Holiday Hearts (Vi x Reader)

By Pumpkin-Carver

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It's time for a much needed break. So when your friend Caitlyn Kiramman asks you to attend her yearly holiday... More

Information and Notes
Prologue - Road Trip Ready
Chapter 1 - A Long Trip
Chapter 2 - Icebreaker
Chapter 4 - Grove Hollow
Chapter 5 - Movie Night
Chapter 6 - Into The Woods
Chapter 7 - Crossroad

Chapter 3 - The Last Leg

522 14 16
By Pumpkin-Carver

I'm abruptly bought out of my dreams by a blaring alarm. I recognise the alarm all too well. My hand sleepily reaches out to where my phone is going crazy on the nightstand and with one clumsy swipe, the alarm stops. Closing my eyes again I bask in the morning haze. Sleep still trying to lull me back to dreamland.

Birds chirping outside catch my attention. Their songs fill me with a calmness and I begin to wonder what they could be talking about. I've always loved making up silly scenarios in my mind. It helps me to escape the sometimes cold reality I live in.

My thoughts are shattered as a second alarm goes off. A groan makes its way out of my throat as I drag a hand down my face. Once again my hand reaches for my phone. This time I pluck my phone from the bedside table.

Checking my notifications I can see that Victor is the first one awake. Then Caitlyn, Jayce and lastly Vi. Well, that's if I don't count myself. I suppose I'm the lazy one here.

A smile lights up my groggy features. "How ironic, I'm not used to being a late riser." I think to myself.

House of Horrors

Vickor = Nerd

Good morning. Did everyone sleep well?

Sheriff Caitlyn

Good morning Viktor. I did, surprisingly. Did you?

Jayce (Golden boy)

Morning. Is everyone ready for another long car ride?

Vickor = Nerd

Eh, I've slept better. There were some... strange noises coming from the room next to me.

Good morning Jayce. How long is this "long car ride"?

Strange noises? I wonder if... Surely not? Hm, maybe it was just someone getting murdered or a cleaner. Murder would make for a more interesting story, a morbid one sure, but interesting. Mr. Mcflannly would be very impressed with my findings if it were.


What kind of strange noises?

Sheriff Caitlyn

Morning Jayce.

I'm sorry to hear that Viktor. Hopefully there won't be any strange noises when we get to Grove Hollow.


What's that supposed to mean Cait?


Morning everyone.

Don't tell me it was moaning, Viktor.

I wouldn't count on there being no "strange noises" while I'm around. I've been told I sound like a pterodactyl when I stretch. Which is just absurd. If anything, I sound like a harpy.

Jayce (Golden boy)

Do you ever think about what you type before you send things, Y/N?


I do. I think very intensely about my words. Thank you Jayce. And I am not the only one who thought it was moaning.


What other sounds would be coming from a hotel room and what the hell is a harpy?


See! Vi gets it.

Sheriff Caitlyn

You two need to clean your minds out. And Y/N please refrain from making any prehistoric dinosaur sounds.


I can explain it to you later on if you'd like Vi?



Vickor = Nerd

Y/N and Vi's assumptions were correct. Unfortunately. Although I would very much like to hear you imitate a creature that has been dead for millions of years, Y/N.

I can only Imagine how annoying that must have been. I would have started banging on the wall. Despite Viktor being kept awake for longer than I'm sure he wanted to be, he seems to be in quite a good mood.

Jayce (Golden boy)

That sounds awful Viktor. Do you want to file a complaint?

Vickor = Nerd

Of course not. It would be pointless.

Jayce (Golden boy)

It sounds like we should get going soon.


Is that incase they go for round two?

Sheriff Caitlyn

No wonder your mother is scared of you leaving the house.

Jayce (Golden boy)

I second that statement.


You two are boring. You could never understand such a high level of humour. Which is the exact reason you never find my jokes funny.

Jayce (Golden boy)

Y/N are you trying to call us stupid?


Wouldn't dream of it, Jayce dear.

Sheriff Caitlyn

Shouldn't we all start getting ready?

At Caitlyn's question, I realise I have spent far too long in bed. My thoughts drift to what I should wear today. I bought some comfy clothes but do I want to be comfy or sexy? Hmm.

I mull over my options whilst brushing my teeth. Comfy or not to comfy, I think as I hold up the leggings I bought. It reminds me of the skull Hamlet held when contemplating suicide. Hamlet does die in the end, so maybe this is a sign for me not to be comfy. God I hated doing shakespeare.

Looking outside I notice the clouds are covering the beautiful blue sky like a grey sheet. It's far too cold out there for my liking. The mere thought of going outside in this weather sends shivers through my whole body. Maybe a vest is a good idea?

Following the theme from last night, I put on my favourite horror T-shirt, a thick dark brown oversized plaid shirt, to combat the cold, and a black bomber jacket. For my bottom half I put on some simple black jeans with rips in the knees from far too much wear. Thankfully, ripped jeans are stylish these days, meaning I haven't had to buy any new ones

I grab a pair of odd socks and smile at the cute cats on the toes. "I really should buy some more of these. For such well loved socks, they sure are beaten up." I made a mental note to ask my mother for more odd socks for Christmas. She always finds the best ones.

Looking like a final girl Y/N, nice one. I'm sure Vi won't be able to keep her eyes off you. Not that she can anyway.

Something is missing. Hot shirt, sexy jeans that show off my best ass-ets, perfect walking boots and a jacket that shows off all the pins I've collected myself or been given. What could be missing?

After a minute of trying to figure out what was missing from my attire, I gave up and started to gather my belongings up. It didn't take long for me to pack everything away.

As I crammed my tooth paste into the front pocket of my bag, I ended up finding exactly what was missing. A clear resin crow head with purple flowers frozen inside. The head was attached to a silver chain and it was the perfect thing to go with my outfit.

I look back into the mirror, this time feeling complete. The only thing I need to do now is put some perfume on. No one likes to smell. Especially when they want to impress a certain redhead. Ah, I need to stop. But I won't.

I grab my backpack and phone feeling confident about my appearance. I open the door into the hotel's hallways, check my phone and make my way towards the lobby.

House of Horrors

Jayce (Golden boy)

Is everyone ready to leave?


I'm already waiting in the lobby. Have been for the past 10 minutes.

Somehow I never thought Vi would be the first one ready. She seems like the type to show up fashionably late.

House of Horrors

Sheriff Caitlyn

I just need to call my mother to make sure she informs the housekeeper that we are on our way. I won't be long.

Vickor = Nerd

Jayce, can you help me bring my bag downstairs?

Jayce (Golden boy)

I'll be there in a moment, Viktor.

Huh, despite being the latest one up and taking far too long getting ready, I'm still the second person to be ready.

I confidently walk down the halls, feeling like the hottest shit around. Good luck intimidating me today, Vi. Not liking how the elevator makes me feel, I take the stairs.

Once I reach the bottom of the staircase I start to search the lobby for a red headed hottie. I spot her leaning against a wall. "I don't think she could be any further out of the way if she tried." I think to myself.

Vi doesn't notice me at first, too busy staring into the void by the looks of it. But once I start to walk over she snaps out of her trance. Her piercing eyes catch mine and I start to wonder if I underestimated how intimating Vi is. Her gaze starts to move down from my own. Suddenly I feel very self conscious and I don't miss the way her eyes stop at my chest. Forgetting I had worn a necklace, I assume Vi is shamelessly staring at my boobs.

My face must be a picture because Vi smirks at me before clearing the air. "Nice necklace." Internally I am a blushing mess. Externally, I look shocked. I shake my head before replying to Vi's comment.

"Thank you, uh, my friend got it for me." The words come out unsure as I try to regain some ground against my self conscious thoughts. I also have to try and remember how inappropriate some of my other thoughts are.

Vi opens her mouth to say something but just as she does, a growl interrupts her. My stomach had decided this was the perfect time to announce its ever growing hunger. I close my eyes and wish to be someplace else. Somewhere far away from any attractive women.

"Looks like someone's hungry." Vi's not wrong. My stomach feels as though it's trying to devour itself. Not wanting to become a small puddle on the ground, I try to play off my stomach's interruption.

"How could you tell?" Vi shrugs.

"I'm just that good at reading people." I laugh a little as my earlier embarrassment starts to fade away.

"I hope everyone comes down soon. I may have to resort to eating people, just like Viktors neighbours did last night." I glance at Vi to see the corners of her mouth curl upward. It makes me feel happy that she's enjoying my dumb jokes.

"I don't think that came out the way you meant it too sweetheart." I tilt my head ever so slightly to the side, my expression becoming confused. That is until I realise what I had just implied. I look around and to make matters worse, me and Vi are the only two people in the lobby. I look back at her and awkwardly smile.

My hand comes up to rub the back of my neck. "It sounded pretty inappropriate didn't it?"

"Do you always say things without thinking?"

"Only usually. It's a problem." My lips form a small line before continuing. "I get told to stop talking a lot. My tutor used to love my bizarre way of talking with no filter and full honesty."

"Wait, you would say this kind of thing around your teacher?" I make sure to look Vi right in the eyes as I give her my answer so she knows I'm being dead serious.

"Well, yeah. I had a conversation about whale penises in the college's conference room." My story seems to tickle Vi more than I thought it ever would. She starts to laugh and I take note of the way her nose wrinkles up as she does.

"Was it really that funny?" I say while holding back a laugh of my own. Vi continues to softly laugh at my story for a little while and then answers me.

"No, it's just that, I can't imagine someone who sounds posh to be talking about whale penises. In a college conference room too." She seems to get set off again at the thought and starts to chuckle. I guess I do sound a bit posher than some people, but Caitlyn's accent is far more posh than mine.

"Is my accent really that posh?" Vi doesn't get a chance to answer as a familiar voice is heard from behind us.

"You two look like you're getting along." A tall figure appears next to me but I don't say anything at first.

"Um, yeah. I guess we are." I smile. I suppose this is going a lot better than yesterday but I don't think it could get much worse than yesterday.

Once Vi is finally done laughing, her attention gets cast towards Caitlyn. "What are we doing about food?" she asks. Any trace of amusement is abandoned leaving an almost stone cold look in its wake. I'm shocked at how fast her expression changed. I turn to look at Caitlyn who seems just as shocked as me.

"Well, um." Caitlyn struggles with her words for a moment which is very uncharacteristic of her. I then start glancing between the two taller women as I try to figure out what's going on

"I thought we could go eat at a café I saw while we were out last night?" My stomach once again rumbles. "My stomach seems to like that idea." I say holding a hand over my starving tummy. A shy smile playing on my lips.

"A café sounds good. Maybe you could tell me about those harpies on our way Y/N?" Vi says, a smirk tugging at her lips. My face lights up at Vi's question and Caitlyn lightly laughs beside me.

"You look like a kid in a sweet shop, Y/N."

I can't help but smile more at Caitlyn's remark. I don't remember the last time I was able to see her, or any of my friends for that matter.

"Any excuse to talk nerd talk is something to get excited about. But that can wait until we start walking." Caitlyn nods then starts asking Vi about some work stuff that I don't really understand. Some, police protocols or something along those lines. Does she ever stop thinking about work?

I start to wonder if maybe it would be nice to have a girls night. Perhaps over these few weeks we could have a sleepover? I love hanging out with the boys, but there's something so nostalgic about having sleepovers with my girl friends.

An idea springs to mind and before I know it, I'm cutting into Vi and Caitlyn's conversation. "You two wouldn't want to leave the men to fend for themselves and go to the café now, would you?"

Both women give me confused looks but Caitlyn is the first to voice her confusion. "Where's that idea coming from?"

"Well." I pause for a moment. "I thought maybe it would be nice to hang out, just us ladies." Plus, I'm starving.

Caitlyn and Vi seem to have a conversation purely based on making varying facial expressions at each other. My brain starts to overthink. Maybe I shouldn't have asked? What if they think I'm being mean? Or rude?

I try to suck it up and return my focus to Vi and Caitlyn but I can still feel the anxiety bubbling up inside of me. Vi shrugs her shoulders and with that their silent conversation is over.

I look over at Caitlyn expectantly as I wait for a response. But just as she's about to start talking, I hear the elevator doors open.

"I'm sorry Y/N, maybe another time?" Caitlyn softly whispers into my ear. Once she moves further away from me I can see the sympathy in her eyes.

"Ah, it's okay. We've got another few weeks together anyway." I smile but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little sad that I didn't get to spend some time with just Cait and Vi.

The rest of the morning was pretty uneventful. I explained to Vi what a harpy was while Jayce tried to figure out if it really is, or ever was, possible for such a creature to exist.

At the café conversation turns to talk of our childhoods. It's surprising how different everyone's lives have been. Caitlyn was enrolled in the best schools around when she was younger and even had to attend etiquette classes. While Victor's family struggled to even make ends meet. I even share a few stories of my nan's farm. My favourite part was talking about the forest. I used to love walking through the woods with my brother.

The only person who didn't talk about their childhood was Vi. It makes me question if something bad happened. I don't want to be nosy and ask though. If she wants to tell me about herself she will, in her own time. Part of me hopes she will feel comfortable enough to talk openly with me in the future but I know that after this holiday is over I probably won't see her again.

After a very pleasant morning, we all headed back to the car. Once back, everything's packed away securely in the car, then everyone starts piling in. I decided that after yesterday's display it would be best to steer clear of sitting next to Vi.

According to the sat nav, our final destination is still five hours away. Five hours of sitting next to a crazy attractive woman sounds great in theory but in reality... it's just a great way to mortify myself.

The next two and a half hours are spent with a mixture of talking, listening to music and playing card games. Which was quite difficult while sitting in the very back of a car. To make playing easier, I suggested that at the next stop we see if the seat between Caitlyn and Vi could be folded down into a makeshift table.

Jayce did end up folding the chair down. However, it did take much longer than I thought it would. He ended up spending more time messing with it than he did figuring it out. Victor kept suggesting ideas on how it might work before he finally managed to push the seat into place.

Vi said she wanted to stretch her legs, so she went to take a look around. I would have loved to go with her but I also wanted to catch up with Caitlyn a bit more. I end up staying near the car with the rest of the group instead of exploring with Vi.

Caitlyn and myself spoke about how hectic life had seemingly become over the past months and it reminded me to ask about how she and Vi met. But she said that it would be best if I heard that story from Vi herself.

I'm still so confused as to why Caitlyn refuses to tell me almost anything about Vi. Did Vi do something wrong? Do Jayce or Victor know about this mysterious past Vi seems to have?

Vi's unspoken past both intrigues me and worries me. But had she done something terrible, then Cait wouldn't be her friend, right?I must just be overthinking it. Vi probably just had something personal happen when she was younger. Which would explain why Caitlyn won't tell me anything and why Vi doesn't talk much about her past or self for that matter.

That doesn't explain her talking about prison food though. It could have been a simple joke I guess. She's probably never tasted prison food in her life. I sure hope she was joking. It would be just my luck to have a crush on a criminal.

After about 30 minutes of chatting and standing around, Vi returns. Quickly after her return we set off for the fourth and last time before getting to Grove Hollow.

Authors Notes

Word Count: 3237

This was a shorter chapter with less Vi and I apologise for that. Next chapter I want to have the reader and Vi interact more, a lot more.

Thank you to everyone who has read up until this point. I pray you continue to read and enjoy my story.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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