A Certain Magical Keyblade Wi...


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Waking up in an unfamiliar city, Sora has no idea where he is now. After saving Kairi and bringing her back h... More

Chapter 1: City Lights
Chapter 2: Encountering Misfortune
Chapter 3: Meeting New & Old Faces
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 5: Hospital Friends
Chapter 7: Explanations and Events to Come
Chapter 8: Late Night Fights
Chapter 9: New Day, New Friends
Chapter 10: Eventful Situations
Chapter 11: Light Meets Light
Chapter 12: Challenges That Await
Chapter 13: First Clash of the Night
Chapter 14: Secondo scontro del destino
Chapter 15: Prelude to the Road
Chapter 16: Rising Tensions
Chapter 17: Magical & Scientific Issues

Chapter 6: The Good & The Bad

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright for Kingdom Hearts or Toaru Majutsu no Index Series.


*A/N - Long time no see. Sorry for the long wait. Life really did not go as I thought it would lol. But now that things have calmed down, it's time to get my ass in gear and crank out some chapters. Plus, Sora has a lot to learn while being in Academy City and a lot of new friends to make. I appreciate everyone for checking the story out and hope you are all doing well. With that out of the way, hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to more to come.

P.S. - Happy Holidays and stay safe out there.


Having followed the young and energetic young girl, Sora was now sitting at one of the tables located in the hospital's cafeteria. He was accompanied by Last Order who was gushing about the food today, not including enough sweets, and her sister who was poking at her sandwich that she picked up while in the food line. Sora couldn't help but smile at his two new friends and even chuckled recalling when they arrived at the cafeteria. The two sisters made a beeline straight for the food line, but Last Order trotted back to him and latched onto his jacket. Beckoning him to follow them which is how he came to have a tray of delicious food sitting in front of him.

The whole cafeteria as a whole was really stylish with plenty of space and a large number of people currently in the place chatting amongst themselves. It felt nice to get something to eat as Sora had been through quite a lot in just the morning of the day. Meeting a bunch of new people and then having to deal with a Heartless attack.

Sora couldn't help the chuckle that escaped, "Just another day for me, huh?"

Last Order seemed puzzled by what Sora just said and tilted her head while blurting out her confusion.

"Just another day? Says Misaka Misaka as she is repeating the confusing statement that you made"

"Heh. Don't worry about it. Just me collecting my thoughts. Speaking of..." Picking up the sandwich that was sitting on his tray, Sora took a bite and couldn't help the goofy smile that was plastered on his face while still chewing the sandwich. "This is really good!"

"Is it? This sandwich is a regular concoction created at this here cafeteria. Misaka has had this sandwich plenty of times and isn't sure what you mean by really good. Answers Misaka as she is wondering if something is different about today's sandwich" Misaka 10,032 stated.

"Misaka thinks that your tasting sensors are outdated and need to be updated to taste a delicious sandwich. Says Misaka Misaka as she is criticizing this model's taste buds"

"Or... I think that I'm just really hungry and anything I eat now will just be more delicious" Sora said, interjecting before the two sisters could start fighting over taste.

"That would also be a likely case. Says Misaka as she also agrees with that conclusion"

Enjoying the company, Sora spent the next several minutes finishing up his lunch while also chatting with the two sisters about other aspects of the hospital. He also made sure that if he was around in the evening to stop by the cafeteria for some ice cream. Granted, he didn't ask what flavors would be at the cafeteria, but he had a feeling that his favorite flavor wouldn't be here sadly. However, before he knew it, Last Order seemed to look over at the cafeteria's clock on the wall and bolted up from her seat.

"Oh! He's almost out of his checkup. Says Misaka Misaka as she jumps up and is getting ready to go see him"

Looking over at the clock as well, Misaka 10,032 also realized that the checkup was going to be ending soon. "You appear to be right, Control Tower. However, before you go, you should clean up after yourself and part ways with our new friend here. States Misaka as she is shaking her head at you in shame"

"I was getting to that! Says Misaka Misaka as she is sticking her tongue at you and putting away her tray"

Getting to what she said she would do, Last Order stood up, picked up her tray, took it to where finished trays go, and then returned and stood in front of Sora, who had a smile on his face.

"It was really nice meeting you, Sora! I didn't think I'd get to meet the hero on the tv so soon. I hope Misaka can tell you more about the adventures she's been on later. Says Misaka Misaka as she is happy to have made a new friend"

"Same here, Last Order. It was great meeting you. And I'm sure we'll run into each other sooner or later. Take care and see you" Sora replied.

"Uh-huh! Bye! Says Misaka Misaka as she is now eagerly heading off to her next adventure" Last Order said while taking off and leaving the spiky-haired boy to be amazed at the young girl's speed.

"Misaka knows that she is going to run into a wall. Smirks Misaka as she now imagines that being a real possibility. Heh heh" Misaka 10,032 replied while chuckling at the thought.

"That's not a nice thought... But you're probably right about her running into a wall" Sora told the girl.

"Misaka still finds it funny. Replies Misaka still laughing"

"Has she run into a wall already?" asked Sora.


Sora couldn't help but let a small laugh escape his lips. It was rude to laugh at that but at the same time... it was a bit funny. This led to the two discussing more of Last Order's antics and other incidents that were caused because of her.


Meanwhile, within the same hospital

Misaka turned the corner and began to view the people sitting down in the lobby but to no avail, she didn't see anyone recognizable or anything helpful. Hence, she continued to look around the main floor of the hospital searching for any of the people she had in mind. Either a certain spiky-haired idiot, a frog-faced doctor, one of her sisters, or... the strange boy that fought the monsters. At least one of them should have been here.

Moving to the next room, she waved at one of the nurses who was typing away at a computer. This nurse was someone she befriended over time as she stopped by to visit her sisters in their recovery. Perhaps she could help her.

"Hi, Misaka. What brings you here today? I don't think your sisters have a checkup scheduled today" the nurse said, thinking about if that was the case.

"Hello. I also don't think my sisters have anything going on today. But I am looking for them or their doctor. Have you seen either of them?"

"Hmm. Let's see..." the nurse began typing away looking for Heaven Canceller's schedule. "Ah, it appears that he's seeing someone right now"

"I see, that's all right. But what about my sisters? Have you seen any of them around?" Misaka asked, hoping that they were here.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I have seen one of them"

"Really! Where did you manage to see her?"

"I saw her heading to the cafeteria with someone" the nurse answered, taking a thinking pose as she recalled what happened earlier.

"With someone?" Misaka asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah. She was with a boy that had spiky hair. I didn't get a good look at him, but I saw that she and the boy were heading to the cafeteria"

"Spiky hair... that idiot!" Misaka said, thinking that a certain idiot was with her sister.

"Misaka. That's a bit rude to say"

"S-sorry. But thank you for the help. Take care" Misaka replied, waving at the nurse.

"Thanks. You do the same as well and see you"

Now with an idea of where to go, Misaka made the cafeteria her go-to designation. Just what could that idiot be doing with her sister? She would get to the bottom of it.


Having spent a few minutes walking through the hospital, Misaka finally reached the cafeteria. Now in the directed location of her sister, she got to work looking all over the place for her sister. It didn't take long until she spotted a familiar set of clothes and hair sitting down at one of the tables all alone.

Walking up to the girl, Misaka tapped her sister's shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing here all alone?"

Tilting her head to the side and now seeing her older sister, Misaka 10,032 replied. "Oh? Misaka did not think you would stop by today. Responds Misaka as she is happy to see her sister"

"It's nice to see you too. And why did you not think I would stop by today? I pop in whenever I can" Misaka replied.

"Misaka understands what big sis is trying to say. However, based on what happened on the news today, Misaka figured that you would be busy with your friends helping fight those strange and small-looking monsters. Says Misaka as she is still happy to see you" Misaka 10,032 answered.

"So, you saw the news, huh? Well, I was with Kuroko and the others but... something happened and I'm currently searching for someone"

"Ah, I see... and you figured whomever you were looking for might be here? Misaka asks she is trying to understand your predicament"

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I was looking for your doctor, but he appears to be busy and..." Misaka brought her hand up to her chin and considered asking her sister if she's seen a certain someone. "Hey, you wouldn't have happened to see that idiot today, have you?"

"Idiot? Misaka does not know what you mean. Says Misaka as she has a frown on her face from her sister's rude comment toward someone"

"Err... I-I mean... Oh! You know who I mean!" Misaka exclaimed while having a blush start to appear on her face.


Misaka 10,032 didn't reply and just had a deadpan stare while looking at the brunette girl.

"Really? You don't know who I'm talking about?"

"No. Says Misaka as she has no idea who you are referring to" Misaka 10,032 responded.

"That guy. You know, he has spiky hair and acts like a hero all the time" Misaka explained.

Hearing that description, the clone realized who her sister was talking about. However, before she could say anything someone appeared behind Misaka. Someone that sort of matched the description given by the Railgun.


Hearing that sound, Misaka turned around and spotted the first most distinct feature on the boy. Spiky hair. However, she noticed that the spiky hair was brown instead of black which made her lower her gaze and find her eyes staring into blue eyes. She then began looking at the boy up and down and saw that this wasn't the spiky-haired boy that she was familiar with.

"I take it that you are another one of Misaka's sisters?"

From Sora's perspective, the new girl was an exact side-to-side copy of Misaka aside from not wearing goggles. He was also a bit taken aback by how she managed to describe him. Maybe it was a lucky guess?

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you. And yeah, I'm her sister" Misaka stated while pointing her thumb over at the goggle-wearing girl.

"Hm... are you the older sister? Sora questioned.

"You could say that. But uh... how long were you standing there?" Misaka asked, regretting saying what she said and didn't want to make things even worse.

"I got here when you started talking about the spiky-haired guy who acts like a hero. I also think I overheard you saying something an idiot?" Sora elaborated to Misaka.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean that about you. I was referring to another spiky-haired guy. And he tends to act like an idiot a lot of the time" Misaka explained, feeling embarrassed.

"I didn't think that when I heard what you were saying. Plus, we haven't exactly met before. My name is Sora"

Nodding at Sora's understanding, Misaka let out a relieved sigh. "It's nice to meet you, Sora. My name is Mikoto Misaka, and I take it that you've already run into my sisters" Misaka reasoned.

"Yep. The both of them were a big help showing me around the hospital"

"Correct. We were able to show Sora around to give him a better idea of the layout. Says Misaka as she states happily" Misaka 10,032 added.

"That's great to hear," Misaka then looked over at her sister who had a pleasing smile on her face. "Thanks for doing that"

The Misaka clone only nodded her head with a blank look on her face. She got to take all the credit instead of the Control Tower. Immediately, she alerted the Misaka Network and informed the others, specifically Last Order.

"Well, since we got that out of the way could I ask you something a bit strange"

"Uh, sure. What's on your mind?"

"You were out saving people from the monsters earlier, right?"

Letting out a small sigh, Sora figured that this was going to become a common reoccurrence for him. There must have been many people who saw the news or are now learning about the Heartless and are going to start watching the news and see him there fighting. It was only fair to think that he would have some fans come up and ask him about the attack.

"Yeah, that was me" Sora answered.

Instead of being swarmed with many questions, Sora was met with a strange outcome. Misaka's sister had a calm and collected smile on her face while also pulling out her phone and texting away before turning her attention back to him.

"Sorry about that. I had to let my friends know that you were ok" Misaka replied.

"Ok? Were you looking for me or something?"

"Yeah. You helped save one of my friends during the monster attack"

"Oh. Well, I'm glad she was able to get out of there and find help" Sora replied, feeling happy that he helped.

"We heard from some of the Anti-Skill officers that you were there helping people escape from the monsters and that you had left after the monsters stopped attacking," Misaka said.

"Mm. And you came looking here on the idea that you would find me?"

"It was a bit of a guess really. I didn't know if you had come here or to another hospital"

"Well, you guessed right. So, now what?" Sora asked, unsure if the girl had anything else to add.

Before Misaka could respond, her phone started to make noise causing her to pull it out and see who was getting ahold of her. As if by coincidence it was Kuroko who was texting her saying that the others were relieved to hear that the boy was alive and well. Furthermore, Misaka also read in Kuroko's text that Saten wanted to meet the boy and thank him in person.

"Well, my friends are glad to hear that you're ok and the one who you saved wants to meet you and thank you for saving her" Misaka reiterated.

Sora was taken aback as heard of Misaka's friend's request. It wasn't every day that the people he saved wanted to personally thank him for saving them. Of course, the idea was very thoughtful and made him smile but it wasn't something he was used to. Helping others and seeing that their problems were fixed was what Sora enjoyed most of all aside from visiting new places and meeting all new friends.

"She doesn't have to do that" Sora retorted.

"Nonsense. It's only fair that she at least thanks you for saving her. Plus, my other friends and I would like to sit down and talk with you about the monsters that appeared" Misaka answered.

"Huh? You want to learn about the monsters?" Sora asked, not sure what the girl was getting at.

Misaka 10,032 continued to remain quiet and listened in on the conversation. Now, hearing that the monsters were being brought up she made sure to make note of everything that would be said by Sora seeing that he did fight the monsters and might know something about them.

"I do. Nobody has ever seen them before and now that they've appeared we've been getting reports throughout the Judgement and Anti-Skill radio channels about reports of monsters showing up or being sighted" Misaka explained.

Grimacing at what he was hearing, Sora realized that he had a problem on his hands. If there were more sightings of the Heartless running around then that would mean that they were growing in number which meant that more and more people were losing their hearts. He needed to get back out there and help.

That is what he wanted to say but Sora knew better than to go rushing into the fray once again. For starters, he still didn't know his way throughout Academy City and had no idea where significant landmarks might be. Moreover, he was still not a registered citizen of the city and still had the chance of being thrown out. With that in mind, he figured that the best thing now would be to get back to Yomikawa and explain to her more about the Heartless so that she could spread the word and help others in the city.

However, in that instance, Sora had an idea come to him. Earlier he learned that Judgement and Anti-Skill were forces within the city that helped everyone. And Misaka did just say that she heard a commotion on the Judgement radio channels...

"Hm... Hey, maybe we can both make the most of the situation" Sora commented.

"How so?" Misaka said, confused about what the boy meant.

"Well, we could pick a time later to meet up and I could meet your friend. And maybe you and your friends can help me out with something along with telling you more about the Heartless" Sora explained.

"The Heartless? Is that what they're called?" Misaka asked which got Sora to confirm her question by nodding.

"All right, that sounds like a fair deal. Do you have anywhere you want to meet up specifically?"

"Uhm... the thing is that I'm not exactly from Academy City," Sora said while ruffling the back of his hair.

"You're not? So, are you visiting the city then?" Misaka asked.

"Misaka was not aware of that. Responds Misaka as she is quite interested in the situation" Misaka 10,032 pipped in.

"Err... Kind of. It's a long story but I was with someone who was helping me get officially situated and we were on our way to do so but that's when the Heartless attack happened" Sora stated, making sure to avoid any talk of how exactly he got to Academy City to avoid raising suspicion.

"Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate" Misaka added.

"Yeah, no kidding. But after I get things settled, I would be happy to meet your friends and discuss more about the Heartless" Sora stated.

"Got it," Misaka said while pulling her phone out and seeing what time it was. "Well, Sora, I'm going to be heading back to meet up with them and let them know about the good news"

"Ok. How should we meet up after things have calmed down?" Sora asked, not sure how he would get into contact with the girl.

"Oh? Here, let me give you my number that way once you get settled, we can set a place and time to meet" Misaka said, pulling out her phone.

"Sounds like a plan" Sora replied.

After getting Misaka's phone number and making a note on her new profile, Sora figured that it would be nice to meet new people. Besides, he still hasn't really explored much of the city and there was a lot of ground to cover.

"All right looks like we're all good here," Sora said, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Yep. Well, I'd best be getting back. Take care, Sora" Misaka commented before looking over at his sister. "And I'll see you later, ok"

"Likewise. Says Misaka as she expects to run into big sis soon" Misaka 10,032 replied.

"Hm. See you" Sora responded while waving at the girl.

Nodding at the two's words, Misaka began making her way out of the cafeteria and back to her friends at the Judgement branch they were residing. She had a lot to tell them about the boy that was saving people and fighting those mysterious monsters.

"Heartless..." Misaka muttered, recalling what Sora called the monsters.


Back with Sora in the hospital cafeteria

Seeing Misaka exit the cafeteria and most likely the hospital, Sora figured that he had spent quite a bit of time away from Yomikawa and should head back. Granted, Last Order was nowhere to be seen. He would have to explain what happened to the young girl.

"Hey, Misaka, what are you going to do now?"

"...Misaka does not know. Perhaps Misaka will go after the Control Tower and see what trouble she has found herself in. Responds Misaka as she has a general idea of what's happening with that girl" Misaka 10,032 explained.

"Haha. Right, Last Order looks like she has a bunch of stored-up energy. Always on the go"

"Hm. Agreed. Well then, Misaka is guessing that you'll be returning to the doctor and Yomikawa now. Asks Misaka as she is curious about what you'll do next" Misaka 10,032 questioned.

"Yeah, I'll probably head back. Got a lot of things to get done" Sora answered.

"I see, it was nice meeting you boy from the tv now known as Sora. States Misaka as she is happy to have met you"

"Same here. It was really great getting to meet the Misaka family. Hope we can all get together another time" Sora suggested.

"That would be nice. Says Misaka looking forward to that time" Misaka 10,032 replied.

"Now then, Misaka wishes you well and assumes that you know the way back. Asks Misaka as she is sure you do know the way"

"Yep. I'm all good here. Take care" Sora reassured the Misaka sister.

With that being said, Misaka 10,032 slightly tilted her head and began to make her way out of the cafeteria heading in the same general direction that Last Order went towards. Sora also figured that he should be making his way back to Yomikawa to see what to do next.

"Hopefully nothing too bothersome"


"Wait, does that mean I have to take a test!?" Sora exclaimed, looking exasperated and feeling that he spoke too freely earlier.

Let's take a look at what happened a few minutes before finding out what exactly happened.

After he made his way through the hospital and back into the room that Yomikawa and the Heaven Canceller were in, Sora was confused when he saw the two discussing something while the blue-haired woman was holding a packet of sorts. It also looked like they were having or had a pleasant conversation about something. Maybe they were talking about something regarding him or the Misaka sisters?

"Hey there, I'm back"

"Sora! How was your tour?" Yomikawa asked while looking behind the boy to see if there was anyone else present.

"Great! Last Order showed me around the place, and we even met up with her sister"

"Sister? Oh, you mean Misaka. Figured she'd be curious about you" Heaven Canceller said, opening one of the shelves on the wall.

"Yeah, we met up and introduced ourselves. We then went to grab a bite to eat at the cafeteria and spent some more time talking. After that Last Order said she was going to meet up with someone and parted ways with us" Sora explained.

"Ah, I know where she is then," Heaven Canceller confirmed.

"Mm. Then Misaka's other sister stopped by and was looking for me"

"Other sister?" Yomikawa questioned.

"Yep. She said that she had a friend whom I saved during the Heartless attack and wanted to find me to make sure I was ok. Her friend also wants to meet up later sometime and thank me for saving her" Sora stated.

"I take it then that was Mikoto, correct?" Heaven Canceller asked.

Taking a second to think it over, Sora recalled hearing the sister introduce herself. "Correct. That was her name. Wait, does that mean that Misaka is her last name?" Sora asked, confused if he was calling the sisters by the wrong name.

"You'd be right. Granted, I don't think there's anything wrong with calling any of them Misaka. Well, Last Order might prefer to be called by her name just to be different" Heaven Canceller added.

"That does sound like her. Anyway, I take it that you guys had a nice chat" Sora suggested.

"Yep. And we've got some good news for you" Yomikawa stated while having a smirk on her face.

"Good news?"

"Mm Hm. After we got talking, Heaven Canceller was able to pull a few strings thanks to his contacts" Yomikawa explained while motioning to the doctor to tell his side of the story.

"Well, Yomikawa here informed me about your entire situation and a bit of a rough idea about what you need to get done. And I figured that since you're going to be a vital help to us due to these Heartless, why not help return the favor"

Sora tilted his head hearing Heaven Canceller's words. Help return the favor? What did that mean exactly?

"I called up one of my friends at the Academy City registry and told him about your situation. While there is some small stuff that you still need to get done, I was able to get most of the files that you need to get registered for the city faxed over and processed" Heaven Canceller said, offering a friendly smile to the Keyblade wielder.

"That's amazing! Thank you, sir," Sora exclaimed, feeling a weight leave his body.

"Don't mention it, Sora. I'm happy to help in any way that I can. Especially since you'll be helping us with these monsters and filling us in on what to prepare for to prevent any more people from getting hurt"

"However, there is a bit of a catch" Yomikawa added, getting Sora to raise his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Sora pondered.

"In order to get you fully recognized into the Academy City system and since you are a bit of a mystery there are some tests that need to be conducted" Yomikawa explained.

"And seeing that you're quite the young man I think you have an idea about what tests we're talking about" Heaven Canceller stated for the teen who had an idea, but it didn't sound like a good one.

"Oh no... school..." Sora said while taking a second to process just what that meant. "Wait, does that mean I have to take a test!?"

Fighting the urge to laugh, Yomikawa brought a hand to cover her mouth but still let out a stifled chuckle. Seeing the teen go from a relieved expression to that of a shocked and fearful face was too much. Even Heaven Canceller couldn't help but crack a small smile at seeing Sora's deflated face.

"Unfortunately, in your case, Sora, yes. You will need to take a short general assessment. Just so we know what level your education is not only for academics but also for an idea of what information we can provide to you while you stay in Academy City" Yomikawa reasoned.

Letting out a sigh, Sora couldn't help but see the blue-haired woman's reasoning. Sure, while visiting some of the worlds it was wise to understand the rules or laws that were placed in that specific world. However, Academy City was a very different but unique place in that there was so much that he did not know of. And that ultimately was something that would put him at a disadvantage while being here.

"I... I can see that being vital. *sigh* Ok, what do I need to do?" Sora said, knowing that the sooner he got this done the sooner he could relax.

"Nothing too difficult mind you" Heaven Canceller reassured the Keyblade wielder.

"To make things easier and faster we can have you take the test here. I'll be able to vouch for being your proctor but honestly, the test is just to see what you know or what you'll need to learn while in Academy City" Yomikawa said, motioning to Heaven Canceller who nodded back and picked up the test from his desk.

"Well..." Taking a look a what Heaven Canceller picked up and seeing the test, Sora figured to give it his all along with letting his heart guide him. Guide him to the right answers hopefully.

"Let's get started!" Sora stated, ready to take on this difficult foe.


Back with a certain misfortunate boy in class

The shock of seeing his new friend on the news and fighting against what appeared to be small dark monsters with giant yellow eyes was something that he did not expect at all. And this was coming from someone who has misfortune around him 24/7 that left him in some of the strangest things to ever happen to someone. Specifically, to an ordinary high school student.

However, this left Touma to now deal with a plethora of undivided attention that he did not want to deal with, and he didn't even do anything this time. Thanks to Sora being featured on the news, everyone was asking him a million questions about how the brown spiky-haired was able to do all the crazy things he did to fight back against the dark monsters. Or just who Sora really was and where did he come from. Or another question he constantly got was what level Sora was.

This led Touma to actually focus on the lecture that was being given by Komoe while doing his best to ignore the obvious stares that were directed toward him. At the moment, it seemed like the only person who was not looking to him for answers was Fukiyose. Maybe she was just waiting to ask him questions after the lecture was done. But he wouldn't be able to keep pondering this thought as he suddenly felt something land on the side of his head and into his spiky hair.

Doing his best to make it not so obvious, Touma raised his right arm to his head and felt what was stuck in his hair. A paper airplane. How classic.

Turning to look at the suspected person whom he thought was the one who threw the paper airplane, Touma was staring right at Tsuchimikado and trying to look right at his eyes but could only see the tint of his sunglasses. That idiot and his sunglasses. Who even wears sunglasses inside a classroom?

Consequently, Tsuchimikado returned the attention he was receiving from Touma and merely cracked a smirk on his face while pointing at the airplane. Understanding the blonde idiot's message, Touma flipped the paper airplane over and began to unravel the folded contraption until the paper was all flat. Doing so led to him seeing a message that made his eye start to twitch.

The message on the paper said, "Hi."

It took everything in Touma's willpower to not rustle up the paper and chuck it right at the blonde Delta Force member's head. But he knew that would lead to an abundant amount of misfortune that would be put over his head just from Fukiyose herself for interrupting Komoe sensei. Deciding to let it go, he let out a quiet sigh and went back to focusing on the lecture.

However, just as he was starting to pick up on what Komoe was discussing another paper airplane landed right on his desk without even raising anyone's attention. Puzzled, Touma shot a glance over at Tsuchimikado who still wore a smirk on his face but this time he pointed at the airplane with his index finger and then gave a thumbs up to the wielder of Imagine Breaker.

Opening said airplane, Touma was met with an actual message this time and it was one that made him frown.

"Is he a magician?" was what was said in the paper airplane message.

Touma knew whom Tsuchimikado was referring to as he had also seen the news coverage that showed the brown spiky-haired boy fighting the strange-looking monsters. While using a giant key as a weapon was not something that everyone did; granted, he had seen quite a variety of different weapons that people used to fight with even against himself. But seeing Sora do some crazy things like dodge cars being thrown at him and even sending a bus right at the tornado that was made up of the dark monsters would obviously get people curious.

Moreover, it didn't help that he knew Sora could use magic along with elemental magic. Hence, Touma figured that in a way Tsuchimikado was correct about him being a magician. However, that was not his secret to tell as Sora said himself that he didn't know if magic was a common topic in the city and wanted to keep quiet about it. Thinking more about the subject, Touma decided to give Tsuchimikado a response that would keep him at bay... at least for a while unless he started looking into the boy.

Getting the blonde sunglasses-wearing boy's attention, Touma shook his head indicating a no which was transcribed to the said boy who gave a sharp confirming nod. The next time he saw Sora he would have plenty of questions for the boy. However, that train of thought was diminished instantly as in the corner of his eye he spotted Aogami who had a blank expression on his face while he raised his hand to address Komoe sensei.

"Sensei! Kamijou and Tsuchimikado are passing notes talking about girls in tennis outfits again!" Aogami shouted, earning the entire classroom and Komoe's attention directed to the two boys in question.

"What the..."

"The hell are you talking about you idiot!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed.

"Kamijou... I thought you were paying attention to the lecture today... but instead, you were... talking about inappropriate things... again" Komoe said, tears starting to appear in her eyes.

"You've got it all wrong, Sensei! I was paying attention. It was Tsuchimikado who wasn't!" Touma said, instantly throwing his friend under the bus.

"Wow. Throwing your old buddy under the bus huh Kami-yan? Two can play at this game" Tsuchimikado countered.

"Quiet you, sis-con-loving bastard! I was minding my own business actually paying attention to the lesson and you went and started throwing paper airplanes at me" Touma retorted while having an annoyed expression.

"What do you mean by actually, Kamijou?" Komoe muttered.

"Oh? Pinning all the blame on me huh? Well, Kami, need I remind you that you were actively responding to my messages. Which in a way can be seen as you are the one to initiate the conversation to continue. Hence, you should be the one to blame" Tsuchimikado replied, leaning back in his seat.

"Pfft. Ha-ha!" laughter could be heard coming from several of the students in the class. Especially from a blue-haired fellow who was smirking widely at Touma.

"Seriously Kamijou!?" Fukiyose exclaimed while getting up out of her seat.

Touma couldn't help but feel many emotions circling through his mind at this second. One of which being fear that she would hit him so hard that he would break his desk...again. Moreover, another thought that came creeping into his head was his teenage tendencies when he noticed the girl's well-endowed chest as she started making his way toward him. He didn't even get to chance to think about anything else as he suddenly saw his life flash before his eyes and saw Fukiyose's fist inches away from his face before impact was made.

"Fukiyose! Wait a minute!" Komoe shouted, hoping to save her difficult student.

"Hm? Sensei, you know that these three idiots are just going to distract the class again?"

"Hey! I didn't even do anything this time" Aogami yelled.

"Doesn't matter. Knowing you it was only a matter of time before you also caused a distraction" Fukiyose retorted.

Becoming annoyed by the minute, Touma couldn't help but shake his head. All this started thanks to his idiot friends once again.

"Kamijou. Tsuchimikado. Why were you two passing notes along and not paying attention to the lecture?" Komoe asked, curious about what the two were talking about.

While on one hand, bringing up the topic of Sora was an obvious answer since he was still a hot subject for everyone to ponder. On the other hand, there wasn't much to say about the boy given that Touma didn't know about his abilities aside from the little he was shown. However, before he could comment, Tsuchimikado managed to beat him to it.

"Kami-yan was discussing with me what type of miniskirts were the best for girls. Along with what types of bras match with the skirts" Tsuchimikado answered which left Touma wide-eyed.

Immediately all the girls in the class started to stare right at Kamijou who could only look over at Tsuchimikado who was now grinning at him. Even Komoe had her hand covering her mouth while muttering about what caused him to have such thoughts. Fukiyose also stared at the spiky-haired boy before she started to make her way toward him. Touma could only mutter one last thing and that was his signature catchphrase.

"Such misfortune..."

This was all thanks to the discussion surrounding his fellow spiky-haired friend. Wherever he was, Touma hoped things were at least going well for him.


Back with Sora in the hospital

The sound of the Keyblade wielder's head landing on the desk he was seated at could be heard and even echoed in the room where he was stationed in. It had taken a little longer than expected but he managed to finish the test. Having not been in school for a few years now, Sora was grateful to Donald and Goofy for making him keep up with his education while traversing the different worlds. That painstaking work really did pay off in the end.

"Looks like you're done, Sora," Yomikawa said, seeing the tired boy and even thinking that he looked more tired taking the test than fighting against the Heartless.

"Yeah... I'm finally done" Sora muttered while handing her the test.

"Well, on the bright side, it looks like you're all situated for the moment," Heaven Canceller said as he was looking over some files that were in his hand.

"No kidding" Standing up and stretching his arms and legs, Sora let out an audible groan as he wanted to do anything else other than take another test.

"So, what's next?" Sora asked Yomikawa.

"Thanks to Heaven Canceller, I'd say we've made great progress on getting you registered into Academy City's systems. Speaking of..." Yomikawa replied while looking over at Heaven Canceller and seeing him start typing away at his computer.

The doctor then picked up a tablet that was resting next to him and pointed it at Sora drawing his attention. "Sora would you mind smiling for a second. I need to take your picture"

"Sure thing! Cheese!" Sora replied, posing for the picture with a casual pose.

After tapping away on the tablet for a few seconds, Heaven Canceller picked up what appeared to be a card that had been ejected from his printer. He then handed it over to Sora who looked down at the object and could see that it was an I.D. of sorts with his picture on there along with his name.

"You're all set for now" Heaven Canceller informed the boy who looked up from checking out the card.

"Got it. And thank you once again for all the help"

"My pleasure, Sora. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have another patient that I need to check up on as well as see if Last Order has managed to cause any more ruckus, Haha" Heaven Canceller stated.

"All right take care and see you!" Sora said, waving at the doctor.

"Thanks, doc, I'll probably be back later. You know how it goes" Yomikawa replied, crossing her arms, and shaking her head.

"As a matter of fact, I do know how it goes. Hm. Take care you two" Heaven Canceller said before exiting the room and leaving the Anti-Skill officer and Keyblade wielder alone.

"What do we do next?" Sora asked.

Pulling out her phone and looking at the time, Yomikawa figured that since they pretty much got most of Sora's paperwork done thanks to Heaven Canceller there was no reason to head to the registry building after all. Plus, she probably had some explaining to do to some of her friends and colleagues about what happened today.

"Let's head back to the school. I'm sure you've got some explaining to do to your, as he claims, misfortunate friend. Hahaha"

For a second, Sora was confused about whom Yomikawa was referring to but after thinking about it he instantly knew whom she was talking about.

"Ah, Touma. Yeah, I probably should explain what happened. He's probably getting bombarded with questions about me, heh" Sora said, feeling bad for the black spiky-haired boy.

"By the way, what's the deal with Touma always bringing up misfortune? Is it a catchphrase that he uses? I mean, sure bad things happen but..."

"Oh-ho, it'll be a minute before we get back to the school so let me tell you why I think he says that phrase a lot. Along with giving you some examples of this so-called misfortune" Yomikawa explained while heading out of the room.

Following suit, Sora closed the door and continued to head to where Yomikawa's car was parked while listening to her explanation of Touma's misfortune. And after listening to just a few minutes of Yomikawa talking about him did Sora realize that luck might truly not be on Touma's side.


Inside a Judgement Branch Office

Inside the Judgement branch building, several girls were busying themselves with various things to do. Saten was sitting on a couch while skimming through a magazine that highlighted different types of sports equipment ranging from tennis rackets to baseball bats and tracks and running shoes. Uiharu was typing away at her computer looking into other reports that had been reported on the mysterious monsters that attacked earlier. And Shirai who was staring holes into her phone eagerly awaiting a response from Misaka who said that she was on her way back.

"Oh... where is she?"

"Hm? Uh... Shirai..." Saten muttered, unsure of what to say to the defeated girl.

"It's only been a few minutes, Shirai. I'm sure Misaka is just stopping to get a drink from the vending machine or chatting with someone that she saw while on her way back" Uiharu reasoned.

"And that's exactly why I'm worried! Oh! Knowing my luck, Onee-sama probably ran into that no-good ape of a man and is chatting away with him and forgetting about me" Shirai stated, starting to imagine unthinkable scenarios.

"Um..." Saten had no idea how to respond to what the pigtailed-haired girl just said.

However, before Saten or Uiharu could make a comment on what Shirai said the door to the Judgement office opened revealing a Mikoto Misaka holding what appeared to be a can of tea in her hand. The Level 5 looked wide-eyed and confused about why Shirai was looking at her strangely.

"Huh? Kuroko? What's going on?" Misaka asked, still eyeing her friend's odd behavior.

"Oh! Onee-sama! You're ok!" Shirai shouted all excited at seeing the girl.

Without further delay, Shirai teleported right where Misaka was standing ready to feel the girl's embrace and not let her go when the next thing, she felt was the hard floor on her face. Having become accustomed to the teleporter's antics, Misaka sidestepped the incoming girl and merely watched as she fell face-first into the ground while taking a sip of her drink.

"Anything new come up on the frequencies?" Misaka asked nonchalantly disregarding the teleporter that was muttering onee-sama on the ground.

"Nothing aside from a sighting of the monsters" Uiharu reported.

"We're going to need to stamp a name on the monsters now"

"Oh! Did that boy tell you what they are? What was his name? What's he like? What was his-..." Saten asked.

"One question at a time, Saten. Now, what can you tell us, Misaka?" Uiharu stated, wanting to make sure to note down everything that'll be discussed.

"Before we get to that," Shirai started to say before she teleported right in front of Misaka and latched onto her arm. "Onee-sama, please tell me where you were just now?"

"What? Why?"

"I must know if you were with that... that... man!"

Bringing her free hand to her forehead, Misaka was tempted to shock the teleporter but figured that they had more important things to be focused on.

"No. I was not with that idiot. I just stopped by to get a drink and took my time getting here" Misaka explained.

"Are you sure?"


"Onee-sama, you have the tendency to- "

"Getting back on hand. I was able to find the boy that helped you, Saten"

"What was he like?" Saten asked, leaning forward in her seat and eager to hear what Misaka had to say.

"He was really nice and easy to talk to. I found him at the hospital's cafeteria" Misaka stated to the girls in the room.

"Mm. What did he say when you asked him to meet us?" Saten asked, curious about the response given.

"At first, he was a bit hesitant and didn't think that a meeting was necessary. He was content knowing that you were thankful to him for saving you" Misaka elaborated on the conversation she had with Sora to Saten.

"But after pushing it a little more he caved in and will gladly meet us at a later date" Misaka added.

"Awesome! Thank you, Misaka. *phew* I feel much better knowing that he's all right. Speaking of... what's his name even?" Saten asked, feeling a bit embarrassed talking about the boy and still not knowing his name.

"His name is Sora"

"Sora? How old is he, Misaka?" Uiharu questioned while also beginning to type away on her computer to look up said boy.

"I'm not sure. He did look like he was in high school, but I am not entirely sure. I also know that he's not from Academy City"

"He's not from Academy City?" Shirai repeated.

"That's what he told me. He also said that he was on his way to get registered in Academy City's registry but from what I understand it's pretty complicated to even get a visitor's pass unless you're a parent or guardian" Misaka stated.

"Hmm..." Uiharu made a sound while beginning to type away on her computer. Being proficient at using her resources, she figured she could try and see if Sora was registered as a visitor at the least to give her a better idea of who the boy was.

However, to the flower headband-wearing girl she was met with a confusing sight. There on the computer screen was Sora's profile but the document dedicated to him was glitched out so that there were some aspects unreadable. But the most distinctive feature on his profile was that he was now a registered citizen of Academy City.

"There's no way..."

"Huh? Uiharu is something wrong?" Misaka questioned the tech-savvy girl.

"N-no. Nothing is wrong. Just saw something weird on the Judgement reports" Uiharu responded.

Many thoughts and ideas were swirling around the young girl's head. On one hand, she wanted to bring it up with her friends about how odd it was that Sora was already registered in the Academy City database. But on the other hand, she felt that she should investigate this more and find a definitive answer. Not to mention, Sora did say that he wouldn't mind meeting them all later. Perhaps, she could research more into the boy.

"Oh, ok" Misaka replied, raising her eyebrow at the girl.

"Getting back to the topic at hand, Onee-sama, what else did Sora say about the monsters?" Shirai asked, wanting to move the conversation.

"Sadly, he didn't say much about the monsters. But he did call them the Heartless and said that when we meet up that he'll exchange more information about them" the brunette girl explained.

"The Heartless?" Uiharu spoke aloud.

"Huh. I mean, that does make some sort of sense" Saten said while recalling when she and her friends were in the middle of the attack. She didn't really mention it to her friends but... she remembered seeing a floating pink heart that went toward the sky. And now hearing the monster's name it made sense.

"Hmm. Well, at least we know what to call these things. Uiharu, can you send out a report to all Judgement officers alerting them about what to call the monsters. I'll get in contact with Senpai and let her know of our findings" Shirai stated, pulling out her phone and contacting Konori.

Misaka could only nod and look out through the nearest window and see the clear blue sky. Various thoughts ran around in her head. These monsters... these Heartless. Just what else could these monsters do to cause so much trouble for the city?


Back with Sora

Having had another interesting chat with Yomikawa while heading back to the school, he began understanding even more about Academy City. Things such as what time curfew was but knowing full well that there were people who disregarded the rule. Along with some of the many events that go on in the city and how the train system worked across the different districts in the city.

Without even realizing it, the two were already parked in the teacher's parking lot of the school and could only blink at how fast time seemed to pass.

"Heh. Guess time got the best of us huh?" Yomikawa joked which got Sora to also chuckle.

"No kidding. Now comes the hard part"

"Yeah. We are definitely going to get an earful from everyone. Me more so than you I suppose"

"Nah, I think I'm going to get bombarded with questions. I owe Touma one at the very least" Sora replied, bringing his arms behind his head.

"Well then, shall we head in?"

"Yep. Let's do this"

Ready to face their impending fears the two began heading into the school. However, what the two didn't account for was the several sets of eyes that were poking out of the windows from inside the school. Students familiar with Yomikawa's vehicle spotted the blue-haired woman's vehicle once it entered the parking lot and identified her and Sora arriving. Questions were already forming in the students' minds and without wasting another second they all bolted to their classrooms ready to hear about the gossip that would stem from Komoe Sensei's class.

Making their way through the school, Sora had prepared himself to confront many students who probably already saw the news and spotted him fighting against the Heartless. However, to his and Yomikawa's surprise, no one was in the halls or up front and center and ready to barrage them with questions. This left the older woman to start sweating and realizing that everyone was just biding their time.

"Hey, Sora, I'm going to head to the teacher's lounge. Everyone's back with their homeroom teacher. You should head to Komoe's class"

"Got it. Should I... be worried" Sora asked, offering the woman a nervous smile.


Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Sora nodded to Yomikawa and made his way to the classroom. Yomikawa on her end shook her head and prepared herself for the many comments that would be sent her way for allowing the boy to help fight the monsters.

A few seconds later, Sora was now in front of the classroom door and was prepared to knock on it to let Komoe Sensei know that he was coming in. However, before he could even knock the door opened and there stood Komoe who had a relieved expression on her face.

"Sora! You're ok!"

"Uhh... yeah"

The next thing he knew was that he was now standing in front of the classroom with many sets of eyes all looking right at him. He even spotted Touma who was in the back with his head down on the desk almost like he was asleep. But that idea would be dropped as he saw Touma raise his head and spot him standing up front. The next thing Sora saw was Touma who shot him what looked to be a tired expression along one that could be interpreted as we need to talk later.

"H-Hey everyone! I... I'm guessing you all saw the news?" Sora asked, following the room not saying anything.

That it until every student shot up from their seats and charged right at the Keyblade wielder demanding that he answer questions about what had happened in the monster attack. It was at this moment that Sora had an idea of just what Touma had probably gone through.

'Sorry, Touma. I feel your pain now' Sora internally thought.

Hence, the nonstop questions directed at Sora would begin. Leaving the spiky-haired boy in what seemed like a never-ending interrogation.


Inside a high-end apartment

Mugino Shizuri found many things plain and boring. Such was the way of her lifestyle, having grown up in a wealthy family and getting anything and everything, she ever wanted. Hence, there weren't that many things that truly piqued her interest. Aside from shopping and fine-tuning her wardrobe collection to stylized outfits and the occasional cooking magazine she lived a high expectational life.

Now, however, having received her next job for ITEM she decided to look at the news feed that Frenda wouldn't stop talking about. And what she found got her somewhat interested. There on the television screen was the news coverage of the monster attack and how no one knew anything about the strange-looking monsters.

But that would all change when the appearance of a boy with spiky hair holding what appeared to be a giant key. Just seeing the stupid object almost made her turn the television off and chew Frenda out for wasting her time. However, before she could swear at the blonde the news showed the boy using his key to slash at several of the monsters managing to kill them instantly.

Nothing too interesting but that would all change when the news feed showed a dark tornado and the boy charging right at it. From there the boy managed to perform some impressive movements to reach the tornado. And the next thing Mugino saw was the boy managing to throw a bus at the tornado. To say that the Level 5's interest was caught would be a lie. But that didn't mean that she would cast aside the boy given that he seemed like the only person who knew what these monsters were based on his battle experience that was shown on the news.

However, any research on him would have to wait as Mugino spotted Takitsubo appearing in front of her not saying anything but giving her a thumbs up indicating that the others were ready to depart on their mission.

Turning the tv off, Mugino put the boy to the back of her mind and focused on ITEM's mission. The retrieval of several of these monsters... intact.

"All right. Let's go"


Back at the school

After dealing with the nonstop barrage of questions that were directed at him, Sora finally had a chance to sit down. It took a few minutes of answering all the questions in a simple explanation which didn't exactly help his case.

So many questions that asked him whether he was a high-level Esper or how he was able to fight against the monsters or why he used a giant oversized key. It took the help of Komoe to calm the class down and give him some space to answer the questions. He also made sure to not mention anything of magic and just say that it was all thanks to his Light Manipulation Esper ability.

And once the constant questions came to an end, Komoe got the class back to their seats and asked if Sora could take a seat while she finished lecturing to the students. He gladly nodded and went back to where Touma was sitting and sat next to the boy who had a tired expression on his face. Tuning out whatever Komoe was saying, Sora looked out one of the classroom's windows and got a nice view of the city. So many sights and places to see...

Without even realizing it, Sora felt someone tap on his shoulder and brought him back to his senses seeing that it was Komoe who got his attention.

"Sora, are you ok? You didn't hear me call out to you"

"Oh! Sorry. I was just thinking about some stuff"

"I take it you're thinking about what happened earlier?" Komoe suggested.

"Yeah... I'm guessing that you have some questions"

"I do. But I can ask you about it later. All I'd like to know is if you're ok"

"Mm. I'm good. Yomikawa and I stopped by the hospital to get me checked up and all is good"

"That's good to hear. Now then, Kamijou- "

Hearing his name mentioned, the boy turned to look at Komoe waiting for her to speak. Moreover, Sora looked around him and noticed that only a few students were now in the class. Everyone else must have taken off.

"Seeing that Yomikawa just got back, would you mind taking him with you to gym class where she'll be"

"Yeah. I can do that" Touma replied, standing up and stretching.

"Thank you and I'm glad you're doing well Sora. And I'm sorry for all the attention you'll be receiving" Komoe replied.

"It's all right. I kinda figured that everyone would look at me in the spotlight once the news got out"

"Right... Well, you two best be off"

"Right! Shall we go?" Sora asked Touma.

The misfortunate boy merely nodded and began to make his way to his next class aka gym class with Yomikawa but not before Komoe called out to him specifically.

"And Kamijou, make sure you don't forget about your homework"

Making their way to Yomikawa's class, Touma figured now would be the best time to get some real answers from Sora.

"All right, Sora, mind explaining what happened," Touma asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, sorry about leaving you to deal with the crazy masses"

"*sigh* I'm used to it by now. My misfortune tends to put me into similar situations as today. But what exactly were those monsters?"

"Those monsters are called the Heartless and they go after people's hearts. Not their actual physical ones but more of a magical kind like the light inside you" Sora explained, trying his best to get the point across quicker than the last time he explained this.

"Magical kind? Like magic in everyone?"

"More like the feelings of a person along with the light and darkness you have inside"

"..." Touma could only remain silent as he was having trouble understanding what Sora was saying.

"It's ok if you don't understand it at all. Even I have trouble really knowing what it all means. I just know that... the heart may be weak and sometimes it may even give in but... deep down there's a light that is always with you that never goes out. Something to push you to achieve your hopes and dreams" Sora explained, recalling the past.

"To achieve your hopes and dreams... I guess you could call it a force that lets you live your life how you want it" Touma answered, thinking back to the illusions that people envelop themselves in and how he has helped so many find a new path.

"So, these Heartless as you called them are monsters that go around and take away people's hearts?"

"Yeah. The Heartless can be killed but sooner or later they'll come back since they are manifestations of the darkness in people's hearts"

"Is there any way to completely stop them?" Touma asked, slowly realizing how terrifying these monsters truly were.

"Yes. My weapon, the Keyblade, is the only thing that I'm aware of that can completely destroy the Heartless. They fear my weapon and are drawn to it so that they can kill the one who wields it" Sora explained to the dark-haired boy.

"Haah... that sounds like a lot of responsibility"

"It is. But... I'd rather it fall to me than anyone else. Besides, I'm not alone..." Sora stated, remembering all his friends and how they give him the strength to push forward.

"No, no you are not Sora- "Touma started saying before he was stopped abruptly as he spotted a familiar face making its way toward the two spiky-haired boys.

"Huh? Tsuchimikado? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Yomikawa?"

Now standing a few feet away from the two was Tsuchimikado who had one hand in his pocket and the other on the phone.

"Sorry to butt into your conversation but I'm gonna need you and Sora to come with me Kami"

"Uh... why?" Sora muttered, confused about what was going on.

"Hate to say it, Sora, but you've drawn in a lot of attention in the short time that you've been here. And not any good attention mind you. I take it Kami talked to you about some stuff, right?" Tsuchimikado stated.

"Define stuff" Sora stated.

"I..." Touma said managing to draw the two's attention.

"I didn't exactly tell him about the magic and science sides at odds with each other" Touma claimed.

"Well, mistakes happen. More so with you Kami"


"But putting that to the side. Sora, as you might have just guessed I'm with the magic side" Tsuchimikado announced to the Keyblade wielder.

"I mean, I've dealt with many strangely dressed people so I'm not that surprised your part of a secret organization" Sora stated, starting to become defensive.

"Now that's a story I hope you'll be willing to share later. But for now, you two need to come with me. Don't want unwanted ears to hear what I have to say"

"Tsuchimikado, what's going on"

"To make it plain and simple, a few of our guys and gals on the magic side saw Sora on the news fighting against those monsters that appeared out of nowhere. There was even one down where the attack was and saw everything up close"

"Our spy even saw Sora casting what looked like a spell dealing with lightning against the dark tornado made up of the monsters" Tsuchimikado added.

Hearing this, Sora did recall casting Thunder on the Demon Tide.

"Ok? So why do you need us to go with you? We were told to head to Yomikawa's class" Touma retorted.

"And you two will get there. But for now, Kami, please follow me. We have some things to talk about"

Feeling like he was walking into a whole new set of problems, Sora realized that the sooner he dealt with the blonde's request the sooner he could get back to Yomikawa.

"All right, lead the way"


"If we don't follow him now, then it might become worse over time," Sora replied.

"Fine" Looking over at his friend, Touma had a frown on his face and wondered just what the spy would want. "Where are we going?"

"Glad one of you can see reason. Follow me if you would" Tsuchimikado responded.

Doing as he said, Sora and Touma began following the blonde spy. After a few minutes, the trio found themselves at the school's exit, which made Touma even more worried about what was going on. Looking around and seeing that no one was present, Tsuchimikado made his way out of the building followed by the two and kept walking until they were a bit away from the school.

"Oh. And to ease your concern Kami, we're seeing some familiar faces that only want some questions answered by yours truly" the blonde said while gesturing to Sora.

Frowning at the comment, Sora replied to Tsuchimikado. "I take it that it has to deal with the monsters?"

"Bingo. But not entirely about them. They have some questions about who you are and what not"

Touma couldn't help but feel that he was walking into another conflict involving the magic side and the ringleader was once again Tsuchimikado. However, before he could start chewing out the blonde, he noticed a very familiar girl waiting by the side of a building. The girl had long black hair tied up in a ponytail with a very attractive body that went along with the white T-shirt that was tied at the bottom. She was also wearing a pair of jeans with one side sawed off.

"Kanzaki? What are you doing here?" Touma asked, surprised at seeing the girl.

"Kamijou, I-it's nice to see you again" the girl known as Kanzaki Kaori responded while nodding at the boy.

"Kanzaki here is the one we're meeting" Tsuchimiado stated.

"Strange occurrences truly do find a way of involving you, Kamijou "

"Isn't that the truth..." Touma muttered.

"And I take it that you are Sora?" Kanzaki said, addressing Sora with a mixed expression on her face.

"Yeah. That would be me"

Without saying anything else, the next thing to happen was Kanzaki suddenly pulled out her weapon and aimed it right at Sora leaving the duo and even Tsuchimikado confused about the sudden action. The Keyblade wielder had experienced so much in the little time that he was in Academy City and met so many of the people here. He figured that he would take a page out of Touma's book and use his so-called signature catchphrase.

"Such misfortune..."


Inside a mysterious windowless building located in Academy City

In a dark room, there was a man floating upside down and connected to wires inside a large tube that was filled with red liquid. That man was identified as Aleister Crowley, Board Chairman of Academy City, and he was motionless in the tube with his eyes closed almost seeming like he was dead. However, that couldn't be further from the case.

Suddenly, several monitors seemed to appear out of nowhere and were suspended around the tube that held the man. Each monitor was showcasing news reports about the strange attack that occurred earlier with the mysterious monsters. But that all changed when all the monitors now showed a certain spiky-haired boy holding what appeared to be a giant key fending off the creatures. In all of Aleister's life, he had seen and experienced many things that some would consider impossible or far-fetched. However, there was no denying that what he saw the boy wielding was something that piqued his interest greatly.

Another monitor screen now showed a close-up of the boy allowing Aleister to take in his characteristics. The brown spiky hair, the crown around his neck, the red and grey jacket, and of course, the giant key. Aleister couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face. The plans he was beginning to come up with diminished when another monitor showed another face quite familiar to him.

Kamijou Touma.

The wielder of Imagine Breaker was now with the key-wielding boy. It seemed that Aleister now had a new subject to look further into. And the plans he had foreseen for the future would now definitely include the mysterious boy. For this was an opportunity that he could not pass on.


*A/N - Just what has Sora gotten himself involved in now? Lol. Take care and Happy Holidays. Stay safe everyone and look forward to more.

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