UTØPIA | TomTord |


62K 1.6K 5K

3 - 4 years after The End... "Do you know who will have the greatest impact on this planet? You will. Because... More

The Rise Of Larsson I
The Rise Of Larsson II
The Rise Of Larsson III
The Rise Of Larsson IV
The Rise Of Larsson V
Diurnal Utopia
Nocturnal Utopia
Tonight, We're Gonna Drown
My World, Your World, We're Both The Same
The Hostage
War Norsworthy: I
War Norsworthy: II
War Norsworthy: III
War Norsworthy: IV
War Norsworthy: V
Great War Apollo: I
Great War Apollo: II
Great War Apollo: III
Great War Apollo: IV
Great War Apollo: V
Great War Apollo: VI
𐌵𐌕OP𐌉𐌀 I
𐌵𐌕O𐌐𐌉𐌀 II
𐌵𐌕O𐌐𐌉𐌀 III
Identity Metamorphosis (Complete); Child Of The Harvest
Orian's Game
|| Special Thank You ||
|| LET'S GOOO ||

Utopia Ends

1K 37 85

Tom's POV
Day of Tord's execution.

I gave up.

I cried myself to sleep last night as I realized what would happen.

Tord will die today.

We did make a solid plan but it was too late.

We never got the location.

An inside man from the Purple Base was supposed to tell us where Tord's execution was taking place but he never told us.

He never contacted us again.

Without him, we had no idea where Tord was.

As I laid on the bed hopelessly, I heard someone knock on the door.

I get up and answer the door.

I opened the door to a man, almost around my age, standing there.

He didn't have a Red Soldier uniform on.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"My name is Orian Clearstone, but you can call me Ori," The man said, holding an orange in his left hand

"I know where Tord Larsson is."

I was confused.

"I'm sorry, are you a Red Soldier?" I asked.

"No, I'm with The Children Of The Harvest," The man said.

The man was... Odd.

The way he spoke was bland.

He spoke with no emotion.

"The Children Of The Harvest?" I asked. "I've heard a story about them, but I didn't know they were still around."

"Story?" The man asked. "What story?"

"I can't remember," I said. "Something about the Chinese symbol for rabbit being burnt into Purple Leader's stomach."

"Ah yes," The man said. "I was there."

"You?" I asked. "You were there?"

"That's correct, who do you think burnt it into his stomach?" The man asked.

I was surprised.

"Why would you do such I thing?" I asked. "Can you even imagine the pain he went through?"

The man smiled.

"I don't need to imagine." The man said.

What did he mean?

"C'mon," The man said.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To go find Tord Larrson," The man said before walking down the hallway.

"Wait for me!" I exclaimed as I quickly grabbed the Red Leader coat and put it on.

I closed the door and quickly ran up to the man to catch up with him.

"How do you know where Tord is?" I asked.

"The Children Of The Harvest know everything," The man said.



"What did you say your name was?" I asked.

"My name is Orian Clearstone, but you can call me Ori," Ori said, beginning to peel the orange he had in his hand.

"Okay," I said simply. "Also what did you mean earlier when I asked if you can imagine the pain that Purple Leader went through, and you said you didn't need to?"

Orian then stopped and picked up his shirt.

On his stomach was the Chinese symbol for rabbit burnt into his flesh.

"Y-you're Purple Leader?" I asked.

"No," Orian said. "It's just The Children Of The Harvest's marking."

"Can you... Explain?" I asked.

Orian inhaled, preparing himself.

"I wasn't always like this," Orian said. "I wanted to be a medic."

"But one day, The Children Of The Harvest showed up and took me in, that's when they tortured me, raped me, and eventually brainwashed me."

"Raped?..." I said.

Orian then popped an orange slice into his mouth.

"I don't feel anything anymore, so I don't think of it much," Ori said, trying to lighten the mood.

"How old were you..." I asked.

Orian thought for a moment.

"I was nineteen," Ori said.

"They brainwashed me, made me kill my family, my boyfriend, my friends..."

"They said I was a sleeper agent, that's why I have the symbol burnt into my stomach."

Ori then stopped.

"Look at me chattin'," Ori said, his Scottish accent thickening. "Time's running out, we must find Tord."

Ori entered the elevator and press the button to the underground parking lot.

Once at the Purple Base

"They'll allow me in there once they know I'm with the Children Of The Harvest," Ori said while we planned in the car.

"I thought only a certain amount of people on planet earth know who the Children Of The Harvest are?" I asked.

"That is true," Ori said. "So if they don't know who they are I'll inform them if their families, friends, kids, anything that will scare them."

"And what if that doesn't work?" I asked.

"Well..." Ori said. "Let's not talk about that."

Ori then exited the car and walked to the entrance to what I assumed was the Purple Base.

"ID please," One of the soldiers at the door said.

"Purple Leader knows we're coming, you can just let us inside," Ori said.

"Sorry, sir, but we're not going to do that," The soldier said.

Ori inhaled.

"Your name is Grace Estherian, you are currently married to Joseph Morilan. You have three children, Eva, Eli, and Jacob," Ori started.

"You only work here because it pays you well, you've recently been put into debt and filed for bankruptcy," Ori said.

Ori then turned to the other soldier.

"Your name is Darrel Sanchez, you've been through two divorces and now you are married to a lovely lady, you have one child named Emily, but a couple of weeks ago you had sex with a Jewish prostitute named Ariel Abrams. You're worried that your wife will find out," Ori said.

"Shall I go on?"

The Purple Soldiers both let us inside.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Well, there's a theory of mnemonics-" Ori said before he cut himself off.



"Nevermind, you wouldn't understand," Ori said.

"Yes, I would," I said.

"You wouldn't."

Ori then entered the elevator.

I entered the elevator with Ori and we both headed up to the highest floor.

30 mins later
Pat's POV

It was... Unusual to see Tord vulnerable.

He was tied to a chair that was surrounded by Purple Soldiers.

"Why'd you just let Pau die?" I asked him.

"Well, as you can see he's not dead," Tord said whilst looking at Pau who was standing in the back.

"Yes, but you didn't know that," I said.



"I couldn't risk anything," Tord said. "I understand that it was wrong and all but what's this army's motto?"

"What we do puts us beyond morality?"

Purple Leader then pointed his gun at Tord.

"Eight billion people live on this very-" Tord said before a loud gunshot was heard.

No, it wasn't Purple Leader's gun.

And no it wasn't any of the soldiers either.

Purple Leader collapsed unto the floor as havoc began.

Two people stood at the door, one of them unarmed, that one was... Tom...

The other one I had never seen in my life.

But he held an assault rifle and began shooting at every soldier in the room.

I quickly grabbed Pau and ran to Purple Leader as the Purple Soldiers shot back.

Whoever this guy was, he clearly knew what he was doing.

No shots seem to hit him as more of the Purple Soldiers collapsed.

I kneeled down at Purple Leader quickly and checked where he was shot, the shoulder.

He wasn't dead.

But before I knew it, all the others were.

Each fucking soldier.

How is this even humanly possible?

No man can kill that much that fast and not be hurt.

Pau and I put our hands up as the man began to walk toward us.

The man then pushed me and Pau aside and grabbed Purple Leader by his neck and shoved him against the wall.

Fuck that.

I grabbed Pau and made a run for it and sprinted out of the room.

Tom's POV

"They're getting away!" I exclaimed as Pat and Pau sprinted off.

"It's fine, by the time they get security, we'll be gone," Ori said.

Ori then lifted up Purple Leader's shirt and said, "Look's like I made quite the mark."

Purple Leader then realized who was talking to him.

"You..." Purple Leader said.

With the knife that Ori gave me, I cut the rope Tord was tied to.

Tord gave me a tight embrace.

"You guys are making a mistake!" Purple Leader exclaimed.

"What now Ori?" I asked, completely ignoring Purple Leader.

"Now," Ori said. "We leave."



"What about Purple Leader?" I asked.

"He's coming with me," Ori said. "There's a debt I need to pay off."

Ori then entered the elevator with Purple Leader still at gunpoint.

"What about the other soldiers?!" I exclaimed. "They'll be coming for us, we'll be going right at them!"

"I've worked for the Children Of The Harvest for around ten years, I know what I'm doing!" Ori exclaimed.

"The Children Of The Harvest?..." Tord said.

"It's a long story," I said.

"We'll head to the ninth floor, that floor has nobody because it's only preserved for Purple Leader," Ori explained. "We'll head out the window from there."

"And what if there's no window?" I asked.

"I know the whole layout of this place, there is a fucking window," Ori said.

"And how do you know the layout of this place?" I asked.

"I told you I'm with the Children Of The Harvest, they know everything," Ori said.

We then entered the elevator and headed to Purple Leader's floor.

While waiting in the elevator I said, "Are we going to find out his identity or not?".

"I already know who he is," Ori said.

Tord then looked at me and said "I know who he is and... We can save that for another day...".

"Okay..." I said as the elevator arrived.

In the hallway to his room was a big window.

"Point the gun at him real quick," Ori said as he pointed at Purple Leader.

I pointed my gun at him as Ori started smashing the window with his rifle.

"And who the fuck are we supposed to get down?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up with all your questions, will you?" Ori said. "I know what I'm doing."

"Every window in the place has an emergency exit ladder attached to the wall, we'll just climb down in," Ori explained.

And he was right, there was a ladder attached to the wall.

We all began to climb down one by one.

Ori still held Purple Leader at gunpoint from above as he climbed down.

Purple Leader only used one hand because the other arm was shot.

Once we were all on the ground Ori grabbed Purple Leader and walked him to the car.

We all reached the car without being caught and we all got in.

Ori began to speed off.

Ori told me to hold Purple Leader at gunpoint as he sat in his seat.

Ori did not like Purple Leader one bit.

As we drove back to Red Base Orian began to talk.

"The Children Of The Harvest made a plan recently," Ori said. "They said they will 'fat man' the Red Base," Ori said.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I laughed.

I looked at Tord who looked horrified at Ori's statement.

"Tord, what's wrong?" I asked, still holding Purple Leader at gunpoint.

"Fat Man as in?..." Tord said.

"Mhm," Ori answered.

"I'm confused, as in what?" I asked.

"You failed history class doesn't you?" Tord asked.

I shrugged.

"Fat Man was the name of the nuke that the Americans dropped on Nagasaki during World War Two..." Tord said.



"Good," Purple Leader said.

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ori yelled violently at Purple Leader.

"T-They're going to nuke the base?..." I asked.

"They were going to," Ori said. "But not anymore, there was a change in plans."

"And why are you telling us this?" I asked.

"Just to let you know," Ori said simply.

Once at the Red Base

"Okay, it's been delightful but I have my own things to handle," Ori said as he dropped us off at the Red Base.

"Okay, thanks for everything," I thanked Ori.

"You're welcome," Ori said as he rolled up his window and put Purple Leader in the front seat.

The car sped off.

I looked at Tord.

Tord couldn't hold it in anymore and plunged in for a kiss.

His tender lips pushed against mine as he hugged me.

I've been waiting for that.

It looks like...

Everything will be okay.

This pleasant chapter is 2045 words long, making this chapter the longest chapter in this book.

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