De Nelson's Senior High Book...

By chancelar

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The story unfolds in this sequel of the Book 1 of De Nelson's Senior High School. Now that the secrets have b... More

Chapter 1- That Night
Chapter 2 - Questioning
Chapter 4- Funeral.
Chapter 5- Beach
Chapter 6- Flight
Chapter 7- Cancer
Chapter 8- Felix
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- Spaghetti and milk
Chapter 11- Alhamdulilahi
Chapter 12- Cliques
Chapter 13- Cooperate
Chapter 14- Nana
Chapter 15- A year long party
Chapter 16- GPA'S
Chapter 17- A farewell
Chapter 18- New Semester, New Beginnings, New Journeys
Chapter 19- The crime
Chapter 20- Young Talent.
Chapter 21- Kweiba
Chapter 22- Suicide
Chapter 23- Beullah
Chapter 24- Elite
Chapter 25- New Students
Chapter 26- Edlan Crescent

Chapter 3- Death

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By chancelar

    Lewis Capaldi- Hold Me While You Wait.

Home for some of them was a disastrous freak show. Kweiba's aunt had sprinkled every single doorway in the house with a skeptical oil that made you cringe. According to the much more mature of her siblings, First, her mother claimed she was purifying the house of bad spirits. Kweiba's bed had some strange leaves scattered around it.

She felt like an intruder, like she was being kicked out. Half her clothes had been burnt up and her aunt insisted on her siblings keeping a one meter distance from her.

Healenore's sister was home and almost fell over in shock at the sight of her twin sister. She thought she had successfully ended her in the dorm. It was war all over again and her parents were still blind to it.

Ciarra walked into an empty house after Jasmine picked her up from school. Jasmine had a phone call as she searched her bag for the keys to the house while Ciarra stood on the lawn outside. Her first gaze fell on Roland's quarters.  Then on the car and all of a sudden, all sensibleness rushed out of her. She was struggling to breathe. She kept her eyes closed but she just couldn't keep them closed for long enough until she saw a shadow from the corner of the house behind the tulips.

Jasmine hadn't noticed as she continued her conversation on the phone whiles searching for the keys to the house.

Ciarra couldn't even hear her. The shadow moved again and this time she could feel herself tremble as her heart raced. As if on instinct she dropped her backpack and dashed behind the car, kneeling next to the tyres trying to cover her ears from the sound of Roland's voice echoing in her head. She was having a full blown panic attack and it was very scary.

Jasmine glanced at where she stood and realized only her backpack  strewn to the ground. Where was Ciarra?!

She quickly ended the call and run up to the bag calling out Ciarra's name. On instinct, she went around her car only to find her baby sister crouched next to the tyres of the humming car  with her hands to her ears. Ciarra hadn't even noticed her presence. Jasmine knelt next to her and reached for her hand.

" Junior, it's me, Jasmine. Come on get up." She called at her and Ciarra glanced at her, a film of tears clouding her eyes, " It's okay. Come here."

It took a lot more than cajoling to snap her out of it. She had to relate funny memories she had with her as a child to get her to relax. That was when Jasmine decided Ciarra was not ready to go back to that house. Maybe a different place would be better. She decided Ciarra should live with her and Vincent until she received the help she needed because if she had such panic attacks alone, it would be messy.

She helped her back in the car and drove out of the house. As she drove up the highway she kept glancing at Ciarra in the backseat through the rearview mirror. On their way from school she sat in the shotgun but after what happened, she claimed she wanted to stay in the back. Ciarra stared blankly at the passing sceneries in the window.

" I'm fine." Ciarra replied after noticing Jasmines consistent glances.

" I am your sister Ciarra McAllister-Attoh Junior, so I'm not going to lie to you. Sweetie, you need help." Jasmine reasons," If there's anything I know is that that school you attended has taking a toll on your life."

" I never failed a class."

" Not academically CeeCee, I'm talking about the girl you were a few months ago. It's like you grew up ten more years in those few months. You used to be my slightly gullible adorable sister. Now you talk to me monotonously and you seem to always have something on your mind. You're only fourteen Junior, and I'm afraid if that school doesn't realize that, then Dad will be pulling you out of it."

" I have friends there."

" I know, it's hard but if it involves your safety you might have to let go."

" What if I don't want to?" Ciarra asked. Jasmine thought about it and parked on the curb getting out of her seat and joining her in the backseat.

" You need to talk to somebody Junior, I know you are very good at making everything seem fine and I'm sure most of your friends think you're fine but you're not. And you might need to take a step back and figure this all out."

" Papa's going to homeschool me again." She sniffed back a tear, " All my life, you guys have been shielding me from everything. I was homeschooled till I was twelve for crying out loud. I was so excited to be in a real school with real kids my age. Even then you guys were always monitoring me. For the first time I was somewhere I didn't have to feel being watched. This is the first time I've had any other girlfriends other than Rufidat. I get that you all want me safe but you guys can't always do that."

Jasmine thought deeply about what Ciarra said and she realized how much suffocated her little sister must have felt all these years. She was right, she had only one female friend and she actually met Rufidat when she started attending school. It must have been weird trying to make friends, because she obviously had no social skills and they hadn't realized that to even help her out. Jasmine realized Ciarra must have had to relearn a whole lot of things.

" I've never asked this and it might be too late but I'll still ask, how was your first day at Plus Academy?"

That question brought back so many memories. She remembered walking out of the administration block after her Dad was done with the principal and had left. She intuitively took everything in, the surroundings, and the energy. A couple of her age mates walked in a group whispering to each other and laughing. She hadn't been in a uniform before so she felt quite uneasy but got over it soon. All her life she hadn't had to wear socks, not even back in France, now here she was in black ballerina flats and white socks. She loved them.

She walked towards the Junior high block getting weird stares the entire time. Was she making it look that obvious that this was her first time in a junior high school? Turns out they were all staring because she looked very foreign.

A group of rowdy boys passed by with two impeccably dressed boys not joining in on the loud prattle ensuing. One of them glanced at her, stared for at least three seconds before turning his attention back to his friends. She wanted to ask for directions to her class. It was difficult in a country where everyone spoke English instead of French. She studied English so she could make up sentences but not too clearly and without the accent.

Even those who helped out would laugh. It was so weird until she noticed that same boy constantly staring at her across the cafeteria where she sat with Rufidat during recess. Occasionally he'd grin at her, he was in her class but never spoke. She asked Rufidat who he was in the subsequent days and Rufidat suddenly becomes giddy about it.

He was so nosy sometimes. In class he would glance from behind her at her work and correct her on all words spelt in french like Novembre instead of November. It was annoying at first but she realized he was trying to help. He was Kylian Nana Kwabena Johnson V.

As she narrated everything to Jasmine, Jasmine couldn't help but notice how she lighted up everytime she spoke about him.

" So you guys talk about everything?"

" Not really, he also has a lot of stuff he's dealing with at home so I don't want to do that."

" So you love Kobby Johnson?"

" He also thinks so but I think I need to grow up to be sure because we're both pretty young."

" Now you sound like a grandma." Jasmine teases getting them to laugh.

" That's what my friends think too, well except Heather and Healenore."

" Well I think you're right. You're both teenagers, most emotions at this age are fleeting. But he seems like a great person."

" Yeah, he does a lot of spontaneous stuff."

" What did he do this semester?"

" A lot." Ciarra beamed.

" I'm all ears."

" He writes me letters, passes me notes in class, we watch movies during movie night from up above the Mavis Annan theater alone, we study physics together and he attempted teaching me how to play basketball but I still suck. He sung to me one time and got me flowers and chocolate. And he's just always there you know."

" Sounds like a very charming fifteen year old. Where did he learn all that, someone needs a lesson."

" Who, Vincent?" Ciarra chuckled referring to Jasmine's husband.

" Definitely. He needs to be romantic."

" What do you also do for him?"

" Me? I guess I help him set a boundary for his chivalry. He wants to be nice to every girl but that's not possible unless you want to give them all the wrong impression. I help him study occasionally and I listen to him. Hmmmmm....I guess I also need to up my game."

" Yeah you sound like a very boring girlfriend." Jasmine chuckled.

" We don't do labels."

" Oh I forgot that. You guys are friendly acquaintances." Jasmine corrects herself.

" Still feels like a title."

" So what do you plan on doing during these holidays because I'm going to be very busy with my new project which is supposed to be due by 30th December."

" If it becomes critical, I'll sleepover at Rufidat's and we could have an all girls party."

" Sounds like a plan. Now let's get you home. But first, I was given a prescription by your school's clinic for some pills so let's pass by a pharmacy."

" It's late but can we get some yoghurt?" Ciarra asked and Jasmine beamed.

" One cup of yoghurt coming up."


The next morning, Ashanti's video call came through right after Ciarra swallowed her pill, she picked up.

Kweiba burst out in laughter at Sarah in a fender bender.

" Seriously?" Healenore scoffed.

" Shut up." Veronica states.

" So what's the way forward?" Ashanti asked.

" Well, my Dad is planning on pulling me out of the school and possibly suing it." Mae sighs dramatically.

" Same." Ciarra sighs

" Same." Veronica adds.

" Ditto."

" I guess I am the only one still going back there next year. Even if I died there I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't care." Ashanti says.

" Come on, don't say that, I'm still going to go back too... mostly because my mom can't afford to take me out to another school." Heather says.

" My aunt probably wishes I was buried on campus so I'm also going back." Kweiba adds.

" What are you up to?" Ciarra asked.

" Taking care of Bruno and binge watching rerun episodes of Siesta Keys." Ashanti yawns.

" Dude that show is rated 16 or 18 and you're fifteen!" Ciarra cautions.

" It also says Parental Guidance, last time I checked, I didn't have parents." Ashanti smiled, "Let's check up on Faye, she didn't pick up her call, how many of you are available so I pick you up for the visit?"

" My Dad is pretty bent on keeping his eye on me so..." Ciarra trails.

" But really? Velar incited Roland? I still can't wrap my mind around it." Sarah wonders.

" Yup, exactly the reason my Dad doesn't want me out of his sight." Ciarra confirmed, " I am going to be third wheeling on my sister's marriage.

" I'm available." Kweiba says.

" I'll ask my sisters and let you know."

" I'll be there." Veronica adds.

" I'm doing the laundry, I'll be done in the next hour, you can pick me up when you're ready." Kweiba says

" I'm off to the airport today with my mom so I can't make it." Mae adds.

" I really want to leave home before my sister arrives tomorrow, this is the perfect excuse." Healenore beams.

" Seriously Healenore, you should let your parents know about this." Ashanti cautions.

" Trust me I've tried. They'd probably take me more serious after finding my mutilated body."

" Don't say that!" Veronica deadpans.

" I'll see you guys later, my sister needs her phone." Heather informed them.

Donald drove Ashanti's Santa Fe Sport to Faye's residence, a puffy eyed little girl opens the door to them and they walked into the somber living room where family relatives clad in dark shades of clothing sat conversing in hushed tones.

After greeting all of them and offering their condolences they asked of Faye's whereabout. Julie led them to Faye's room where she sat gloomily in front of her bed staring into empty space. She had a bandaid above her left eye where Genevieve had knocked her out back on campus.

To say it simply, she was a shadow of her usual jaunty self.

" Faye..." Kweiba swoons moving in to sit next to her throwing an arm around her. She felt so cold and inanimate and the usual spark in her eyes were gone.

Ashanti stood by her doorway with Julie.

" How are you feeling Julie?"

" Sad." The little girl whimpers, " Kuky too. She hasn't said anything since yesterday."

" Don't worry, we're here to cheer her up, to cheer you up."

Faye knew Kweiba probably knew how she felt because she had also lost her mom, both parents actually and she was too little to fully grasp what happened, she wondered how Kweiba felt growing up to the conclusion that she didn't have a mother.

Ashanti had also lost her father right before the school year, Faye wondered how they were all still moving around like nothing has happened. She wondered if she would ever feel the same again.

" Dude remember when you wanted me to sing to you? Well I want to sing for you today." The reason why Kweiba had ignored her was because of the impending situation, she knew Faye would lose her mom, just an inkling and Faye would understand the lyrics of the song she wanted to sing to her better.

Tatiana Manaois' Like You.

Tears freely coarsed down her cheeks at the lyrics. She was so darn interested in pleasing everyone so much that sometimes she lost herself in the process but somehow her friends had always been there to remind her of who she was. She wasn't stupid, unintelligent or so desperate. She was just a regular teenager figuring out the real world one step at a time.

" We've been through a lot together Faye, in the few months we've known each other we feel like we've known each other for years." Heather let's her know.

" You can tell us anything, and even if we don't get you at least you get it off your chest." Veronica informs her with a warm smile.

" I'm so scared guys." She cried.

" It is scary." Ashanti says walking in with Julie, " When my Dad passed away, I felt as if there was no one else left in the world who'd fully understand me, protect or even care about me. That feeling gets less burdensome over time. I am not so sure about the future but there's one thing I am sure of, he taught me well enough to make me a very wonderful person in future, and I'm sure your mom did too."

" Even when she was here I still couldn't do the right thing." Faye wept profusely.

Heather patted her on the back, " We all still don't. I mean my mom instilled a lot of values in me and yet I walked into Manhattan and threw it all out the window. But the good thing is I learnt from those mistakes."

" I think it's time we all stuck close to what our parents taught us because we seem to make callous decisions in their absence."

" My mom understands, she says I'm a teenager and though I try so hard sometimes, it's easy to relapse but that didn't mean I shouldn't keep trying. In fact, consistently trying makes you stronger so you make less and less mistakes." Heather adds.

" I've lived away from my mom for most parts of my life and it didn't feel as terrible as now. Because she's gone forever." Faye sniffed back a tear

" Not forever Fayanna, she did her part before leaving so she had hope, now it's your turn." Healenore informs her handing her a pack of tissues.

" So what's the plan?" Heather asked.

" The Veteran association is holding the funeral for us since she was once in the military. It's on Saturday because Dad doesn't want to keep her in the morgue so she doesn't change so much." Faye wiped away her tears.

" Ok..., have any of you eaten?" Kweiba asked picking Julie up.

" I'm not a baby." Julie complains,
" Ladi is cooking."

" He's probably burning the kitchen, please go help him." Faye tells them with a small laugh.

" Ladi Nylander is cooking? I think you should also see what he's up to." Ashanti asked pulling Faye up as Julie led the way to the kitchen.

Ladi stood behind a pile of onions he was chopping and he looked like he had been crying more than those mourning the loss of Mrs Quansah, more tears poured out but he hadn't noticed them in the doorway as he continues chopping and sniffing. On the stove something was boiling straight unto the burner making hissing sounds.

" Told you something was going to be off." Faye whispered to her friends before calling out, " Ladi what are you cooking?"

He turns squinting at them.

" Hey you're up, oh hi everyone." He greeted, " I'm cooking rice and tomato sauce."

Faye walked over to the stove placing a ladle in the boiling saucepan only to scoop out rice pudding.

" Errrmm,Ladi I don't think this is rice." Faye states and the girls burst out in laughter.

" Why don't we take it from here." Julie suggests slowly reaching for the knife which he gladly left behind.

" Thank you so much!!" He cried rushing out of the room but not without bumping into the island before reaching the door.

" The bathroom is that way!!" Faye called at him noticing he was taking the wrong path. The kitchen was full of laughter.

" I think we'll be having rice pudding for breakfast." Faye declared, " He made a lot so you guys must eat this because I don't know where to keep it."

" What do we do with the onions?" Julie asked clearing the chopping board.

" Dad says a couple of family members will be coming from Keta so I am thinking we can make something for them for their sleep over. What do you want to make?" Faye asked.

" Egg stew." Julie grinned.

" Your sister cooks?" Healenore asked.

" Of course, who do you think took care of the house while I was gone and mom was sick?"

" I'll go get the ingredients." She shuffled towards the fridge pulling the slightly heavy doors open and reaching with her stubby hands at a crate of eggs, placing it on the counter, then tomatoes and carrots. She turned to climb the island reaching for the top cabinet and pulled a jar of powdered pepper, seasoning, a bottle of oil and closes it before getting down.

" She's that tiny but she manages to do everything."

" Kuky taught me everything. When I was 4, she was 11 and also used to climb up to make me dinner." Julie tells them.

" What can I say, I am a great big sister." Faye smiled. " I'm going to get you bowls for your breakfast."

Ladi rushes back in to continue his cooking but finds Faye cleaning up the mess on the stove, an empty saucepan in the sink and the girls sitting behind bowls of pudding behind the other side of the island.

" Where's the rice?" He asked and Faye chuckled walking up to him, " I don't think that was the rice you intended to cook. But it tastes so good with sugar, right guys?"

They all nodded laughing at him in the process.

" But..." He tries to explained is eyes red from the onions.

" Let me see." Faye held his head back to get a good look at his eyes, " It'll hurt for a while but after a few minutes you'll feel better."

" You need cooking lessons from Julie, she's about to make the rice so please go join her." Kweiba told him and he scoffed folding his hands as he joined Julie who was beyond glad to have an assistant she could order around. He had to go get her a spatula, wash the items in the sink, pass her the ingredients and crack all the eggs into a bowl. She got him to blend tomatoes and got him to chop some tomatoes instead of the onions.

" I seriously want to help but it seems they are both doing great." Ashanti laughed.

" How long as he been here?" Kweiba asked Faye privately.

" He arrived at 6am today." She told her friends.

" He must care so much." Heather observed.

" So what are you guys up to?" Faye perks up.

" Me? Nothing, I've been watching too much TV for two days." Ashanti said.

" I'm helping my mom out, she's taking a break from work so I'll be taking over for the next couple of weeks." Heather also says.

" My mom is trying to spend some bonding time with me and I think it's time to tell her everything." Veronica says in deep thoughts, " It's two things, either she's disappointed or she's going to be extremely disappointed and angry."

" Either way there's going to be a disappointment so brace yourself." Kweiba tells her.

" Do you like have anything fun to do?" Healenore wondered walking up to the sink to wash her bowl.

" My idea of fun isn't your forte. I play soccer when I'm bored both physically and on the PlayStation. Or I dance to very loud music which isn't appropriate at the moment so who knows how to play UNO ?"

" Hey Ladi, aren't you supposed to be home?" Kweiba asked.

" I am but my Dad has this whole stack of legislation sheets to go through and he becomes a menace when he's in Speaker of Parliament mode. It's better to be out, I have nothing doing at home anyway."

" He'll be returning back to school next week. You know seniors don't go for semester breaks, only midsem breaks." Faye informs them.

" Oh yeah I remember." Veronica says.

Mrs Baeta was practically exasperated by what had happened two days ago in Veronica's school. The girls must have been going through so much without informing any adults, she had been thinking about taking Veronica out of the school anyway, a school with such vicious students wasn't worth enrolling her  child in. She told her mom about it.

" I don't think you should take her out of the school. You see we parents tend to want to remove every obstacle from our children's paths, but that's just not how life works."

" But Maame, Veronica is only a teenager, she has a lot of mistakes to make so I feel I should...lessen it for her?" Maame cut in as she hesitates.

Ruby Baeta nods folding up the laundry.

" I know what you mean, but making everything rosy for a child impairs their decision making skills. I mean I didn't pull you out of every situation but look at the resilient and powerful young woman you grew up to be." Maame says moping the bathroom.

" I can't even tell what she thinks about anymore and I'm terrified of letting her make decisions on her own." Ruby sighs.

" Then talk to her, she's your daughter. You're only going to know what's on her mind when you talk to her."

" I mean, I have been tempted to go through her things." Ruby admits.

" It happens. And don't think it's a violation of her privacy, if you have a knack, then go for it. Motherly instincts are rarely wrong."

" But I... I am actually petrified at what I might find out."

" Oh come on, this is Veronica we're talking about, what's the worse she could have done?" Maame chuckled and Ruby relaxed.

" You're right, we raised her well. She might get back anytime. I'll be right back."

Ruby walks down to the garage where Veronica's chop box, suitcase and trunk had been kept for fear of bedbugs though she kept insisting Manhattan house didn't have bedbugs.

She unlocked the chop box taking out the residue of her groceries into a basket to the kitchen. Nothing questionable there.

She unlocked her suitcase and unpacked her clothes into her closet. Next she unlocked her trunk. It was filled with books, then of course, her pill bag.

Ruby took out each pill bottle noticing they were of the same quantity since she came back during midterm break. Veronica must love the school because she hadn't needed any of her pills for an entire month. Ruby smiled at the thought. She had to wash the bag though, so she emptied it's content unto the garage's counter, the contraceptives also poured out and she laughed at herself for giving Veronica all that.

It was a symbol and Veronica got it. But wait... something was off. She recalled packing her more than what she had on the counter. If she was right, five condoms were missing and two 72-hour pills had been popped out of the strip of tablets. At that moment her breath hitches as her palms grew clammy. She repeatedly counted over and over again. No. How were the other pills intact but not the contraceptives?

" Maame!" Ruby called placing a hand to her head trying to suppress the many scenarios her brain was conjuring.

The woman walked into the basement.

" Why do you look so distraught?" Maame asked and she pointed at the counter.

Her mother noticed immediately, " Veronica is sexually active?"

Ruby hesitates before nodding tears pouring out of her eyes.

" I think you should take her out of that school."

" But we taught her everything possible!." Ruby exclaimed.

" But it's her decision to follow it." Maame says.

" Exactly, it's not about the school. She made these decisions and she never told me about it, she never talks to me lately anyway, like we used to." Ruby complains.

" Let's wait till she gets back, you'll talk to her."

Veronica walked into the living room that evening and immediately knew something was off. She knew both women so well.

" What is going on?" She asked her mother first.

" Veronica please sit down." The tone sent chills down her bones as she sat in the sofa across them.

" How do I say this nicely. Are you hiding anything from us?" Maame asked.

Her mother remained silent staring down.

Veronica didn't answer.

" Veronica, what is going on with you?" She couldn't reply her grandma.

" What's his name?" Ruby asked in a cold tone.

Veronica immediately knew she had been caught. She facepalmed.

" It's not the way you're thinking it- then tell me what I should think Veronica!" Her mother snaps as she tried to explain.

" I know this might sound utterly stupid to you but I love him." Her mother looked up and glared at her for that statement.

" Grandma Grandma please listen to me. Hear me out please?"

Her mother was on the verge of fuming with raging anger.

" His name is Calvin... Calvin Okyere. He...he runs a cafe on campus and he is in college but he's suffering from cancer and can't be treated. I was afraid of losing him without trying at all so I asked for us to get married. Please don't be mad at him, it was all me, I brought up the idea."

" But you said he's in college, what if he's using you?" Maame asked.

" He's on a treatment plan as I speak at the Teaching Hospital and it doesn't look good but he's trying." Veronica tells them.

" Veronica, how can you hide all this from me. We tell each other everything, I tell you everything!" Ruby deadpans.

" I'm sorry mom but I thought you would act out."

" You live with two perfectly level headed women and you thought we wouldn't understand a situation?" Ruby asked, got up and left for her room locking up the door.

Veronica hated a rift between her and her mom and as things were, it looked like she'd broken her trust. She quickly rushed upstairs when it dawned on her. She knocked on her mother's door.

" Mom! Please open the door, I'm sorry." Veronica pleads.

There was no reply.

" Ma, please I'm really really sorry for not telling you how I met him, when we got married or about his treatment. Ma." Veronica suddenly begun to cry.

Her greatest support system and life coach was her mom but with her mad at her, she couldn't possibly think of any other way she could keep going on.

She sat in front of the door.

" Ma, I'm not leaving here until you talk to me... please...I'm really really sorry!"

Maame went up the stairs and met her sobbing in front her mother's door.

" Veronica get up." Maame orders.

" No, I'm not leaving until she speaks to me." Veronica cried even more.

Her grandma sat next to her in front of the door.

" Come here." She pulled her in for a hug while she cried.

Having a grandma in her 40's has its perks. Maame especially admired the bond between her granddaughter and daughter, it was unlike the relationships most parents had with their childre.n. It was more of a friendship, a very close one and she understood why Ruby will be this disappointed. Even an ordinary friend will feel bad being excluded.

" I'm going to get dinner ready, you two better find a way to fix this. I can't be living with feuding relatives." She tells her before getting up and descending the stairs to the kitchen.

The two refused to eat dinner because Ruby wouldn't come out and Veronica adamantly sat next to her doorway crying.

Maame had no choice but to go to bed later that evening.

Somewhere at midnight, Ruby decides she really wanted to know what really ensued. She pushes her door open and surely enough, Veronica sat snoozing next to her door. She knelt in front of her and touched her tear stained cheek. She woke up.

" Mom!" Veronica gasps.

Her mom pulled her up, " It's late, go to bed."

" I can't go to bed if you hate me." Veronica says.

" Then we're going to sleep together, also I want to hear all about this charming boy who got Veronica to lose her virginity." She chuckled.

" Oh come on don't say it like that, we got married, so it isn't wrong."

" Sounds even weirder coming from you, I wonder who had the time to officiate a wedding for a teenager." Her mother teases leading her into the room.

" Come on mom, we're in the twenty first century."

They lay in the same bed like old times, cuddling like when she was five. Ruby marvelled at how fast Veronica had grown, she was much more feminine, taller and prettier than she was as a child, she couldn't even believe they were going to have a conversation about a boy.

" So what is this Calvin like?" Her mom asked out of curiosity.

" I like him so you might like him too. He's tall, big eyes, prettiest smile yet he rarely smiles and black hair."

" He sounds cute, how old is he?"

" Nineteen." Veronica answered.

" Hmmm, pretty young. Do your friends know about him?"

" Of course, how did you think I pulled off a wedding without your knowledge."

" They were in on this?" Ruby asked surprised.

" Help and financially." Veronica chuckled.

" Financially, what do a bunch of fifteen year olds do to support you financially?" Ruby asked surprised sitting up on her bed to look at her daughter very well.

" You're in for a real deal." Veronica tells her mom who was now paying full attention.

" You know those movies about elite schools with self entitled b**hes? " Her mom was surprised Veronica could cuss now, " Well turns out they do exist in real life and in Manhattan house, there's a lot of them but my friends are different."

She grabbed her phone from the night stand where she had dropped it to show her mom photos of her friends.

" That's Heather, she's the youngest with a brain for Math and the fastest athlete I've ever seen. Then there's Ciarra, you might know her, her father is the WHO representative to Ghana."

" Dr McAllister-Attoh?"

" Yup, she was born twelve years after her sister who is now married. She's kind of like her Daddy's special girl. She has the prettiest eyes I've ever set eyes on. Her mother is french but her father is Ghanaian, she has perfect ebony skin but with her mother's eyes and hair. Silver eyes and she feels awkward here so she uses contacts to look like the average Ghanaian. Surprisingly she's so down to earth."

" She's so pretty, is she also dating?" Ruby asked.

" Yeah. You know Stallion Motors right?"

Her mother nodded.

" Who's the CEO?"

" Kobby Johnson of course." Ruby answers.

" She's dating the son of Kobby Johnson IV, Kobby Johnson V. He's a really good looking boy but very cunning around girls."

" Exactly the reason why you girls shouldn't be dating anyone. The boys out there are all children, they'll do nothing but hurt your feelings. Anyone else dating?"

She slid the photos until she landed on Faye, the girl with the smiling eyes.

" Faye too. You know the speaker of Parliament right? She's dating his son. He's Ladi Nylander Jr."

" He has the same name as his son?" Ruby wondered and Veronica replied with a nod, " How many more of children of people I know are in your school?"

" Quite a hand full." Veronica replies, " Remember the conference you guys had in May concerning the terrible education system in the country?"

" Oh right, so they are all enrolling their children in public school now?"

" Yeah. " Veronica nods. 

" Your friends are so pretty, who's that, she looks like a star." She points at a girl in the photo.

" That's Nesrina Ramses. She's Egyptian, possibly from the line of Cleopatra."

" What is she doing in a public school all the way in Ghana?"

" Kinda like a punishment, she did something awful back home, her mom got really mad and since she's Ambassador of Egypt to Ghana, she decided to bring her here."

" But isn't a boarding school going to give her even more freedom?" Ruby tried to reason.

" Her mom's smarter than that, she imposed strict precautions on caring for Nesrina. She's not allowed to any of the exciting functions on campus, no outing for her and nothing remotely fun, it's just school and her dorm each day."

" Wow, whatever she might have done must be serious."

" Yup. That's Sarah and that's Kweiba, she's practically the most noisy, funniest person I've ever met, she always has an opinion about everything. But she's very good at using words, she's the youngest and first freshman to be scouted unto the Editorial board."

" Amazing. And who's that?" She points at one more person.

" That's Ashanti Goodman, raised all her life in Argentina. She's her own boss and the most independent amongst us."

" How independent?"

" Her parents left her in a mansion in Ghana with everything possible, cars, a pool, game room, indoor cinema, you name it. She has a really big and beautiful glasshouse, it's like a condo. We all think she's living the life but she keeps insisting she's the most miserable person amongst us."

" You mean none of her parents are home?"

" Her Dad passed away and her mom is running everything, she hasn't seen her mother in a long time. She's a spendthrift, you know... I want it, I got it?"

" I get why she'd describe herself as miserable. She can't have conversations like these with anyone."

" I guess so. That's Efua by the way. She was fun and mature about everything, turns out she was an undercover cop in an investigation. We were all shocked."

" So tell me, what exactly went on that night?"

" It's a really long story mom."

" Good thing my meeting with congress at 3pm tomorrow. I have all night." Ruby grins sitting up.


Do you think Veronica's mom is way too rational or she's just down to earth?

I'll like to hear what you think in your comments.😊😊

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