My Darling | Theodore Nott

By Maebelletree

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"You love me?" Said Theo. "Is there a problem with that?" "No. Not at all, my darling." Said Theo, kissing he... More

Theodore and Madelena
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four
Year Five (I)
Year Five (II)
Death Eater
Year Six (I)
Year Six (II)
Holy Days
Year Six (III)
Without You

Te Amo

4.7K 138 202
By Maebelletree

Theo did not know what 'Te amo' meant.

He did not know how it rationalized much of anything. Only that it did. Theo had been avoiding requesting a translation because his ignorance brought bliss. It could mean whatever he wanted it to,

I'm yours was his personal favourite,

He turned his ring over between his fingers before sliding it back on, eyebrows furrowed as he gazed out the window in History of Magic.

Maddie was in the other section. He sat next to Blaise in this class.

He felt ashamed to admit as he learnt Spanish he had skipped simple verbs. Theo turned his ring over again. He should give Maddie a ring soon.

He would have one made for her. She wore gold. But Nott colours were dark green, violet, and silver.

He had decided on a purple gemstone- nearly blue to match her house colour. It was the metal of the band which troubled him.

He did not know if Maddie was familiar with British pureblood courtship but to go more than four weeks without a ring was an insult to the witch.

Celestia had never let Theo hear the end of it. Theo had stalled. She had never gotten a ring.

Theo glanced at the time.

The bell rang and he bid Blaise farewell, he had a meeting with Madam Pomfrey in fifteen minutes. He liked to arrive five minutes early in case a horribly inconsiderate student had a medical emergency and their meeting was cut short.

Theo's pace was brisk down the hallway, his impassive face concealed a grimace as he passed couples in the corridor,

They looked like they were attempting to eat each other as they snogged, It disgusted Theo. Theo's stomach turned in knots as he thought of someone watching him fumble with his words as his heart beat for Madelena,

He felt nervous. Theo was not entirely sure how to be in a relationship only that he did not wish to go about it like his classmates with their mindless snogging in the halls, and classless claims to each other,

Maddie was his now. She spent her Sundays with him and rested her head on his shoulder when she grew tired and allowed him to take her hand when he wanted to, she wore his jumper, smiled whenever he entered a room, and would look to him whenever something humorous happened in class to share it with him. Theo would not lose her.

He stepped into the infirmary, passing the beds and knocking on the door to Madam Pomfrey's office, she was prepared for him, adapted to Theo Standard Time,

"I will not be here Saturday afternoon," Theo said, sitting down in Madam Pomfrey's office as she made up the schedule,

"Might I ask why?"

"I have a date."

Madam Pomfrey paused her scribbling in the agenda and looked up at him. The crow's feet at the corners of her eyes betrayed her smile before her mouth did,

"Well," she said, leaning back in her seat, "Miss Noceda is it?"

"How did you know?"

"I am old. Not blind," Said Madam Pomfrey, Theo nodded, he unbuttoned and rebuttoned the cuff of his sleeve, "She is lovely, Mister Nott, now you treat her well,"

Theo nodded, "She is, she is very lovely,"

"Would you like to schedule a practice exam?"

"Yes," Theo replied, coordinating it with his datebook.

"I finished your letter of recommendation for the training program at St. Mungos. While I commend your talent and commitment, do you not wish to try something else before you decide to be a healer?"

"I know what I want," Theo informed her. "I want to do good."

Theo did not want a life like his father's. He did not wish to be reliant on Nott family money for the time it took his father to draft a betrothal contract. He wanted wealth and acclaim. Healers could make a healthy living anywhere Maddie decided to be an artist. He wanted Maddie to want for nothing.

"Well then, let's just see about that training program, Hmm? They'd be lucky to have you, Mister Nott."

Theo thought about his future quite frequently. He wondered if Maddie would be averse to living in Spain.

He understood it was not close to home for her but she spoke the language and he did not wish to be in Britain or apart from her. He would apply across Europe, perhaps even America (safety schools).

Theo left the infirmary and walked to Quidditch practice. He wondered where Blaise might end up.

Hopefully nearby.

Theo spotted Draco down the hall, he turned into a corridor to his left to avoid him while he could before they were forced together for all of the practice. 

Draco was increasingly worn from the demands of the dark lord. Theo did not understand it. He would have been finished with Dumbledore months ago. 

Theo certainly could not risk poor marks by being distracted throughout exam season. 

He spotted Maddie sitting in the courtyard cross-legged on a bench. Her back was to him but he could see the hem of his jumper.

He would never waste an opportunity to speak with her,

He approached, Maddie was holding a small twig-like creature, and had sacrificed one of her gloves to make the little creature a small jacket.

The creature noticed Theo before Maddie did.

"Oh, Theo, how wonderful to see you," said Maddie, hiding her guilt with a smile, "how are you?"

"Theft is illegal."

"I know. That's why I never, ever do it," Maddie replied, her eyes returning to the small creature.

"Is it a bowtruckle?" Theo asked, the animals were uncommonly rare and timid little things,

"I have never seen or heard of this bowtruckle you speak of in my life," Maddie said nodding,

"Who is this then?"

"My name is Madelena, honestly, mi vida, I thought we'd covered this by now," Maddie said with a heavy sigh, Theo sat down on the bench next to her. He could be a little late. He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen into Maddie's face behind her ear.

"I'm having a ring made for you would you prefer a silver band or a gold one?"

"A ring?"

Theo nodded. "It is tradition."

"Like a promise ring?"

Theo nodded. Maddie's eyes fluttered away and she smiled sweetly, her cheeks warming with a blush before she even managed to meet his eyes again.

"Gold?" He asked, she nodded, "He looks like a Martin." Theo observed looking at the Bowtruckle. He checked the time on the large clock overlooking the courtyard. He was about to be late. Theo kissed Maddie's temple and stood to walk away,

"I don't really see the point of Quidditch practice," Maddie called, Theo stopped and turned around, "I mean, Ravenclaw is going to win anyways,"

Theo nodded, fighting a smile. And losing. Maddie was pretty in the pink and gold sort of way. 

"You should just accept your destiny and stay here. With me. And Martin,"

M A R T I N the B O W T R U C K L E? Signed Theo,


So you admit your theft

Maddie scowled at him,

Darling, do not worry I will stay with you behind bars

"Don't you have Quidditch practice?"

I can be a little late

Theo had dropped her hand. Maddie shifted on her feet as petty insecurities nagged at her thoughts.

She was still thinking about it an hour later. Two hours later. When the third hour arrived Padma was so sick of her that she destroyed half of the puzzle Maddie had been assembling with Carlos so her focus would have to shift.

"Explain it to me again," Carlos said,

"Carlos, no, no, no I cannot do this again I-" Padma started, sighing and collapsing onto the couch, back of her hand to her forehead,

"We were walking, yes, and holding hands and then we see Slytherins, big group, they all know Theo, and, and he dropped my hand as soon as he saw them,"

"Body language?"

"He leaned away." Carlos made a face, "Is that bad? Is it? Do you think-"

"I think Nott is a private person," Carlos said simply, logically, with a solution-based approach, Maddie wanted to scratch his eyes out. She lay down on the carpet, parallel to the couch,

"But what if-"

"Occam's Razor, Mads, the most obvious solution is the correct one," Padma said,

Maddie silently stared at the ceiling of the Ravenclaw common room. 

"What if it isn't real? What if he is still with Selwyn?" Maddie asked, no response, "What if he lied and, and, only said he broke up with her, and he doesn't want her to know he is with me now and I am mistress or side- I am girl he wants to be with and she is girl he has to be with and- and pero, he doesn't think it counts as cheating because he doesn't like her-"

Maddie sat up, hugging her knees and looking at Padma. 

"Maddie, he is not Brown," Started Padma, 

"Racist." Carlos said, Maddie snickered, 

"I mean, Nott is not-" Padma started, "Nott is not-" She tried again, "Theo is not Lavender," 

Maddie sighed, a crinkle between her perfect brows. Padma grabbed one of her hands before she could start picking at her manicure. 

"I mean, say what you will but Theo Nott is- he is cold. And I don't know what you see in him. But you owe this to your thirteen-year-old self. You got him. Enjoy him. Don't let Lavender ruin it from a hundred meters away."

"Sí, pero," Maddie started, she fiddled with the pendant of the necklace Theo had gifted her, she could feel the engraved butterfly fluttering beneath her fingertip, "They have some simila-"

Carlos burst with laughter, "I do not think you could find two more different people on the face of the earth, Lena,"

"He dropped my hand." Maddie muttered, "I- I do not want to be a secret again, and I do not want someone to sit me down and explain why cheating is not really cheating because they hate the other person but really love me,"

"Lavender never loved you,"

"What a lovely time to remember that, gracias, Padma," Maddie said, the crinkle between her eyebrows grew as her face flushed pink, "He dropped my hand."

"Should I kill him in your honor?" Carlos asked, Maddie threw a puzzle piece at him, "You should have seen them on Christmas," Carlos said, looking at Padma,

"Was it nauseating?"

"Yes," Carlos replied, "Very different from now,"


She opened the locket and looked at the photograph of Theodore Nott smiling and covered in kisses before snapping it shut again,

Theo had dropped her hand and Maddie was still thinking about it, her nails drummed against the table in history of magic as she watched the clock, waiting for the period to end,

It was not that previous relationships had given her trust issues, no, of course not, and it wasn't that she was clingy and insecure. Maybe both these things were true, or maybe she was just a Pisces.

Theo was clingier than she was. Maddie liked it about him. She left the class and he was waiting for her to have lunch with her. His cheeks were a little pink but he would never admit he had either run here to be outside before her class let out, invented a time turner, or blushed whenever she smiled at him,

He took her bag from her shoulder and put it over his,

"How was Alchemy?" She asked, Theo shrugged and waited until her classmates cleared before he took her hand.

He ran his thumb over her knuckles before lacing his fingers through hers, she was not wearing her charm bracelet,

Theo liked to walk with her. He pulled her to the right and began the long way to the great hall, around the courtyard and through a maze of interconnected classrooms that had not been in use since a fire in the seventies,

"Where is your bracelet?" He asked,

"It broke during a Quidditch match. I don't know where it is, and summoning it doesn't work,"

"I will find it for you," Theo said,

"You do not have-" Theo gave her a look, "Thank you,"

Theo stopped walking, leaning against an unused chalkboard in an abandoned classroom with the most beautiful creature the world had yet to produce,

He released her hand, his arm around her waist now,

Maddie kissed him, she knew how he liked to be kissed, he liked it when her hand was on his neck, he liked when she stood on her toes before pulling him down to her level by his tie, he liked it when her kisses were selfish and possessive, She felt him smile against her lips before pulling away,


Theo smiled and shook his head like he was too embarrassed to share his thoughts aloud. His smile was contagious, it spread to Maddie, she nearly giggled,


What will you do when I find it? Theo signed,

Maddie narrowed her eyes playfully at him when she understood the insinuation, a giggle escaped her,

He arched an eyebrow. She attempted to do the same. She couldn't. His smile turned smug.

Blow job Maddie signed before she walked away, hands clasped behind her back, she looked over her shoulder to see a stunned Theodore Nott, "Are you coming?"

Theo's mouth opened and shut multiple times omnipresent smile in his eyes, he was pink in the face, Maddie wondered for a moment what he would look like if he allowed her the privilege of touching him, 

"Darling, I might need a moment,"

"I can wait," Maddie said, returning to his side, she swayed on her feet,

"Do you know what that sign means?"


"Oh, oh, good,"


"Your fluency has improved," Theo breathed, his cheeks were pink,

"This is what you are so happy about, mi vida?" Her eyes flickered down and so did his,

"Merlin-" Theo said, "I was just-" She made him lose his words. He made no effort to cover himself,

Theo shut his eyes and tried to think of anything other than Maddie and her eyes and her lips, and pink, and gold, and by salazar he would do anything to be with her, to have her, to wrap his arms around her and call her 'mine',

"You're thinking about it," Maddie said, of course, he was thinking about it. And it was not the first time it had crossed his mind. Theo knew how long Maddie had wanted him. He knew he need only ask, and he reveled in it. But-

I am a gentleman, He signed, opening his eyes, Ladies first

Theo turned the silver compass over in his hand, 

Maddie had gifted it to him on a random Monday on their way to potions. He arched an eyebrow, glancing at her wondering if he had missed an anniversary of some sort.

"I saw it and I thought of you," Maddie said, Theo started to smile, opening it, "The man at the store said it belonged to the traveling performer of few words I think he was a mime, and I am always right," His eyes flickered to hers before he admired the engravements on the silver, it pointed towards her, 

"Perpetually, darling," Theo said under his breath,

"He said it is enchanted, points the way home," Maddie explained, she looked behind her recognizing the path to the Slytherin common room. 

"Thank you," Theo said, she could see his dimples. She saw it and she had thought of him. Her eyes flickered to his lips, but Theo did not like public displays of affection, 

They were alone for now but anyone could walk by and witness him melting for her. He schooled his features and tucked the compass into his pocket, 

He set a hand to his heart and signed, yours

"Theo! Theo," Blaise, Theo's attention drifted but he did not mind it when Blaise witnessed his affection for Maddie. He took her hand. "I read the most incredible article in Loony-" Maddie gave him a look, "Luna, lovely name, Lovegood's magazine, and did you know the minister of magic is secretly a house elf using a growth potion?"

"He is a public servant," Theo said, as Blaise opened the magazine to show him, 

Blaise snickered, 

"Good morning Maddie," greeted Blaise, "Did you hear about McLaggen?"

Theo took the magazine from him, furrowing his eyebrows as he read an article on the dangers of yodeling to someone with a nargle-infested mind, he had known Ravenclaws liked to partake in substances to find inspiration but this seemed a bridge too far,

He checked his watch, returned the magazine to Blaise and left to be five minutes early for class. He did not take Maddie's hand.

Theo had dropped her hand. And no, Maddie was not still thinking about it. Definitely not.

It did not change the way she felt when she was alone with him.

He signed far more beautifully than she ever heard anyone speak, sometimes it made Maddie sad no one else at Hogwarts would fully appreciate him,

Maddie felt like she was in a relationship with two separate people entirely.

She had gotten hurt during a victorious Quidditch match against Gryffindor, she had taken a bludger to her shoulder,

Theo was a consummate professional as he healed her, cold as he awaited the departure of Padma and Carlos, inattentive as he lingered by her bed until her team left, she was not sure he knew she was there while Cho said her final goodbyes, she could have sworn she saw him roll his eyes,

The instant Madam Pomfrey left, and the curtains were drawn around her bed he took her hand in his, and sat just beside her in her bed, he exhaled, eyebrows drawn together,


Theo drew her to him so tenderly her shoulder did not so much as twinge,

"I'm fine," Maddie said, his hand was on the nape of her neck, the other around her waist, "Mi vid-"

"You fell." And I didn't catch you,

He did not let go immediately, his embrace tightening before loosening and gently setting her down on her pillow,

"You won't break me, Teodore," She said when he was just a touch too delicate with her, Theo ignored her, preoccupying himself with filling the vase beside her bed with daisies and arranging them just so,

Theo left her side for just a moment, finding a chair on the other side of the infirmary and carrying it over to her bedside, he sat down,

"I will fetch dinner in an hour or so," Theo said, glancing at the clock then at her hand, he took it, her nails were dark blue he jinxed them dark purple to match his impending ring, his face was blank,

"Are you cross with me?" Maddie asked,

"No." Theo replied simply, admiring the way her hand looked in his, Maddie nodded and sank into bed, he was silent for all of forty seconds, "I was looking over the jeweler's ideas for your ring, and I- I feel," he released her hand to sign, it was the only time Maddie was pleased he dropped her hand, I cannot decide if it would be better as a surprise or if

Theo paused to collect his thoughts before continuing, he was far more expressive when he signed to her,

It is only a promise ring he signed, It is important to me that you like it, love it even, and I know how particular you are about your jewelry,

"I could go with you next weekend,"

Theo nodded, his eyes lingered on the locket around her neck, he had known she would like it, the engraved butterfly was based on a drawing of hers she had allowed him to keep,

He had never taken her on a date to Hogsmeade,

"We could go to the three broomsticks after," Maddie said, he nodded again, and Theo's eyebrows drew together for a moment. Her heart sank, he didn't want to go with her. "If you want I mean," she wished she could read his mind,

I want to, darling, He signed, she smiled, Darling, you are and correct me if I'm wrong a P I S C E S

"Same as you are,"

Theo nodded and pulled a page torn from a magazine from his pocket passing it to her,

D R A C O has been in a foul mood, he took all of L O V E G O O D magazines

"What?" Maddie's eyes went wide, people were not allowed to hurt Luna,

Do not worry, I recognized them and I knew you would be displeased, I returned them- she asked for my star sign and gave me this page. I thought you would enjoy it,

Maddie read it and giggled, eyes flickering to him,

"Heroic proclivities with a dash of existential ennui and, and," Maddie laughed, "your shackled lover in Azkaban is in need of saving, you will rescue your lover wearing a cape of dragon scale, and plume on their head- which one of us is headed to Azkaban?"

"Did you know stealing a bowtruckle is an offense warranting a year-long stay in Azkaban?"

"Oh, are you going to rescue me?" Maddie asked,

"I already have the outfit,"

Maddie giggled, Maddie was pretty in the pink and gold sort of way, he liked it when she laughed, and loved it when she blushed,

"What if you are the Azkaban-bound Pisces, mi vida?" Maddie asked, Theo scoffed,

"As though I would ever be caught,"

"And I would?" Maddie asked, Theo's mouth opened and shut twice he looked away, Maddie's smile sparkled and her eyes were spectacular, "You think I would get caught-"

"First year the iguana,"

"I was eleven,"


"What did you get away with other than el franken-dog,"

"You know that was not his name," Theo said, Do not be disrespectful, darling, I had to watch puppy dog die twice,

"Lo siento," Maddie said, she tried to move her arm and cringed as a sharp pain ran through it,

"Do not move," Theo advised, "I have found that pain relief spells have negative impacts on proper healing," He stood and rounded her bed to the other side, he tenderly placed her right hand in the correct position, resting it atop a pillow he had made himself it smelt like lilacs,

Maddie had not noticed it before now, she looked at him for an explanation,

"I made this myself." He touched the pillow and then traced the line in her bandages, "The most effective means of healing damage caused by blunt force is a home remedy from Nottinghill. The healing herb soup, as Madam Pomfrey calls it, causes an adverse reaction upon first application, however, I have found that exposure in leaf form to its ingredients beforehand reduces if not prevents the reaction," He explained, the right sleeve of her uniform was gone,

"I didn't know you could sew,"

"Madam Pomfrey gives me fruits to practice stitching, using fabric is far easier by comparison," Theo informed her, Maddie noticed the leaves in the bandage over her shoulder, and Theo exchanged them for new ones,

"You are brilliant,"

"Pillows and bandages are simple projects, they only require one line of stitches," Theo informed her, "Brilliant might be a bridge too far,"

Theo had been humbled earlier that week by his persuit to reattach a grape's skin,

Maddie's spectacular dark brown eyes were on him, memorizing every detail of his features and adoring each one,

It did not take Maddie very long to realize Theo had absolutely no intention of leaving her side unless it was to perform a task he would entrust to no one else,

He brought her dinner, fetched her coursework, and a novel he had asked her to read in its Spanish translation so she would not read the title and immediately become suspicious of his ulterior motive,

She reached the twelfth chapter before she caught on, but by that point it was too late the story had her in its grasp,

"You planned this,"

"I have absolutely know idea what you are talking about," Theo replied, his voice a whisper, "Are you enjoying it?"

Maddie refused to answer,

"Push him down a flight of stairs," Theo recommended without looking up from the daily prophet,

"It isn't that easy, Nott, I-"

"Butter the stairs first," Theo said, simply, flipping the page and frowning as he noted his father was mentioned donating a new wing to St Mungo's, he despised affirmations he was still alive,

"I've never killed anyone before," Hissed Draco, paler than usual, attempting to find camaraderie in his fellow young death eater, "How would you feel if you had to kill your own headmaster? Hmm?"

"Hopeful that Slytherin may finally win the house cup," Theo replied, he was bored of this conversation already, he was not fond of speaking but he also was not fond of Draco thinking himself the victor after a conversation,

"What if, what if you had to kill," Draco looked around the great hall, "A first year?"

"Capsized boat."


"Poison in the cat food."

"What if you had to kill, kill, Potter?"

"Detain Granger, Potter will get himself killed within the week."

"What about Madam Pomfrey?" Draco asked, Theo's eyes flickered up,

"I could not beat her in a duel. I doubt anyone could," He said, "I would not survive it,"

"Fine then. What if you had to kill Noceda?"

Too far.

Theo closed the daily prophet and folded it neatly, setting it beside his breakfast,

"In what way does my relationship with Noceda resemble what you share with Dumbledore?" He asked,

If anyone asked him to kill Maddie- the thought crawled along Theo's skin seeping between his ribs and into his lungs, he rejected the idea with every beat of his heart, 

"I did not know you loved Dumbledore," Theo said,

"I did not know you loved Noceda," Draco said, Theo could scoff - there was not a soul in the castle who did not at least suspect he was Mad for Madelena Noceda, "I knew you wanted to shag her but-"

"You would like to shag Dumbledore?" Theo asked, his face was expressionless, he could see Blaise approaching their table from the corner of his eye,

"No- that's not what I-"

"Malfoy would like to sleep with Dumbledore," Theo said as Blaise sat down next to him,

"You can't blame him for being Curious, Theo, my grandmother says Dumbledore seduced Grindelwald, it is bold though. I am not sure you can handle him, Draco," Blaise said,

"I am meant to kill the man, would you stop-"

"Definitely shag him before you kill him," Blaise said, nodding, "Otherwise it is just odd,"

"American almost," Theo said,

"Exactly, rather American killer of you," Blaise informed Draco who folded his arms on the table before sinking in his seat, face down and gathering himself slowly, "Maddie! Maddie," Blaise beckoned her over, she had been leaving the great hall,

The corners of Theo's lips tugged upward on instinct when their eyes met, his heart rate quickened as she approached, he felt his cheeks warm, he was quite smitten with his witch,

Maddie was wearing a dress under her coat, he liked this dress the neckline was high but the back was missing, she liked to wear it on dates, Maddie was pretty in the pink and gold sort of way. 

He admired the gentle movement of her dark hair as she ran her hand through it, and the shine of her freshly manicured nails,

Theo watched her skirt sway as she walked, and wondered if she was wearing stalkings or tights and how his hand would have to move up her leg to discover which,

He reached for her as she neared, she had paired another necklace with his locket, it rested just at her collarbone, she would need a scarf. Theo liked lending Maddie his scarf when she returned it it would smell like her,

Theo did not pay much attention to what Blaise said in greeting, Maddie was wearing lipgloss. Her hand was on his shoulder, fingertips tracing their way to his other shoulder, pausing at the nape of his neck, she drew a heart on his skin,

His hand was on the small of her back as she stood next to him, Theo did not want to share Maddie was the moment,

She was laughing at something Blaise had said, Theo began to stand up,

"Draco is thinking of shagging Dumbledore," Blaise informed her, Draco groaned,

"Are you he hasn't already? Sounds sore," Maddie said, the hall was practically empty this time of day, Theo's arm was around her waist, "Hogsmeade?" She asked him, and he nodded, "Bye Blaise," she called, she glanced at Theo, he felt her eyes flicker over his profile, her eyes fluttered downward as she smiled,

She kissed his cheek,

"What is it?" He asked,

She wiped the remnants of her lipgloss from his cheek, she hummed happily as she did,

"Nothing," Maddie replied, her hands had paint on them, and his hand moved to hold hers, there was dried blue paint on her hands,

"Can I see it when you are finished?" He asked, she nodded, and they left the school it was snowing gently, "What are you painting?"


"Yours?" Theo had not known Maddie could produce a patronus, she shook her head,

"I do not know, I've never made one," Maddie said, "I've tried, but, I was unhappy when Potter was teaching that day-"

"I have not produced one either," He admitted the admission an attractive alternative to a conversation about the boy who lived. A shock passed through her spectacular dark brown eyes, something Theodore Nott could not do, "What is the patronus in the painting?"

"I do not think it is possible," Maddie started, "Millions of butterflies- billions, so many, como a flurry of snow- is not possible, I know, but-"

"It is a beautiful dream," Theo said, "I am glad I will be able to see it,"

Theo often caught himself thinking of a future with Maddie, he thought of living in a flat with her, waking her with a kiss pressed to her shoulder before he left, she would tell him about her dreams he decided, in mumbled words before she opened her spectacular dark brown eyes in the morning,

Theo wondered sometimes how he had managed to stay quiet around Maddie for so long, he did not enjoy speaking because he very often worried about being misunderstood, but Maddie understood him very well,

Maddie decided to walk along the short stone wall lining the path to Hogsmeade he helped her keep her balance,

"What would you like for your birthday, darling?"

"Yours is first, mi vida, I should be asking you," Maddie said, he liked it when she called him that,

"Yes, I know, however you have a gift," Theo informed her, helping her down from the wall ensuring she would not slip, "You always know what I want,"

"You are easy to please,"

"Ask anyone I am not."

Maddie giggled, she glanced at him before realizing it wasn't on purpose,

Theo exhaled, "Did you like the paints last year?"

"I loved them, Theo, really, you also have the gift," Maddie insisted, Theo's brow furrowed for a moment, Maddie did not miss it, she held his hand in both of hers prompting his eyes to move to her, "Why are you worried?"

"I want you to be happy with me,"

"I am happy with you,"

Theo had caused her so much pain, he needed this, what they were together, to be worth the wait.

"The ring is my present, yes?"

"It is a piece of pureblood tradition," Theo informed her, "as much a gift to me as it is to you, perhaps more so,"

"Do you get a ring too?"

Theo shook his head, "Not yet," Theo would not receive a ring until they married, 

Maddie decided she wanted twin amethysts side by side. Oval cut, the golden band touching them only at their corners with diamonds at the ends, she chose inexpensive stones- Theo would not have it, his witch deserved luxury, the jeweler took her ring size,

Theo brought her to the three broomsticks, and ordered her a butterbeer, with cinnamon,

Maddie wrinkled her nose,

"You merely have not tried it the correct way," Theo insisted, she rolled her eyes, and they sat on the same side of the booth, his arm was behind her shoulders, she leaned into him,

"I don't like it," Maddie said, "I've never liked it. Is, is- why put butter in the beer?" 

"I refuse to believe you of all people loathe something sweet," He played with her hair, twirling it around his fingers,

"I never said loathe,"

"I think you will like it with cinnamon." Theo informed her, Maddie twirled the coaster on its corner idly before stopping its spin, "I like it with cinnamon,"

"What if I hate cinnamon," Maddie challenged, she leaned away from him,

"Then your English is far worse than I feared," Theo replied, Maddie swatted at him as a smile tugged at his lips, "You do not know what you are saying, could not possibly,"

Theo smiled, she liked his dimples. This smile was warm and reserved only for her. He kissed her,

"Della," He whispered, "My darling," He kissed her again, Maddie liked to be kissed slowly and deliberately, his hand moved to her cheek, he intended to snog his girlfriend until the butterbeer arrived,

"I like it when you kiss me," Maddie said, "I like it when," He kissed her again, "when you are with me always," Her words did not make sense but Theo willed them to be burned into his memory, "how you are with me when we are alone, is like gold,"

Theo loved Maddie. It struck him in the simple moments. In the silence between words, in the hearts she drew on his hand when she was bored in charms, in the nonsensical words, and in the moments she bared herself to him on a canvas, on paper, in whispers,

Every soul on this earth had flaws, he knew, and he had memorized hers. Maddie did not like correcting wait staff. She cried easily. She was insecure. She was jealous. She was careless with her heart. She refused to let him win at chess. Maddie loathed waking early in the morning. She never admitted it when she had gotten a rotten mark. She could never hide when she disliked food.

Theo would learn to cook for her. Theo would correct the wait staff and take care of her heart.

"Gold?" He whispered against her lips,


"For my birthday," He said, "I want something gold."

"You do not wear gold."

"You do."

Maddie blew Theo a kiss from where she flew on the Ravenclaw side of the pitch. Theo was in the stands seated with Blaise. A horrid red threatened to overtake his features.

She attempted to wink - Maddie could not wink. Theo exhaled, his eyes flickering away as he hid his flushed cheeks and upturned lips.

Theo remained in the stands as everyone cleared them after the match.

Theo could seldom wait to reach Maddie after his matches, flying to her the instant they ended to be near her.

Maddie made him wait after her matches. Theo did not mind. He would wait an eternity if it meant Maddie would appear next to him with soft hair and smelling like her delicate perfume.

Theo brought a book to read in the twenty minutes he waited for her. He could feel her footsteps on the wooden stands and he looked up, shutting his book, and reattaching the pin to his jumper. Maddie's hair was in twin braids, she was wearing a tight little jumper, knit and pink, and a pair of corduroy pants. 

"Congratulations," Theo said in reference to her victory,

"The beaters seem... afraid to hit me, mi vida, I can't help but wonder why," Maddie said, sitting down next to him, he wrapped his scarf around her neck, drawing her braids out from under it delicately,

"How odd."

"Mmhmm. Odd,"

"Tell me if you ever solve the mystery," Theo said as though no threats had been levied against the beaters of several opposing teams, kiss he signed, and she kissed his cheek, and Theo's hand rose to the side of her face to direct her lips to his, she tasted like cherry. "Where will you be tonight?"

"Victory party," Maddie informed him, "Will you come?"

Theo shook his head, "I have my practice exam tomorrow, I need to study,"

"You didn't need to come to the match today if you needed to study," Maddie said,

"You are important to me," Theo informed her,

"You will be in the library?" Theo nodded, "Maybe I will bring you food before the party?"

"You do not have to-" She imitated him, attempting his look, "What is, what is this?" He asked,

"I think is good impression of you-"

"Of me?"

"Sí, of your look you give me,"

"What look?"

"The taking care of what is mine look," Maddie said, looking up as she searched for the right words,

"Taking care of what is mine?" Theo repeated, he liked it when she admitted she was his.

"Yes, yes," Maddie said, she was happy today, he liked it when Maddie won. Her disappearance in the evening could be forgiven within these moments, "What do you want? I could go to the kitchens, get you something good for studying,"

"You do not have-" She attempted his look again, 

I give you this look signed Theo, arching an eyebrow, she nodded, And you still decided to date me?

Maddie smiled,

I find it attractive

Thank goodness he signed,

"What do you want for dinner?"She asked,

Madelena Noceda was sent by the heavens, Theo was sure of it, she had brought him an empty glass he could fill with water and a glass of pumpkin juice. For dinner he had deconstructed Sheppard's pie (He did not like it when the ingredients touched, it was his favourite).

Maddie left him with a bowl of blueberries, a kiss on the cheek, and a promise to make sure he was awake and out of the library before nine am the following day,

He had doubted she would stick to such a promise, she would be hung over tomorrow. Maddie wore heart-shaped sunglasses whenever she had too much to drink the previous night.

Theo spent his evening revising,

Theo wanted to be good. He struggled with the concept of goodness. He failed to see anything as bad unless it harmed himself, Blaise, or Maddie.

War was dangerous. Neither of them were allowed to be hurt. Madam Pomfrey believed in him. His grandmother would be proud of him.

Cordelia Nott would sign something about how sweet he was. She would chastise him about not introducing her to Maddie when there was only a door between them not a mortal gateway.

She would have liked Maddie. Cordelia would have taken both Maddie's hands and told her the most embarrassing stories about him. She would adore Maddie's art, and demand a commission of a portrait of the pair of them.

Theo did not like to think of this. It made him sad,

Instead, he thought of healing charms, and potions, not how his grandmother, his only real parent, would never watch him graduate become a healer or get married,

Theo furrowed his eyebrows. This was unlike him.

He set his quill down on the parchment, he recognized the feeling rising in his throat from when he first read the letter announcing her death,

Theo missed his grandmother. More than he would care to admit. Healers had failed her. Theo would not have failed her. Theo's hands shook slightly, what if he would have? What if he became a healer and someone else's grandmother died and he could do nothing to prevent it?

Merlin knew he held nothing against Healer Travers. It was the incompetence of her staff which he had issues with,

Cordelia Nott was gone. He knew it. He had accepted it. He had merely not thought it through.

His Grandmother's death meant only his father would come to his graduation. If he wanted to show up at all. Theo did not want his father on school grounds.

Cordelia Nott's demise meant she would never see him get married. He would not have a family at his own wedding. He was not going to invite his father, especially if he was lucky enough to wed his darling.

Theo had never known his mother, she had killed herself when he was just a baby, he did not know her well enough to resent her as much as he did.

Theo had had an elder brother. A squib. He was gone too. Theo had never known him, he only knew him as a threat his father used to keep Theo obedient.

Theo shut his eyes, attempting to control his breathing,

No family. The void had never felt so great in all his life, he felt he may slip into it never to resurface.



Theo opened his eyes, blinking,

"Are you, are you dying?"

Theo shook his head.

"Good, good, I mean-" Theo collected himself as quickly as he could, "I knew you had your practice exam so I thought I'd return your quill,"

Blaise set a quill on the table. He had never seen Theo anxious over an examination.

"Theo," He started again, sitting down opposite him, "Are you alright."

It was not a question. Theo had rendered his face blank.

"I miss my grandmother." He said before clearing his throat. "It's silly."

Blaise hummed. Theo had used a contraction. He was not alright.

"I do not think it is silly." Blaise informed him, "That is, is, it's normal I think. She did raise you."

Theo was silent for a moment, he was unsure how much composure he could sustain if he chose to speak of this,

"She will never see me graduate." Theo said, he said it quietly, only just above a whisper, "She will never meet her."

Blaise nodded, he looked at Theo's immaculate notes.

"I never really understood why you wanted to become a healer," Blaise said, turning around a page of key terms, Maddie had drawn flowers and a castle in the margins, "I thought it was to spite your father."

Theo had spent his last year with his grandmother in a hospital room. Blaise did not understand why he would want to spend his career in one as well.

"Fringe benefit?" Blaise suggested, Theo nodded, "She would've been proud to have a healer in the family. The Notts haven't had one before have they?" Theo shook his head, Blaise exhaled, "Have you ever wanted to be anything else?"

"Anything other than a Nott."

Blaise laughed, "Yes, yes, Zabini is not exactly a joy to live with either," He said, "The money makes it easier," Theo had to agree, "My father isn't dead you know? He lives in America now. Mother does not like to speak about him. He changed his name. Guess he wanted to be anything other than a Zabini too,"

"He is a fool," Theo said simply,

"Do you want to be a healer?" Asked Blaise, Theo nodded, Blaise sat back in his seat, "Why?"

"Magic," Theo answered he understood the dark arts, he needed to understand the light,

"Thank you for that in-depth and descriptive answer, Theo,"

"Power," Theo informed him,

"And we have a sequel, just as concise-"

"If you were hurt I would know how to help you." Theo said, "If you were sick if you were attacked, I could heal you."

"You don't need to worry about me, Nott," Blaise said, Theo arched an eyebrow, Blaise had once used a low-grade poison as a facial cream because he had read it would make his skin glow. Theo had spent a week mending his skin, "Stop being so expressive. It's off-putting."

Theo looked at his notes again, 

"She will never meet her." Blaise repeated, Theo shifted in his seat, "Maddie?"

Theo nodded, 

"Don't get ahead of yourself she's just your first real girlfriend,"

"Grandmother would have adored her," Theo said ignoring Blaise's last comment, "They almost met once. I prevented it. I regret it now,"

"You can't change the past," Blaise said,

"I do not think she is just my first real girlfriend." Theo informed him, shaking his head, 

"I didn't mean it like that, Theo, I just mean you're sixteen, she's sixteen, it's a bit young to commit," Blaise said, 

"She was with me when I found out grandmother had passed," Theo said, "She sat down next to me, she held my hand, and I remember she said we would not move until I was ready, she said the owlry was our new home, that we already had pets."

"Draco told me you said you loved her," Blaise said, beginning to smile, "Have you told her that?"


"You didn't say it back?" 

Theo looked perplexed,

"Maddie told me once, granted she was drunk, that she told you she loved you," Blaise said, Theo sat up straight,


"Yeah, well it was at the end of break and she said it and then you kissed her-" Blaise said, "Maddie told me, I mean she said it in front of me once- Te amo teo- revolting really,"

"I need to go," Theo said, standing up,

"What? No- Theo you've got a test-"

"I need to say it back," he said, "I did not- I was unaware- she loves me?"

Theo was smiling. Blaise had known he had dimples but he hadn't been aware of their depth, Theo's eyes crinkled slightly when he smiled,

She loved him,

Madelena Noceda loved him.

She loved all he had shown her. As words spilled between them as he was suddenly compelled to tell her about the most mundane aspects of his day and ask after hers. She loved him, as he made a fool of himself time and time again,

He would marry that witch.

He didn't care that they were young. Theo could wait. They would wait a few years. He didn't want to frighten her he just wanted to be clear.

"She loves you, mate," Blaise said, Theo looked visibly excited for the first time since Blaise had known him, "but she might be plastered right now, and you've got a test tomorrow-"

Theo rolled his eyes,

"Did you just-"

"Maddie is the witch, my witch. I am going to tell her I love her hold her hair back if she is plastered, and remind her of my affection in the morning if she forgets,"

"You have a test tomorrow,"

"A practice test."

"Yes, but," Once when Theo had received an eighty-nine on an assignment Blaise had been legitimately worried he was going to jump from the astronomy tower and name-check his professor in the note specifically to spite her, "Theo? What if Selwyn finds out and owls your father?"

"Selwyn wants nothing to do with me," Theo said, 


"None of your concern."

"I saw you when you came back that night, Theo, did you do something to her?"

Theo thought murder and necromancy were ethical pass times.

"She saw me." Theo said, "The scars,"

Blaise new of the scars, he had simply never seen them. 

"I need to tell Maddie before she sees,"

"I don't think she would-"

"I love her. She loves all she knows of me. I will not waste this moment."

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