The Cheated Good Son (Depress...

By LittleClayishIce

241K 4.8K 2.7K

Arata Atsuko, a 18 year old 2nd year highschool student was living a normal happy life, having a loving famil... More

Chapter 1: The Horrid Truth
Chapter 2: New Friend
Chapter 3: The Three's Worries
Chapter 4: The Break-Up
Chapter 6: Absolute Teasing And Too Much Teasing
Chapter 7: Motivations
Chapter 8: A Body's Natural Reaction
Chapter 9: Letting Anger Out
Chapter 10: The Nostalgic Past
Chapter 11: Anger Limits
Chapter 12: LET THE RAGE OUT!!!
Chapter 13: 2 Fights, 2 Knockouts
Chapter 14: I Hate You
Chapter 15: Advances
Chapter 16: Kidnapping
Chapter 17: Training
Chapter 18: Training Pt2
Chapter 19: The Crazy Flasher
Chapter 20: All Out War
Chapter 21: All Out War (2)
Chapter 22: Winning Team
Chapter 23: Back to Normal...and to School
Chapter 24: School Drama
Chapter 25: Problems In School
Chapter 26: Back To School Problems
Chapter 27: Back To School Problems Pt.2

Chapter 5: Regret? Maybe

15.3K 301 192
By LittleClayishIce

" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
[ ]:Texts
Arata's pov:




*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ri-Smack*

Arata:"Ngghh..." I groaned in bed.

It was now the day after I broke up with my cheating girlfriend Rei. Not gonna...kinda bitter sweet feeling. It was currently about 6 in the morning as I groggily smacked my clock with my hands.

Arata:"*Yawn* Good morning, single me." I greeted myself as I stretched my arms.

I then sit up straight on my futon, which revealed my skin colored pajamas with bron stripes as I stretch my arms upwards again and let out a huge yawn for the second time.

Arata:'Well, time to get ready for today.' I said to myself.

I stood up and got out of my futon as I then arranged the sheets and put back the futon on where I kept it when I'm not using it. Which was the closet.

I put away my futon and in the same time, I take out my usual clothes I wear.  Which was just a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I'm not planning on going anywhere so these clothes are suitable.

After that, I leave my room to take a bath. But as I open the door, I accidently bump into my sister, Reiko.

Reiko:"O-Oh! Go-good morni-"

Arata:"Hmm. Good morning." I cut her greeting with my own.

After that, I pass by her and continued to walk towards the upstairs bathroom with my change of clothes, but I was suddenly stopped by her grabbing my hand.

Reiko:"Umm...Otouto...let's talk...." She said in a desperate voice.

The desperation in her voice...she probably found out about my break up yesterday. If so, she probably thinks about I know about the affair with the three of them and Toru.

Arata:"...*Sigh* Fine." I reluctantly agreed.

If I plan to live with them until Sachiko is of age, I need to atleast show that I atleast tolerate them. A quick talk should be fine and I could get something out of this.

Reiko:"S-so...I heard you...broke up with Rei yesterday..." She reminded me about yesterday.

Arata:"Yeah...we..weren't meant to be...I guess." I responded.



And just like that, an awkward silence appeared. We didn't talk in about 23 seconds as she looked away with an expression of awkwardness and a hint of fear as I stare at her with a seemingly cold face, that hints to a bit of awkwardness.


Arata:"...*Sigh* She...cheated on me." I said to her.

Reiko:"She...oh..." She merely responded with an oh.

Arata:"Look, I just wasn't enough for her okay? I...just need some alone time...Get things in order." I requested.

To be honest, I'm giving her an opportunity here. If I keep giving her subtle hints about me finally knowing about Rei's cheating, she'll be inclined to ask about the messages.

Reiko:"Umm...otouto....can I ask a question?" She requested.

Arata:"...What is it?" I asked her.

Reiko:"...What made you prove she was cheating?" She finally asked.

Arata:'Got her.' I said in my head.

This is my chance. If I feign ignorance and tell her that I just only saw Rei and Toru's messages, excluding her and mom, they'll probably stop being wary of me and continue our facade of being happy for Sachiko's sake.

Arata:"I...saw there messages....Toru...sent a pic and...captioned her to visit him." I answered with my hand covering my face.

Reiko:"Oh! Otouto, don't cry!" She said, to comfort me.

And then, as I began to make sobbing noises, she got closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. I couldn't help but felt a bit...angry at this. The only reason she approached me this time is to see if she was caught or not...but I need to drag it out.

Arata:"....Re-Reiko..." I stuttered her name.

Reiko:"Shhh...It's okay...Onee-chan is here." She said to comfort me.

Arata:"Hai...Reiko." I said her name instead of Onee-chan.

Reiko:"I...I'm here...for you..." She said with a hint of regret.

It's a bit too late for that, Onee-san. I hurt myself from cutting out Rei from any future happenings in my life. I'm not about to let that go to vain by sparing you and mother...Well, until Sachiko is old enough.

After a while, she finally let's go and looks at me with a regretful eyes.

Reiko:"I...hope you feel better." She said to me.

Arata:"...Hai." I merely answered as I turn around to go downstairs.

Reiko's pov:

After Arata finally left upstairs, I let out a huge huff of relief as I fall to the ground and sat there.

Reiko:"Arata...I'm sorry." I said in regret.

I...didn't think about what would happen to Arata if he found out. Now I do. Seeing that he would be this distraught just finding out his girlfriend was cheating on him finally made me realize it. God, just what would happened if he found out about us...

I asked him some subtle questions if he knows about my affair with Toru and thank god he doesn't. This gives me the opportunity to make it up to him. I need to start being a real big sister...before it's too late.

Reiko:"Right! Let's do this!" I said to myself.

With newly found goal to make things right. I stood up from my sitting position and recover on my feet as I took out my phone. I then looked up Toru's number.

Reiko:[Toru, we need to meet up.] I texted him.

And so, I plan to wait for his response and to my surprise, he immediately replied back.

Toru:[When? And which hotel?] He replied with questions.

Reiko:[No. No hotels! Just meet up. At the cafe near the college. This afternoon.] I replied.

Toru:[Woah! Demanding...I like you more than Rei already.] He replied.

Reiko:[Just meet me there.] I replied.

After that, I look away from my phone and put it back in pocket as I began to go back downstairs.

Reiko:'Don't worry Otouto! Onee-chan's gonna be there for you from now on.' I said to myself, determined to make things right.

Arata's pov:

After my little talk with Reiko. I managed to finally get myself a hot shower as I get out onto the bathroom and wrap a towel around my waist to cover myself.

I then grab my clothes and start changing clothes inside the bathroom. After that, I leave the bathroom to see Sachiko and mom on the table, eating.

Nana:"Ah! Arata. Join us after changing, okay?" She suggested.

Arata:"...Sure." I responded as I walk towards the stairs.

I continued walking and went up the steps and onto my room as I was about to change into my clothes, well until a got a sudden phone call.

Arata:'A call?' I asked myself.

I wasn't expecting a call. I certainly didn't owe anyone money so I don't have to worry about loansharks...Am I forgetting something?

Anyway, I'm sure I didn't do anything wrong. So, I grab my phone on my desk which I left there and checked to see who was calling. It was Hiromi, but I don't know why she's calling me. Nevertheless, I answered the call.

Arata:"Hello, Hiromi?" I asked.

Hiromi:"Arata! Good morning!" She greeted through my phone.

Arata:"Umm...good morning too, Hiromi. But, why'd you suddenly called?" I asked her.

Hiromi:"Nothing much, just wanted to greet my friend a good morning!" She answered in an energetic way.

Arata:"Uhh...thanks." I thanked her.

Hiromi:"Anyway, what are your plans today?" She asked.

Arata:"Nothing really. Just stay at home and probably play with my little sister." I answered.

Hiromi:"*Gasp!* You have a little sister!?" She shouted through the phone.

Arata:"Uhh...yeah?" I answered.

Hiromi:"I wanna meet her! I wanna meet her if she's your little sister!" She replied.

Arata:"Why?" I asked her.

Hiromi:"I mean, if she's like you, I'm sure she must be as cute as you are!" She complimented me.

Hearing this made me flustered as my face got red, making me nervous. Such a sudden pick up line.

Arata:" shouldn't say things like that..." I said, nervously.

Hiromi:"But it's the truth!" She said, making me more flustered.

Arata:"Sti-still, you shouldn't." I made it clear.

Hiromi:"Fine, fine. Anyway's, can I come over?" She asked me. can, bu-"

Hiromi:"Great! I'll see you there!" She said as she hung up.

Arata:"Wait! Do-...." I was cut off as she hung up on me.

Oh my god! Hiromi's coming! Wait, how does she even know where I live?

...Nevermind that, but I need to stop this. If she comes and visits with all of the drama currently happening, I don't think she'll want to be friends anymore!

Arata:"What am I gonna do!? What am I gonna do!? What. AM. I. GONNA. DO!?" I shouted as I panicked like a crazed maniac.

As I began to panic some more, my bedroom door suddenly opens to see Sachiko come in, with tears in her eyes.

Sachiko:"Onii-chan! Are you okay!?" She said running towards me and immediately hugging me.

Arata:"Sa-sachiko?" I said in a confused tone.

Sachiko:"I-I *sniff* I thought you...were in danger...s-so..*sniff*" She said while crying.

Haaah...I guess I...overreacted a bit. Hiromi visiting may not be that that I think about it. But...I don't want her to get involved in this drama I'm currently on.

Better yet, I need to apologize to Sachiko. She got so worked up over me screaming at the top of my lungs.

Arata:"Shhh...Sachiko, I'm okay. You're Onii-chan is okay." I said to comfort her.

Sachiko:"Bu-but you we-"

Arata:"I'm fine, see? I'm just worried, is all." I reassured her.

Sachiko:"N-no, you weren't fine! You scre-screamed a-a-and yo-"

As she was talking, I suddenly cut her off with a hug, making her snuggle on my still bare chest, seeing as I still haven't changed.

Arata:"Shhh...It's okay Sachiko. I'm fine. I won't be hurt if your still here, with me." I said to reassure her.

Sachiko:"*Sniff* promise?" She asked.

Arata:"I..." I hesitated.

I...don't want to break her heart by not following a promise. Promise may be a proof to your close bond to each other, but as well as a potential gateway to a bond breaking, but for now....

Arata:"I...promise." I accepted.

With that, Sachiko was finally calming down as I wipe her tears from her eyes.

Arata:"Now, how about you wait downstairs. Onii-chan still needs to change, okay?" I requested as she nods.

Sachiko:"O-okay. Stay safe, Onii-chan." She replied.

With that, she goes outside and closes the door, leaving me alone to finally change.

Sachiko's pov:

Yay! Onii-chan is okay! I'm really happy! Though I want to be with him all the time! Only Onii-chan ever plays with me while mom and Onee-chan just does anything they want.

But what I don't like is how they invite that rude guy friend they have. I always hear rustling at the rooms, kitchen, living room and the bathroom whenever his around and I don't like it.

As I leave his room with a reassured smile. I suddenly hear the doorbell as I rush towards it to open the door first.

Sachiko:"I'll get it!" I said happily.

I run down the stairs and immediately went to the door. I arrive infront of it and open the door, revealing a really beautiful girl.

Sachiko:"Hello! Who are you?" I asked.

Hiromi:"Ahhh! You must be his little sister! Nice to meet you!" She replied.

Sachiko:"Hah! Who are you!?" I asked her again.

Hiromi:"Sorry. Hehehe. I'm Hiromi. I'm here for your Onii-chan!"


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for chapter 6.


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