Bright blue eyes (batjokes)

By CharatheBanana

11.6K 344 411

Hello! This story is based on a two shot I did that I decided to make into a full story! This is my first ful... More

Shiny like you
Bang! Bang!
Discovering feelings
A clowns obsession
A clowns confession
Never ever getting rid of me
I hate you, i love you
Ba(t) romance
Valentine's day
True love
Please dont go
Meant to be yours
Joker's Tide
Make believe!
Spilt up
Joker smiles

Confirming everything

792 25 82
By CharatheBanana

(Hello again! Dude This chapter is pretty cool, hope you enjoy it as well!)

POV by batman:

I was still ashamed of myself, for letting the joker and Harley Quinn escape like that! Robin had fought bravely as I just stood there, all because I had a crush on the clown! The clown who was supposed to be my enemy.

Me and Robin were at the ice cream stand, I had got chocolate while Robin got strawberry. I know chocolate is a pretty basic flavor but I really like it. Robin getting strawberry actually surprised me, he seems like someone who would like a more crazier flavor.

Either way, we both sat down on a bench near where the ice cream stand was. We both ate our ice creams in silence, mostly because I was too busy thinking about my stupid mistake. 'Why did I just stand there?! Jokers never had this affect on me before why now?!' I thought angrily.

Robin eventually turned to face me, he stopped licking his ice cream for a minute. "You alright, padre?" He asked me kindly. I turned to him, now out of my thoughts. "Uh, I'm fine" I said looking back down at my ice cream.

"Are you sure, padre?" "You've been quiet for a while" my son said looking at me sympathetically. I turned to him and nodded. "Uh yeah no I'm fine, just a my own thoughts" "I'm sorry again for just standing there" I told him, frowning.

Robin nodded to that he smiled softly at me. "Again it's okay, padre!" "Next time we'll catch and joker and Harley, I'm sure" Robin told me determinedly. I smiled a little back at him, then ruffled his hair. "Yeah, I'm sure we will" I said back to him.

Robin giggled then went back to eating his ice cream. My left and right brain were currently fighting in my mind. I tried to ignore both of them, but they were very loud. 'Jokers a criminal and needs to be put in Arkham asylum!' My left brain yelled at my right.

'He's been different these past few weeks! He's been kinda....sweet to me. He gave me that diamond just because it matched my eyes and then he didn't hurt that hostage that he kidnapped!' My right brain countered. I felt my face start to heat up and my heart pounded in my chest yet again.

Finally, me and Robin were done with our ice cream. So we got up from the bench and went back to the bat mobile. I then drove us back home. The drive was also very quiet and filled with my thoughts. I then saw that Barbara had texted me back, I sighed then looked at the text.

'What?! Seriously? Why, batman?' She texted back to me. I could tell she was annoyed and angry with me. So I texted back, 'Barbara...I think something's wrong with me!' I sent it to her, she quickly texted back. 'Ain't that the truth! You're in love with a criminal!' She texted back.

I looked at the text surprised, then I looked back at Robin, to make sure he didn't see it. He was just looking outside the cars window. He seemed oblivious and happy. I sighed in relief then turned back to my phone.

I texted back, 'how on earth did you know?!' I sent back to her. 'I didn't tell her anything!' I thought still super surprised. 'I could tell after the hospital incident!' She sent back which made me glare at it.

'So that's why she was staying at my house for three weeks!' I thought glaring annoyed at the screen. 'Wow, it seems you knew before I did' I sent back to her, finally we made it home. I sighed in relief as I parked the bat mobile in the bat cave.

I got out and walked over to the bat computer. I looked at my files and went to the recent crime that was just committed. 'Joker and Harley Quinn were able to escape batman and Robin, stealing make up, candy and batman merchandise' it wrote simply.

Robin walked up behind me, while I sat in my bat chair. "I get them wanting to steal make up and candy but why batman merchandise?" Robin asked no one in particular. I frowned, also not knowing the answer. Not even sure I wanted to know, my chest still hurt.

Then I heard another set of footsteps behind me and Robin. I turned my head and saw my butler, and father, Alfred. "Good evening, master bruce, master dick" he says formally, looking between the two of us.

Robin happily smiles and waves to his grandpa. "Hey, Alfred!" He exclaimed happily. I just simply nodded to Alfred, turning back to the bat computer. "Dinner is ready, how about you go and get changed out of you're suits?" Alfred suggested to us.

Robin nodded eagerly and ran to go and get changed. I just simply nodded to him, still trying to understand some things. My two sides of my brain still arguing. "Master bruce?" Alfred questioned when I didn't get up.

"Alfred..." "I- I think I might...have feelings-" I said slowly but was quickly interrupted, "I'm aware that you have feelings sir, despite you always saying you don't" Alfred said back smirking at me.

I looked at him annoyed, rolling my eyes. "I think I have feelings for the joker.." I told him nervously. He looked at me surprised, but then just smiled softly. "Ah, I see" "I'm guessing after the 'hospital incident'?" Alfred asked smirking at me again.

My eyes widened and I could feel a blush creep up my face. "Y-you know about that too?!" I asked him flustered. Alfred smiled at me and nodded. "Barbara told me that she suspected you fell for the clown" he tells me simply.

I groan and roll my eyes, 'great! So two people knew I liked him before me' I thought annoyed. "She didn't seem to be okay with it however, probably due to him being a criminal" Alfred said and I nodded to him. "Yeah but it's understandable, Jokers the most wanted criminal in all of gotham!" I exclaimed to which Alfred nodded.

"Yes, but I don't see why you can't have a crush on him" Alfred says smiling sweetly. "If it gets in the way of my job, then it's a problem!" I exclaimed angrily. "Which it already has, twice" I said turning away in shame to the bat computer.

Alfred sighed, then turned my chair over to face him again. "Listen, maybe you should see if the joker likes you back" "if he doesn't, you can slowly start to get over this crush, and go back to just being his greatest enemy" Alfred told me, to which I felt my face flush yet again.

"No way! Im not doing that!" I complained to him. "Everything will go back to normal, trust me sir" Alfred told me smiling sympathetically. I looked at him, seeing his easy going smile and sighed. "Okay, fine but I'll do it the batman way" "so then I don't have to confront him about it" I tell him crossing my arms.

Alfred smiled happily at me and nodded. "Very well then, sir" he said bowing to me then started to walk away. "Wait!" I say to him quickly, he turns to me and tilts his head. "What- what about if he does like me?" I ask him nervously, furiously blushing.

Alfred smirked at me, then nodded his head. "That will be up to you, sir" he said smartly. He then turned away and started to walk back upstairs. I sighed softly, feeling the corners of my mouth move into a smile. I then got up and went to undress out of my bat suit.

POV by joker:

I laughed evilly, as me and Harley ran with the stuff we stole. Harley giggled as we ran back to our hideout. Once we got to the hideout, I smiled brightly walking to my special room. Harley placed the candy on the table, taking the makeup to the bathroom.

I walked up to the door which still had the note I left on it, 'don't go in, unless you are the joker- the jokers special room' I smiled proudly and unlocked the door with the special keys I made just for this door.

They were these keys that had Batman's bat symbol on them. I unlocked it then opened the door and walked inside with the batman stuff still in my arms. I then quickly closed the door fully and dropped the stuff on the black carpet.

The black carpet had Batman's symbol on it. The whole room had a bunch of shelves, all of which had batman merchandise on them. There was even a section of comics, movies and tv shows. All just batman related, I sat on the carpet and pulled out the stuff I got.

Some toys, comics and my favorite thing I found, a plush toy of batman. I smiled brightly then hugged the stuffed toy, my face reddening but I didn't care. I was alone in my special room with the door closed. My batman room I guess.

I've had this room for a while now, but only recently put batman stuff in it. It was an extra room that no other villain needed to sleep in. I only started collecting batman stuff, despite me falling in love with my enemy since....we'll for a while now.

I just got up from the carpet and placed the stuff I got on my shelves. The batman plush however, I decided to take to my room. I walked out of my special room, locking the door as I walked to my bedroom.

I placed my batman plush on my bed.  I got dressed into some pajamas, then walked out to Harley who was in our 'living room' where my couch was and the tv. She was skating around, wearing some of the makeup she stole.

"Heya, girl buddy!" "Want me to order us a pizza for dinner?" I asked her, happily. She turned to me and nodded eagerly. "Sure! Make sure to get a vegan one for Ivy" she exclaimed to me, skating around still. I nodded to her, pulling out my phone, to which I had a picture of me and batsy when we confessed our hatred for each other. I'll never forget it.

POV by batman:

The next day, I decided to take Alfred's advice. The old man always seems to know what to do, so I get earlier than normal. I walk downstairs and to the kitchen to eat breakfast then get into my bat suit and find the joker.

When I walk into the kitchen someone is already there, I jump as I spot Barbara who was tiredly getting coffee. 'Oh...right I forgot she's been coming over to my house for weeks..' I remembered, nervously smiling at her.

She turned to me, holding her coffee. She tilted her head at me, "Bruce?" She asked confused, her eyes squinting. I nervously shifted on my feet. "Uh, hey Barbara" I say awkwardly walking over to her. I start to grab some cereal from the cabinet.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asks me curiously. I chuckle nervously, taking the box of lucky charms and walking to the fridge. "I don't know, just woke up at this time" I say shrugging quickly.

"You never wake up this early" she says narrowing her eyes at me. I grabbed the milk from the fridge then closed it chuckling again. I walk over to the table and get my cereal ready. "I guess there's a first time for everything" I say as I sit down and eat cereal.

She looks at me suspiciously, walking over and sitting down next to me. I don't make eye contact with her. I just eat my cereal as quickly as possible. She sips her coffee watching me out of the corner of her eye.

I nervously look away, as I finish my cereal. "Welp, I'm going on patrol" I say getting up and putting my cereal away. She turns to me tilting her head. "You don't go on patrol this early" she says suspiciously.

"Again, new things are happening with me nowadays!" "I'm a brand new bat" I say squinting my eyes at her angrily. She just glared back, rolling her eyes as I walk away. "You sure have.." she says darkly, glaring at the floor now.

I walk away faster, going to the bat cave. Once I'm away from her, I sigh loudly. 'I don't like lying to my friend but she's police commissioner! She's not going to like to hear that I'm going to see a criminal with no intention to bring him to Justice' I thought nervously.

I quickly go to get changed into my bat suit. Once I'm fully dressed and ready, I run to my bat mobile and drive out of the bat cave. I know where jokers hideout is, I should probably have told Barbara about it by now but I like giving my enemies a good chance to get away.

Though, maybe that's also a problem not just my new crush on joker. 'What do You even like about him anyway?! He's evil!' My left brain scolded me. 'He's not that evil! He can be really sweet and nice and kind....he can actually be really adorable! He's smart and is jokes are actually sometimes funny..' my right brain exclaimed, slowly starting to ramble on.

I groaned at both of them. As I finally make it to my enemies hideout. I have to park my batmobile a couple blocks away though, so then none of them know I'm there. I got out of the bat mobile, going into the shadows of a nearby alley.

I walk through the alley to the jokers hideout. I sneak over to a window in the warehouse. I carefully opened it, slowly walking inside the room. I walked through the halls silently, being one with the few shadows of the room.

'I definitely should have went here at night..' I thought nervously, as I continued to go through the home. I then find a room that has a note on it 'don't go in, unless you are the joker- jokers special room' I tilted my head at that. The door was locked so I just decided not to try to go in.

I decided to keep walking and I found another room, this one had a green door. It had a joker card on it as well. I knew that this must be jokers room. So, I decided that maybe some proof would be in there. 'Proof of him not liking me, of course' I thought as I slowly opened the door.

The room, had green, purple and pink walls. The pink kind of caught me off guard but I ignored it. There was a bed in the middle of the room, it had purple sheets and the frame was white. The pillows were green. I saw a lump in the bed and knew that it was joker sleeping.

There was a dresser right next to the bed, then a bookshelf on the other side. There was also a small desk in the corner that had a bunch of papers on it. It was probably where the joker would make up his schemes. I decided to go to the dresser first. There was a mirror there as well.

On the top of the dresser, there was a bunch of makeup, papers that had drawings that look like a 2 year old drew them and finally some pictures of Harley, him and some other rouges.

I rolled my eyes at the goofy pictures, looking at the drawings. Most of them were of him taking over gotham city. Some had colorful explosions, or him robbing a bank. Harley would be in a couple of them as well. One caught my eye, it was of me and him when we saved the city. The sunset in the background.

I smiled softly at it, remembering that day and the little clowns face when I told him I hated him. He looked over joyed and surprised. I would never forget it. The pictures were actually really adorable, like a child who had a wide imagination.

I then saw that his phone was on the dresser as well. The phone case was of a joker card, because of course. I clicked the home button and saw that his wallpaper was us, that day when we saved the city. I could feel my heart beat faster in my chest, and my face flushed.

I closed the phone quickly, then turned away from the dresser. 'That doesn't prove anything, that just proves he likes being enemies!' I thought shaking my head, I then turn to the sleeping clown. His green hair sticking out on his pillow. He turns in his sleep towards me, his arms wrapping around something.

My eyes widened when I realized what it was. It was a batman stuffed toy. I flushed even more, I was so happy I had my mask on. He held it tightly, a smile on his sleeping face. I then noticed something that only confirmed everything, there was a kiss mark on the batman plush.

My heart hasn't raced so fast, I put my gloved finger on the kiss mark. It was red, the same color as jokers lipstick. Joker wasn't wearing lipstick while he was sleeping, but it was definitely his on the toy. 'Uh, I'm sure that he's just showing his hatred for you' my left brain told me nervously.

'He kissed a stuffed toy of you!! Also he told you that he didn't hate you anymore remember?' My right brain corrected. I sighed softly, then left my enemies room, I was kinda invading his room after all. So, I left out of the window I came in.

I walked over to the bat mobile. 'So, he must feel the same then right..?' I thought my face still blushing furiously. 'What now..? Wasn't expecting this' I thought nervously, as I got into the bat mobile.

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I loved writing it : ) batman knows that joker likes him back so, now what will he do?)

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