Throk x Reader {Temporarily D...

By CricketLuver

2.2K 141 12

You've been a slave living in Galra Central Command for longer than you can remember. Your life is changed wh... More

Given as a gift
Your new home and learning the rules
Pet shopping
Aunt Flo returns
Learning to trust him
The attack on central command
Meeting the prince
A short trip

Meeting a friend

158 12 1
By CricketLuver

Ever since Throk received (Y/n) as a gift from Zarkon Vhyx wanted to meet her; he wasn't interested in her in any specific way, he just wanted to meet his friend's human pet. He heard the young woman was one of the most well behaved pets in all of central command and he wanted to see her in person. Vhyx had never seen a human up close before; he had seen Shiro fight in the arena, but (Y/n) was female and from how Throk described her she wouldn't have been able to fight like Shiro could. In a way Vhyx was fascinated by (Y/n); she didn't exactly grow fur, although she often had little hairs growing in odd places on her body such as her arms and legs, a huge contrast to galra who were generally usually either hairless, covered in fur or were covered in a thin velvety kind of fur. One day during lunch Vhyx was sitting next to Throk as usual and he casually asked his friend if and when he could meet his pet.

Throk wasn't at all surprised by the question and invited Vhyx over to his place for dinner; not necessarily in a date kind of way but rather as a friend coming over to dinner kind of way. In all honesty Throk didn't mind Vhyx meeting (Y/n) seeing as the other man had self control and wouldn't harm her, unlike others such as Sendak or Ranveig who were abusive towards pets. He sent a notification to (Y/n) during lunch, telling her that he was bringing Vhyx to dinner that night so she wouldn't be caught off guard. (Y/n) made sure to wash up and put her best clothes on since she wanted to look as good as she was well behaved; she had seen Vhyx around central command before, so she already knew who he was. Before Throk returned home he and Vhyx stopped by one of the on-site mini restaurants to pick up some takeout; once they got to Throk's place (Y/n) was already standing straight near the door since she was ready to greet them.

"I see that you've been awaiting our arrival; (Y/n), this is Commander Vhyx." Throk said with a slight grin before introducing his friend and dinner guest after he and the other man took their boots off.

"It's an honor to meet you, Commander Vhyx." (Y/n) humbly greeted the other commander while speaking politely, reminding herself not to show much emotion.

"It's an honor to meet you as well; Throk has told me a lot about you." Vhyx spoke kindly, giving the young woman a polite smile.

"I have takeout for the three of us to eat. Please help me get the table ready." Throk told (Y/n) before ordering her to help him set the table; he didn't speak in a demanding tone since he knew she'd help him.

"Yes Sir." (Y/n) responded with a hint of enthusiasm even though she spoke in her usual tone; only Throk noticed the change in her tone.

Vhyx followed Throk and (Y/n) to the table while carrying the takeout, sitting down and opening each of the little boxes of food before putting them in the middle of the table. (Y/n) helped Throk by getting some forks and spoons since the other dishes were too high for her to reach and she didn't want to risk accidentally dropping any. Throk got the plates out of one of the cupboards and placed them on the table, helping his pet put the silverware by each plate. He got the three of them drinks while (Y/n) got up on her chair; Zarkon always made her eat on his lap when he had guests over, so she was grateful her new master allowed her to sit on her own chair. It wasn't long before they were all sitting at the table and eating the takeout Throk got on his way home; he and Vhyx talked most of the time which gave (Y/n) the opportunity to eat in peace.

"How's life with Throk been?" Vhyx asked (Y/n) about halfway through dinner, looking at her from across the table and putting his fork down for a moment.

"It's been good, Sir." (Y/n) answered professionally; she wasn't sure what else to say since she didn't want Vhyx to think Throk was going soft by letting her speak her mind, even though she enjoyed living with him.

"I'm glad to know he's been treating you well." Vhyx answered; he was glad that his best friend was treating her better than Zarkon did since he wasn't completely heartless.

Throk grinned while he ate, happy that his friend was getting along well with his pet; he might have been one hundred percent loyal to Zarkon but he wasn't a completely mindless follower. He didn't mind (Y/n) getting more comfortable around Vhyx as long as they didn't get too close to the point where they were attracted to each other. At some point (Y/n) went back to eating and Vhyx started talking to Throk about the next gladiator match and who they thought was going to win. (Y/n) felt bad for all the innocent people who were being forced to fight in the arena, but there wasn't anything she could do to save them because she would be killed if she did. Dinner went well and so did dessert; Throk made some kind of alien cookies that (Y/n) couldn't remember the name of, but she liked the flavor.


(Y/n) spit out the mixture of toothpaste and water into the bathroom sink while she stood on her step-stool, thoroughly rinsing her mouth out after she finished brushing her teeth. After spending the evening with Throk and Vhyx she felt sleepy and was more than ready to fall asleep on the couch; she wasn't ready to sleep with Throk during that particular time yet and thankfully he wasn't forcing her to. (Y/n) put her cup and toothbrush in their places before she got down and grabbed her pajamas, stripping herself and putting her day clothes in the hamper along with the other clothes. Once her pajamas were on she proceeded to use the bathroom and finish whatever else she needed to do before exiting the large bathroom and walking to the living room. (Y/n) smiled when she saw Throk making the couch more comfortable, but stopping before he saw her; she had to do everything she could to not show much emotion.

"There you are; I got the couch ready for you." Throk said when he turned around and saw his pet standing a few feet away, his nostrils flaring when he caught the scent of her pheromones; she was clearly conflicted about something, but he wasn't going to force her to tell him what it was.

"Thanks." (Y/n) replied awkwardly while looking up at the tall lanky male, thanking him for making the couch more comfortable for her.

"I hope you find it satisfactory. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself this evening." Throk responded before he changed the subject, grinning as he stepped to the side and watched her walk over to the couch.

"Y-yeah, it was nice. G-goodnight." (Y/n) stuttered a little as she spoke and felt her body heat up a little when she walked towards the couch, trying her best to ignore the incredibly sexy grin on Throk's face.

"Goodnight, my pet." Throk purred seductively on purpose, his grin widening when he smelled the telltale scent of arousal, albeit a very faint scent.

(Y/n) shuddered in arousal from what Throk said; she mentally slapped herself for being a little turned on by mere words alone. She climbed up on the couch, laid down and covered herself with one of the blankets before she watched Throk turn the living room lights off and retire to his own room, noticing how he didn't close the door just like every other night. (Y/n) turned over so that she was facing the back of the large comfortable couch, hating herself for feeling flustered all of a sudden. Meanwhile, Throk quickly got out of his clothes and did his usual nightly routine before finally going to bed and getting comfortable amongst his many fluffy blankets. It wasn't long before he fell asleep, smiling as he remembered the day's events.

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