Loki's Family

By Irish_Wolves

88.8K 3.3K 548

By: darkoraclegirl Published with permission Five year old Harry is running from his cousin and friends when... More

New friends and new problems
The trials p1
Thr Calm before the storm
The grand Asgardian ball p1
The Grand Asgardian Ball p2
A heart is a heart, regardless of colour
On the way to Hoggywarts
A look into things on Asgard
First day and a song
Problems in Asgard are a family matter
Personal history problems for teacher
History and stuff that matters
Asgard the realm of strife
Nundu in the garden
Musical Hoggy Warts
A smashing ball part one
Stormfront brewing
A smashing ball part 2
Trials and Quirrelmort
Coronation and banishment
Coronation and banishment p2
The road to redemption
New faces and planning
Surprise, you have family!
Family and chaos

Trial of Albus Dumbledore

4.1K 162 12
By Irish_Wolves


Amelia called a thirty minute recess as they removed and disposed of Doloras's body. During the break, Amelia approached the royal family. "I am pained to say this, but, Fudge cut a deal, one I couldn't resist..." she said sadly, looking down, knowing Loki would question her about it.

The only reason Loki did not shout in rage was because he trusted Amelia. "What do you mean he 'cut a deal'? Explain." He really did try not to growl that out, but it was hard when he knew that Fudge had wronged his family. Whatever Amelia was getting in return had best be worth it.

Amelia gulped, "He said if we cut a deal and put him in witness protection, with a few rules that I would be allowed to decide on, with your input of course, he would name every single employee in the Ministry who ever 'bought' their position, or had a crime swept under the rug, or payed someone off for a charge that he has knowledge of," Amelia replied, then, she paused as she bit her lip, before continuing, "Prince Loki, essentially, he has given me a way to 'clean house' in the Ministry of all its corruption, especially Lucius Malfoy!" she finished, hoping he would see that, in this instance, as much as they both wanted to see Fudge punished, he was giving them the proverbial golden goose.

Loki stared at her for a moment before sighing. He could see the benefit of such a deal, after all, ridding the Ministry of the worms that corrupt it, how could they resist? However that did not mean he liked the thought of letting Fudge go freely. "I am certain we can make sure that he still suffers for his crimes. At the very least, he must not be allowed to do magic ever again. I trust that will not be hard?" Loki questioned.

Amelia nodded, "There are a few spells used to punish Muggleborns that have been expelled from Hogwarts for breaking the use of underage magic inform of muggles law," she said, "It's been used less on purebloods who broke the same rule, but, it would work just as well on Fudge, it would leave him no more powerful than a muggle," she replied.

Loki sighed, "I suppose it's a start. We will speak later of what rules he will be bound by." Loki would ensure they would be as strict as possible. Fudge would escape death this time, but he would wish he'd been killed instead soon enough. "I take it that the next trial will be Dumbledore then?"

Amelia nodded, "With what we have on him, even his hardest supporters are going to find it hard to back him..." she said.

~30 minutes later~

The trial of Albus Dumbledore was what people were really expecting, but, they had to admit, the trial of Doloras Umbridge had been shocking too.


~And now~

Freya was booored, and when this happened, it was not a good thing as she would cause 'mischief', at least that's what she called it. She had just returned from traveling the nine realms, to visit Loki, only to find, no Loki. In fact, Odin and Frigga, and even the insufferable asshat Thor, were gone. She had already given her now usual greeting to Sif and the warriors three, who were off hiding somewhere licking the wounds she had given them. She would have to wait for the royal family to return it seemed, she couldn't wait to see her little pupil once more, after all, it had been roughly four hundred years since she had last seen her last student. She smiled as she remembered how she had put some glue in Sif's hair, it was organic, and would wash out...in five days...She had given Volstagg a new pet, a boar as big as him, which had then proceed to chase him around and try and gore him. She had given Fandral a new mirror, which had then proceed to say how ugly he looked inside, being the wuss she remembered him as, he had been frightened by the insults, after all, he cared more for his looks then his warrior skills sometimes she remembered. As for Hogun, she had given him some seeds from different plants across the nine realms for his garden, she was one of only two people who knew he loved gardening when he was alone, just like Loki, who ironically, was the other one who know of 'The Grim's' love of gardening.


~Back on Midgard~

The proverbial trial of the century was about to start, and all of magical Britain was tuned into the WWN for it. All three sides of the Wizengamot were in attendance for this trial cause of how big the one being accused of wrong doing was, at least in terms of reputation. The dark families were there to know the outcome for their own gain. The grey families were there to know which side was going to come out on top. The light families were there hoping that one of two outcomes came to pass, there either one, Dumbledore was innocent and that these were baseless charges, or two, that they were charges they could sweep under the rug with their combined political power.

During the recess between Umbridge's trial, and this one, Loki had had Heimdall call Lady Eir and have her come to Midgard at his personal request, well, actually his and Frigga. At first she had grumbled about having to leave Asgard, until Loki had told her that, the reason he was having her come to Midgard, was because they were attending the trial of the one who had placed Harry with his former abusive guardians she had been healing the damage of. She was going to be needed to provide damning evidence of Harry's abuse to really drive home that the wizarding world honestly didn't care about their 'national hero', since they never bothered to look in on him, as evidenced by the damage he received from his 'family'.

As everyone took their seats, Amelia took her position as interim Minister and Chief Warlock for the trial since she was the highest ranking authority figure in the Ministry, not to mention she had Loki's personal backing, no one wanted to go against her, lest they suffer his wroth.

~SONG START: Esper Battle - Final Fantasy XII Music Extended~

Getting silence to reign with her the Warlock's stone gavel, Amelia called the court to session.

"Lords and Ladies, and guests royal and common," Amelia began loudly so all could hear her, "We are here because Prince Loki of Asgard has brought a number of worrisome details to my attention, while investigating them, with help from the Goblin Nation, I have discovered a number of crimes committed by former Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore!" she said before she continued, "Members of the Wizengamot, I hereby charge Albus Dumbledore with the endangerment of the last heir to a Most Ancient and Noble House, abuse of power, corruption, theft, negligence of duty, and obstruction of justice!" she shouted in conclusion.

The audience and the Wizengamot were whispering darkly, this seemed like it would be just as explosive as Umbridge's trial had been.

"Bring in the accused!" Amelia shouted and Albus Dumbledore, looking worse for wear than normal, was led in in chains. When he was strapped into the chair, Amelia stood up, "By request of Loki, and backed up by Odin, the following rights have been suspended for this trial," Amelia stated before unrolling a scroll of parchment, "The right to refuse Veritaserum, suspended, the right to ask for a family meeting, suspended, the right to seek fare punishment, suspended, that is all," Amelia concluded reading, and as she did, there was explosive muttering. Clearly Loki was helping Amelia cover as many tracks of escape for Dumbledore as possible.

Turning to Dumbledore, Amelia glared at him, "Albus Dumbledore, you stand charged with a number of grave, and serious crimes, how do you plead?" Amelia asked in a tone that said she clearly thought he was guilty.

"Innocent," Dumbledore said instantly, and without hesitation.

"So noted," Amelia said as she turned to the court scribe who had written down the accused's stated being. "On the first charge, you are here by required to answer to multiple charges of misuse of power, what do you have to say to these?" Amelia asked.

Dumbledore frowned, he had never misused his power, he may have...fudged...a few details here and there in the past, but only so the Greater Good could prevail, "I have never misused my power and have always strived for justice!" Dumbledore replied confidently.

Amelia frowned at that. "Is that so? Well then, please, explain to all of us gathered here today, why you had a part in the sealing of the vault belonging to the deceased James and Lily Potter, which resulted in evidence that would later be used to clear Sirius Black of all charges? You are neither a member of the Potter family, nor do you hold any true power over their vaults. So explain why you had them sealed?" Amelia began. "How do you account for the laws you've aided in getting passed that restrict the Goblin Nation when it comes to pure blood families? The laws passed with your help that aid pure blood families when you supposedly stand for muggleborns and those with muggle family members, not to mention you are said to support creature rights publically? And there is also your appointment as magical guardian of one Harry James Potter, when had you allowed the vault to remain open you would have learned that I am Harry Potter's godmother, chosen by Lily Potter herself!" Amelia was shouted by the end of it, thinking of all the things Loki had told her Harry had suffered all because this old goat denied her the right to care for him.

The crowd was shocked into silence, before there was an explosion of whispering, meanwhile, Loki was staring at Amelia in shock, he had not known that she was his grandson's godmother, and Odin, Frigga, and Thor, were looking between Loki, and Amelia.

Amelia, letting what she said sink in, smiled at the shocked look on Dumbledore's face as she banged her gavel on the desk, when silence had returned, Amelia signaled the Aurors, who then force fed Dumbledore Veritaserum, it took a while as, at first, he tried to spit it out, and then, after swallowing several droplets, he tried to resist its effects. It took a good five minutes before his eyes glazed over and he stopped resisting the clamps keeping his arms bound to the chair. "Now that the Veritaserum is in your system, we can get some unbiased answers and real truth," Amelia stated.

Clearing her throat, Amelia, with a loud clear voice said, "Please, tell us, for what reason did you place Harry Potter with the Dursleys?" she asked, confident that this would damn the old fart.

Dumbledore was clearly resisting, but, after a brief struggle, he finally blurted out, "I placed him there for two reasons, one, as far as I knew, until a few months ago, Harry had no other family, and secondly, it was for the Greater Good," Dumbledore explained. Due to being under the effects of Veritaserum, he did not see the curious, disgusted, or intrigued looks from various members of the Wizengamot and audience seats.

Loki frowned in confusion. Just what did Dumbledore mean when he said it was for 'the Greater Good'? Just what 'Greater Good' involved the endangerment of a child? As near as Loki could see there was nothing that was worth putting a child in harm's way, and certainly not a reason that could forgive the four years of suffering Harry went through. Loki wanted to stand up and express his displeasure towards this but bit his tongue. This wasn't the time to show his hand as Harry's grandfather, that would come later when it is safe for Harry to be known as his grandson.

Frigga was also confused by this claim. How could a man of Dumbledore's age claim that everything that happened to Harry was for this 'Greater Good'? And just what 'Greater Good' was he speaking about? There was nothing she could see where it was worth it for allowing a child to remain in such a horrible place as the Dursleys house.

While Odin did understand doing things for 'the Greater Good', he could not condone what had been done to Harry. There were limits to what should be sacrificed for the 'Greater Good'. And what Dumbledore had allowed to be sacrificed was too much.

Were it not for Frigga placing a hand on Thor's arm, Thor would've shot out of his seat and struck Dumbledore down. The reasons he gave were horrible and did nothing to quell the storm inside him. How could anyone justify what had happened to Harry like that? Yes, until Loki claimed Harry, the boy seemingly had no family, but to leave him to suffer so with no one to look in on him? Thor almost wished the Dementor's kiss upon Dumbledore. Though he wanted worse to befall Dumbledore he figured it would be all he could hope for.

Amelia frowned at that, "The 'Greater Good'? Explain to me, to all of us, just what 'Greater Good', justifies the endangerment of a child and sole living member of the Potter family?"

It was now visibly apparent that Dumbledore was fighting the Veritaserum, as he shook a bit before finally blurting out the reply, "The Greater Good that Gellert and I came up with was for the betterment of Magical Society as a whole," he said, "Purebloods belong on top, they have the most magic and therefore the most experience with running our government, they deserve to be on top, muggleborns deserve to be on the bottom as they try to bring dangerous ideas into our society, ideas that try to change our society far too quickly, then endanger the rest of us to exposure in their attempts to modernise us," he paused again, "Muggleborns also need a guiding hand as they are constantly finding fault with our proud traditions that have stood the test of time itself, and as such, a strong, guiding hand, is what they need, what they deserve," he then paused again, and visibly fought to stop from continuing.

Though she was certain everyone had heard enough to show Dumbledore's guilt, she pressed further. "You stopped, what else is there that you have yet to say in justification of your actions on this matter? Tell us the rest of your reasoning."

Dumbledore visibly shook now, truly fighting the serum before calming down and answering, though with visible restraint, "The...Boy...is...a horcrux..." he strained out, "To remove...it he needs to die...but for the Greater Good...He had to die...in such a way...that he would be...a martyr..." he finished with visible strain.

Amelia was glad she's spoken to Loki and his family before the trial began, as they had told her of some of the things they had learned about Harry. Like about him being a horcrux, but at least she knew something that Dumbledore didn't. "This is something you kept from everyone. However I believe I will now turn to the Lady Eir of Asgard, who will tell us what she knows of Harry Potter being a horcrux. Lady Eir, if you will please give your findings after we administer the antidote." Amelia turned to the Aurors and said, "Please provide Albus Dumbledore with the antidote to Veritaserum," she said with a smirk, "I wish for him to respond properly when we give him the verdicts," as she watched Dumbledore be given the antidote, she saw how Dumbledore glared at her, and was about to speak only to be cut off by Eir.

"I wish to speak with him about my findings and hear his honest response to them." Eir said as she stood and walked over to him. "For I wish to know if he still believe this so called 'Greater Good' is worth what I found," Eir then turned a glare on Dumbledore. "Do you know what that boy was subjected to? What I found when he was brought to me for healing?"

Dumbledore glared at her in response, "Whatever he endured was for the greater good to make him malleable for when he attended Hogwarts so I could guide him to his true destiny!" Dumbledore spat, forgetting for the moment where he was.

Eir looked at him in disgust. "So you wanted a puppet. I dare say you would have gotten one had fate not saved him. To answer the question of what he endured, when I examined him the boy was severely malnourished, his ribs and other bones broken repeatedly that only healed thanks to the boy's own magic, severe scarring on his back including the word 'Freak' carved into his back, burns and calluses on the boy's hands, and multiple small burns under his chin." She listed, seeing the looks of shock, horror, and disgust on many of the faces around the room. "Also, in regards to the horcrux," Eir smiled evilly at Dumbledore. "I can assure you, he will not be needing to 'die' anytime soon, as it is no more," she finished with a careless shrug.

Dumbledore ground his teeth, "But the only way known to remove a horcrux is to destroy the container!" he protested, "And the boy must die, he is too perfect as a martyr," he said, "Too many causes would require his death for the betterment of our society!"

"Perhaps for you mortals, it is impossible to remove a horcrux, but not for Asgard's magic users. Myself and Prince Loki personally removed the horcrux from the boy and placed it within a pig. That pig is now in the hands of Hela, who is best suited to find any remaining horcruxes," She then walked up to Dumbledore and lean into his face, "And there is no betterment of any society that requires the life of a child!" She growled to him before turning to Amelia. "Should it be required I can show all here the extent of Harry Potter's damages. You have but to ask."

"Thank you lady Eir," Amelia nodded. "You may return to your seat."

Eir wanted to smack Dumbledore before she returned to her seat, but held back and returned to her seat next to the royal family.

Loki was really struggling to hold himself back from killing Dumbledore. The man had just confessed to having planned for Harry to die as a martyr. That he wanted Harry to die! He also confessed to having known about the horcrux within Harry. That angered Loki more then everything else Dumbledore had said.

Frigga glared at Dumbledore, hating him for what he said as well as his plans to let Harry die for this 'greater good'. She's never heard anything more outrageous or disgusting in her life. How a man like Dumbledore managed to hide such things when he has such a high seat of power?

Odin was tempted to call an end to the trial and simply drag Dumbledore back to Asgard to face justice there. As these claims only served to further his anger towards the man.

A loud rumble of thunder signaled Thor's anger regarding this. It was a wonder that a storm hadn't ripped the building apart by now with how angry he was. After all this was a member of his family they were talking about, and yet this mortal man was so carelessly willing to throw Harry's life away for his 'Greater Good'.

"Albus Dumbledore," Amelia said, "Your crimes are varied, and damning, however, most of them are interconnected, this much is evident from what you have said regarding your view of the Heir and last member of the Potter family," she said, getting many nods of agreement from the other members of the Wizengamot. "But to humor us all," she said, "Please, tell us, why did you seal his family vault and steal from said vault using a now dead Goblin conspirator?"

Dumbledore ground his teeth, he knew he was damned if he spoke, and damned if he didn't, "You want to know the truth?" he spat, losing his grandfatherly composure, "He didn't need that gold, and he was destined to die!" Dumbledore spoke, "Better to use that gold on families that needed it and could make real use of it!" he paused, "As for the sealing of the vault, me and Fudge both agreed that the boy had too much power, no need to add money to that already growing list!"

Amelia scowled, "As much as I WISH I could put you away for life," Amelia said, "At best, by our own laws, I can only put you away for five years," she scowled, "As serious as your crimes are, the laws you helped past are still active and working for you rather then against you," she scowled in obvious anger, "As such, I can do this, when released, you will work as a professor at Hogwarts, should the board of governors deign to rehire you that is..." as she looked at the other Wizengamot members, she could already see several of the board of governor members for Hogwarts, already wondering what they could ask of Dumbledore in exchange for getting him his job back when he is released.

(SONG END - SONG START: Westworld Soundtrack - Paint It, Black - Ramin Djawadi)

Deciding to drive home how royally, literally, that Dumbledore fucked up, she looked to Loki, her eyes asking for confirmation to release the most critical piece of information in this case.

Loki stood from his seat, his eyes fixed on Dumbledore's as he began to make his way towards him. All around him he could hear the shocked whispers as people wondered just what was about to happen, what he was going to do or say. When Loki stood before Dumbledore, everyone fell silent as they learned in to be sure they did not miss a word.

"You so recklessly toss aside the life of a child for you're so called 'Greater Good', dictating what is right or wrong for your cause and withholding information from even those who side with you. And all for your 'Greater Good'. Your schemes would have, perhaps, gone unnoticed until many years after your own death, when all those here are either dead, or too old to do anything against you. You planned your schemes well, I will admit that much," Loki began before narrowing his eyes. "However, in your foolish quest for you're so called 'Greater Good' you did not bother to learn of the pawns you played with. But then again, how were you to know that 'Lily' Potter was adopted?" Loki took great pleasure in the look of surprise on Dumbledore's face at that. "Oh yes, the woman you know as 'Lily' Potter was adopted into the Evans family when her mother died and her father failed to find her again. And it is her father that took Harry Potter into his care. Do you wish to know just who the father of 'Lily' Potter is?" Loki questioned smugly.

"No..." Dumbledore stammered, it couldn't be, "You CAN'T be the father of Lily Evans, she was a MUDBLOOD!" Dumbledore screamed in shock, revealing him to be a secret blood purist at heart, as evidenced by his decisions as Chief Warlock, "Your children were all monsters, everyone knows that, Odin had you punished for birthing monsters, it says so in the Old Legends!" he screamed in fear.

Loki smiled darkly at Dumbledore. "Being a monster is a matter of opinion. However I think it is clear just what you are," He whispered. "'Lily' Potter was my daughter, Lilias! The boy you would so carelessly throw away is my grandchild!" Loki shouted, loud enough for all to hear. "And I assure you, Albus Dumbledore, my grandson will never serve as your pawn."

Odin, having heard Dumbledore's outburst, thought about his own past decision. Though he knew it was known on Asgard what his 'reasons' for casting out Loki's children were, he had not known that anyone on Midgard had heard about his casting out of them. It made him wonder just what else these mortal magic users thought they knew about his family.

Frigga looked to her husband, hoping that he learned from this and changed his ways for the sake of their family. She wasn't expecting a complete change, but she was certain some things would be different as a result.

If Thor wasn't mad before he was now. What right did this mortal have to speak so horribly of his brother's children? Sure, they had been cast out, and many whispered about their births, but they were still members of royalty, as well as part of his family. And this mortal had even less right to speak of others being monsters when he was so willing to allow a child to suffer, and had plans that called for the child's death for his own gain. Thor swore that if he ever got a chance to be alone with this mortal, that he would ensure the man suffered, not die even though he wanted it so badly.

With a bang of her gavel, Dumbledore was taken from the courtroom where he was to be prepared for transport to Azkaban to serve his five year sentence. Many knew that this trial was as much politics as it was justice, no one was expected to like the outcome, only accept it for what it was, a win against a man who'd thought himself untouchable.


(Song End - Song start: Dragon Quest VIII OST - Overture ~ Title Theme (Symphonic Version))

~Meanwhile on Asgard~

Freya had been wondering the palace, noting the real lack of guards, like what had happened when Odin, Frigga and Thor, leaving her with Loki who spent their time away training with her back at the palace, had gone on vacations centuries ago, though she felt that this time wasn't cause of a vacation. Anyway, feeling hungry, Freya decided to check out the kitchens for something to eat.

Freya had just entered the kitchens when she noticed a head of familiar black hair. Walking over to it, she turned around the cabinet, expecting to find Loki, only, instead, to find a small child who looked like a young Loki, albeit, a bit under fed that is.

"Loki? Why do you look like a child again?" Freya asked, figuring it was Loki trying to pull some prank or another.

Harry jumped in surprise at hearing someone speaking so close to him. Most of the cooks had, more or less, stopped coming up to him and speaking with him when he was cooking. And on top of that he was surprised to hear someone say Loki's name so suddenly. Did it mean Loki was back now? Turning however, Harry found a woman standing behind him, giving him an interesting look.

The woman looked a great deal like Frigga, however, unlike Frigga, who wore dresses, this woman was wearing a low cut top and trousers rather than a dress, and this woman appeared more like she enjoyed mischief and fun. Completely different from his great grandmother.

"Huh? I'm not Loki, I'm Harry," He told her honestly, confused as to why she thought he was his grandfather. Then Harry remembered what he was supposed to say when people questioned him as to who he is, "I'm Prince Loki's student!" he then added with a smile.

Freya looked at Harry with confusion, "Harry is a Midgardian name, not an Aesir name..." she pointed out to the boy, then she looked at him closely, taking in his features, "You are either a child of Loki, or a descendant of him," she pointed out bluntly, an unamused look on her face.

Harry quickly looked around to be sure no one had heard that. "I-I don't know what you mean. I'm not related to Gram-err, I mean Prince Loki." Harry replied almost using the name that Darcy had taught him before covering his tracks, he had no idea why this woman would think he was related to Loki, no one else had ever made that connection before. "Who are you miss?"

Freya gave Harry a flat look, "I was the one who taught Loki growing up, if anyone would know his features, the only people would be me, and his own family, not including that old fart Odin, and that pseudo clone of me Frigga," she said, saying Frigga's name with a shiver, she hated being compared to that goody two shoes. "And judging from your covering up of saying 'Gram', I am guessing he is either your grandmother, or grandfather," she then smirked at Harry, "Unlike the oafish Aesir, I am Vanir, we use our minds and the forces of the universe over that of muscles," she said, nodding her head up and down as she talked in a clearly comical way, then she turned her eyes to Harry once more, "Now, I ask again, are you or are you not Loki's grandchild?" she asked a bit more forcefully now.

Harry didn't know what to do; this woman had said so many things he didn't fully understand. However the one thing he did know, was that he had to get her away from everyone else before someone over heard her and started talking. "C-can we talk somewhere else?" Harry asked, scared of what Loki might do if people started questioning if he's related to Harry. Harry also hoped to get a better idea just how close she is to Loki before he tells her anything.

Freya smiled, "Of course, we can use my old chambers next to Loki's, those servants of Odin's had better have kept it clean over the last six hundred years..." she ground out, knowing Odin, he probably would have had the servants retasked to not clean her room, just to spite her for that prank she had pulled on the old fart when she left. Sighing, she took Harry's hand and led the way to her chambers to have a private discussion with Harry, after all, there were two possibilities for a child or a child of a child of Loki's to be in Asgard. One, Loki had snuck the boy in under Odin's watch without the old fart knowing, or two, Loki had Odin's permission, and, judging from the boy's reaction, didn't want anyone knowing.


~(SONG END - SONG START: FF7: Advent Children Soundtrack - The Promised Land)~

~Meanwhile, back at the Ministry~

"Well now, that was a great deal more than I had expected..." Loki commented to Amelia once it was just her, himself and his family. "Though, that sentencing was rather light, at least he now knows that very few, if any, will be on his side now that they all know just who's family they were playing games with." Loki was glad for that at least, as it meant more protection for Harry the next time he comes to Midgard with him.

Amelia sighed. "As much as I would have loved to have seen the old goat suffer more for all that he's done, and I'm certain the Goblins would want him to pay for his crimes against them in a better fashion then five years in Azkaban, I fear he is still more useful to us free then in prison. After all he has a great deal of experience behind him that could benefit the students of Hogwarts, and more to the point having him spend five years in Azkaban and then work his way back to where he was, will help to humble him and open his eyes to his mistakes." She explained.

Loki wasn't so sure. However it was Frigga who spoke up on the matter. "It's been my experience that men of his advanced years rarely truly change."

Loki tried not to smile at just what she was implying, after all, he knew of her struggles with her husband to get him to change his stance on certain matters. "Regardless, I am trusting your judgement on this Amelia. However I am a little surprised by your little secret, why ever did you keep such a thing from me?"

"If you recall, Prince Loki, after Sirius's trial you did leave in a hurry. I would have shared my findings in your daughter's letter to Dumbledore had you not left in such a hurry. I knew Lily, sorry Lilias, was thinking of making me Harry's godmother, but as far as I knew, she had not made her decision. I was just as surprised as everyone else to learn of this."

Loki smiled. "Ah yes, I must have missed that part of the letter after reading the rest of it. And I did leave rather quickly, I apologize for my rudeness then, I had important matters to attend to."

"I take it you are all heading back to Asgard?" Amelia questioned.

"Yes. I assure you though, now that I know you are his godmother, I will do my best to bring Harry with me next time I return to Midgard, so that he may meet with you." Loki promised.

"There is more you must do here?" Odin questioned with a frown, having thought this would be the last trip Loki needed to make.

Loki shook his head, "There is still much I need to do here, many that hold seats of power in the Ministry who are corrupt, and thus need to be removed from their posts. Amelia is aiding me in this matter, and thus needs me to return every now and then to ensure my support in this matter never falls into question," Loki also wanted to be able to come back to Midgard and see Darcy as much as he could, without drawing attention to her.

Odin sighed in annoyance. "We shall see how many returns trips to Midgard I allow."

"Come now, we best get back now as many have undoubtedly started to talk about our leaving Asgard for so long." Frigga pointed out.

"Mother is correct, and I am certain Harry is wondering just where we've gone and when we will return." Loki nodded before turning back to Amelia. "I will bring Harry as soon as I can. Should I tell Sirius about your being Harry's other godparent?"

Amelia smirked. "No, I want that pleasure myself."

"Then I shall say nothing on the matter to him. Until next time Amelia," Loki smiled before both he and his family left to return to Asgard.


~Song End, Song Start: Dragon Quest VIII OST - Go Topo Go! ~ Munchie's Theme (Symphonic Version)~

~Back on Asgard~

As soon as Loki and the other three got back to Asgard, Harry was waiting for them with an amused Heimdall. "Prince Loki, Lord Odin," Harry said, "There is a strange woman in the throne room demanding an audience!" Harry said in obvious panic.

Loki was concerned now, he'd not seen Harry panic like this before and knowing that some strange woman was behind his grandson's panic was not a good sign for him. "We shall take care of this Harry, do not fear!" Loki assured him before turning to his father. "Were you expecting someone today?"

Odin shook his head, "I made certain that there was nothing that needed my attention before we left. There should be no one in the throne room."

"Then we best get to the throne room and not keep this woman waiting much longer then," Frigga told them with a smile, she had a sneaking suspicion of who it was, but thought it best not to say anything.

Loki looked to Harry, wondering if he should bring him with them or not, "Stay close to me Harry," It would be better to bring Harry with them, as he knows who they would be looking for.

With that settled, the family headed for the throne room, unsure of just what they would find there. Both Thor and Odin were ready for battle, while Frigga and Loki were ready to protect Harry with their magic.

Opening the door to the throne room, however, they were not prepared for what they found.

Sitting lazily on Odin's throne sideways, was a woman who looked like Frigga physically, but, at the same time, was dressed differently, more...carefree...more easier to move then one would be wearing a dress. She turned to look at the group of five as they entered and pointed a finger at the ceiling where a sign dropped from the sealing, 'GUESS WHOSE BACK ARSEHOLES!' in bold letters. Then looking at the group again, she turned to each face and said something different, "Odin, baby, how you hanging?" she asked, clearly using some semi-recent Midgardian terms. Turning to Frigga she said, "Well, if it isn't my personal clone, what's hanging in the garden Frigga?" she asked with a smirk. Turning to Loki, the woman went from smirk to fond smile, "Loki dear, how have you been these last six hundred years, learn any new spells?" then she saw Thor, and scowled, "Great, who invited the juvenile delinquent?" she spat out, then, finally she saw Harry, "Harry dear, welcome back, you haven't seen that god father of yours since you left to greet your family did you?" she asked smugly, since there were no guards in the room she was able to talk freely since it was only her and the royal family.

Loki stared at Freya in shock before letting out a long, hard, laugh, as he turned to Harry. "You were only pretending this whole time. I'm impressed, I truly could not tell your panic was not genuine." He praised.

Harry smiled up happily at him, "Freya said you'd like it."

Thor groaned. "Who let Freya back into Asgard?"

"Come now Thor, she has just as much right to be here as anyone else!" Frigga scolded before turning to Freya. "Welcome back Freya, it has been so long since you were last here."

Odin said nothing, he wasn't happy to see Freya, and he certainly didn't want her around again, not after all the other times she'd been on Asgard, and all the pranks she had pulled on him and Thor with Loki. He still shivered in fear of that one prank she had pulled that had left him with a deep seated fear of spiders, not that he would tell anyone about it.

"It's good to have you back Freya, and I see you've already begun to corrupt my student," Loki smiled at Freya.

Freya smirked, "Come now Loki, we BOTH know he is more than just your student!" she replied flatly, giving him a glare.

Loki sighed, "Yes, I suppose I should've known better then to try to hide this from you. He is my grandson."

"Called it!" Freya said with a knowing and clearly aimed to annoy smirk on her face.

"She knew who I was after I told her that I wasn't you," Harry told Loki. He was still surprised by that fact.

"I'm not surprised. Given all that she knows about myself," Loki wasn't about to add how she'd also knew his body very well, from the number of times she'd magiced away his clothes for her own personal amusement through magical pranks to humiliate him, but also teach him to reflexively block incoming magic.

"You know only the Allfather is allowed to sit on the throne!" Thor reminded Freya with his arms crossed.

"And I am older, or just as old as him, hell, I was queen of the Vanir Thor!" Freya said, remind him that she was, technically, equal to Frigga and Odin, "What's more, I don't care for your attitude, but whatever, have your crusty old throne," she said getting up, and walked over to Loki, giving him a pat on the shoulder, "You can fill me in on what I have missed the last six hundred years later, and bring Harry, I feel his story will be the most intriguing of the events I missed..." she said before exiting the throne room with a laugh and her middle finger raised at Thor as she passed him by with the only one who understood what it meant, albeit only basically, being Harry, who gasped in shock.

Loki smiled to himself, thinking of how much Freya and Darcy would get along should they ever meet. "Some things never change," Loki mused to himself.

"Loki do not encourage her. Freya does not need it," Thor sighed, "And keep her away from my chambers!" Thor did not need her weaving spells into his clothes to change them into dresses in the middle of a feast again. The last time that had happened Thor had wanted to kill her for it.

"No promises Thor," Loki smirked. "Now then, come along Harry, I wish to speak with Sirius about a few things before we go speak with Freya." Loki then led Harry out of the throne room.


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