An Inkwell's Stain //BATDR Fa...

By CaramelloFrog

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You are a young boy whose mother is working late at Arch Gate Studios on a tight deadline. While your mother... More

Author's Note
Chapter One [Deadlines]
Chapter Two [Wandering]
Chapter Three [Welcome Home]
Chapter Four [Wanted: Alive]
Chapter Five: A Heavenly Visit
Chapter Six: Just the Beginning
Chapter Seven: Look At What You See
Chapter Nine: Animation Antics
Chapter Ten: Acquiring Hardware
Chapter Eleven: Guilt and Epiphanies
Chapter Twelve: Spiritual Encounters and Morals
Chapter Thirteen: An Inky Klutz
Chapter Fourteen: Benevolent One
Chapter Fifteen: Troubled Artist
Chapter Sixteen: The Ink Demon
Chapter Seventeen: Two Separate Paths
Chapter Eighteen: She Was The Fourth
Chapter Nineteen: Cheeky Devil
Chapter Twenty: A Painful Scenario
Chapter Twenty-One: A Jolly Good Fellow
Chapter Twenty-Two: Porter, Robert and You
Chapter Twenty-Three: Teamwork!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Back to Science Class
Chapter Twenty-Five: Artist's Rest
Chapter Twenty-Six: Working Together
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Overflowing Relief
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Jovial Return
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Journey Down Under
Chapter Thirty: A Familiar Voice
Chapter Thirty-One: The One and Only
Chapter Thirty-Two: Rest in Desecrated Lies
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Sewers
Chapter Thirty-Four: [Enemies and Pipe Dreams]

Chapter Eight: Moving Pictures

430 18 2
By CaramelloFrog

A trolley filled with scraps and toy was blocking the way to continue, so you grabbed hold of the handles to drag it out of the way. It was surprisingly lighter than you thought it would be, you could move it; just took a bit of effort. That miracle juice does a lot on ya, you thought with a smile spreading on your face.

A chain and lock was holding the door in its place, which you knew the key you'd found would unlock. Here you go... a click sounded as the chain fell away. Pushing the door open, you were met with a very unwelcoming sign. "Caution, keep closed". Not like I can listen to that anyway. Holding the sides of the barrier, you decided to test out just how strong the glowing substance made you.

While it was still quite heavy, you were able to move it, which you knew you definitely would not be able to do before. Hopefully there are more of those things...

...Oh god... A very dark and soaked hallway stood before you, making you cower a little. Ink sprung from pipes connected into the walls, the floorboards were out of place and crumbling with age, and the only light was coming from these tiny floor lights embedded in the wall. You headed straight ahead, a slight jog and pip in your step to get out of there as fast as possible.

Crawling under yet another loose ceiling divider, you were greeted with the words, "Animation Alley" which to you sounded adorable. A little street for animators or something. Turning to the left to find another door that didn't have a lock on it.

Walking over to it however, you weren't ready for what was to come. Edgar leaped from nowhere, clawing at the bars of the door. Your screams rang out as you backed away, shielding your face. He growled and crawled out of sight, but you stood there for a while longer, no longer wanting to open the door. You'll have to go out there eventually... You grumbled in upset as you opened the door, blindly aware of the rise of ink in your throat. It tasted... indescribable.

A huge cut out of Barley stood tall, against a gigantic pillar. An odd flower was sitting below it, one that you recognised from earlier... how is life even existing here? Don't question it, you'll spiral.

Focus, get to the upper levels. Behind you was what looked to be a speaker, which you walked over to and pressed the button below it. "Everyone knows that a happy work environment needs a place where you can sit back and enjoy something tasty!" The voice of Joey Drew surprised you, making you step back when you noticed his familiar happy-go-lucky tone. 'Joey?' Interesting...

"I'm Joey Drew, and you're standing in our grand, expensive new employee break room." It dawned on you that this wasn't going to be like the regular audio logs, and it was just a tour-guide intercom. Why would they have tours here? Is this just the memory of the old studio? It's definitely bigger than Arch Gate, and I certainly don't remember any of this...

You let the intercom continue to speak to give a comforting background noise as you explored this open area. Walking past the Barley cut out, you found an out-of-place pipe that was sitting there in a puzzle of oozing ink. You stared at it for a while, only to turn and go the opposite side of Barley... just in case. A cut out of Charley greeted you, and he was looking as chivalrous as ever.

Another door was closed but didn't have a lock on it, so you swung it open. A few pews were set out in a way to show a waiting space, but ahead was a door that looked to be the way forward. A lock was chained around this one, however. Not to worry. Holding out your key, you went to stuck it into the lock's hole. But turning it wouldn't work, it seemed to be stuck. You strengthened to pull, trying to get it out to re-place it. The key's handle snapped off, leaving the rest of it inside. 'Are you serious...' you muttered under your breath, getting annoyed. 'Well, I guess I need to find something to break it...'

'Y/N?' A faint call of your name took you out of your thoughts, and you twisted around to find where it was coming from. 'Y/N, can you hear me?' Alice's voice rang out to you, muffled and with the sound of noise. Following it, you found a communication device. 'It's Alice, can you hear me?' You ran up to it, and rested you rested your hands on the screws either side of the device.

'Alice! Alice, I'm here!' you didn't bother being quiet or trying to hide your excitement. She's back! 'Y/N? Oh, I'm so glad you're alright!' You chuckled and replied quietly, 'I am too.'

'Where are you?' she asked, and you stuttered trying to remember. Turning around to look for any signs, you suddenly remembered. 'Uh... Animation department entrance? Something by the names-' 'Animation Alley.' Alice cut you off, understanding. 'Sounds kind of cute, doesn't it?' you laughed, but she didn't return it. 'That's good, it means you're heading up.'

'It's locked though... I have to find something to break the door, but I haven't found anything yet.' you say into the speaker, dropping your heels to the ground as they were growing tired by trying to be tall enough to reach. 'Banged up lock, huh? Just keep looking for anything blunt. Maybe there's a GENT Pipe nearby... you could use one of-' Alice was the one to be cut off this time, as the roof boards creaked and dust flew down from above a startling crack echoed and made you jump.

'What was that?' Alice called, not bothering to hide the worry in her voice. '...I... I- I don't know! Alice, I'm scared... Edgar's in here...' Alice didn't wait to react. 'Y/N. Find that Gent Pipe. Now!' She yelled this to get you moving, but it didn't work. You only moved when Edgar dropped from the ceiling with an ear-piercing screech. You yelped in fear and ran as fast as you could, looking for anywhere you could hide. Another miracle station was directly in front of you as you ran, and you only went faster to it as the sound of the pitter-patter of feet sounded behind you.

Grabbing hold of the door's handle and swinging it open, you plunged into the station and shut the door. The Striker clawed and snarled at the door, trying to break it open. 'You should've stayed on the bloody page, you monster!' you blurted out with your eyes screwed shut. After a few more pounds, the deformed being gave up from its hunt and crawled away, you could see it jump back onto the ceiling and crawl back into where it came.

You slowly opened the door, seeing the coast was clear. '...I'm never going to watch those moving pictures ever again after this.'

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