Yesterday's Demons {BOOK ONE}

By FanGirlingSoHardxx

25.5K 961 39

Harleen Swan a unique girl is about to come to a full realization when she meets her mate Klaus. THE VAMPIR... More

Yesterday's Demons
Chapter I~ Birthday
Chapter II~ Attraction
Chapter III~ Feeling Of Belonging
Chapter IV~ High Emotions
Chapter V~ Black Out
Chapter VII ~ Is It True?
Chapter VIII- Bonding and Problems
Chapter IX
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
.Chapter XIV
Author's Note
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII

Chapter VI ~ Mikaelson's Manor

1K 42 0
By FanGirlingSoHardxx

Harleen slowly opened her eyes. She expected to be in her room at her house, but she wasn't. She didn't know where she was.

She was in a room on a bed.The room was beautiful, and elegant. However, from looking around Harleen could tell that it was not a female's room. It was too... manly. Fear immediately laced in her veins. Where was she?? Why is she here?

So many questions but, no answers. Panicking Harleen looked around the room anxiously trying to try to find some much of a way out. Suddenly, Harleen caught a idea. She had to use her powers.

She shook her head clearing all of her thoughts. Once her mind was cleared she placed her middle finger, and index finger on her right template. Her eyes once again in the same week flashed that same bright blue. She closed her eyes...

And then...

Her mind wondered. It was as if her mind was traveling, however Harleen's body didn't move. But her mind did. She could see things and people from miles away. Harleen focused on whatever building she was in. Images began to appear, and so did people. She saw Klaus talking to a blonde who looked angry.

Harleen opened her eyes, and removed her hands from her template. She was still fairly new here, but she knew that whatever it is she was it was far from the town. And Klaus is here.

Harleen let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Without making any sound she stood up and began walking towards the door. She twisted the knob thinking it would turn be it didn't. She was locked in from the inside out. "Fuck."She muttered under her breath.

Harleen brought her hands up in frustration muttering more curses under her breath. She suddenly became angry. Once again her chochalte orbs flashed bright blue as a blue mist appeared on her finger tips. She did a motion with her hand. It looked as if she flicked the blue mist onto the door knob. Blue mist now surrounded the knob. Harleen slowly turned her hand to the right watching the knob. As if it was being commanded to it turned to right.

The blue mist disappeared, and Harleen's eyes morphined back into their usual brown. She smirked as she twisted the door knob with her hand and it actually turned. The door opened, and Harleen walked out.

She stood in a hallway. She turned her head looking around trying to see just where the hell she was. Harleen began walking. Not knowing where. But she was walking.

"Harley." A some what shocked voice said. Harleen's head shot. Her eyes met with Klaus'.


They were now a few feet from each other. The same blonde Harleen saw stood glaring at her. Harleen let her eyes glance around the room. They were in a library.

Harleen looked back at Klaus with a questioning glance. "Where am I?"She questioned. And it was then and there that she realized that her camera was not hanging around her neck. "And where is my camera?"She asked with a rasied eyebrow.

Klaus looked at her with a amused glint in his eyes. "Well love, you are in my property. And your camera resides downstairs. Shall I go get it?"He asked however he flashed out not leaving Harleen any time to say anything.

When Klaus flashed out the blonde looked at Harleen. She looked like the type you didn't want to piss off, however to Harleen it looked like the blonde was studying her.Trying to see her weaknesses or anything.

"So your her?"The blonde asked. She had a accent much like Klaus. Harleen just gave her a confused look. "What?"She asked.

The blonde tilted her head. "My bad must I properly introduce myself." She said before flashing in front of Harleen. Harleen just looked at her blankly.

"I am Rebekah."She said. Harleen said nothing. "Mikaelson. Rebekah Mikaelson."Rebekah said.

It only took a few seconds before Harleen realized just who she was. She let out a gasp in shock. The original sister.Rebekah smirked, "Don't worry child I can't hurt even if I wanted to."

Harleen tilted her head in curiosity. "Really? Now why is that?"She asked.

"My brother..." Rebekah started , but stopped herself. "You do know what my brother is correct?"

Harleen rolled her eyes. "Correct."She said.

"Hybrid. Half werewolf. "She said seriously. Harleen nodded her head sharply.

"You are my brother's ma-" Sadly Rebekah was interrupted. In a flash Klaus entered the room with Harleen's camera in hand.

"Oh Rebekah, love. Your cooking remember? Wouldn't want the veggies to burn now would we?"Klaus questioned glaring at his sister.

Rebekah rolled her eyes. She looked at Harleen and then Klaus her eyes shifting back and forward. "Yes brother. Your right. I wouldn't want that." And with that she left the room.

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