Payback: Reversal

By Aerlev13

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A third generation chaebol, Lee Yoohan, was frustrated with life and tired of succession war. He attended an... More

Prologue / The Glare of Red Moonlight
Prologue / The Whisper of Red Sunrise
1 - Dirt on My Leather
2 - Fable of the Silent Son
3 - Angel With A Shotgun (M)
4 - Wait For Me
5 - Megalomaniac
6 - I'd Come For You
7 - Dance With The Devil
8 - Misery Loves My Company (M)
9 - Oxygen
10 - Love Hurts/1 (M)
10.5 - Love Hurts/2 (M)
11 - Trying Not To Love You
12 - The Part That Hurts The Most
13 - Broken Wings
14 - Hurt
15 - Holding On To Heaven (M)
17 - In Loving Memory
18 - Wicked Game (M)
19 - Raise The Alarm
20 - Sick Sad Little World
21 - Poison In Your Veins
22 - Fly On The Wall
23 - Feed The Wolf
24 - Animals I Had Become
25 - This Is War
26 - I See Red (M)
27 - Nothing's Fair in Love and War
28 - The End Is Here
29 - The End Is Not The Answer
30 - If Today Was Your Last Day
[Epilogue] The End Is Where We Begin

16 - Better Days

946 28 27
By Aerlev13

"Master," one peaceful morning, Yoohan was awoken by a smoldering giant dog who peppered his face with kisses first thing.

"My honey bunny sleepy head Master," the kisses were now accompanied by the dog's full weight on his upper body, enveloping his blanketed torso with a warm hug.

"My once diligent Master who turned into a spoiled sleepy head brat these days—hahaha!" with a trained swiftness, Yoon Jay caught the pillow being smacked at him, and proceeded to counterattack with a kiss on the annoyed Master's forehead, turning the angry frown into a fluster.

Yoohan groaned and glared at his bodyguard from behind the blanket. But his slightly swollen face from sleeping only made him look adorable in Jay's eyes—well, although the man also happened to think his Master looked adorable always.

"What is it?" Yoohan asked in a hoarse voice—perhaps from sleepiness, perhaps from moaning too much last night, who knows.

"An invitation came," the bodyguard fished out a tray with a pristine white envelope on top, now standing in perfect posture beside the bed.

Yoohan clicked his tongue in annoyance—why should this man look so charming first thing in the morning? Made it hard for Yoohan to keep being angry.

But he straightened himself and took the envelope, observing the elegant and luxurious feel the textured surface gave. "Why does he make it as if he's inviting us to a wedding?" Yoohan directed his morning grumpiness to the poor invitation instead. "What will he use for his own wedding then?"

He already knew what the invitation was about; the anniversary banquet for a foundation created by Hanshin Group. Song Hwa had already told them about it a long time ago, and finally, the day had come. The one who send them the invitation, of course, was the one and only Kang Jun, Song Hwa's lover.

"Do you think they'll have it?" Jay put the letter tray down and took a coffee cup he already prepared earlier. "A wedding?"

Jay had only met the Hanshin's Chairman a few times during his Aegis days, and while he never witnessed it himself, the relationship between the two chaebols was an ongoing insider secret already. After all, they had been together for fifteen years—counting their break.

Yoohan fished out the card inside the envelope while shrugging. "Who knows? For all I know, they might try to legalize same-sex marriage first just so they could do it with a bang," Yoohan smirked as he gave the envelope and card back to Jay to exchange it with the coffee.

But the bodyguard was being unresponsive, pausing to stare at Yoohan with deep grey eyes. "What?" Yoohan frowned, for some reason feeling his heart racing.

Jay stared for a few seconds more before smiling as if nothing happened, taking the card and putting the coffee inside the empty hands. "That'll be nice," Jay said light-heartedly, eyes reading the card while sitting on the bed, a dimpled smile adorning handsome face.

Sipping on his cup, Yoohan decided to blame his weirdly increasing heartbeat on the caffeine.

* * *

"Aren't you looking quite handsome?" Yoohan tilted his head, looking satisfied at how his bodyguard looked in a brand-new three-piece suit they were choosing for Hanshin's banquet.

With a dimpled smirk, Jay replied casually. "I always am, Master," when Yoohan gave him a disgusted looked, he added shamelessly. "You don't have to go around the long way to give me a compliment."

In a quite undignified way, Yoohan flipped the man and spat a curse.

Jay chuckled and asked the female staff in charge of helping him. "Don't you think so?"

"Oh, uhh...y-yes?" the staff stuttered, furiously blushing from the man's laugh, moreover when Jay gave her a wink.

"Fuck—why are you flirting with a staff?" Yoohan frowned and kicked the ottoman in front of his foot.

"Obviously to make you jealous, Master," Jay replied while undoing his tie.

"Do something like that when you're not in front of me," Yoohan crossed his arms, still frowning. "That grey one."

Picking the grey tie that the Master chose, one that matched his eyes, Jay smiled sweetly while responding in kind. "Then I can't make you jealous, Master."

"What the hell are you making me jealous for?"

"Because you look adorable when you're jealous," the bodyguard answered while catching the cushion thrown at him from the couch. "Now, now, let's not make a mess of the store, Master."

Fuming, Yoohan sunk himself into the couch and crossed his arms in annoyance. "I'm not jealous," he muttered while turning his head, staring outside the window.

"Hmm, too bad," Jay mischievously said, walking toward his master in perfect stride. "Come, Master, we can't make you look bad just because you get angry. Ah, look at this, I need to fix your hair again..."

"You—" gritting his teeth, Yoohan had no choice but to swallow his protest since his hair did mess up slightly. Or probably because Yoon Jay looked perfectly dashing, and Yoohan couldn't help but stare at the man as he fixed Yoohan's hair and suit.

And the store's staff couldn't help but stand awkwardly, third-wheeling the fuck out of this young master and bodyguard pair that looked more like lovers than anything with the way they interacted with each other.

"There, you're good now," Jay tucked the last stray hair behind Yoohan's ear. "The house manager called me again, asking where we are."

Yoohan snorted, sneering at the thought of his house, his 'family'. Right—the invitation didn't just come for him, but for the family. In that case, usually, the ones who came would be the Chairman and his wife.

But in Yoohan's family case, the Chairman probably came with whoever he currently had an affair with. The old man was brazen like that, just like how he brought the current third wife when he was still married to Yoohan's mom.

But the current wife was part of the socialites, so she would still attend the event, because, unlike Yoohan's mother, she was also brazen like that. And she would also brazenly bring along her children, to give them exposure.

As executive director and apparent heir, Lee Wooseok would be there, perhaps also Lee Wooyoung, the princess, as part of the social circle.

So really, it would be the whole family with a twist. Yoohan had no idea who asked the house manager to keep a tab on him, or whether they knew he was also invited to the event.

But it was going to be interesting either way.

"Do you think he wanted to know if I might crash the banquet, or he wanted to tell me to go with the third wife as a clown?" Yoohan smirked as they went back to the car, and licked his lips in delight. "Oh, this is fun. What will they think if they see you?"

Yoohan glanced at the man walking a bit behind him, who looked more like a celebrity than a bodyguard. Having been too used to seeing the man with his hair down, Yoohan couldn't help skipping a beat looking at Jay with styled hair.

Who would believe this man was a bodyguard? An attendant?

"Wouldn't they think I bring you as a partner rather than a bodyguard?" Yoohan smiled subtly.

"Hmm...that's a cheering thought," Jay replied with a deep smile. "A really nice one, indeed."

The pale eyes traveled to the beautiful specimen clad in a turtleneck and deep red suit. The simple drop earrings that gleamed in the dim light couldn't take the beauty away from his Master.

It's because he doesn't care that he looks even more charming.

That nonchalant gaze that seemed to be afraid of nothing yet hiding a delicate, fragile soul was able to lure anyone easily. Even with blonde hair, the man looked pretty rather than tacky, like a star with his own light. would be good if people thought Jay was his partner. He'd be able to swat annoying flies easily.

"Should we come hand in hand too, Master?" Jay asked half teasingly.

"Don't push your luck!" Yoohan replied in grumble, although Jay could clearly see the blush on his master's cheeks and ears

It was clear that Yoohan rejected the idea not because the bodyguard was crossing the line, but because he was too shy to do things like that—like lovers. With a chuckle, Jay opened the car's door for his adorable Master.

But Yoohan suddenly paused before entering the car, looking at the bodyguard keenly. To be exact, looking at the man's neck. "What about the choker?"

"Safely inside my breast pocket," Jay tapped on his chest with a subtle smile. He could see slight anxiety in the black eyes, which instantly went away with his answer.

"Mm, alright," nodding in satisfaction, Yoohan finally entered the car, leaving Jay smiling deeply to himself.

Fastening his master's seatbelt like usual, Jay leaned close to stare at the pretty black eyes, who looked back at him confusedly. "Tell me straight," Jay tapped his chest where the 'leash' was and smirked. "You put a tracker there, don't you?"

Ah, how adorable it was the way his master tried to hide his fluster and creeping blush with deviant eyes and hardened lips. But in trained control, that face soon came back to its calm state, as Yoohan took a breath.

"So?" the younger man asked in a nonchalant tone.

Jay smiled deeply, the sweet dimples almost broke Yoohan's calm mask. "I like it," Jay leaned even closer, lips hovering above Yoohan's ear. "Makes you sound possessive, Master."

The reddened ears twitched, even after Jay pulled back with a calm smile to turn on the car's engine. Looking outside to find his composure, Yoohan muttered a response.

"You're mine anyway,"

It wasn't loud, but Jay could hear it clearly even within the engine's sound.

"That's right," Jay nodded, replying with a sure and clear voice. "I'm totally yours, Lee Yoohan."

It was so unfair how the man would use his name when saying things like that seriously. It was like he made it clear that he was saying it as a lover, not a bodyguard. And it easily made Yoohan's heart throb for a while during their drive. The fact that the man looked absolutely dashing tonight didn't help.

What a feeling to have, after thinking that he would kill his heart for revenge.

Yoohan pressed his forehead to the window, feeling the cold seeping into his skin. Feeling like he was alive, with a beating heart that glimpsed into the future.

Was it alright...for him to be the only one who stayed alive? To taste happiness...perhaps?

Yoohan still didn't know. But he also didn't want to avoid it anymore. I'm sorry, he whispered an apology every time he felt like he wished for a future. And he'd keep saying it, to the vestige of his mother and brother inside his soul. I'm sorry that I want to be with him.

The car stopped at the intersection, and Yoohan felt a hand grab on his, holding him tight, anchoring him to the ground. He didn't even say anything, but Jay always seemed to know the right time to pull him back, as if the man was living in his head. Perhaps he was.

Yoohan usually didn't give any reaction, just letting the man hold his hand, rubbing his knuckles and palm until the light turned green again. But tonight he was filled with butterflies, and the man was exceptionally stunning, and before he realized it, he was already intertwining his hand with the older man.

"Do you know how much you resemble a rabbit, Master?"

"Huh?" Yoohan turned his face at this seemingly random stuff coming out of the smiling guy's mouth. What was this about a rabbit? Was that why this man had been calling him bunny every time he teased Yoohan?

But what part of him resembled a rabbit?

Still with eyes focused on the road, the man answered his own question with another question. "Do you know rabbits can die when they get lonely?"

Yoohan stiffened then, before Jay brought his hand and kissed it briefly. "But don't worry, I'll make sure my Bunny Master won't get lonely,"

With a hiss and a growl, Yoohan snatched his hand back from the bodyguard's clutch, who laughed joyfully and continued driving.

This...fucking...Yoohan cursed the man inwardly, rubbing his fourth finger where the man kissed him earlier, as the car drove smoothly through the evening.

Thankfully, Jay didn't tease him anymore after that, so Yoohan had time to manage his face and set it to the usual cold, expressionless state before they arrived at the venue.

"Just use the valet service this time," Yoohan instructed the bodyguard, who was more than happy to oblige.

They went intentionally late as usual, for the sake of avoiding small talk. Or just avoiding too much stumbling into Yoohan's family, really. The staff at the front of the venue recognized Yoohan easily as VVIP, no doubt from Kang Jun's personal list, and brought them immediately to the venue.

It was right when the foundation's director made a speech, and the staff led Yoohan and Jay toward Kang Hyunmin's table, who greeted them with a knowing smirk. The man had wittily provided two seats for them, so Jay really would look like he came as a plus one.

People had been wondering why there were two empty spots at the heir's table, and some immediately stole glances at Yoohan. As soon as someone recognized him, whispers swiftly spread from table to table.

"The HS's table is staring so hard, it makes me feel ticklish," Hyunmin chuckled quietly. "Words are we've been sleeping together."

"We did? Must have been a memory problem, I forget things so easily," Yoohan remarked casually, but busy tapping his bodyguard's tensing thigh. He turned toward the man who let out a smile that didn't reach the cold pale eyes and commanded sternly. "Behave."

Hyunmin almost couldn't hold back his laugh, and leaned closer to Yoohan, ignoring the cold eyes staring dagger at him. "Your bodyguard looks more like a chaebol than most of the chaebols here,"

"I hate to admit it but he does have an expensive face," Yoohan replied while taking a glance at the HS's table.

He didn't know who the young woman clinging to his father was, but Lee Wooseok had been staring in his direction without even trying to mask it. He saw Lee Wooyoung there too, looking—observing—her brother, and Yoohan wondered whether she had made a decision regarding the whole bloodline situation.

"The third wife is at my mother's table," Hyunmin whispered to him then. "Your four o'clock."

Yoohan took a champagne glass with one hand, and leaned to the other side. Brushing the dark hair of the dashing bodyguard who looked at him amusedly, he took a peek at the table filled with sophisticated-looking women, who were clad in luxurious brands from head to toe.

The third wife, Jeong Mina, was there. She was looking at Yoohan with glaring eyes, but soon pretended to be calm and cool by fanning herself and struck a conversation with someone beside her. Not far from that table, there was one where the children were seated, and just as he thought, he could see Lee Sungmin and his sister there. Yoohan leaned his head on Jay's shoulder and smirked at them when they caught his gaze, looking absolutely flabbergasted and annoyed at the same time.

"You shouldn't drink," Jay took the glass from Yoohan's hand and gave it to the passing waiter, prompting Yoohan to look at him in protest.

"It's just a champagne," the younger man frowned with pursed lips.

But Jay was strict and adamant, replying with dry words. "I'm not risking it."

"So I can only drink water?"

"It's good for your body,"

"Should I remind you that I'm the Master here?"

"And you hired me to keep you safe," Jay smiled charmingly at the master, putting a glass of tonic water in Yoohan's hand. "You're too slutty when you're drunk, Master."


Whatever Yoohan wanted to hurl at the man was cut by a round of applause that marked the end of the opening speech.

"Sorry to end your lover's spat, but I need to greet the guests now," Hyunmin stood up then, as were the others around them. The event would move to the banquet hall for a more casual setting now, and as the official successor, Hyunmin had a duty to fulfilled. "Oh, Hyungnim said you can't go back before meeting him."

"Mm," Yoohan nodded in affirmation. Well, the only reason he even attended this event was for meeting Kang Jun anyway, so it would be a total waste if he ended up going home before doing so.

Just as Yoohan lazily got up while holding on to Jay's offered hand, he felt people approaching him. It felt like a long time ago since he saw the youngest bratty face, and his older sister's snobbish one. Both of them walked toward him sharply, haughtily. Yoohan could see their mother glancing toward them shortly before walking away with other socialites. The woman probably wanted to interrogate him herself, but was too proud, and couldn't leave her circle in fear of being gossiped about—what with her husband bringing another harlot with him.

The siblings approached him like a debt collector at a job, but froze slightly when they took a better look at the imposing solid guard behind Yoohan. Sungmin, especially, was the direct recipient of Jay's piercing cold stare.

Yoohan tilted his head at the siblings who suddenly went quiet after coming in front of him. Perhaps annoyed by Yoohan's mocking stare, Lee Minyoung steeled herself through the bodyguard's torrential hail stare.

"H-how did you get here?"

Yoohan tilted his head the other way around. "By car, of course. You think I walked all the way here?"

"You—that's not...People need to get invited to come here," Lee Sungmin chimed in from behind his sister. "How come you're here?"

Oh, sweet child of foolishness. Couldn't he think for himself?

"Well, then wouldn't it mean I got invited?" Yoohan answered with a shrug. Obviously, there would be no seat for Yoohan if he didn't get the invitation.

Or were they thinking that Yoohan managed to smuggle himself because he 'slept' with Kang Hyunmin? Ah...was that what the third wife trying to find out?


It was comical how they thought Yoohan shouldn't be here when in fact, both of them were only here as their mother's ducklings. Yoohan gave the two an appraising look while leaning toward Jay, fingers rubbing his lips in contemplation. "J, do you think these two even have personal invitations?"

"I don't think Chairman Kang had any interest in children, Master."

Yoohan chuckled at that, prompting the siblings to fume. But before they could display any outburst, Yoohan grabbed Sungmin's shoulder. "You better stop humiliating yourself, kids," he said with a smile, and leaned slightly to whisper in the younger's ear. "And stop with the drugs too, it's traceable."

With a sweet smile on his face, Yoohan tapped on the frozen, frightened boy's shoulder twice, before walking away with the bodyguard, who still gave the boy an icy glare.

Walking toward the banquet venue, Yoohan wondered what the boy would do. Would he become anxious and stopped? Or would he become anxious and tried to find a more secure—and thus more expensive—channel?

"My Master is such a softie," Jay sighed as he escorted the younger man. Giving the boy a warning like that, a chance to stop and get away before he got swept into the storm or retribution...

If it was Jay, he wouldn't care one bit.

"It's an adult's job to guide minors," Yoohan said casually. Well, he wouldn't do more than that though. The boy was lucky that he was still in high school, or Yoohan wouldn't even bat an eye at his fate.

But thanks to these siblings, Yoohan entered the venue earlier than he intended. He was planning to come later when people already dispersed inside the ballroom to mingle with their own circle, and went straight to Kang Jun before going home. But now he entered with other people, who looked at him with interest.

Well, he was also sure they looked at Jay with interest—probably wondering which family he came from or which agency he belonged to. Especially the celebrities who came that night, who were eyeing Jay and Yoohan the moment they stepped foot inside the banquet.

And the attention brought another pair of eyes that Yoohan didn't really want to face.

"Yoohan," his father beckoned him with a clear voice that he couldn't pretend to not hear, so he had no choice but to approach the man. "You're here,"

The old man was smirking, looking at him amusedly, hand in hand with a woman who couldn't be much older than Lee Wooyoung. Yoohan held back from rolling his eyes and just responded dryly. "In the flesh."

"How's the company?"

Yoohan wondered if the man even knew what company it was. "Nothing much, kind of fun."

"Haha, you have to learn something anyway," he tapped on Yoohan's shoulder, perching his hand there for a while. Probably for a show. Quite funny for someone who brought his mistress to a formal event.

"Of course," Yoohan wondered what he had to learn there—how to build a company, or how to stay quiet in the group's shadow. "I'm grateful for the chance, father. But miss—" Yoohan snapped his fingers suddenly in front of his father's girlfriend—or escort, whatever—and smiled coldly at the woman. "This one is taken, so be mindful of your eyes, please."

The woman, who had been staring dazedly at Yoon Jay, flinched and fumbled in a fluster. "Wha—I don', I—"

"Haha, this rascal," the old man laughed and ruffled the neat blonde hair, "You're getting funnier each day."

Keeping his customer service smile, Yoohan curled his eyes coldly and replied in a sweet voice. "Well, I have to keep you entertained."

His father laughed louder and patted his shoulder again, before walking away with the flustered woman, who seemed to fervently try to explain that she wasn't interested in the handsome man or anything.

" hair..." Yoohan let out a sigh, standing with arms crossed in annoyance as Jay fixed his hair carefully. He peeked at the man who smiled widely until his dimples could be seen clearly from afar. "What's that smile for?"

Tucking the last stray hair behind Yoohan's ear, Jay leaned down slightly, still with the smile that made his face practically beaming. "I'm not sure, probably because I'm taken."

Ugh—Yoohan wanted to scold himself from a few minutes ago who said such a thing without further thought. But he was quite annoyed at the way the woman ogled his bodyguard even while she was clinging to his father.

What should he expect from someone who openly had an affair with a married man anyway?

"Whatever, let's just get a bite and look for—"

"Yoohan," another voice called his name, another one Yoohan couldn't simply ignore.

Hiding his sigh, Yoohan turned around with his usual business smile. "Hyung,"

Unlike his father, Lee Wooseok came to him with a serious face. It might have something to do with how Jay didn't seem to come as a bodyguard, as the man glanced toward the supposed bodyguard with a frown, before looking at Yoohan again.

"Let's talk."

Yoohan raised his brow and shrugged. "Well, let's."

"Not here. Come with me," the man reached out his hand, seemingly trying to escort Yoohan away, but Jay already put his hand on Yoohan's waist and pulled his master closer, stepping up as if he wanted to shield Yoohan from the eldest son.

The frown on Wooseok's face grew deeper, the disdain no longer hidden in his eyes. "Yoohan, put your dog in his place and come with me."

"Why, can't he come?" Yoohan tilted his head, looking innocent.

"No one brings their pet inside," Wooseok said sharply, the impatience apparent on his face.

"Father did," Yoohan shrugged, and Wooseok frowned even more.

Letting out a sigh, Yoohan reached out and patted his bodyguard's back. "Stay here for a bit," he looked up and stroked the furrowed brows. It wasn't just an act, he really tried to calm this beast down. Caressing the place where the dimple usually showed, he smiled genuinely to reassure the man. "I'll be alright, I'm just with hyung."

The pale eyes slowly softened, and Jay put his face against Yoohan's palm, before taking that hand in his hold. Stepping back slightly, he leaned down and kissed the back of that hand—in the same place he did before in the car.

"By your command," he said against the hand, before letting it go, pale eyes never left his master, who chuckled lightly and followed the man whom he wanted to crush thoroughly.

Walking beside Lee Wooseok, Yoohan was praising himself inwardly for keeping his composure and not getting flustered because of Yoon Jay's deadly antics. But since he understood why Jay acted so hostile like that, he couldn't scold the man.

"You let a bodyguard touch you that easily?" Lee Wooseok commented suddenly, the disdain palpable in his tone.

Yoohan narrowed his eyes for a second, wanting to ask the man the same thing—you desired your little brother that easily?

But what displayed in Yoohan's face was innocent ignorance. "Hmm? Yeah, why not?" rubbing his lips in contemplation, the black eyes curled and a sliver of red tongue licked the coral lips. "His touches are really...nice," biting his lower lip, a low and alluring voice added dreamily, "Skillful..."

"Lee Yoohan!" Wooseok stopped and grasped the younger's elbow, hissing in anger.

"Yes?" Yoohan tilted his head, the wide blinking eyes were the epitome of innocence that got Lee Wooseok at a loss for words.

Haha—why are you angry? Yoohan sneered inwardly. He was the one who told Yoohan's former attendant to introduce Yoohan to some 'sexual friend' back in the States, just so Yoohan would be easier to seduce later. What did he think will happen after he purposely made Yoohan into a helpless promiscuous slut?

"Conduct yourself better in public," the man let go of Yoohan's arm and spoke sternly.

Pfft—Yoohan let out a restrained laugh before leaning closer and spoked lowly with tilted head. "But wouldn't it be better for your image if they see me as a slut?"

"Lee Yoohan!"

"Your brother seemed to be keen on making me look like one," Yoohan stepped back and smirked. "You know..." he turned his face to look at the place where Wooseok seemed to plan to bring him to—a table where some HS's board of directors were. "I like fulfilling people's expectations," he smiled deeply while staring at Lee Wooseok with curled eyes, putting his index finger in front of his lips. "Like a good boy."



Two voices called his name at the same time with a completely different tones. The latter came in a beaming voice that sounded happy. "Lee Yoohan my boy!"

Not even Lee Wooseok, who stiffened slightly at the voice, could ignore the owner. Both of them turned to look at the tall, handsome man that sucked the attention of all surrounding eyes. Looking even more dashing in the gate of his forties, the man was truly the epitome of the most eligible bachelor.

Kang Jun, the Chairman of Hanshin Group, walked toward them with a casual smile, and greeted them with a wave while the secretaries behind him bowed politely at the two sons of HS. From the corner of his eyes, Yoohan suddenly saw some executives of HS, who were Lee Wooseok's avid supporters, walking toward them hurriedly.

"Isn't this the eldest son?" Kang Jun looked at Lee Wooseok, who already regained his composure and bowed politely to the older man.

"It's an honor that you recognize me, Chairman Kang," Wooseok smiled adequately, not too wide and not too subtle.

"Of course, I should recognize the next generation," Kang Jun responded with a good-natured smile while offering a handshake, which Wooseok took in a wider, prouder smile. "You seemed to be in the middle of a talk, but can I borrow this dongsaeng for a bit?"

Wooseok's smile faltered for a bit, but it wasn't like he could reject a request from Hanshin's chairman, the host of the event. But before he could respond, the people that Yoohan saw earlier, Wooseok's supporters, arrived there.

"Good evening," Kang Jun greeted the newcomers briefly.

"We should be the ones greeting you, Chairman-nim. It's such an honor that you come to greet us, hahaha," one of the executives said, although the one whom Kang Jun greeted was the two sons. Perhaps they saw them and Lee Wooseok as one entity, Yoohan thought with a smirk.

But like a good host, Kang Jun just smiled nonchalantly, as if he didn't really care about these people's behavior. "Of course, I should come out to greet my dongsaeng."

"Hahaha! Chairman-nim is such a magnanimous person to take care of the next generation—"

"So, as I said," ignoring the random man, Kang Jun looked at the two sons again. "I want to have a private talk with my dongsaeng, so Lee Wooseok-ssi..."

Again, the old men chimed in energetically, probably thinking that the one Kang Jun meant was Lee Wooseok. "Of course, of course, you should—"

"I'll be borrowing Yoohanie for a bit," the Chairman tapped on Yoohan's shoulder and pulled him over, circling his arm around the younger man's shoulder and taking him away from the flabbergasted group. "Come, how could you not greet your hyung at all after coming home, huh? You rascal!"

The people from HS, who seemed to want to say something, were getting blocked by the secretaries who immediately followed behind the Chairman and Yoohan like a wall.

"I've been busy," Yoohan, meanwhile, replied nonchalantly, couldn't care less about Lee Wooseok and his supporters.

"Yet you have time to meet with my cousin?"

"Well..." Yoohan chuckled bitterly at the memory of their meeting which caused too much stress and anxiety. "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere you can eat in peace,"

"Oh, you know me so well," Yoohan smirked, and then looked around to search for Jay. But he didn't need to look far, because the man already walking toward him, only five steps away.

Glancing at the man, Yoohan tapped on his jaw below his ear, and Jay stopped three steps away behind him, following quietly in front of the secretaries. The pale eyes stared hard at the arm around Yoohan's shoulder, and Kang Jun chuckled at that.

"Yoon Jay, isn't it?" the Chairman looked at Yoohan with a smirk. "Such a loyal dog. What is he? Rottweiler?"

"A husky,"

Kang Jun looked back to observe the bodyguard better and hummed. "Ah, do you have things for pretty eyes? Although they seemed eager to kill me," the man laughed and moved his hand to caress Yoohan's hair. "Makes me want to touch you more..."

"That part of you is just like Song Hwa," Yoohan sighed, shaking his head in exasperation.

At that, Kang Jun just hummed some more, looking visibly pleased as he ushered Yoohan toward a section of VVIP's table, where they seated themselves and wait for the waiters to bring them food.

"Right," Kang Jun tapped on the table as they waited. "Talking about Hwa, he told me to give you a birthday present"

"You don't have to," Yoohan shrugged, playing with the empty glass in front of him.

Kang Jun leaned back, observing the once feisty boy who had turned into a reserved man in five years, deep and complex. He was no longer a boy who reacted to every teasing in a fluster, but talked back at it.

"You're sure? The Chairman offering you something, young man," Kang Jun smiled, watching the giant husky fill the empty glass with fresh water. "Don't be too quick to reject it."

Yoohan looked up, at the chandelier with blurry light. His sight caught some members of his household, here and there, probably watching him too. What about the one that wasn't there? What about the one who wasn't in his family registers?

That's right...the fight is still long.

"Well..." Yoohan looked back at the observing eyes of the Chairman, smiling playfully. "It depends on how far you'll go, hyung."

Raising his brow, Kang Jun smiled curiously and wasted no time with glib. "What do you want, dongsaeng?"

Yoohan tilted his head, drumming the armrest in contemplation. "I'm not particularly in need of anything right now, though," the black eyes gazed into the empty air, fierce. "Well, not yet..."

"I see," Kang Jun smiled amusedly as Yoohan reached out for his glass of water. "So that's what you want?"

Something for someone who might need help, but didn't know what yet. Especially coming from someone like Kang Jun, it could be very powerful. A favor. A favor free of any cost.

"A blank cheque?"

With a deep smile, Yoohan raised his glass.

🎶 Breaking Benjamin - Better Days

Waiting for payback update is torturous 🫠

Bunny that got lonely will die of stress and depression, but thankfully our bunny had a wolf (?) to accompany him for life 😌

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