eye make was slightly with a simple touch of eyeliner and her lips were a light pink colour. She had her laptop open as she tried to get some marking down before she became too busy, this was how Nick found her at her desk as she wrote notes down at the piece of work she was reading. He knocked on the open door as he leaned against the door frame, he didn't want to startle her by walking straight in.

"hey babe, what are you doing here? please say you come bearing gifts for me, preferable food shaped gifts" she said knowing that he wold have probably figured out that she wouldn't find the time to eat between everything she had to do before people started to arrive

" of course, I have a veggie wrap for you and some blueberries since I know you love picking at them. I see you had time to get yourself some coffee, is that like your seventh or eighth cup of the day?" he asked seeing that her tall coffee cup was filled with streaming hot coffee, he could smell how strong her coffee was from his place at the door

" more like eleventh but I promise its my last cup... ok well you know it won't, its the thought that counts though" she said giving him a sweet smile as she opened her tub that held her veggie wrap, he was forever teasing her and complaining about her coffee addition plus the fact that her coffee could put hair on his chest due to how strong

" like I was going to believe that one, you have less that twenty cups of coffee a day is like me having no wesen cases for a week....We need to talk" he said resting against her desk as she leaned back in her chair closing her laptop over as she enjoyed her food, he knew he had to be quick talking to her in case someone came in to talk to her about something work related

" Who's dead?" she asked figuring that he would be here about a case and that he was using his serious voice, although she noticed the look on his face when he heard her question

" Nobody..... At least not yet, I wanted to talk to you about the wedding before I went to Monroe and Rosalee's place on my way home" he said knowing that she was about to object to him talking to them about this since she knew that he was going decline being best man

" are you sure that you want to do this? I mean this is always another way to deal with things than just not doing it" she said taking a sip of coffee to wash down the rest of her wrap as she peered at him, she could tell that this whole things and the dreams were getting to him

" I was talking it through with Hank and every idea we had just led to more bad things happening then eventually ruining the weddinG. I mean I doubt that you guys will be the only wesen there and you remember how you parents reacted to me, us" he said knowing that her parents were still coming around to the idea that their daughters boyfriend was a grimm as well as the fact that few wesen were ever thrilled by his presents

" yeah ok I'll give you that, most wesen aren't exactly relaxed when they see a grimm but you could try not kill my family or you know wear sunglasses" she said in a light tone as if she was checked that everything was ready, she failed to see the look of confusion that he given her. He wondered why sunglasses would a useful suggestion at this point or if she was still mocking him

"wait why would I wear sunglasses? Other than to make you laugh throughout ceremony" he said imagining her full on laughing during their vows every time she looked at him, he knew that she would lead him to believe anything for her on amusement

" because of your eyes" she said in a 'duh' like tone as if it was the most obvious thing ever, he wondered once again what she was talking about since he knew that she loved his stormy grey eyes

" My eyes?" he asked feeling that he needed it clarified some more before he went to the happy couple with the suggestion of wearing the sunglasses in front of everyone

" It's how we know you're a Grimm after we woge. Wait did you not know that?" she asked wondering how he could not know this little piece of information about himself or how he never thought to ask about it before now

" no I just always knew that they could tell that I was a grimm but never really considered it was anything about me" he said trying to think if he had read anything about a grimm's eyes in any of his books in the trailer but came up blank and made a mental note to add something about them in one of the spare pages

"They turn black, actually not exactly black. It's more like "infinite darkness", when woge we see our true wesen nature in your eyes" she said knowing that it can very unsettling to see at first and takes a lot to get used to it but then again she had been around a few grimms in her life time to get used to it

" you really see that when you look into my eyes?" he asked wondering she could stand looking into his eyes time after time when she struggled with the wesen inside of her most of time, trying not to indulge the wild side of her

" yeah it can be unnerving at first, it explains the reaction you get while on a case. Do you have your sunglasses with you?" she asked as she headed towards her classroom door and looked down the hall to see if anyone was around as she closed the door behind so no one would be able to see what was about to happen

" yeah but I feel like it might be more complicated than simply putting my sunglasses on" he said feeling like this might be a more complicated matter than that, she placed him in front of her so that he was blocking her in case anyone looked through the window and see her fully woged

" its totally not, I mean I can't see a thing expect for you know your usual beautiful grey eyes. This means you can still be best man, if they agree with me" she said with a satisfied smile as she returned back to normal and then headed towards her door to open it again

" thank you for helping me figure all of this out, I mean this way your Oma is safe from me right?" he said hoping that he pronounce it right, she had explained to him the night of his first nightmare that Oma was german for grandma since she was german. He pulled her in close to him by putting his arms around her waist, he suddenly realised how small she was without her heels on

" yeah that's true but the question is are you safe from her? because I predict that she will squeeze your cheek and question your intentions with her granddaughter in her scary voice" she said in an amused voice as she leaned up to him on her tip toes so that she could kiss him, she suddenly wished that she wore her heels but then again she knew her feet would hurt like hell if she had wore then all day

" ummm Emilia, is this a good time or would you like me to come back to discuss next years reading list?" an older man asked her as he knocked on her door, interrupting their kiss that had slowly heated up

" Sorry Mr Peterson, now is good since Nick was just about to leave... text me and let me know what happens with Monroe and Rosalee" she said before giving him a kiss on his cheek before turning her attention back to the head of the english department so that they discuss work related things

By the time Mia had finished the meeting with the parents of a rather smart student it was late and really dark as she drove home, hoping that her car didn't break down in the middle of nowhere in the pitch black of the night. When she got home Nick was sitting on the couch watching tv as he waited for her to get home, he had kindly left her some takeout in case she was hungry when she got but she was too tired to eat. She silently snuggled up to him on the couch after leaving her things by the door, he could tell she was tired so he gently kissed her forehead and rubbed the small of her back before breaking the news that he had things to do before they headed to bed like laundry. She offered to help him since it meant that it would get done faster and then they could go to bed together fast which is what she really wanted. As they headed up stairs and began to sort the laundry out Nick filled Mia on what had happened when he went to talk to Monroe and Rosalee

" so they agreed with me? that they couldn't see the grimmness in your eyes" she said realising that she had completely made that word up as spilt the laundry in half and began to make their way through their pile by folding the different items like the blanket she was currently folding or the blouse he was folding

"yeah they said that it did and to thank you for coming up such a good idea, well Rosalee did while Monroe said not to because your ego is already enough" he said trying to dodge the t-shirt that she threw at him due to his little remark about her ego

"ha ha, you know that you are going to look so strange at the reception since you'll be wearing your sunglasses at night...here give me those" she said taking the pile of towels from him as she added her own to them then headed to the bathroom to put them away while he headed over to the drawers to put the different piles of clothing away

" oh wow, I totally forgot about this" he said as he pulled the engagement ring that he had gotten to propose to Juliette when they were together, he was still looking at it when Mia came back into the room and noticed the open ring box

" ummm....I really hope this isn't you propose to me because you know... the thing with...thing?"she said beginning to panic and freak out slightly as her breaths began to get shorter as she held onto the door next to her for support, otherwise she feared that she might fall down

" wait no I'm not proposing to you...well not now, I mean I am probably going... Let me start again, I got this for Juliette before I found out I was a grimm" he said trying to explain things without digging himself into a bigger hole as he tried to calm her down since he knew that she was on verge of having a panic attack

" oh... that makes sense, did you ever actually ask her to marry you?" she asked feeling like it was a fairly important question to ask when you found your boyfriend staring at the engagement ring that he had planned to give to his ex-girlfriend

" yeah I did but she said no because she knew I was hiding something from her therefore she couldn't say yes since it wouldn't feel right" he said closing the box and put back into the drawer, he knew that he would need to something better than just leaving it there hoping that it would go away on its own

" what if she said yes? you would be married now to her and I would be... well not here" she said in a weird tone as she walked around to her drawer that held her pyjamas to grab something to change into for bed before beginning to get changed

" no I wouldn't, we would have never got that far plus I hear that Monroe has a really cute little sister who is utterly irresistible" he said placing his arms around her waist from behind as he pulled her close to his check, he stilled her hands that were currently fussing over her pyjama lace tank by placing his hands over hers

"well that is true and very good way to get yourself out of trouble but it only works once" she said clasping her hands into his then bring one of them to her mouth so that she could kiss the back of his hands, she knew that he had this whole life before her but it still stung a little when she was faced the reality of it all

" I'll keep it in mind, so are we good?" he asked almost afraid to ask her in case her answer wasn't the one that he hoped to hear, although he knew one of things he loved about her was that she was understanding about things like this

" yeah we're good... so you've thought about proposing to me?" she said turning around in his arms so that she could get a better look at his face as he realised the slip up he made when trying to explain to her where the ring had come from and what he was doing with it

" you know I've just realised that I forgot to lock the front door so I should go do that" he said making his excuse so that he could escape this conversation, as he heard down the hallway he could hear her laugh as she began to get dressed for bed

The next day after work Mia raced home so that she could changed into something more comfortable than her current work clothes since her and Rosalee were going to a wedding shop to get her grandmother's wedding dress altered. She now wore a long sleeved teal t-shirt, a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees, a grey cardigan, a dark green chino jacket, a pair of teal slip on sneakers and a washed messenger bag. Mia added a little more eye makeup to her eyes to freshen it up a little and to make them smokier, she wore pale lip gloss. Since her hair had been up all day she shook out her hair and decided to leave her hair wavy but placed half of it into a cute little bun. As Rosalee got changed into her wedding dress, Mia couldn't help but look at the different wedding dresses that were being displayed around the shop as she picked one of them up and tried to imagine herself in it as she looked at herself with the dress in the mirror. She never really thought that she was the big wedding kind of girl with the big white dress and all the trimmings it went with, it wasn't like she had the kind of childhood where she put a pillow case to pretend it was a veil as she hummed the wedding march. However being with Nick had opened her mind to consider things that she had closed herself off to them as she had always thought that she would never be able to have, she realised that with him she could have everything a normal girl could have like the big wedding or the perfect house with a white picket fence. Just as Mia placed the dress back on the hook on the wall, Rosalee came out wearing a old-fashioned wedding dress with lots of lace. Mia knew that this wasn't exactly Rosalee's prefect wedding dress but knew it meant a lot to her and her mom that she wore her grandmother's dress since it was a family tradition

" oh wow, that fits you perfectly. It looks like alternations won't have to be made after all, I mean it fits your silhouette so well" the wedding shop owner told her as she looked at Rosalee in the dress as she headed towards them and the mirror so that she could see the dress for her self

" you really think that grandmother's dress fits? what do you think, Mia? Its not to not me is it?" she asked Mia as she tried to find the right word to describe what she feared about the dress, she knew that it meant that she was going to wear it and she had always imagined wearing the dress that it seemed to wrong to wear to another dress

"no, you look so beautiful Rosalee" she said knowing that she suited being a bride and in love looked really good on Rosalee, she radiated happiness that it made her glad that her brother was marrying Rosalee

"really? well ok I guess this.. this is.. oh wow... Is this really me?" She asked Mia worried that she was about to make a terrible mistake by doing whatever wanted her to do rather than what made her happy, it seemed like it was big decision to just make

" would you stop already? its not like you get to wear this dress everyday and you look amazing" Mia said putting her arm as she half hugged her as she tried to reassure her that she looked amazing and that Monroe was going to love her in that dress and for the rest of her life

" wow so this is my wedding dress!" she said getting excited now that another thing had been ticked off her to do list, all they had to do was decided on a dress for Mia and DeEtta that went with the colour scheme and looked great on both women despite them being completely different people

Later that night Mia decided to start making dinner for her and Nick since she didn't fancy a repeat of the time where he tried to make her dinner but then burned the food onto the pot, when he came home he decided to help her out by setting the table for them and placing the items of food that were already made like the salad and bread. As Mia put the finishing touches onto their dinner she began to plate it up when she realised that Nick was nowhere to be seen, she skimmed through the other rooms near by the kitchen to see if she could spot him but she came up blank so she figured he was upstairs avoiding helping with the food. She knew that something was going on with him since he seemed weirdly happy in a way that she couldn't really pinpoint, she thought maybe it was because now they had figured out a way to hide his grimm status everyone at the wedding it meant that he could be best man but something told him it was more than that. She had been debating to tell him about the whole wedding dress moment where she had fantasied herself wearing it as she walked down the aisle where he was waiting for her. Although she had dismissed that to being caught up in the moment and reminded herself once again that getting engaged after a year was too soon for her.

" Nick, dinner is officially ready...what are you doing?" she asked wondering why he had went upstairs in the first place when he knew that she was almost finished with dinner, she had made some simple since she had been at work all day then headed out with Rosalee

" I'm procrastinating" he said being vague about the fact that he was once again looking the ring box that used to hold the ring that was meant for Juliette, however he had spent the morning at a jewellers trying to exchange the ring for something that was more Mia

" well cut it out, I'm starving and if you make me wait any longer then I will eat your leg" she said from the dining room as she poured some water into her glass before taking a sip from it, for her he had just confirmed that there was something going on with him

" you don't do people or meat so I think I'm safe from Mia the man-eater" he said picking the new ring that he had chosen for her out of the box and putting it in his pocket before heading downstairs, this ring was completely different from the one he had gotten for Juliette. It was yellow gold with small leaves around the diamond in the middle of the ring

"true...wait did you just call me a man-eater?" she said realising what he said as she walked over to the docking station by the lamp and plugged her phone into it before selecting a playlist for them to listen to while they ate

" kinda, wow this looks great" he said looking at the food she had prepared for them, she had made two types of pasta from them as one contained meat for him and the other was meatless with some vegetables through it for her

" really? its nothing special, its just spaghetti" she said as she drank the rest of her water before pouring some wine into both of their glasses as she tried to work him out, he seemed nervous about something

" no I was umm.. I was talking about you" he said knowing that she look amazing to him when she was just being her rather all dressed up for something or dressed all professional for work, he actually loved when she woke up with her hair still in a mess of waves and no make up

" yeah ok what's going on?" she said sensing that he had something to tell her since she knew that she had looked better than her current state, she knew that her dresses were nice although a little less comfortable than her wore and ripped jeans that she was wearing

"nothing, I was thinking that things between us is the best they've ever been really and you know this last year with you has been amazing so I was wondering if you, Mia would m-... are you expecting someone?" he said gesturing to the front door that had just been knocked as she tried to compose herself and not jump to conclusion about what he was going to ask her

" No, no one I can think of" she said although admittedly her brain was currently blank of everything, she was impressed with the fact that she could piece a sentence together and for it to still make sense

" ok well I was be right back so just stand where you are, don't move" he said with a smile still on his face as he thought about what he was about to ask her as he headed to the door to see who was on the other side

"shut the door, I need your help...there's a lot that I need to tell you" Kelly said as she walked into the house still holding the coat over Adalind and the baby to protect them from the down pour outside

" Mom! when did you get back to the states?" he asked her since the last time he heard from his mom she was near the greek boarder and was heading north, he wondered what had changed to lead her to his house with some cloaked person

" Hey Nick, who was at the door? ...what's going on?" she asked as she came into the hallway by the stairs to see what all the commotion was about, when she spotted two women in the room that she had never met before. Although the one with short curly hair looked vaguely familiar but she wasn't sure why

"you must be Mia, it's lovely to finally meet you although I feel like I already know so much about from everything I've heard from DeGroot over the years" she said fondly to Mia as she watched the friendly smile fell from her face at the mention of DeGroot's name as she tried to work out of this woman was a friend or a foe

" Nick who is this? If you're from the council then you should know that I have an understanding with hi-" she said beginning to back away from a little before Nick gently took a hold of her arm to bring her closer to him to reassure her that everything was ok

" no babe, this is my mom and..." he said trying to get information on the person with her, although he still stunned that she was here meeting Mia for the first time and that she knew everything about her. Just then the other person took the coat off to reveal that it was Adalind Schade

" Oh god!" Adalind said bringing the attention to her and the baby in her arms, she knew that she was in trouble as soon as she seen Nick. There was too much water underneath that certain bridge

" no wait! You're safe here, this is my son Nick and his girlfriend Mia" she said trying to prevent Adalind from leaving the house and go back into the rain where it wasn't safe for either her or the baby

"Protect me? he won't protect me, he's more likely to kill me and my baby!" Adalind said bringing the baby closer to her as a way to shield her from Nick and this woman who clearly wasn't Juliette

" why did you bring her here? She's the Hexenbiest that put Juliette in a coma ok? She can't stay here" Nick said gently placing himself in front of Mia in case Adalind decided to try anything that could endanger her

"ok why don't we all calm down a little? Kelly, why are you here? you said something about needing help" Mia said trying to be the voice of reason in the room as everyone began to talk over each other, personally she had nothing against Adalind other than that she hurt an innocent

" I was recruited by the resistance to get her and her baby to safety.I didn't know who she was, just she and the baby had to be protected at all cost" she told them both as trying to make Nick understand that she would never have helped her if she had know who she was

" why is so special about her?" he asked before Mia hit his arm gently to signal that he was being rude to both of them

" her child. the Verrat were waiting for her at the meet up point, the royals want that child" she told her as everything began to click into place for Mia, she knew that the only reason that the royals would want that baby so badly was if it had royal blood in its veins

"if I stay here, I won't need to worry about the Verrat killing me because he'll do it first" Adalind said trying to keep her distance from Nick who she knew hated fro everything she had done not only to Juliette but Hank too

" like I wouldn't have a good reason, you put Juliette in a coma that could have killed her and not to mention the fact that you tried to kill my aunt Marie" he said making sure that Mia was protected from her, although he knew from experience that she could look after herself

" you tried to kill my sister?" Kelly asked wondering why this couldn't be a simple protection job, she would have thought twice about saying yes if she knew it would be this complicated

" what are you going to do, Nick? are you kill me and my baby?!" Adalind said getting more annoyed by it all as the room began to shake around them as Mia grabbed Nick for support and the spoons began to bend

" what was that? was that you?" Mia asked finally speaking up, she had chosen to stay quiet to wrap her head around everything but she draw the line at a Hexenbiest performing her little tricks in her house

"no, that was the baby" Kelly said assuming that Nick had made the choice to tell Mia what he was to prevent anything like what happened to Juliette happen to her

" she's hungry, I haven't had the chance to feed her yet" Adalind said a small tired voice that made Mia's heart ache since she could tell that she was obviously tired from running soon after child birth

" the blanket is wet too, if you don't change soon she'll get a cold... Look you don't know me and I get that you have history with Nick but this is about the baby, you can trust me" Mia said when she saw Adalind take a defensive step back from, she knew that the only real way to convince her to trust her was reveal her wesen nature so she woged

" she's blutbaden! What are you thinking Nick?" his mom said as Nick tried to stop her from trying to kill his girlfriend who realised that she had exposed her secret to the one person she wanted to it from, she decided to ignore her and gestured for Adalind to follow her upstairs

" Mia, you can't trust her!" he said watching them going upstairs, he knew that the minute she turned her back on Adalind she would just stab her in the back and do something to hurt her

" well if I don't something Nick then the baby is going to get ill and if I stay here then your mom is going to kill me and hang my head on the wall" she said shouting near the end a little, hating that he wasn't trust the fact that she knew how to fight back if something were to happen

As soon as they were upstairs Mia convinced Adalind to hand over the baby so that she could take it into the bathroom to dry her off before then wrapping her in a towel, she first made sure that her clothes weren't went to. She could hear Nick and Kelly arguing about her being blutbaden then about Adalind, they weren't exactly being quiet as they screamed at each other

" there is a blanket over on that chair that we can wrap her in... there we go baby girl, all nice and dry now... how old is she?" she said trying to make conversation with her and sooth the baby since they now knew what happened when she got upset or felt threatened

" I think its been ten days maybe" she said realising that the days had just blended into one another since she ran from Vienna and the Royals before going into labour in the middle of nowhere

" what's her name?...you haven't named her yet?" she asked noticing that Adalind was looking a little guilty, Mia felt bad for her since she knew what it was like to be on the run and fear for your life but knew that it must be so much harder with a baby

"there's been too many people trying to kill us, I just haven't had the chance to think about it" she said knowing that she must have sounded like a bad mother but recently she had been so focused on keeping them both alive

"just make sure to support her head, there you go.... you're exhausted, you should about going to sleep after feeding her" Mia said gently stroking the baby's head to comfort her, she figured that they should make the most of the safe environment while they were here

" I can't, Nick is going to kill us" she told her as if it was as plain as day, Adalind still couldn't believe that Nick was dating someone who blutbaden and that Mia was even being this kind to her

" if Nick was going to kill you then he would have already but he didn't and I won't let him ok?" she said gently making sure that she knew that she wasn't going to let Nick or his mom lay a finger on her or her baby girl as she started to head back downstairs to grab some food for her

" why are you helping us?" Adalind said wondering why she would be doing all of this for her when she had done so much to hurt Nick and the people he loved, although she had never actually met Mia before

" because I'm not the one you put in coma so I guessing I'm more willing to look past the things you've done. Plus I know what's like to be on the run from people who want you dead and what the royals are capable of unlike Nick who knows neither of those things" she said revealing things about herself that she wouldn't tell other people like the long trip home as she tried not to get caught or killed

" you do? thank you" she said as she sat down on the bed as Mia headed out of the room to allow her to feed the baby in private

" so are you two done yelling about us? Because I'd kinda like to get some food to Adalind before she falls asleep" Mia said in a bitter kind of voice as she headed into the dinning room and made up a plate of food for her as Nick and Kelly looked at her

" you can't go back up there, she has her powers back and that baby is powerful. We were just trying to figure out what to do" he said sensing that her good mood was gone and had been replaced with a tense almost annoyed one, he realised all too late that this would bring up bad memories for her

"I am not leaving her hungry and tired because you have bad history between you two ok? She's needs help and so does her baby, I know that the both the royals and the resistance aren't an option so what are we left with?" she said impressing Kelly with her knowledge on both groups but then again she shouldn't be surprised since she was taught by the council

" well we could hide them both but Adalind would still-" Kelly began to say before all the windows and doors began to slam open and shut as though there was sudden a massive wind blowing through the house

the three of them exchanged a look before running upstairs to the guest bedroom where Mia had left Adalind and her baby. When they got in they noticed that the baby was lying on the bed happily making noises on here but Adalind was nowhere to be seen. Mia didn't hesitate to pick up the baby to give her a much needed cuddle.

" I can't believe she would leave her behind like this... Nick?" she said trying to prevent the baby from getting upset when the baby was suddenly replaced with a pillow, she was a little confused as she showed Nick and Kelly what had happened

" I told you that baby is powerful, we have to get them back" she told them realising that anything could happen to them without someone being there to ensure that nothing happened to them

" where would she go?" Mia said throwing the pillow onto the bed as she flicked her hair out of her eyes as questioned where they should start looking, although knowing Nick he would insist that stayed in the house while they went out looking

" the truck!" Kelly said suddenly realising that she would take the truck they came in to get to a safer place as she ran towards the door, closely followed by Nick and Mia who was thankful she was wearing sneakers for once

To Be Continued.....

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