Payback: Reversal

By Aerlev13

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A third generation chaebol, Lee Yoohan, was frustrated with life and tired of succession war. He attended an... More

Prologue / The Glare of Red Moonlight
Prologue / The Whisper of Red Sunrise
1 - Dirt on My Leather
2 - Fable of the Silent Son
3 - Angel With A Shotgun (M)
4 - Wait For Me
5 - Megalomaniac
6 - I'd Come For You
7 - Dance With The Devil
8 - Misery Loves My Company (M)
10 - Love Hurts/1 (M)
10.5 - Love Hurts/2 (M)
11 - Trying Not To Love You
12 - The Part That Hurts The Most
13 - Broken Wings
14 - Hurt
15 - Holding On To Heaven (M)
16 - Better Days
17 - In Loving Memory
18 - Wicked Game (M)
19 - Raise The Alarm
20 - Sick Sad Little World
21 - Poison In Your Veins
22 - Fly On The Wall
23 - Feed The Wolf
24 - Animals I Had Become
25 - This Is War
26 - I See Red (M)
27 - Nothing's Fair in Love and War
28 - The End Is Here
29 - The End Is Not The Answer
30 - If Today Was Your Last Day
[Epilogue] The End Is Where We Begin

9 - Oxygen

903 34 41
By Aerlev13

It felt like it had been a long time since he got woken up by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and hot stew. Staring blankly at the ceiling, Yoohan realized he had just experienced the best sleep in the last few years.

But he kind of annoyed that it was due to the skillful massage and an even more skillful handjob.

Yoohan rolled in his bed while grunting, and his eyes fell toward the glass of water nicely sitting on the nightstand. He remembered the time when he used to have a few assistants working for him, and got up feeling a bit less annoyed.

The water felt adequately cool for a warm summer morning, and hydrated his body well. Just as he put the empty glass down, the bedroom door opened, and a nice coffee aroma wafted from the cup in the bodyguard's hand.

The man wasn't dolled up like yesterday, but the way his hair was down made him look younger. Jay already looked neat with a rolled-up white shirt, with a subtle scent of body wash and a hint of tobacco coming out of him.

A rather satisfactory look, and Yoohan felt his annoyance go down a bit more.

"You like it black, don't you?"

Hmm...yeah, the nice, smooth, low voice was also satisfactory. Yoohan reached out his hand casually without realizing it, and the coffee came into his hand along with the bodyguard's smile.

"I used the Colombian one today, but there isn't much variety in this house," Jay kneeled while Yoohan sipped on his coffee, putting on slippers on his master's feet. "Can I put some order?"

It was the right temperature for drinking, and Yoohan felt the dark liquid seeping into his sleepy nerves to wake them up. "My regular allowance should be directed to my card from now on, so just use it to purchase the necessities," Yoohan paused to savor another sip before adding. "The blue ones. Use that for any explainable purchases, and use the other one for the rest."

Yoohan gave the cup back to Jay and got up toward the washing room, yawning on the way. "What did you cook?"

"Short-rib soup. Would you like an egg roll?"

"Mmm," with a short hum, Yoohan went through his morning routine with a rather light heart.

It felt good to have a morning where he didn't have to grumble about unpleasant things, with someone providing him with things before he even asked. Look—there was even a neatly arranged small towel in the sink. The floor was spotless already, no trace of last night's activity could be seen.

When Yoohan stepped out, a set of fresh clothes was already arranged on the mattress. The bed itself had already been fixed neatly, as if Yoohan had never slept there before.

Looking at the bed blankly, Yoohan suddenly got curious about what kind of training Jay had gone through to be this swift and efficient. This astonishment continued in front of the dining table, as a spread of sumptuous breakfast had been laid for him; steaming galbi-tang, fluffy egg roll, and five kinds of side dishes that Yoohan was sure did not available in this annex before.

Was he made all of that—the braised quail eggs, the season cucumber and beansprout, the fresh kimchi—this morning? No—the ribs probably needed hours to be prepared.

"Did you even sleep at all last night?" Yoohan narrowed his eyes at Jay, but the man was as handsome and sharp-eyed as ever.

Jay only smiled without answering, pulling out the chair for Yoohan to sit on, and putting a bowl of rice in front of him. "There's not much in the fridge, so I can only make simple things. I'll prepare better things after getting more ingredients."

What the hell...are you trying to open a restaurant or something?

"Did you eat?" Yoohan asked, still a bit stunned.

"I'll eat after you're done, Master."

Yoohan pointed his chin toward the chair in front of him, and Jay chuckled before seating himself there with a bowl of rice in hand.

"I'm sick of eating alone," Yoohan muttered while scooping rice into his mouth.

But true to his role, Jay made sure to serve his Master first, putting ribs on a separate plate and fetching infused water. Savoring the proper breakfast he hadn't consumed in a long time, his initial annoyance earlier vanished with each delicious mouthful.

"You could open a restaurant somewhere with this kind of food..." Yoohan commented unconsciously, prompting a dimpled smile to emerge on the other's face.

"If I do, will you come and live with me, Master?"

Yoohan raised his gaze and saw the pale eyes curled softly into a half-moon. The smile was as nice and easy as the bewitching voice. And he had no idea whether it was because he had a good mood or because the food was insanely delicious, but Yoohan replied with a shrug.

"Maybe, if we survive this,"

It was a lighthearted, half-joking statement that he would probably forget the next day. But Jay stared at Yoohan with slightly widened eyes, fingers moved to cover the stretched-out grin.

Obviously, the master's words had already been carved deeply into his heart.

Yoohan was feeling good to the point of asking for a second helping, thinking that the morning passed so perfectly.

Yeah—it would be such a perfect morning if the house manager didn't suddenly come, telling him that his father summoned him to the study.

Fuckwhat is that man doing up early in the morning? Yoohan cursed inwardly, although he still looked expressionless on the outside.

It wasn't exactly early, but Lee Hwan didn't usually wake up at this hour during the weekend.

"J, talked with the manager about the logistic," Yoohan ordered dryly while walking out of the annex, leaving his bodyguard with the house manager who had been eyeing the dining table all this while.

"Yes, Master."

Yoohan trudged through the connecting hallway with a sigh. Well, he knew it would happen sooner or later. He made a scene after all. It would be weirder if no one made a fuss about it.

He just wondered what kind of reprimand he would get while patting his stomach lightly. Whatever bullshit his father spouted up better not mess with his digestion—it would be such a shame for the delicious meal.

Just like he used to do five years ago, Yoohan picked the path that would minimize any encounter with other members of the family, and went straight to Lee Hwal's study. The door was slightly ajar, and he could see his father's secretaries through the gap of the door.

So is he up early because he has work to do?

Yoohan knocked on the door twice, and the secretaries turned their heads toward the door. Yoohan pushed the wide wooden door slightly to reveal himself while tilting his head. "You're calling for me?"

"Mm, just sit down for now," His father answered without even looking away from the documents on his desk.

Not that Yoohan expected anything different, though. He just walked in casually and sunk himself on the couch, pulling over a magazine and flipping the pages nonchalantly while observing the room.

It had been a while since Yoohan stepped foot inside the study. The last time should be when he was told that most of his privileges had been stripped down, and he would be sent to study abroad despite already getting admission to SNU.

But he used to visit the room a lot when his grandfather still used the room as a Chairman. The old man would make him and Lee Wooseok sit there listening to the serious talk between adults, observing, learning the rope.

It wasn't a bad memory, but nothing about it felt good either.

As he reminisced about the past, the room suddenly grew quiet as the secretaries walked out and his father seated himself in the head chair, looking at Yoohan.

"You should know why I called you here,"

No greeting, no chit-chat, no empty talk. It was so him that Yoohan didn't even feel annoyed anymore. The chairman was lacking so much interest in the children he sired that he wouldn't have any topic to exchange pleasantries about.

"Maybe. But I'm surprised you bother with it," Yoohan tilted his head, a crooked smile on his face. "I thought I'll get an earful from that woman instead."

The chairman leaned back and tapped on the arm of his chair. There was a contemplative look on his face as he observed his middle child. "It's not like you to act out like that,"

Yoohan paused with eyes widened slightly, before he burst out laughing. "Not like me?" he laughed some more, but this time, with fingers covering his mouth, trying to suppress it. "Do you even know what I really like, Chairman-nim?"

"So are you the type to lash out in front of others?" the old man tilted his head. To his credit, he didn't look enraged at Yoohan laughing out of nowhere, which usually should be considered rude.

Yoohan leaned back, eyes turned sharp in mockery. "I certainly not the type to let some cheating bitch insult my mother."

He knew very well that saying it like that could incur some wrath. After all, he talked about the current, official wife of the Chairman, no longer a mere mistress. And calling the woman a cheater was also an indirect accusation for the man who casually brought the woman to this house when he was still married to Yoohan's mother.

But Yoohan had heard all kinds of derogatory insults being hurled toward his naive, submissive mother before, so he had no qualms about doing the same to the other wives.

And he wanted to see what kind of reaction this man would make at such a blatant insult being thrown in his presence.

But the old man only made a confused face, eyes looking up as if trying to remember yesterday's event. "I don't think she said anything really insulting about Seol—"

"Merely uttering my mother's name is insulting enough," Yoohan cut the old man sharply, and his father looked at him with equally cold eyes.

No, it wasn't because Yoohan said outrageous things. It was because Yoohan cut his sentence in the middle, and Yoohan knew it too.

"Fine, I don't really care about that," the man finally admitted.

Yoohan already knew about that too, because he knew his father no longer cared about the third wife. Well, he was bound to lose interest after a few years, just like always. Why else would he spend his days in other woman's places instead of his own big, luxurious mansion?

"No," Yoohan smirked. "What you cared about is that I did it during the dinner event that you attended as the head."

In other words, the old man couldn't care less if Yoohan pour an entire bottle of wine on the third wife. But disturbing the Chairman's dinner was insulting enough to warrant a summon.

"If you know, why did it?" the coldness from his father's eyes was dispersing. It was likely that the old man had the intention to reprimand Yoohan harshly, but Yoohan admitting to it first threw him off the loop.

The son shrugged, crossing his arms in a show of defiance. It was something that he always wanted to do, like a child throwing a tantrum. Yoohan had never acted rebellious before, never showed any rude behavior, never talked back. But he always longed for it—to kick and throw things as his half-siblings did, to scream and curse in the open, to do whatever he wanted without caring for repercussions.

"Maybe I did want attention," he answered with a smile.

Yoohan did want attention. He wanted people to know he was the trash son now, wanted them to think there was no way he would be the heir. This was good. Being called because he acted problematic was good.

And he also got to destress by shedding his mask of subservient.

So the wide, mirthful stretch in Yoohan's lips right now was genuine. He was truly having fun, seeing the dumbfounded face of that woman as wine dripped through her immaculate hair, makeup slowly getting smeared.

Yes. Satisfactory.

Still with the same smile adorning his face, he looked back at his somehow stunned father, asking; "So are you going to punish me or what, Chairman-nim?"

The old man paused for a while, and silence filled the room. In the end, though, the man scoffed, and waved his hand. "Just go. I'll just take it as you being unable to acclimatize yourself to Korea yet,"

How absurd. Yoohan raised his brow, the smile had gone from his face. What's the point of calling me here then?

Feeling like it would be a waste to discern the old man's intention, Yoohan just got up and walked away without bothering to say his farewell. But as he was about to open the door, the man threw a question.

"You seemed to like your bodyguard a lot," much did this man hear? Yoohan tilted his head, and then responded with a smirk. "I enjoyed him a lot,"

With that vague, risqué answer, he walked out with a keen gaze from the secretaries waiting outside the room. Yoohan didn't really know how he should rate this event; he was kind of annoyed, but he also didn't expect to be let out so easily.

It felt a bit anticlimactic, and the vague feeling annoyed him even more.

"Let's go out," Yoohan snapped his fingers at Jay, who was waiting for him dutifully in the connecting hallway. "Let's splurge and waste some money today."

There was nothing more exhilarating than squandering the money of the person who annoyed you.

* * *

"Hmm..." Yoohan narrowed his eyes, rubbing his lips in contemplation as he feasted on the view in front of him. "It's nice, but I still prefer you in a vest,"

"Oh?" the manager standing behind Yoohan replied in confusion.

They were in an upscale clothing store, and Yoohan had been enjoying seeing Jay being dressed in various kinds of suits, even with a necktie—the choker safely stored inside Yoohan's breast pocket.

Since Jay had the face and the body to complement it, the fitting turned out to be an enjoyable event that quickly get rid of Yoohan's annoyance. The female staff that helped with the fitting process also looked very energized. It was like doing a fashion show with a handsome model, so no one was complaining,

And Jay thoroughly enjoyed his master's gaze, as Yoohan looked at him from top to bottom, sometimes even doing the fitting himself. He liked it, the touch of his master all over his body, even if it was done through clothes.

He had to put an effort not to get his lower body too excited.

But in the end, Yoohan preferred Jay's usual vest and the rolled-up sleeves.

"Isn't that strong, veiny arms look nice being paraded around?" Yoohan commented with a smile, which the female staff greeted with enthusiastic nods.

Jay touched his lips and lowered his head to hide his laughter. Yoohan wasn't the kind of person who would make that kind of comment usually. His master was being mischievous and 'acting' out the wasteful, infatuated young master right now, since the store was one of HS's subsidiaries.

It was quite adorable.

But Jay was wondering where the line between acting and reality blurred. The twinkle in his master's eyes...was it only an act, or did Yoohan really enjoy looking at his body?

It was rather hard to see Yoohan's honest side when the man wasn't drunk. He was so used to wearing masks in front of others that the only way to see his bare side was to push the man to his emotional limit.

It was fine and fun for Jay though. He enjoyed the process of unraveling his master.

With a smile plastered on his face, he made the payment using the allowance card for the clothes that his master chose for him, wondering what kind of playful things his master was up to after this.

When Yoohan said splurge, Jay had thought it would be the young master buying things for himself. After all, Yoohan just came back from living abroad, and was probably in need of new stuff.

Turned out the splurging was referring to Jay.

It didn't end with the clothing store. Yoohan brought his bodyguard to a watch store, where Jay enjoyed being held on the wrist about a dozen times as his master carefully chose two pieces for him.

And then they came to a perfume shop and Jay was horny gripping the entire time Yoohan sniffing his wrist and neck. The close proximity allowed him to smell the musky, fruity scent of his master even better. The same scent he inhaled the night before, as he peppered kisses along the inked shoulder. It brought his mind to that sensation and his journey of keeping his libido in check was never-ending.

Yoohan didn't really have to try the scent directly on Jay's skin, but he needed an excuse for something intimate-looking to be reported to the department store's CEO—his annoying cougar of an aunt. In the end, he chose something refreshing and another heavy one for his bodyguard, and walked back to the car with a satisfied face.

"Wasting other people's money is indeed the best," he reclined in his seat with a rare smile.

"So it's a waste?" Jay asked with a raised brow as he put on Yoohan's seatbelt as usual.

Yoohan turned his head and smirked, pulling out the 'leash' and putting it back on Jay's neck. "It's something that you'll need to leave behind anyway. Why, you're upset that I called the things we bought for you a waste?"


It seemed like Yoohan was truly in a good mood, since he reached out to scratch the older's jaw as someone would do to their pet dog. Was it because Yoohan felt rather guilty last night for denying the man the pleasure he sought? He felt like humoring the older man a bit.

"Puppy," Yoohan called with a low voice that made Jay stop breathing and blinked repeatedly. "I think I still owe you a proper ride."


Between the delicate touch on his face, the delectable voice, and the mischievous words, Jay had to grip the car seat hard to prevent himself from pouncing on his master.

"Let's get you a new bike," Yoohan clarified and shattered the older's daydream.

But it wouldn't be Jay if he didn't try to sneak in some last words. "But Master," with a nice, low, sultry voice that was meant as revenge for the cruel teasing, Jay whispered softly in Yoohan's ear. "I'd rather you give me another kind of ride."

"This mouth of yours!" Yoohan smacked the older's mouth with the back of his fingers. But instead of pulling away, Jay took one of the fingers with his lips and nibbled on it, pale eyes staring at the slight blush blooming on his master's fair cheek.

The black eyes flickered a bit as Jay bit slightly on the finger, gaze couldn't help but fell toward those pair of smirking lips. As if in a daze, Yoohan moved his fingers along the stretched lips, and rubbed the enticing dimple.

It was almost suffocating, the restrained breathing between them. The suppressed desire. Whether it was lust or affection.

Yoohan felt his breathing slow, and there was something inside him that traitorously incite a spark of dead ash that was once his heart. A voice that goaded him to pull on that leash, to bring those lips closer and indulged himself in the momentary bliss of intimacy.

But Yoohan slid his finger off, and turned his face forward again, frowning slightly at his own momentary weakness. He could hear Jay's little chuckle as the man shifted back into the driver's seat.

"Drive," Yoohan ordered sternly, as if to hide the slight fluster that slowly creeping in.

With a smile on his face, Jay drove the car to the showroom, relishing in his quiet triumph. Yoohan might stop himself from the kiss twice already, but Jay knew it would keep emerging in his adorable master's mind.

Ah...the way his master bit his lips throughout the way was beyond adorable.

This time, when they arrived at the showroom, Yoohan let Jay choose the motorcycle himself, unlike before when it was the young master who chose everything. They were no longer in an act, and Yoohan was paying it with his own card—not the allowance one, or the 'for revenge' one.

It felt personal, truly like a present, and Jay stroked the new bike lovingly—not because he loved the bike, but because it was gifted by Yoohan. "Should we give it a spin?"

"Huh—now?" Yoohan tilted his head. "What about the car?"

"We can ask a mechanic from that last garage to bring it over," Jay smiled charmingly—that devilish smile that could easily tempt weak humans.

Yoohan was that human.

He stared at the new bike, limbs tingling in secret anticipation. Yoohan had always wanted to ride one, but having a motorcycle while you were pretending to be a goodie two shoes were impossible. He could hide the underground fighting since the place looked like an upscale pub and hotel from the outside. But a whole-ass motorcycle was too conspicuous to have around.

So he couldn't help but fall for the beast's temptation, purchasing a riding jacket and a helmet on the spot, and the next thing he knew, he was on a highway, holding into the sturdy waist of his bodyguard as the road and other vehicles became a blurry sight.

It was fast. It wasn't just fast. Going fast while sitting protected inside the car was one thing, but having the feeling of wind blasting his limbs was beyond exhilarating. He couldn't move his head due to the wind pressure, and every time they were pulled by gravity, Yoohan felt like his heart was being squeezed and released.

And before he knew it, he was laughing.

While hugging the sturdy back that felt so trustworthy at that moment, Yoohan laughed his heart out, letting himself feel as free as the evening summer wind blasting at them.

God—how would it feel to ram this beast into a truck?

It felt funny somehow, and Yoohan giggled against Jay's back. He didn't even know where they were headed, but he felt happy nonetheless.

When one rode a motorcycle, there was no leeway to make phone calls or open a gadget like in a car. No work, no scheming—it was perfect for shedding any troubling thought. At that moment, when he was surrounded by the speed and the wind, Yoohan didn't think of anything.

When Jay stopped the mount on a hill overlooking the cityscape dyed in an orange hue, Yoohan was still in a daze while perching sideways on the bike's backseat. How long had it been, since he laughed like that?

Did he ever laugh like that?

A bottle of water came into his hand, and Yoohan mindlessly drank it, eyes gazing at the landscape. When he turned his head for a bit, he could see the side profile of the man he betted his life on.

The light was playing on his handsome visage, and the sunset painted the pale eyes with mesmerizing color. Ember danced from the tip of the man's cigarette, entangling with the billowing smoke.

The scent of tobacco and the leftover adrenaline made Yoohan's mouth tingle with want. Before he realized it, he had leaned into the older man, pulling on the elbow to have him dipped lower.

"Give me a smoke," Yoohan said, almost dazedly.

He might have meant to ask for another stick, but when Jay stared at him wordlessly, and then leaned down with dimples showing and lips parted, Yoohan didn't pull away. Whether he initially asked for a cigarette or not, Yoohan ended up welcoming the smoke wafted between the parting lips.

It flowed into his airways, polluting in a delightful way it gave him warmth and anchor. A sense that he was staying alive in this dirty, funny world.

Inhaling deeply, with just a hair of distance between them, Yoohan stared at the pale eyes and the long lashes.

And then he just didn't care anymore.

It might be because of the beautiful sunset and the breathtaking scenery. It might be because of the adrenaline from the ride. It might be because his heart was filled with many emotions that wanted to burst out.

Or it might be because he had suppressed it too much.

It was bitter and smoky, the taste of their lips together. And then it was wet and heavy and harsh, as Yoohan felt his waist being pulled closer, and he grabbed on the other's hair in reflexive motion.

Yoohan almost could feel it; five years of repressed desire. Through the consuming lips, and the persistent tongue. Through the hand grabbing his waist in stubborn possession.

It tasted like an obsession. Scary. Consuming. Overwhelming.

When the relentless lips gave no indication of stopping, Yoohan yanked the older's hair to separate their lips. A string of saliva formed a bridge between their wet lips, indisputable proof of their shared passion.

Of Yoohan foolishly giving in to a mere craving.

The cigarette had fallen, the ember died to a stomp. The leftover smoke billowed faintly between their panting breath, before Yoohan pushed the man back lightly, a box of cigarettes he fished from Jay's pocket in his hand.

With a dreadful, anxious heart, Yoohan knew things would change with just that one kiss. The line had been breached—a line that stated Yoohan had no real interest in the other man. He put a stick between his lips, trying desperately not to curse and tremble.

A lick of flame came to light his cigarette, and when Yoohan stared at the pale eyes, he still saw the same yearning there; the ardor and the affection, the obsession.

"Why did you so fixated on working for me?" Yoohan asked suddenly.

No, the question had been swirling inside his mind since five years ago. For all he knew about Yoon Jay, the man would have no difficulties finding high-paying jobs anywhere. He had survived harsh environments since he was a kid, and he would be guaranteed an executive position if he stayed in Hwayoung.

This obsession over himself...Yoohan couldn't really wrap his mind around it.

The clanking sound of the lighter accompanied the mysterious smile on Jay's face. Against the sunset, it felt strangely eerie and entrapping.

"You misunderstood me, Master," Jay answered with ease, the pale eyes never lost the glint that felt like they wanted to swallow Yoohan whole. Perhaps he did want that. "My aim is not to work for you, but to be owned by you."

Yoohan had to admit he was quite taken aback. But the pale eyes didn't let him avert his gaze.

"Whether you take me as a pet, as a boy toy, as a mindless tool...I don't care," the older man stepped closer again, and Yoohan unconsciously gripped the seat of the motorcycle hard. A hand tilted his chin, even when Yoohan already fixedly staring at the gleaming grey orbs. "But if I came to you asking to be your lover, you wouldn't grant it, would you?"

Right then, Yoohan realized that they weren't talking as a boss and a subordinate. No—that eyes did not spell obedience like usual. It was the eyes of someone looking at their treasure; with affection, with possession.

"What you need is a servant, and so I offer myself to you as that,"

The hand on Yoohan's chin moved and slid into his nape, fingers rubbing below his scalp. The breathlessness that Yoohan felt was something he never experienced before.

"Why?" it almost came out like a whimper.

Rather than confusion, Yoohan just couldn't understand this man's obsession with him. Nor could he understand the eldest son's infatuation with him. He just couldn't wrap up the notion of other people being so fixated on him among eight billion people in this world.

Moreover...Jay and Yoohan was practically stranger even during that bizarre one-night stand.

"We've never even met before," Yoohan was sure of it after he was done investigating Yoon Jay. Before that night, they had never crossed paths before. They lived in two different parts of the world, even if they were born in the same land. Their social status was too different for them to mingle, and Yoohan was too closely observed and managed during his childhood for them to ever 'accidentally' met.

So if the man wasn't a spy, and his obsession was something completely personal, Yoohan just couldn't see why.

Why him?

"Don't tell me you get obsessed with me just from one drunken sex that I couldn't even remember," he threw it out mockingly, but instantly closed his mouth as he saw the deep smile on the other's face.

That deep smile, which stretched until the dimples showed, was usually accompanied by cold eyes. But those pale eyes were now radiating warmth that enveloped him more than the orange glow of the sinking sun.

"No..." Yoohan felt his stomach tense in disbelief. "Are you serious?!"

His restrained shout almost sounded hysterical. And before Yoohan could process this further, Jay used his free hand to take Yoohan's and brought it to his chest.

Even if Yoohan wasn't so dumbfounded, he wouldn't be able to wriggle free from how firm the grasping hand was.

"This here," Jay spoke as the beat of his heart traveled through Yoohan's palm and fingertips. "Had been stopped since a long time ago,"

Yoohan stared at his fingers sprawled across the solid chest. The heartbeat wasn't even as fast as his own, but it was hard, strong, as imposing as its owner.

"When I was nine, something here was broken," the hand that had been rubbing Yoohan's nape retreated to point at Jay's head. Yoohan remembered the information he had regarding Jay, about how he came to the States when he was nine. He recalled the pub owner called Jay a peculiar, eerie child. "I don't understand people's emotions. The way they feel happy, or sad, or frustrated," and then Yoohan remembered the face of the child inside the photograph—so the expressionless face wasn't derived from boredom. "I can't feel that."

A man who couldn't feel, and a man who couldn't show what he felt. That was the two of them right now. A man without emotions, and a man with too many repressed emotions.

"Right," with a gentle touch, Jay stroked the soft flesh beneath Yoohan's eyes, pale eyes flickering with memories. "People called me psychopath,"

The thumb kept rubbing Yoohan's face, on a place where tears gathered when one cried. Yoohan wasn't crying now, but he was on that night. Betraying his own thought that he had gone numb, he poured everything on a stranger without care.

Perhaps because at that time, he really didn't care. He didn't even care whether he live or die.

And that outburst of emotion, somehow, snared one hell of a beast.

"What..." even as Yoohan felt how absurd it was, the look inside those pale eyes was persistent in its devotion. "Are you saying I moved you or...something..."

His words faltered even more as Yoohan saw Jay's face suddenly filled with tenderness. The easy smile that the man gave to him and only him, and a soft gaze that he only saw once before, during that night filled with fire.

However absurd it was, the answer was clear.

"...fuck!" Yoohan lowered his gaze and swept his face. His other hand was still in Jay's grasp, still feeling that steady heartbeat.

"Lee Yoohan," Jay leaned down, peering into the black eyes. "You don't have to give me your heart," Yoohan looked up, staring at his own reflection inside the pale orbs. He could see how shaken he looked even then. The low, bewitching voice didn't stop its spell. "Just be a reason for my existence,"

Jay took the hand he had been grasping and brought it to his lips, pressing lightly on each knuckle. The pale eyes stared bright and true at Yoohan, as they stood there not as a master and a servant.

But as two men in need of each other.

To keep breathing, and light the fire inside.

To keep the clock ticking.

"Be my oxygen,"

🎶 Thousand Foot Krutch - Oxygen

I just want to write about them having a date, okay?
And young master Lee Yoohan is better at teasing than the thug Lee Yoohan
It's confusing writing their reversed power dynamic 🫠 but fun nonetheless

Puppy and Papi sound kind of the same, innit? 🥴

Anyway, you should know already that my MO with these two is a slow burn, step-by-step approach to sexual frustration 😌

Yoohan's perfume is Creed Aventus

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