The Hunter's Soulmate (Dean W...

Par Just_A_Sherlockian

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Supernatural Soulmate AU - Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader Dean Winchester had always been sceptical about love... Plus

Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 2: Lost and Confused
Chapter 3: A Friendly Face
Chapter 4: The Bunker
Chapter 5: Nightmares and Memories
Chapter 6: Her
Chapter 7: Perfect Strangers
Chapter 8: Stuck in The Middle with You
Chapter 9: Old Lives Gone
Chapter 10: Lonely Motel Blues
Chapter 11: Demon's Tale
Chapter 12: Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 13: More Than a Feeling
Chapter 14: Dean's Defence Training
Chapter 15: Angel to the Rescue
Chapter 16: Demonic Unfolding
Chapter 17: You Really Got Me
Chapter 18: Heat of the Moment
Chapter 19: Making My Way Back to You
Chapter 20: Crowley
Chapter 21: I'm So Sorry
Chapter 22: At Last
Chapter 23: First Date
Chapter 24: Slow Ride
Chapter 25: Jealousy
Chapter 26: Drive-In Theatre Date
Chapter 27: I Want to Know What Love Is
Chapter 28: All Right Now
Chapter 29: Wretched Waffles
Chapter 30: Back in Black
Chapter 31: Stay Strong
Chapter 32: Rescue
Chapter 33: Hey Jude
Chapter 34: Sweet as Pie
Chapter 35: Flirty Werewolf
Chapter 36: A Day in the Life of Sammy
Chapter 37: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 38: Carry On My Wayward Son

Bonus Chapter: Christmas Eve

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Par Just_A_Sherlockian

Couldn't help but return to this story for a moment to bring Christmas to the Winchester family! I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a beautiful 2023. Grab a slice of apple pie and escape family chaos for a moment with this bonus chapter. I hope you all enjoy it!


What if a Christmas tree disaster put Castiel and Crowley in charge of little Mary Ellen Winchester for two hours? Let's hope an angel of the lord and the King of Hell can handle Dean Winchester's daughter...

"Dada, twee!" Mary called out.

Dean chuckled. "Yes, Princess. We're setting up the tree today." He picked up his daughter and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Wanna help?"

The little Winchester nodded furiously. "Twee! Twee!"

You walked in, carrying the last box of Christmas decorations. "Someone's excited."

"She gets her Christmas spirit from her mother," Dean joked, giving you a kiss.

"Ew," Mary babbled.

You laughed. "Alright, little one. Let's get decorating."

Within the hour, you and Dean had decorated most of the Christmas tree as Mary sat on the floor and yelled whenever she disagreed with your design choices. The only thing left was the tree topper.

"Come here, Princess," Dean cooed, picking up his little girl. "Gonna help daddy with the tree topper?"


You stepped down from the stepping stool to hand Dean the tree topper when you slipped. The tree topper fell to the floor and shattered at his feet. Mary instantly started wailing.

"Shit," you cursed under your breath.

"It's alright, it's alright," Dean shushed Mary to no avail.

"I ruined it," you sniffed. "This was her first time putting up the tree topper with you and I broke it."

"Hey, it was an accident," Dean soothed, kissing the top of your head. "It's alright, we'll go get a new one. We still have time before everyone gets here."

You shook your head. "We need to put Mary down for her nap and we can't leave her alone for that long. The mall will be crazy busy."

"I'll rush to the store and get a new tree topper, alright? I'll use my charm to get the very last one if I have to," Dean joked.

"It's not funny, Dean!"

"Relax, Sweetheart. It'll be alright. We've had worse."

You huffed out a laugh. "I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to make Mary's first real Christmas Eve special. We didn't get to celebrate last year."

Dean managed to calm his daughter and put her in her crib. "Last year was my fault. Sam and I shouldn't have taken a case so close to Christmas. I want to make it up to you, okay? I'll call Sam, tell him to get here early, and we'll go get a new tree topper together."

You nodded, a small smile finding your face again. "I'd like that."

Not even ten minutes later, a frustrated Dean tossed his phone on the couch. "No one can get here early," he sighed.

"Not even Jody?" you asked.

"Nope. Looks like I'll have to get a tree topper myself, Sweetheart. I'm sorry."

You hesitated. "What if..."


"Don't start shouting right away, okay? Give it some thought! What if... we asked Cas to babysit?"

Dean sat up, mouth already opening to protest.

"Hear me out!" you interjected. "Cas can get here within seconds if we pray to him and we'll only be out for half an hour at the most! He's an angel! He can take care of his niece for half an hour. What could go wrong?"

"Have you met him?" Dean exclaimed.

"Well, I don't want you buying a tree topper on your own. I know how that will go," you insisted. "Last year, when I sent you to buy Christmas lights, you came home with a cowboy hat ornament!"

"Come on, that hat looks badass in our tree!"

You gave him a look. "I'm coming with you. Cas will survive half an hour."

With a huff, Dean gave in and prayed to Cas.

A gust of feathers soon landed in the room. "Is something the matter?" Cas asked gruffly.

"We have a tree emergency, Cas. Could you please babysit Mary for just half an hour? We need to rush to the mall and get a new tree topper," you begged.

Cas hesitated. "You want me to sit on your baby?"

Dean groaned and you slapped his chest.

"No, Cas. We need you to watch her for a little while. We've put her down for her nap. All you have to do is make sure she's okay," you explained.

"Would you mind if I bring in some reinforcements?" Cas asked.

You smiled. "Whatever you need, Cas."

Moments later, another figure popped into your living room. "You called?"

Dean jumped up from the couch. "Absolutely not!"

"I could use his help, Dean. He has a son," Cas stated.

"A son who hates his guts, Cas. I am not letting the King of Hell watch my little girl!"

Crowley shrugged. "I've raised many hellhounds. A human child is a piece of cake."

Dean groaned. "Do not refer to my daughter as cake. Not after Lilith's... diet."

"Relax, Squirrel. Babies are not my thing. Far too chewy," Crowley stated plainly.

You paled. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"We'll be fine," Cas assured you. "We'll watch the child."

Crowley nodded in agreement, a smirk playing on his lips.

Dean sighed. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

Crowley shrugged. "What could go wrong?"


"DADAAAAAAAAA!!" Mary wailed.

Crowley had his hands covering his ears. "Christ, that child can scream! What do they feed her?"

"Mushed vegetables," Cas sighed. "Utterly sadistic."

"Can you shut her up?" the King of Hell yelled.

Cas reached out to Mary, about to place two fingers on her forehead.

"Not like that, you useless pile of feathers!" Crowley shouted. "You can't use your angel magic bullshit on a baby! I'm the King of Hell and I have to tell you that?"

"Then how do you suggest I quiet this child?" Cas groused.

"How the bloody hell should I know? Maybe offer her some of those mushed vegetables?"

"I'm not as cruel as you demon filth, Crowley," Cas sassed.

"Fine," Crowley jeered. "I have an idea." He pressed his lips together and whistled loudly. Instantly, a low growl approached little Mary's crib.

She screamed and sobbed even louder.

"A hellhound was your solution?" Cas shouted.

"Kids like puppies!" Crowley bit back.

"That demonic monster is the size of the Christmas tree!"

"Big puppy," Crowley shrugged.

"This is ridiculous. Dean and (Y/N) should have been back half an hour ago."

Meanwhile at the mall...

"I can't believe they closed the shops this early," you sighed, defeated.

"I guess normal people like their Christmas Eve in the afternoon."

"What are we going to do now, Dean?"

Dean pursed his lips, taking a moment to think. "I have an idea," he finally announced. "Wait here."

You watched as your husband pulled a hunting knife from his jeans. "Dean," you hissed. "You brought a knife to the mall?"

He shrugged. "Just in case."

"In case of what? Stab some old lady who took the last tree topper?" you shrilled.

"Anything for my little girl," Dean defended.

You shook your head to yourself, subconsciously placing your hand on your belly with a small smile on your face. Dean had been an amazing father to your little girl since she was born almost two years ago. He was loving, caring, and had such a beautiful nurturing side to him. He surprised you every day and you were sure that would never stop.

You were pulled out of your little daydream by a scraping noise. Your head snapped towards the door of the store, where Dean was attempting to break in using his knife. "Dean!" you scolded.

"Not my first rodeo, Princess. I'll get in, get the tree topper of my little girl's dreams, and get out before you can say howdy."

You laughed. "You're insane. I married an insane man."

He smirked at you before reaching over and pressing a kiss to your lips. With a cheeky wink, he broke the lock and rushed into the store. 

Mere seconds later, he came running out, holding a bright pink Disney tree topper.

"Dean, that's hideous," you laughed.

"It's Rapunzel! She loves Rapunzel. Reminds her of her uncle Sammy," he joked.

You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but kiss your amazing husband. "Let's go before our daughter kicks some angel ass."


Everyone had gathered around the Christmas tree, the pink tree topper shining proudly in the warm candlelight. You and Dean were sat on the sofa, cuddled up together with your daughter on Dean's lap and apple pie crumbs on her cheeks. Little Mary Ellen was giggling up a storm as your husband played peekaboo with her favourite stuffed animal. A little moose gifted to her by Uncle Sammy.

Sam and Eileen were sitting next to you. A sparkling engagement ring rested on Eileen's finger and the happy couple enjoyed the Christmas lights as they signed words of love to each other. Jody and Bobby sat together as well. The kind woman lightly scolded the grumpy old man as he once again reached for the eggnog. He waved her off, but couldn't fight the smile on his face at her concern for him.

Castiel and Crowley had decided to stick around as well. Even after Mary had nearly driven them mad. When you and Dean returned home, your house was in chaos. There were toys all over the floor. Baby food had made it onto the walls. Castiel's tie had been ripped in half and Crowley's usual expensive suit had been replaced by an apron covered in food stains. In the middle of that mess sat little Mary Ellen Winchester, contently playing with an invisible friend.

Dean only went berserk for about half an hour once he realised that invisible friend was actually a Hellhound.

With a snap of Cas's fingers, the chaos was resolved and the Hellhound was sent back down. One by one, guests started arriving just as you took a steaming apple pie out of the oven.

You looked up at your husband, a content smile on your face. Your hand gently rested on your stomach as you watched him play with his daughter. It was a sight you would cherish forever.

Dean caught your gaze, an adoring twinkle coming to his eyes. "What are you staring at, Sweetheart?"

You giggled. "You, of course. How could I not?"

He kissed you sweetly. "Right back at you, Gorgeous."

You rested your hand on his cheek, a loving gaze adorning your face. "I have one more Christmas gift for you," you whispered.

"Our family is all I need," he spoke sincerely.

You smiled at him. "How about one more addition to the family?"

His eyes widened. "No," he breathed. "You're... You're –"

You nodded, a light laugh escaping your lips. "Merry Christmas, Dean."

Continuer la Lecture

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