His Mia

By obsessive_writer0

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Mia Rives 18 year old Mia lost her parents in a tragic accident when she was 15. She found herself in an abus... More

Chapter 1: Interview
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Eyes
Chapter 5: Lying
Chapter 6: Pain
Chapter 7: Butterflies
Chapter 8: Beating
Chapter 9: Kiss me
Chapter 10: Embarrassing
Chapter 11: Nightmare
Chapter 12: Sparks
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Bleeding
Chapter 15: Love
Chapter 16: Heartbreak
Chapter 17: Listening
Chapter 18: Apologies
Chapter 19: Talking not touching
Chapter 20: Art
Chapter 21: Healing
Chapter 22: Beach house
Chapter 23: Pleasure
Chapter 24: Leaving
Chapter 25: Threat
Chapter 26: Hospital
Chapter 27: Home
Chapter 28: Please
Chapter 29: Tell her
Chapter 30: Party
Chapter 31: Cheater
Chapter 32: Mind
Chapter 33: Forgive me
Chapter 34: Need you
Chapter 35: Truth
Chapter 36: Afraid
Chapter 37: Destroy her
Chapter 38: Best Option
Chapter 39: Weeks
Chapter 40: Tests
Chapter 41: Surprises
Chapter 42: Wake up
Chapter 43: Living
Chapter 44: Future
Chapter 45: Baby

Chapter 4: Fun

54 1 3
By obsessive_writer0

Warning: mentions of abuse⚠️

Mia's Pov:

"I can believe I let you drag me into this." This was a bad idea. I can feel it. Not only because of Elliot but because I know I am going to fall head over heels for this boy and it's going to make shit complicated.

"Aw come on Rives it's going to be fun, I need to get you out of your bubble, live a little." He says slinging his arm around my shoulders. The way he says my last name sends shivers throughout my entire body.

He's taking me to Walmart after closing to take a shopping cart and push each other around in it! What if we get caught or something? What if Elliot finds out and gets angry?
"Aiden, I really don't think I wanna do this." I say desperately. He turns to look at me and cups my face.
"Mia it's okay, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. It's okay I promise." He says softly while running his fingers along the mark on my jaw. My breath hitches when he pulls me into a hug. This feels so nice, no one ever hugs me. "Iv been wanting to do this since the first day I met you." Which was only a week ago. I can't believe I let him drag me to do this after a week! I need to calm down, he's not like Elliot. He's kind. Breath Mia.

I wrap my arm around his torso as his come to wrap around my upper back, the height difference between us makes this easy. "How tall are you" I blurt out. I have no idea why but I just did. Curse you brain.

He laughs and makes me look up at him, with my chin wresting against his chest. "I'm 5'9 angel" he smiles. Angel. I like that. "How about you?" He questions back.
"I'm 5'2" I pout, he laughs. He doesn't say anything back just grabs my hand and drags me to the cart section. "I can't believe I let you do this" I repeat my earlier words.
"Didn't seem to put up much of a fight when I asked"
"I thought It would be different" i explain.
"You think to much Mia, don't think just do alright?" He asks. I nod my head with a still uneasy look but try to get in the cart anyway.

As I'm trying to pull myself in I hit my torso on the side of the cart and let out a yelp. Elliot gave me a few new bruises last night because I didn't want to sleep with him. He kicked and kicked until it was hard to breath.

"Woah you alright" Aidens concerned eyes meet mine, for a moment I think about telling him, but then I know nothing good would come out of it. He's probably stop being friends with me, no one wants to be friends with the girl who lets her boyfriend beat and force himself on her without a fight. It's hard to walk away from him though, he's all I have and he loves me.
"Yeah I'm fine, it just pushed in my stomach a little." I lie, he doesn't look like he buys it. He steps closer and grabs the bottom of my shirt, I know I should stop him but maybe I want him to see.
Aidens eyes show nothing but concern as he silently ask for permission to lift my shirt, I nod but as he begins to uncover the bruises I grab his hands to stop him.

"Stop. I'm okay, it's okay let's just continue with are fun" I slightly smile at him to show him it's okay. He doesn't look happy about just letting it go but he does.

Once I get in the cart Aiden gives me the most adorable smile iv ever seen. "Ready angel" I turn to him and give him a nod and smile. He doesn't hesitate to take off running.

The breeze feels nice on my skin and for a moment I think about what it would be like to be like this with Aiden every night, just me and him. Not having to worry about if Elliot's texting me or if he's angry at me for something. I wish it was easy to leave him, Im just so scared of what he's capable of doing. Maybe with Aiden I can figure something out but I don't know if I want him to know about what Elliot does to me, what will he think of me? Will he think I'm disgusting, or ugly because of all the scars and bruises I have? Will he not want to be my friend anymore?
Im brought out my thoughts when I feel a tear slide down my face, followed by more. Aidens no longer pushing the cart he's standing beside it hunched over with his hand to his chest.

"Aiden are you alright?" I jump out of the cart and put my hand to his back. What's happening?

He looks up at me and there's pain in his eyes, physical pain? I'm not sure. "Y-yeah I'm good just think I ran to fast." He chokes out and tries to give me a smile. He's lying. I can see it on his face.
My brows furrow in confusion as to why he'd lie, he clearly doesn't want to tell me so I let it go and suggest he gets in the cart. He didn't argue and gets in.

I push him through the parking lot and we're laughing like crazy people. This is the most fun iv had in years. And for a moment I realize I wasn't thinking about my parents or Elliot. It was just me and Aiden.

As it starts to get later I suggest we call it a night and go home.

"No, how about we go get something to eat at the cafe? Or anywhere you want" Aiden breaths out getting out of the cart. He looks so sad, like he doesn't want to go back home yet. To be fair neither do I so I agree. We end up going to the cafe to get some food.

"Are you still in school?" Aiden asks me.
"I was but after sophomore year I dropped out. It was hard without my parents." I explain. I haven't told him much about my parents, just that they passed when I was 15. "Are you in school?" I tilted my head to the side a little to show him I was interested.
"Um no my parents pulled me out about 2 years ago after my-" he cuts himself off, he looks down and starts to fiddle with his jacket sleeves. He looks like he's in thought about what to say next.

"If you don't want to tell me why you don't have to Aiden, it's okay" I assure him but he speaks up anyway.
"I lost my sister when I was 17. After she died my grades started dropping and my parents pulled me out of school, they said is was useless because I would never be anything in life." His voice shakes at the end and it breaks my heart.

I stand up and walk over to him I pull his face up to look at me and see he's trying to hold back tears. He wraps his arms around my waist a pushes his face into my stomach, I wince trying to hold back the spark of pain it sent through my body and just hold him. I feel like I'm doing Elliot wrong but this feels so right. Holding him while he's vulnerable. Our moments interrupted when my phone starts ringing. I pull back and look who's calling me.

Elliot. I answer it

"Hey what's up" I try to sound like I'm tired so he doesn't suspect anything.
"Where the fuck are you at Mia" he spits through the phone.
"I'm at home in bed" i lie to him and look over at Aiden who's giving me a confused look.
"Don't lie to me, I went by your house and your not there, so where the fuck are you at 2 am?" He demands an answer. What do I do? If I lie more the more trouble I'm in. Fuck. What do I do.
"Okay I'm at the cafe, I worked a late shift and was just about to head home" I lie again, well sort of a lie.
"You're gonna see what happens when you lie to me Mia. I'll be there to get you soon" before I can say another word he hangs up.

Panic, full fledged panic fills my chest. He's coming here, and I'm here with Aiden. Aiden notices my tense panicked form and stands up. "Mia what's going on are you okay" he gently touches my cheek and I flinch away, not because I thought he'd hit me but because if he touches me I'll lose focus and my focus is getting him to leave. I knew I shouldn't have come out with him.

"Aiden you need to go" I beg him. He needs to leave.
"What? How are you going to get home, I brought you here." He's confused, which is not what I need right now. If I tell him Elliot's coming he'll stay, he doesn't like him and he won't want me to be alone with him if he had the option to be here.
"Aiden please, I'll walk home or call a taxi, just please leave." I'm desperate now, begging him to leave. He can see I'm panicking but he doesn't seem to care enough to leave.
"Mia what the fuck? Tell me what's going on." He demands. I can't do this, I have to make him want to walk away. I have to do something.

"I don't want to hangout with you anymore Aiden" I try not to sound hurt by my words even though my chest is starting to ache from the look on his face. He looks so hurt, like I just ripped his heart out.

"What? Did I do something? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He's trying to get an answer out of me, we don't have time for this, Elliot will be here any minute. I need him to go now.

"I just don't want to be your friend, so please leave and don't contact me again." I say sternly hoping he'll let it go and walk away. He looks between both of my eyes before letting out a scoff and nodding his head.
"Fine, enjoy your life" he mumbles as he walks away.
Fuck. I hate Elliot so much, all he does is control my life.

As soon as Aiden drives off Elliot pulls up outside the cafe. I slowly get in the car expecting a beating but all he does is give me a disgusted look and drives off. When we pull onto my rode Elliot says something.
"You know I love you right?" Does he? I know I can't ask him if he's serious because then he'll just hit me so I just sit there. He grabs ahold of my jaw when I don't answer him making me whimper in pain at the grip he has on it and screams in my face "Answer me when I speak to you whore" he demands.
"Y-yes I know" I sniffle and he pushes my head away from him.

It's quite the rest of they way besides when he calls me a dirty name under his breath. Once we pull up to my house he tells me he has more important things to do then stay with me so he's leaving. Not that I'm complaining, I'm relieved he's not staying.

After I shower and I'm laying in bed my mind keeps going back to Aiden, the look on his face when I told him I didn't want to see him again is all I can see. I wish I could just explain everything to him. So he knows I want to be his friend I just can't.

I think about texting him but I know that would make things more complicated, he probably doesn't even want to speak to me anyways. I'm such a worthless person. All i do is cause people pain, I'm just another thing to worry about.

As I'm finally dozing off my phone pings. I know who it is, I can't reply back. I shouldn't even look at it but I can't help myself.

Aiden: Mia please tell what I did. I'm sorry if I offended you somehow. Please talk to me.



Okayyyy okayyyyy!!
What are your thoughts??
Screw Elliot, he'll get what's coming to him soon 🫢
What do we think of Aiden and Mia's relationship so far?

A vote is appreciated🤍

Leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments.
Hope you enjoyed reading📚

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