By tvwriteher

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This season takes place during the Spring semester of the school year that began in season one and continues... More

EPISODE FIVE: If I aint got you
EPISODE NINE: If I should die
Episode 10: Run This Town
Epsiode 11: Dilemma
Episode 12: LOVE FACES
All I want for Christmas is you. IM Special
EPISODE 20: Seventeen* Candles
EPISODE 21: Suspects, Rules And Requels
EPISODE 22: Suspects, Rules And Requels PART TWO


174 9 189
By tvwriteher


Tavon has just woken up.

TAVON- Tavon Banks you made it to big 18 kid. You can do whatever you want now....fuck I'm talking to myself like Neal.

His phone vibrates and I'mHe reaches over to grab it. His phone if flooded with happy birthday text messsges. Instagram notifications and missed calls.

One text message that stands out to him is from Zhuri.

He starts to type back but hesitates not sure what to say.

There's a knock on the door.

TAVON- come in.

Deandre and Kelly enter with a tray of breakfast. Waffles bacon eggs some orange juice.

Deandre holding balloons.

KELLY- Happy Birthday!

TAVON- Oh wow y'all didn't have to do this....I swear it's not that big a deal.

KELLY- boy eighteen is a big deal I remember when you were freaking eight years old riding that damn bike up and down the street.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- The blue bike with the black flames? I was the guy.

DEANDRE- I doubt it.

Tavon laughs.

DEANDRE- but 18 is a big deal man. You only get it once enjoy it.

Deandre hands him a card.

TAVON- coach you never been this nice before...marriage is doing you right man.

DEANDRE- I been nice.


They all laugh.

DEANDRE- whatever man get ready for school.

Kelly and Deandre leave out.

Tavon picks back up his phone to text Zhuri back. Still hesitating.


Kent and Taylor are in the middle of going at it.

TAYLOR- oh My God.

Taylor alarm begins to go off.

TAYLOR- Okay I really gotta go this time.

KENT- you said that like two rounds ago.

TAYLOR- because every time I get up...

Taylor stands up  and starts to put her bra back on and Kent pulls her back. They fall onto his bed, kissing and touching each other with every imaginable ounce of teenage desire.

Taylor gives in she puts her lips to his neck, his hand reaches up the back of her shirt, fingers finding their way underneath her bra strap.

Taylor alarm goes off again.

TAYLOR- Okay... Kent. I really gotta go....and you do too.

KENT- you get straight A's and I don't care about school anyway. I can be late.

Kent kisses her neck. Taylor melts.

TAYLOR-Kent I'm serious....

KENT- are you?

Kent phone buzzes and it's Neal.

KENT- I swear Neal can literally feel when we're spending time together without out him.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- leave my best friend alone. But come on...we got to go back to the real world.

KENT- wish we could of stayed in New York.

Taylor kisses his cheek.

TAYLOR- me too because now I have to deal with your mother as principal

Kent smirks.

KENT- technically she's your mother too....

TAYLOR- okay now that fourth round is definitely not happening.

Kent laughs and then kisses her all over her face.

KENT- I just feel like we're in like a honey moon phase again....and then when we go out there it's going to be back to normal.

TAYLOR- well married at sixteen and seventeen after only knowing each other for two months....don't think anything about is could be normal.

KENT- yikes the guy must be a simp.

Taylor sits on his lap.

TAYLOR- definitely....he's cute though.

Kent smiles at her and she begins to kiss him and they go at it again.


Morgan lays asleep on Neal sitting on his lap and laying on his shoulder.

Neal watches her for a bit. You can see how tired he is.

Zhuri is pacing back and fourth you can tell she has a lot on her mind.

Morgan starts to wake up and Neal fakes a yawn like he is waking up too.

NEAL- Hey beautiful.

MORGAN- Hey....what time is it?

NEAL- it's about time for me to head out....I gotta get to school and meet up with Tavon.

MORGAN- I'm so sorry you look exhausted...did you get any sleep?

NEAL- yeah I slept right with you.

MORGAN- you sure?

Neal kisses cheek and then stands up.

NEAL- Yes...but call me if anything changes or if you need anything okay.


Neal starts to leave.

ZHURI- Neal hold on a second.

Zhuri walks up to Neal.

NEAL- what's up?

ZHURI- Hey um could you not tell Tavon about my Dad being in the hospital. It's his birthday and it's bad enough what happened last night and me and him are kinda in limbo right now....I just don't want him to be worried about it.

NEAL- I get it but you want me to lie? I don't know Z.

ZHURI- you literally just lied five minutes ago.

Neal looks at her confused.

ZHURI- you told Morgan you got a good nights sleep and you were literally up all night watching her.

NEAL- Oh...well that's um that's different a little lie to your girlfriend so she won't be worried is not the same as lying to your friend for his girlfriend.

ZHURI- all you have to do is not bring it up.

NEAL- and what if he asks where I been or why I was at the hospital ?

ZHURI- Tell him you have a STD or something I don't know.

NEAL-A STD?! Are you insane?

ZHURI- okay you don't have to say that look I doubt he even asks why you're at the hospital just try not bring it up.

NEAL- Zhuri...

ZHURI- Neal I have literally never asked you to do anything and I don't want to ruin his birthday more than it already is so....please?

NEAL- technically you asked me to borrow a pencil before that one time-

ZHURI- Neal.

Neal sighs.

NEAL- Okay. I'll try my best.

ZHURI- thanks.

NEAL- Hey you need to get some rest too by the way.

ZHURI- yeah too much on my mind that's not going happen.

NEAL- Aww Z.

Neal hugs her.

NEAL- Everything is going work out.

Zhuri nods.


Kim lays in the bed with Marvin. The doctor enters talking to them both with results.

DOCTOR-Well it seems you had a mild heart attack Mr.Alexander.

Marvin stands up.

MARVIN- so I can go now?

KIM- can you sit down?

MARVIN- I need to go home.

DOCTOR- you need to take it easy....those type of heart attacks are caused by stress and with not a lot of rest it could happen again.

MARVIN- okay and I get rest at home.

KIM- Doctor is there anything else? Or anything I can help him with?

DOCTOR- Time away from work....some rest and relaxation....and cutting out the things that's causing you stress.

Marvin looks at her.


Morgan and Zhuri are in the waiting area. Morgan is flipping through a magazine.

Zhuri still paces back and fourth.

MORGAN- I'm begging you to sit down Z. You're making my nerves bad.

ZHURI- I can't relax. I know the second Dad walks out of there he's going try to put me back in rehab.

MORGAN- Maybe getting help wouldn't be a bad thing?

Zhuri sits down next to Morgan.

ZHURI- Morgan you don't know what it's like in there. It's lonely and it's depressing. It's what led me to Aubrey.

MORGAN- Whoa jump scare.

Zhuri looks at her.

MORGAN- okay let me get serious I'm sorry look I don't know what it's like in there you're right but I do know what it's like to miss you. I don't want you to go but I'd rather miss you at rehab than miss you being off the planet.

ZHURI- I am fine what aren't y'all getting?

MORGAN- Z you're not fine you started using again.

Zhuri stands up again.

ZHURI- all of this could of been fucking avoided if Tavon never took my bag and if you didn't tell mom and Dad.

MORGAN- do you hear yourself?

ZHURI- Yes I hear myself and I'm you see what all of this has caused?

MORGAN- Yes Tavon moved out and is probably sad as hell on his're obviously going back to rehab and Dad had a heart attack.

ZHURI- could you for once have my side?

MORGAN- what are you talking about I always have your side? Me wanting what's best for you is having your side....maybe that's showing tough love I don't know but

ZHURI- last time they sent me to rehab you didn't even say anything.

MORGAN- what was I supposed to say?

ZHURI- you could of said you didn't want me to go.

MORGAN- I didn't even fully understand what was going on last time but it's not like I wanted you to just like I don't want you to go now.....I want you to be home and I want Dad to be home and I want mom to not be a bitch.....I just want a normal fucking family for one day.

Morgan storms off.

ZHURI- Morgan.

Morgan continues to walk.

MORGAN- I'm fine!


There's a birthday party in progress and we see young kids running around everywhere.

The door bell rings.

YOUNG TAVON- is that him? Ma is that him?

Landy Ruffin late 20s African American beautiful very immature thinks she's still a teenager but she loves her kids to the best she can.

LANDY- Is that who?


Landy opens the door is Tammie and Neal holding a gift.

LANDY- Tammie Neal come in.


YOUNG NEAL- Hey Aunt Landy.

Neal hands her the gift and rushes over to Tavon.

REDZ- you actually think that nigga coming?

LANDY- Redz shut the hell up.

Neal runs over to Tavon.

YOUNG NEAL- you want to know what I got you?

YOUNG TAVON- I can wait.

Neal smiles.

YOUNG NEAL- it's the new 2K

YOUNG TAVON- Neal why would you tell me?

YOUNG NEAL- because it's so wanna play now? I'll let you be Lebron.

YOUNG TAVON- Why would I want to be Lebron?

YOUNG NEAL- Wait what does that mean?

Landy and Tammie walk into the kitchen.


TAMMIE- where is Tavon's cake?

LANDY- it'll be here.

TAMMIE- what you mean it'll be here? I thought you picked it up this morning?

LANDY- I did but then I road pass light street-

TAMMIE- Aw hell Landy you didn't.

LANDY- what?

TAMMIE- don't tell me you sold his cake or lost it down there on nasty ass light street?

Landy tries to think of a lie panic look in her eyes.

LANDY- No someone's just holding it for me....

TAMMIE- tell me why the hell someone would be holding a cake on dirty ass light street? You're getting caught up.

Neal bursts in.

YOUNG NEAL- Ma what's light street?

TAMMIE- none of your business boy go play.

YOUNG NEAL- can I use your phone to call Aunt Toya and see where Taylor is?

TAMMIE- no she'll be here go play.

Neal rolls his eyes and storms out.

TAMMIE- I spent $50 on that cake it better show up.

LANDY- I didn't ask you to do that.

TAMMIE- you didn't...but Tavon deserves a fucking're so.

Tammie pulls out her phone and calls Reggie.

TAMMIE- (on the phone) Hey I know it's last minute but could you make Tavon a cake? Chocolate blue and black frosting....throw a picture of Russel Westbrook on there too....thanks baby.

Tammie hangs up the phone and shoots a look at Landy.

LANDY- don't fucking judge me to me when you're raising two sons on your fucking own with no help.

TAMMIE- Look I'm the last person to judge anyone but he's a freaking kid....and he needs gotta get clean Landy.

LANDY- you need to mind your business and stop judging me in my fucking house.

TAMMIE- you know got it...I'll go pick up Tavons cake.

Tammie leaves.

Landy exists the kitchen walking through the living room seeing Tavon playing with Neal and other guests including Tavon's cousin "LJ and Steven Ruffin" LJ is a pretty boy who plays a lot never scared of anything and always act out Steven is more calm and goes with the flow of what everyone else does. Landy goes upstairs.

There's a knock on the door Redz answers and it's Ashley dropping off Taylor.

REDZ-(to Ashley) you staying sweetheart?

ASHLEY- Hell no I'll be back around eight to get her.

REDZ-(to Taylor) them little niggas over there.

Taylor walks in holding a gift and puts it on the table.


Neal runs over to her.

Redz walk over to the boys in the living and sits on the sofa.

YOUNG LJ- Oh so you actually know a girl Tae?

YOUNG TAVON- Taylor's not a girl....I mean she's a girl but she's not that kind of girl...she plays basketball and she's like a nerd I don't know.

YOUNG LJ- still a girl. Y'all kiss yet?


REDZ- he means fucking dumb ass.

YOUNG TAVON- I'm fucking eight.

REDZ- so you could be at least kissing or something touching a girl. You chasing behind Neal's needs ass you never going become a man.

LJ smirks.

YOUNG TAVON- whatever.

REDZ- look tonight you can have your first kiss with Taylor.

YOUNG TAVON- I'm not kissing Taylor I don't like her.

LJ-(laughing) let me guess you like Neal.

Redz laughs.


YOUNG NEAL- come on let's go to the living room that's where everyone is.

YOUNG TAYLOR- it's okay I'll just stay here.

YOUNG NEAL- Why? Don't you want to see Tavon?

YOUNG TAYLOR- Yeah but sometimes he acts a little mean around his brother.

YOUNG NEAL- Tavons not mean?

YOUNG TAYLOR- he acts like he doesn't want me around... every time I'm over here.

YOUNG NEAL- that's just Tavon come on.

Neal grabs her hand and they walk over to the living room. Catching the end of Tavon's and Redz argument.

YOUNG TAVON- I don't like Taylor she's not even cute and she's kinda annoying she's always following behind me and Neal.


Tavon turns around.

Redz laughs.

Taylor runs off.

YOUNG NEAL- Why would you say that?

Tavon feels like he has to keep it going to impress Redz and to keep him away from Taylor.

YOUNG TAVON- what are you going do about it?

Neal pushes him.

STEVEN- Bro can we just play the game.

YOUNG TAVON- that's all you can do?

REDZ- y'all niggas can fight out back.

Tavon and Neal stare each other down both angry.


Neal walks out back.

REDZ- Yo L you should go after Taylor.


REDZ- just because you don't like her doesn't mean he can't.


REDZ- no what nigga?

YOUNG TAVON- can you just leave Taylor alone.

REDZ- bro I'm not messing with her relax I'm sure she wants to get her first kiss over with anyway.

YOUNG TAVON- bro why do you have to keep putting yourself in my life? Leave my friends alone please.

REDZ- you've been acting like a pussy since you met them.

YOUNG TAVON- no I haven't.

REDZ- yes the hell you have....don't think I didn't notice you keep looking at the fucking door for Dad...that nigga is not showing up he don't care about us and you think because your friends with Neal is you going have his life? We're not that type of's just us deal with it and stop acting like a fucking punk.

Tavon takes this in and he's hurt he then goes into rage and doesn't notice LJ walk off.


Young Taylor is crying and tries to go into the bathroom not thinking anyone is in there when she opens the door Landy is standing over the bathroom sink putting a needle in her arm.

YOUNG TAYLOR- I'm sorry- I'm-

LANDY- get out!

Taylor hurries and closes the door. She begins to cry more.

LJ- Hey you okay?

Taylor quickly wipes her face.

YOUNG TAYLOR- I'm fine I just need to call my sister.

Landy comes out of the bathroom.

LANDY- You're not leaving already? We haven't said happy birthday the party is just getting started.


Tavon and Redz are still arguing. Neal walks back inside. Landy walks into the living room and walks over to the stereo.

LANDY- this is a party why aren't y'all kids dancing?

She starts dancing to the music other kids get up and dance.

Redz notices she's high.

REDZ- Ma let's go sit down.

LANDY- Boy what? 

She snatches away from him and continues to dance

YOUNG NEAL- Wait where's Taylor?

Taylor begins walking downstairs LJ behind her.

YOUNG TAVON- Why were you upstairs with her?

YOUNG LJ- I was just making sure she was okay.

YOUNG NEAL- T you okay?


YOUNG LJ- Dance with me?

YOUNG TAYLOR-(shyly) Okay.

YOUNG TAVON- Taylor no.


YOUNG LJ- (smirking) Yeah Tae what?

Tavon walks off to the kitchen. Neal and Landy go after him.

Lj and Taylor are dancing.

YOUNG LJ- you know what you should try?


Lj takes off her glasses.

YOUNG TAYLOR- How am I supposed to see?

YOUNG LJ- Contacts or something

YOUNG TAYLOR- scared to put them in my eyes

Lj laughs.

YOUNG LJ- I just think you look prettier without them. Glasses hide your face.

YOUNG TAYLOR- you think I'm pretty?

YOUNG LJ- yeah.

Taylor looks at him. This compliment sits with it's the first time she has ever felt noticed from a guy.

YOUNG LJ- Can I kiss you?

Taylor looks at him.


LANDY- what's wrong why you in here Tae?

NEAL- Right and are we fighting or not? I'm ready.

TAVON- Neal... bro

LANDY- fighting? Y'all better not be fighting y'all supposed to stick together.

TAVON- Can we just sing happy birthday and get this party over with?

LANDY- yoh and your attitude I'm telling have got to get better with that.

Tavon looks at the kitchen table.

TAVON- Ma where is my cake?

LANDY- Oh Reggie is making you one now.

TAVON- I thought you picked up my cake this morning?

LANDY- I did but somethings happened boy but it don't matter a new one is coming so don't even trip.

Tavon storms outside.

LANDY- Tavon.

Neal looks at her sadly.


Taylor sees Tavon walk outside and goes after him.


Tavon sits on the steps of the porch. Taylor sits next to him.

YOUNG TAYLOR- Hey what's wrong?

YOUNG TAVON- nothing.

YOUNG TAYLOR- so why'd you leave?

YOUNG TAVON- today just not going how I hoped it would I guess. Us moving here I thought things would change with my family but it's still the same.

YOUNG TAYLOR- well everyone is saying how cool your mom is in there.

YOUNG TAVON- yeah everyone thinks she's cool.

Taylor has a half smile. And then stands up to go back inside.

YOUNG TAVON- you still checked on me after what I said?


YOUNG TAVON- I didn't mean those things....I said.

YOUNG TAYLOR- It's okay you did so...I mean you always act a little mean when I'm over your house.

YOUNG TAVON- I just...I don't like when you come over here because Redz acts weird....I try to impress him so he can just leave us alone especially you. He thinks I should be like kissing you or something.


Tavon laughs.

YOUNG TAVON- exactly.

YOUNG TAYLOR- so you was just trying to protect me? You don't think I'm annoying?

YOUNG TAYLOR- I hang out with Neal everyday...doesn't get more annoying than that.

Taylor laughs.

YOUNG TAVON- and I do think you're cute but in a Taylor way not a girl way.

Taylor laughs.

YOUNG TAYLOR- What's a Taylor way?

YOUNG TAVON- you're just Taylor I don't know.

YOUNG TAYLOR- sometimes I really do feel like I'm bothering you and Neal I mean ever since we met you it feels like I'm not needed...sometimes I wish I had like some girl friends me and Shamia don't hang out much anymore.

YOUNG TAVON- nah you are needed I can't hang out with Neal all day just the two of us he drives me crazy. And Shamia be doing too much sometimes Z

Taylor laughs.

YOUNG TAVON- and sometimes I think me and you have more in common than me and Neal you don't like that superhero anime stuff and our families are kinda similar and I like that you're like different than any girl I ever met before....I think you fit with us.

YOUNG TAYLOR- I'm sorry about your Dad.

YOUNG TAVON- sorry about your Dad.

They share a look with each other understanding each other.

YOUNG TAVON- so are we good?

YOUNG TAYLOR- Yeah we're good.

Tavon smiles.


Neal comes outside.

YOUNG NEAL- is everything okay now?

YOUNG TAYLOR- Yeah....we're cool.

Neal sits next to them on the steps and then puts his arms around both of them.

YOUNG NEAL- good we can be the avengers again.

YOUNG TAYLOR- We are not the avengers Neal.

YOUNG NEAL- Why not? Or we could be the Justice League? Or even better we can be teen titans I'm Robin Tae you're beast boy and Taylor you can be Starfire.


Neal smiles.

YOUNG TAVON- you was going actually fight me?

YOUNG NEAL- you said I shouldn't be scared of anyone so.

Tavon nods.

YOUNG NEAL- you was going actually not fight me?

YOUNG TAVON- Nah fighting doesn't solve everything right sometimes you have to use your mind,.

YOUNG NEAL- who said that?

YOUNG TAYLOR- you stupid.

Tavon laughs.

YOUNG NEAL- I know I just wanted y'all to say it.

They all laugh.

YOUNG TAYLOR- hey I got an idea we should leave.


YOUNG TAYLOR- let's go to a quiet Grace and get ice cream.

YOUNG NEAL- but the birthday party.

YOUNG TAVON- I don't even have a cake....fuck this party. Let's go.

YOUNG NEAL- we walking?

YOUNG TAVON- we can ride our bikes you brought yours right?

YOUNG NEAL- yeah but what about Taylor?

YOUNG TAVON- she can ride with me.

YOUNG TAYLOR- okay let's go.

The three of them walk off the porch towards Tavon's and Neal's bike.

YOUNG NEAL- I say we make this a tradition.


YOUNG NEAL- on our birthday's we meet here and have ice matter what just us three.



Neal smiles.

YOUNG NEAL- should we invite Shamia?


Tavon is visiting Redz grave site.

TAVON- I don't even know why I don't deserve not one visit from me.....I just wish I had actual family to spend the day with....and the second I start to feel a way about that I see you in my fucking head calling me're not even here anymore and somehow you're still controlling my life.....I guess I just wanted to show you I made it to eighteen and I'm nothing like you....and I don't need you after all....

Tavon starts to break a little and then Neal appears next to him and puts his arm on Tavon's shoulder.

NEAL- I got you.

Tavon relaxes.

TAVON- how you even know I was here?

NEAL- Location.

TAVON- I thought I stopped sharing my location with you.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- you did but you still share it with the group chat.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- but I'm good you didn't have to show up.

Kent appears Mekhi standing next to him on crutches.

KENT- I'm kinda new to this friendship thing but I think apart of it is showing up.

Tavon smiles a little.

TAVON- Y'all really got Khi out here on one leg.

They all laugh.

MEKHI- fuck y'all both my legs work.

NEAL- we believe you brother.

Mekhi gives him the finger.

TAVON- but nah for real y'all didn't have to come I'm good and I don't want to really make a big deal about today.

NEAL- it's your eighteenth birthday that's a big deal Tae.

TAVON- Yeah and you spend birthdays with your family I have none and me and Zhuri are in a weird's just not a good day.

NEAL- we're your family.

TAVON- you know what I mean.

NEAL- and Zhuri is having a tough time right but you guys will work through it. And I can't replace your blood family but that's never been a difference to me...I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.

MEKHI- I literally can't go anyway my crutches keep getting stuck in the dirt.

KENT- and I'm here for you too not only because I want to but because Taylor would kick my ass.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- wait where is Taylor?


Morgan stands outside the hospital still getting air.

Taylor approaches holding two cups of coffee from Starbucks.

MORGAN- T? What are you doing here? And you look cute that skirt is everything and wait you're like glowing?

TAYLOR- Why would I not come? I can't believe y'all didn't say anything sooner...what the hell?

MORGAN- I don't like texting bad news that's so....I don't know but he's okay he should be about to get check out now....wait you brought me coffee?

TAYLOR- Caramel Latte for you Peach Tranquility Tea for Z.

Morgan takes hers and they walk inside the hospital.


Morgan and Taylor walk over to the waiting room where Zhuri is.

MORGAN- Thanks for coming do you always somehow make things better?

TAYLOR- guess I'm just use to having a crazy family.

MORGAN- and then you decided to marry into another one.

TAYLOR- you're literally dating Neal.

MORGAN- well at least that's only half.

Taylor laughs

TAYLOR-(to Zhuri) are you okay?

ZHURI- I'm probably getting sent back to rehab and I'm pretty sure Tavon hates me so...

Taylor hugs her and then hands her her drink.

TAYLOR- Okay so here's this and trust me he doesn't hate you and maybe you can find you guys can find a outpatient rehab instead of you going away you know?

ZHURI- I didn't even think about that....not that my Dad would listen anyway.

TAYLOR- just try I'm sure he will.

Zhuri still doesn't have hope but she nods.

TAYLOR- I love y'all but I really gotta go. I have like 15 minutes to get Lynview when I really need to be there in 10.

ZHURI- see you. Thanks again T.

Morgan hugs her.


Lynview is a completely different looking school. Security and Police Officers are all over the place. Metal detectors at the doors and students are in line to get inside and get searched.

KENT- What



TAVON- Shit.

Kent Neal and Taylor all look at him.

TAVON- it's my birthday. I didn't want to be left out.

Taylor hugs him.

TAYLOR- Happy Birthday Tae.

TAVON- thank you...but back to this Neal what the hell did your mother do?

MEKHI- to be fair we did need this.

NEAL- thank you Khi,

KENT- yo love his mother.

NEAL- go to tell.

Kent laughs.

TAYLOR- well I'll see you losers inside.

KENT- um don't you see the line?

TAYLOR- aww imagine me waiting in line?

Taylor kisses Kent.


TAVON- come on man not on my birthday.

Taylor rolls her eyes.

TAYLOR- see y'all losers inside.

Taylor goes all the way to the front of the line and gets inside.

NEAL- Starfire would of snuck Robin in!

Tavon laughs.


Kent Mekhi Neal and Tavon stand in the hall  getting ready for class. I

MEKHI- Neal you don't have to carry my books-

Neal trying to help mekhi drops his books.

NEAL- you know what maybe I should try one at a time.

Kent laughs.

KENT- you gotta relax.

Tavon opens his locker and see's the birthday decorations. He smiles a bit.

TAVON- bro y'all did this?

NEAL- Me and T.

TAVON- this is dope thanks man.

NEAL- Nigga stop acting like we don't do this every year.

TAVON- can you just let me have this?

Neal laughs.

The announcements begins and they all look up at the screen.

KENT- she's so so cute.

NEAL- who me?

KENT- I literally said she.

NEAL- oh.

Tavon laughs.

TAYLOR(via tv)-Welcome back Lynview We're starting this semester off with a fresh start. As you can see we Principal Preston is no longer with us so make sure you all take time to welcome (clears her throat) our new Principal Tammie Carter.

KENT- Jump Scare.

TAYLOR-(via tv) There will be an assembly held to discuss the changes coming to Lynview and to meet our new principal after first period.

TAVON- look maybe it won't be that bad with Tammie being the principal....after what the hell happened at that dance man...Preston had to go and maybe Tammie can turn this shit show around.

KENT- she's not here to turn anything around she's just here to control me and Neal in someway and force herself to be in our lives.

NEAL- you got a point there maybe that's true.

MEKHI- or maybe she just want to make sure her kids have a safe place to go to school at.

NEAL- my mother always has agenda she's not just doing this from the kindness of her heart.


Tammie sits at her desk and Taylor has finished the announcements and begins to walk out of the office but when she passes by Tammie office:

TAMMIE- Taylor could you come here for a second?

Taylor enters the office you can tell she feels awkward.


TAMMIE- Why are you acting like you're scared to come in here like I'm a stranger or something?

TAYLOR- I mean you being the school principal is kinda stranger behavior.

Tammie smirks.

TAMMIE- is that the way you treat the woman that's responsible for the two most important men in your life?

TAYLOR- you're responsible for My Dad and Kyle?

TAMMIE- Hmm I did kiss Nate in high school.

Taylor makes a disgust face.


TAMMIE- girl please anyway we need to go over a few things for the Assembly....

Taylor takes a seat.

TAMMIE- new rules...Deandre back as coach.

TAYLOR- hold on Dre is back?

Tammie looks at her confused.

TAMMIE-Yeah so?

Taylor stands up and smiles.

TAYLOR- I gotta go.

TAMMIE- we need to go over this

TAYLOR- I think you mean you need to go over it I already know what  I have to say.

Taylor leave and Tammie rolls her eyes and starts going through paper work on her desk.


Kent Mekhi Neal and Tavon are in the hall way. Kent Neal and Tavon are throwing paper balls at each other. And Taylor approaches.

TAYLOR- when were y'all going tell me?

They all look at her confused.

The bell rings.

TAYLOR- Deandre is back as coach.

Neal throws his hands up and hits Mekhi in the head.

NEAL- What?!

KENT- Neal.

NEAL- Shit Khi my bad.

Neal tries to help him.

MEKHI- Neal bro I'm fine please back the hell up.

NEAL- I heard you loud and clear buddy.

MEKHI- you have literally caused me more pain than when I get shot.

NEAL- I'm sorry man.

Tavon laughs.

KENT- anyway way baby what's up?

TAYLOR- Dre is back.

TAVON- as in Dr.?

Neal laughs.

TAYLOR- Tavon please...

TAVON- I'm sorry Neal is contagious.

KENT- What Dre?

TAYLOR- Deandre Moore he's back as coach Tammie hired him.

NEAL- What? dead ass?!


Kent Neal and Tavon run down the hall towards Deandre's office.

TAYLOR- Can I get a thank you Taylor?

Kent runs back and kisses her on the cheek.

KENT- thanks baby.

Kent runs back down the hallway.

Taylor and Mekhi walk to class.


Deandre is moving things around in his office and fixing up his desk when Kent Neal and Tavon run in.

DEANDRE- Bro what are y'all doing?

NEAL- how could you be back and not say anything?

TAVON- Yeah I literally just moved in with you and you didn't even tell me.

DEANDRE- y'all was going see me eventually.

Kent laughs.

Taylor walks in.

DEANDRE- so none of y'all are going go to class?

TAYLOR- I'm technically supposed to be in the bathroom.

Deandre laughs.

TAYLOR- but welcome back we missed you.

KENT- Why you acting like you don't miss us?

NEAL- right we know you only came for back for us

DEANDRE- Nah not really .

They all laugh.

DEANDRE- but no for real I'm happy to be back with y'all man....and I'm ready to run it back next year.

Kent phone buzzes and he looks down at it.

KENT-Bro I gotta go I'll see y'all at the assembly or maybe the party if I'm not back in time.

TAVON- Party?

TAYLOR- (to Kent) you okay?

KENT- Yeah it's my grandmother...I'll call you.

Kent leaves.

TAVON- back to this party?

TAYLOR- yes I'm throwing you a party.

TAVON- T I don't want a party...what happened to our normal tradition?

TAYLOR- we're doing that too but you're getting a party it's your eighteenth birthday Tae.

TAVON- yeah and I literally have nothing good going on right and Z aren't on good times my family is well yeah and-

TAYLOR- you have us

TAVON- I know but(sighs) you know what I'm saying.

NEAL- you deserve a party Tae and you and Zhuri are going to be fine and

TAVON- my family?

TAYLOR- we're you're family.

Neal looks at Tavon.

NEAL- yo I actually need to go handle something.

TAYLOR- they're about to have the assembly.

NEAL- my moms the principal Dre is back blah blah I got it. Text me if anything changes.


Neal leaves.


KATE- Kent you didn't have to come here.

KENT- Grandma you fainted in the house by yourself.

KATE- I was just a little dehydrated.

DOCTOR- she hasn't been eating properly.

KENT- Grandma?

KATE- Why would you tell him that?

DOCTOR- because you need to take better care of yourself and since you won't listen to me....maybe you'll listen to him.

The doctor walks out of the room.

KENT- This isn't like you....and I mean I see you eat well once a week when we have dinner so what are you not eating on the other days?

KATE- Kent I am eating.

Kent looks at her.

KATE- okay this month has's not like I'm not eating on purpose it's just some days I just feel more lonelier than usual.

KENT- I didn't even's your anniversary month....I'm sorry.

KATE- oh please don't be sorry you're a seventeen year old kid. Worrying about me isn't your responsibility. I miss your grandfather so much but that doesn't excuse what I been doing.

KENT- what if I moved in with you?

KATE- What?

KENT- look I know I haven't been married as long as you and Grandad were but when I was without felt like my world was over and the only thing that made it a little better. I know we have our weekly dinners but you shouldn't be living by yourself.

KATE- but your apartment?

KENT- I have my whole life to live on my's not going anywhere. I wouldn't even have that apartment if it wasn't for you guys.

KATE- I just don't want you to feel like I'm your responsibility and you have Taylor.

KENT- Me and Taylor aren't living together right now and she'll understand.

KATE- she's always welcome to stay.

Kent smiles.

KENT- I know.

Kate smiles.

KATE- Okay well let's do this I would love to have you.

She hugs him.


Neal sits in his car debating for a bit. He looks up at the street sign and it says light street.

NEAL- Okay Neal let's pull this off.

He gets out the car and starts looking around at the people you can tell he's looking for someone.

RANDOM MAN- how much you want for those headphones?

NEAL- absolutely nothing.

RANDOM MAN- how about those tires?

NEAL- you seriously want to buy tires? What are you even going do with them?

Landy approaches.

LANDY- Neal what the hell are you doing here?

NEAL- No what are you doing here? I was hoping I would be wrong and you wouldn't be here.

LANDY- I'm not using anymore....I just come here every year on Tavon's birthday to remember how bad I messed things up on his 9th birthday.

NEAL- You come here instead of going to see him?

LANDY- Tae doesn't need me. He's better off without me as long as him and Redz got each other.

NEAL- Redz is dead....

LANDY- He's what?

She has a hurt look on her face and she tears up and puts her head down.

NEAL- I'm sorry I thought you knew.

She lifts her head up and wipes her tears.

LANDY- After I left I cut off my family and I moved to Atlanta for a while and then I came back here.

NEAL- well look if you're back, Tavon needs you....he may not admit it but he misses you you gotta see him.

Landy smiles a little.

LANDY- you're a good friend always have been....but with this one you're wrong....especially if Redz is gone...I can't just show up and try to be a mom now.

NEAL-but you are his mom and he needs you. He's literally alone now besides me and T he lives with Deandre now but he doesn't really have a home. You got to come back Z

LANDY- Who the hell is Deandre?

NEAL- that's all you got from that? Literally who Deandre is is like this high.

Neal holds his hand as low as his arm will reach.

NEAL- me and T are throwing him a party tonight can you just promise you'll come?

Landy sighs.

LANDY- where is it going be?

Neal smiles.


Taylor is reading over updates for Lynview.

Tammie sits on stage.

The crowd sits in a deadly silence. Students aren't sure how to react to the changes.

Neal and Kent both enter the assembly at the same time.

NEAL- where you coming from?

KENT- I can ask you the same thing.

NEAL- Very mature Kent whose the little brother here?

KENT- where were you?

NEAL- sorry I can't hear you my best friend is talking.

They both take their seats next to Tavon and Mekhi.

TAYLOR- Now let's give a nice warm welcome to our new principal Tammie Carter.

Taylor finishes the crowd claps and Tammie walks over to the microphone.

TAMMIE- Thank you Taylor.

KENT- I should really look into changing schools.

Destiny walks over and sits next to Kent.

KENT- this gotta be a joke.

DESTINY- I just want to apologize.

KENT- I don't think Hallmark makes cards that say "I'm sorry and lied about being pregnant by you and even dragged an actually doctor into just because I was mad you didn't want a relationship"

DESTINY- I just got caught up in Riley's feud with Morgan....and I wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry.

Kent sighs.

KENT- look it's no bad blood I'm over it....but if you think me and you can be friends or something that could never happen. I don't trust you.

DESTINY- that's cool that's fair I get it.

NEAL- he's married to my best friend.

DESTINY- I know that Neal.

NEAL- was just making sure I know how you girls get.

Destiny rolls her eyes.

Two students shhh them.

TAMMIE- Along with what Taylor said. I just want to add. I plan on making Lynview bigger and better. Better in academics and better in sports. And also most importantly safe. As you can see with newly added metal detectors. We plan to get more parents involved with the operations here and we also want to include you the students in as much as possible.  If you check your emails you'll see instructions on how to download Nixle. This is a free service that sends alerts from local public safety departments to your smartphone and email. It is an effective method to receive notification of emergency situations and what to do. And with sports  starting with our basketball team who has moved up in a division and ready to try and win a championship next year.

TAVON- am I tripping or is she actually good at this?

NEAL- I'm not even going hold you I tuned out what did she even say?

Kent laughs.


Marvin has arrived home and him Kim Morgan and Zhuri sit in the living. Marvin sits in the center you can tell he has a lot on his mind.

MORGAN- so what the doctors say Daddy?

MARVIN- it was mild....and I need to take it easy on things.

MORGAN- that's good so you're like taking a break from work right?

MARVIN- and other things.

Morgan looks at him confused.

MORGAN- like what? Mom because I could understand that.

KIM- little girl.

MARVIN- Enough!

Kim and Morgan stop bickering and both look at him.

MARVIN- what happened here last night will not be happening again....

Morgan starts to talk.

MARVIN- Morgan not now.

she stops.

MARVIN there will be new rules and changes around here....and I mean everything that I'm about to say.... number one Zhuri you are going back to rehab.

Zhuri starts to cry and plead.

ZHURI- Dad no I know it look bad last night but Im fine.... I just had not got any sleep since the shooting.

MARVIN- Baby girl you are not haven't been attending therapy either but thats on me and your mother. That's way too much responsibility on you we both need to pay more attention.  Kim I'll deal with you later.

KIM- deal with me?

MARVIN-Yes deal with can take it or leave this house with the shit you brought to it and we both know that's nothing.

ZHURI-Dad I don't want to go back there.

MARVIN- Zhuri that's the best place for you to be right now...Im sorry I'd take you hating me than losing you.

Morgan rubs Zhuri arm but Zhuri pulls away and wipes her tears.

ZHURI- When do I leave?

MARVIN- first thing in the morning.

ZHURI-great...good job on getting rid of the problem Dad.

Zhuri goes upstairs.


Morgan start to go upstairs.



MARVIN- Im not finished.

Morgan looks at him confused.


MARVIN- you move back into your room as soon as possible.

MORGAN- Why would I do that?

MARVIN- Because I just told you to.

MORGAN- But I don't want to live here I like having my own space.

MARVIN- and you can continue to do that when you start paying your own bills.

Morgan scoffs.

MORGAN-  be serious right now.

MARVIN- oh Im dead serious....there is also a curfew now... 9 pm on school nights 10 on weekends.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- I was out past 10 when I was 13 you expect me to change now at 17? Okay Dad you made your point you're in you're Cliff Huxtable era. I got it.

MARVIN- Im not joking..first night you miss curfew you will be grounded after that no car and after that no credit card... try me.

Morgan smirks calling his bluff.

MORGAN- Okay Father Dictator.

MARVIN- and you cant see Neal anymore.

Morgan entire face breaks and mood changes.

MORGAN- what did you say?

MARVIN- You cannot see Neal anymore.

MORGAN- Okay Dad this isn't funny anymore.

MARVIN- good because I'm not joking.

MORGAN- can't...why would you? cant.....I dont care Im not going to stop seeing him.

MARVIN- He's a bad kid...he's not the type of guy I want you with.

MORGAN- a bad kid? he's literally the nicest guy and I've known him all my life. he gets straight A's. He's the captain of the basketball team...he's the first people to know I wanted to ask without me having to tell him and he cares about what his parents think about him and his friends... he freaking cries at beauty and the beast...

MARVIN- I dont give a damn what grades he gets or what he cries about you know what he did. That trumps everything.....and the plan I have for this family he is not going to be apart of it.

MORGAN- how can you be okay with it one second and even help him to now say I can't see him?!

MARVIN- I don't have to explain myself to you! I'm the the parent here Morgan not you and you and sister have been running around here doing whatever it is that you want to do. Especially you. That comes to an end now. And I'm not joking.

MORGAN- you are being so unfair right now this is extreme!

MARVIN- no what's extreme is that fancy ass car you drive to school everyday the designer clothes you wear everyday this roof over your head and let's not even get started on that credit card bill....I haven't giving you everything you ever wanted-

MORGAN- Okay Dad you made your point.....maybe I took some things for granted but I don't care about those things all I care about is Neal you can take the credits card my clothes my car I'll move back in I'll even be nice to mom but you can't take him away from me....I love him.

MARVIN- you're young you'll love again.

MORGAN- it's more than's not some teenage romance thing this is's forever.

MARVIN- it's over....I'm going go talk to your sister.

MORGAN- Dad...

Marvin goes upstairs.


Neal Taylor and Tavon sit at a booth together eating ice cream.

TAVON- can this count as the party?


NEAL- just face it bro you're having this party.

TAVON- where is this party even going be?

TAYLOR- Dre's house.

TAVON- so he knew about this?

Taylor eats some ice cream.

TAYLOR- kinda.

TAVON- look it's just I don't know I mean I know y'all will be there but Zhuri won't and what's a party without her?

TAYLOR- you guys still haven't talked?

TAVON- I still haven't responded back to Happy Bday text...I don't know what to say.

NEAL- how about thank you?

TAVON- know what I mean...after everything that happened last night I just don't know how we move forward now?

NEAL- I mean easily once you guys talk about it you'll be able to.

TAVON- I don't know what to say and it's crazy because I always know what to say but I'm really stuck.

TAYLOR- what has you stuck?

TAVON- last night was really intense and make taking her pills what if she doesn't forgive me? Or what if she doesn't want to stop?

TAYLOR- Zhuri is going beat her addiction, right now it's just getting the best of her.

TAVON- I know but I just think for her to do that what does that mean for us?

TAYLOR- I'm sure it just means right now you guys hit a rough spot that you can make it through...but right now the post important thing is Zhuri getting help.

TAVON- Yeah I know.

Taylor phone buzzes and she checks it.

TAYLOR- umm Neal why is LJ saying he can't wait to see me later?

TAVON- wait like my cousin?


TAVON- Neal no way you invited him?

NEAL- technically I invited Steven and Shamia.


NEAL- What? Look when is the last time we seen her? And shouldn't Tavon's family be there for his 18th birthday.

TAVON- Shamia not my family.

NEAL- yeah but she was apart of the 5514 crew.

TAYLOR- you going invite old man Jenkins too?

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- yo the guy who we use to play knicker knocker on his door.

NEAL- well I can't invite him Taylor he's probably dead now.

TAVON- he was on his last leg.

Neal laughs.

TAYLOR- I would kill you but it would take too long to get a new best friend.

NEAL- the party will be fine I'm sure LJ has changed.

TAYLOR- he literally just DMed me.

NEAL- Taylor I'm sure a lot of guys dm you or call you pretty that doesn't mean anything.


NEAL- okay look I got you I'll play interference I'll make sure he is no where near you.

TAVON- I'm sure Kent will be doing that anyway.

NEAL- oh fuck I take that back I'll be doing a interference between Lj and Kent. Those two personalities don't need to mix.

TAVON- I support the chaos of this ends to my cousin shutting his damn mouth.

NEAL- there will be no mouth shutting unless like you're um eating or simply just not talking.

Taylor and Tavon give him a confused look.

NEAL- whatever I get straight A's.

Taylor laughs.


Garret sits in the living room and Tammie walks in.

GARRET- Tony you just let anyone walk in here now?

TAMMIE- Tony didn't have to let me in I have a key.

GARRET- (very strong) Oh

TAMMIE- you going keep acting like a kid or can we talk?

GARRET- what Tammie?

Tammie laughs.

TAMMIE- It's either all or nothing with you.

GARRET- you're one to talk.

TAMMIE- trust me I know.

Garret shrugs and and shakes his head in agreement.

TAMMIE- I think that's why we always been perfect for each other.....why we should get married.

Garret turns around and looks at her he's shocked.

GARRET- Tammie don't fucking playing kid me right now? Are you serious.

Tammie smiles and nods.

TAMMIE-  I tried to for half my life to ignore it but I never stopped loving you....never stopped regretting leaving you that day without talking to you about how scared I was.

Garrett walks closer to her.

GARRET- I know I wasn't easy then....but this is time I don't plan on letting you go. We're gonna make this work.

Tammie smiles. Garret kisses her passionately.


Taylor is in her room getting dressed.  she walks over to bed and clicks on her phone to face time Ava.

TAYLOR- hey could come here for a second?

AVA- Okay.

A few moments later Ava comes.

TAYLOR- (pointing to her skirt) could you zipping this?

Kent enters.

KENT- 5 years later after you sent a Im coming out text.

TAYLOR- it's been like 5 minutes.

KENT- 30.

TAYLOR- Well...wait who even let you in?! Kyle!

KENT- your mother let me in actually. T come on we gotta go.

TAYLOR- I'm literally ready. A.

AVA- can I use your computer when your gone to play sims?

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- are you hustling me to zipping my skirt?

AVA- is that bad?

TAYLOR- no I'm actually proud. Yes you can play sims just don't download that Cc stuff it takes up too much space.

AVA- okay.

Ava zips her skirt.

TAYLOR- perfect okay now we can go.

AVA- you should of curled your hair.

TAYLOR- Right? I was thinking that!

KENT- you're hair is fine.

Taylor looks at him.

KENT- what I like it straight curly or whatever else I think you can pull off anything.

Taylor smiles and then kisses him.

TAYLOR- you're so cute...even if you're only trying to get me out the house...okay seriously let's go.

Kent laughs.


Taylor and Kent walk through the living room to the front door.

TOYA- I thought you were going curl your hair?

TAYLOR- (to Kent) see!


TAYLOR- We got to go though I still have to pick somethings up from the store for the party. Morgan was supposed to do but with her Dad being in the hospital it kinda messed up things.

TOYA- Marvin is in the hospital?

Kent eyes Toya.

TAYLOR- well he's home now but yeah.

TOYA- oh good.

TAYLOR- okay love you I'll see you later.

TOYA- love you too y'all be safe.

Taylor grabs Kent's hand and they walk out the door.


Kent is driving and Taylor connects her phone to the Bluetooth.

KENT- did you notice your moms face when she asked about Marvin?

TAYLOR- what that she looked shocked?

KENT- it wasn't a normal shocked look it was like I don't know like she was really crushed.

TAYLOR- I mean Marvin is two of my friends Dad so-

KENT- yeah you're right maybe I'm reaching.

TAYLOR- then again with us is it really reaching? Tammie told me she kissed my Dad in high school before.

Kent makes a disgusted face.

KENT- what?

TAYLOR- I really hope she was joking but the image is burned in my memory I fear.

KENT- next subject like seriously.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- when are you moving your things to your grandparents?

KENT- I'll probably take some stuff after the party and then move in fully this really okay with it?

TAYLOR- yeah of course I'm still home anyway and your Grandmother needs you that's more important.

KENT- it doesn't break your heart that you can't sneak in my house for like late night booty calls anymore?

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- now when did I ever do that?

KENT- all the time you should be ashamed of yourself honestly.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- shut up....but seriously I think it's a great idea and with what you told me about wanting a family and not really having that growing up maybe it's your time to have that now?

Kent grabs her hand and kisses it while he drives.

KENT- you're right.

Taylor smiles.


Marvin and Zhuri are in her room talking. Zhuri still upset Marvin sympathizes but still standing on what he said.

ZHURI- Dad you made your don't have to baby sit me.

MARVIN- I am worried about you. Talk to me about what's going on with you right now?

ZHURI- I just don't want to go back there. I don't want to be away from my friends and my family.

MARVIN- and Tavon.

ZHURI- so you know?

MARVIN- it wasn't that hard to put two and two and together.

ZHURI- are you mad?

MARVIN- list of things I'm mad at it...this isn't really high....we can discuss that later....I'm more concerned about you and why you felt the need to pick up a pill again?

Morgan over hears this outside the door and leaves.

ZHURI- it's not like that Dad it's just sleeping pills.

MARVIN- you can't take those Zhuri and the way you reacted because Tavon took them that means you're addicted baby girl you shouldn't need something like that.

Zhuri becomes frustrated.

ZHURI- can I just get some rest please?

MARVIN- Zhuri we need to talk.

ZHURI- we can talk tomorrow.

Zhuri lays on her bed.

MARVIN- okay.

Marvin phone rings. He looks down at it and walks out of the room.

Zhuri looks over her shoulder and see's that he's gone and climbs out the window.


Marvin enters his office and closes and locks the door behind him and sits at his desk and takes the call.

MARVIN- Hello.

TOYA- Hey.

There's a moment of silence. They listen to one another breathe.

TOYA- I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

MARVIN- Besides thinking about being with you I'm okay.

TOYA- Now that I know you're okay...I'm going end this call.

MARVIN- Toya hold on.

Toya doesn't respond.

MARVIN- you're right you're completely right. We both should focus on our families and marriages. I feel like my family is crumbling right now and I didn't even see it coming or maybe I did but was in denial.

TOYA- I'm the last one to give advice on least you stayed....the one thing I did learn and I'm still learning is to listen and communicate. You need to really sit down and talk to your family listen to what they want.

MARVIN- they're kids that's not how this works.

TOYA- But it does because if you try to be some dictator all they're going to do is over throw you. I'm not saying to let them control their life but you got to fine some middle ground to lead.

Marvin takes in what she says.


We see a bar that's packed people everywhere ordering drinks some dancing. In the back of bar we see some doing drugs. The music is so loud and it's foggy with smoke.

Zhuri enters the bar and takes a seat next to a girl.

AUBREY- I missed you Z. So happy you called.

Zhuri looks at her.


Kids flood the living room dancing and mingling.  Taylor delicately picks up a tray of drink-filled plastic cups. Swinging the tray around, she walks through the crowd passing out drinks.

DEANDRE- it better not be any alcohol in those.

Taylor smirks.

TAYLOR- of course not.


Kent Mekhi Neal and Tavon stand in the kitchen eating a drinking and talking amongst each other.

KENT- Drake definitely washed 21 on that album.

TAVON- no he didn't he just rapped about the same shit he does per usual.

KENT- and 21 doesn't do that? Be real.

TAVON- nah he talks about real shit.

KENT- real fake it's still the same and eh got washed.

TAVON- bro you think Drake washes everyone. You're biased as hell.

KENT- I mean he normally does.

NEAL- J Cole is better than both.

MEKHI- who?

Tavon and Kent laughs.

NEAL- don't be dumb he don't even need features.

KENT- he need to start needing them his boring ass.

NEAL- Drake been making music crying over Rihanna since scorpion be calm.

TAVON- (smiling) oouu.

KENT- and yet I'm still not bored.

MEKHI- no cap I would cry if I lost rihanna too.

TAVON- fair.

KENT- Yeah.

NEAL- definitely fairs

Tavon laughs.

NEAL- whoa hold on a second is Tavon actually having fun at his birthday party?

TAVON- Chill all I did was laugh.

NEAL- laughing: to make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt or derision.

KENT- Bro No way you just gave the  definition of laughing?

TAVON- Again I ask when you and Morgan like get together you like it right?

MEKHI- I mean if you don't you could always-

NEAL- Mekhi I would hate to mess up your other leg.

Kent laughs.

KENT- whatever look here is my gift to you Tae.

TAVON- (sarcastic) whoa Kent Davis got me a gift I'm touched man.

KENT- relax.

Kent hands him a small box.

TAVON- damn nigga my thoughts can't even fit in here.

Neal laughs.

Tavon opens the box and holds up a key.

TAVON- Kent I mean you're a nice a guy and all and I'm flattered but you're not really my type I like them a little shorter really curly hair and Taylor is like my sister I couldn't betray her like that.

KENT- nigga relax it's a key to your own apartment rent free.

Tavon laughs in shock.

TAVON- what?

KENT- Hopping from place to place has to be hell so....yeah you know.

TAVON- bro I don't even know what to say this is dope as hell.

Tavon hugs him.

KENT- now bge and cable and wifi that's on you but everything else yeah.

TAVON- I hear you man thanks again.


Deandre goes upstairs and enters their bedroom and Kelly is watching tv.

DEANDRE- house full of teenagers got you hiding huh?

Kelly laughs.

KELLY-  No. I actually like them here.

DEANDRE- seriously?

KELLY- yes it's nice I really like having Tavon here...and this reminds me of back of the day your crazy house parties.

Deandre sits next to her on the bed.

DEANDRE- my parties were not wild.

KELLY- boy please yes the hell they were...I got in trouble so many times sneaking back in from those parties.

DEANDRE- I don't think it was the parties keeping you out.

Kelly smiles and Deandre kisses her.


Taylor and some other teenagers are dancing together and having fun.

Morgan enters.

MORGAN- okay you're having way too much fun without me.

TAYLOR- Ariana what are you doing here?

Taylor hugs her and Morgan laughs.

MORGAN-  you are so.

TAYLOR- no but seriously what are you doing here? How's Z and your Dad?

MORGAN-fuck my Dad and Z is sleeping....and honestly I don't want to talk about it I just want to have fun with y'all....where is Neal?

TAYLOR- They're being  losers in the kitchen.

MORGAN- I can't believe Kent isn't out here all over you...I know how y'all two get.

TAYLOR- Hm I hope Deandre's bathroom is clean because I know how you and Neal get.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- fuck you.

Taylor smirks.

Steven LJ and Shamia enters.

Shamia 16 pretty yet very sneaky and conniving.

Steven 15 very chill just goes with the flow of things.

Shamia 16 pretty yet very sneaky and conniving.

And LJ 17 very handsome with trouble written all over his face.

LJ- Damn Taylor Johnson time has been so damn good to you. Instagram doesn't do you justice baby.

TAYLOR- oh hell no.

MORGAN- (intrigued) who the hell is this?

Taylor looks at her.

Morgan clears her throat.

MORGAN- Ew who is that?

STEVEN- this house is chills Tavon really lucked up huh?

SHAMIA- best friend long time no see.

MORGAN- what she call you?

Taylor sighs.

SHAMIA- you're Morgan right? I remember Neal had a crush on you.

MORGAN- yeah he won't be the first or the again what did she call you?

TAYLOR- Morgan this is my child hood best friend Shamia and Shamia well you know this is Morgan my now-

MORGAN- Best friend sister future maid of honor god mother of her know better yet I'm her All&1.

TAYLOR- Morgan.

SHAMIA- oh that's cute I guess that's why you don't have time to hang out anymore.

MORGAN- Yeah sorry.

TAYLOR- Morgan can you give us a second?

MORGAN- one.

TAYLOR- Morgan.

Morgan rolls her eyes.

MORGAN- fine I need to find Neal anyway.

Morgan walks towards the kitchen when Kent Mekhi Neal and Tavon are walking out.

NEAL- Angel face.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- Hey..I was just looking for you.

Neal hugs her Morgan leans into him.

MORGAN- I missed you.

NEAL- Missed you too.

Neal kisses her.

MORGAN- Happy Birthday again Tae.

TAVON- thanks and thanks for the cash app.

MORGAN- I got you something to I just wasn't sure if if I would be here tonight.

TAVON- you're how is she?

MORGAN- she's sleeping right now.

TAVON- she slept all day?

MORGAN- no none of us got much rest today.

Tavon looks at her with a worried look.

MORGAN-but don't worry about that tonight just enjoy your birthday.

TAVON- I'll try.

MORGAN- can we go talk?

NEAL- yeah of course.

Morgan and Neal walk to the basement.

Lj grabs Taylor by her waist and pulls her closer to him.

KENT- who the fuck is that?

TAVON-bro what the fuck?


Aubrey and Zhuri still sit at the bar.

ZHURI- this isn't some you have the stuff or not?

AUBREY- Don't you trust me?

ZHURI- you seriously asking me that?

AUBREY- I mean you called me.

ZHURI- because unfortunately with this you're the only person I know who could get what I need and fast.

Aubrey hands her a bag.

AUBREY- there's ID and train tickets all for your new life.

Zhuri goes to grab the bag but Aubrey snatches it back.

AUBREY- (smiling) aht aht. Where's my money?

ZHURI- I'm good for it.

AUBREY- I trust you as much as you trust me.

Zhuri rolls her eyes and hands her envelope. Aubrey smiles.

AUBREY- that's my girl. 

Aubrey hands Zhuri the bag.

ZHURI- thanks.

Zhuri gets up and starts to leave.

AUBREY- you really going leave?

ZHURI- there's nothing left for me here.

Zhuri leaves.


LJ- I say let's catch up where we left off. I mean I was your first kiss you remember that right?

TAYLOR- I say get off me!

Taylor pushes him. Kent runs over.

KENT- I guess your fucking new here or something but don't fucking touch her.

LJ-  Kent Davis? Oh wow Taylor you did good.

SHAMIA- you did always have a things for light skins...what happened to Justin?

TAYLOR-(to Kent) let's just walk away.

Kent stares Lj down and LJ smirks. Taylor pulls Kent away.

LJ- that's right listen to that stuck up bitch and walk away.

Kent stops in his tracks.

TAYLOR- Kent he's just provoking you let's just go.

LJ- oh this the type of shit I like to see please hit me Kent Davis so I get beat yo ass and then sue you for it.

Kent starts to  over LJ but Tavon gets in front of him.

TAVON- chill that's my cousin.

KENT- I don't get give a fuck.

Kent tries to walk towards  Lj again.

TAVON- Nah if anyone is going beat his ass it's going be me.

Tavon lunches LJ and they start to fight. Kids pull out their phone to record as they tussle back and fourth. 

Deandre runs downstairs and breaks it up.

DEANDRE- what the hell is going on?

TAVON- apologize to her!

LJ- you always put them over me your own fucking family!

TAVON- They are my family! Where the fuck you been huh? I haven't seen y'all since Redz died.

LJ- I'm sorry I don't kiss your ass and following you around like Neal.

Tavon tries to pull away from Deandre to hit LJ again.

STEVEN- can we just all chill? Why do y'all always got to fight bro?

TAVON- shut up Steven. 

Landy walks in.

LANDY- baby boy...I see you still have that attitude.

TAVON- you've got to be fucking kidding me. 

DEANDRE- who is that?

TAVON- my mom.

LJ- Aunt Landy.

Steven and LJ hug her.

LANDY- long time no see guys.

TAVON- that's understatement.

LANDY- Tavon I deserve that but.

TAYLOR- it's no buts you need to leave.


LANDY- Hi to you Taylor.

TAYLOR- no he's been hurt enough...not on his birthday you need to go.

LANDY- one day when you become a mother you will understand how hard of a job that is but until then you don't get judge me.

TAYLOR- I didn't judge you when you chased me out the bathroom when I was what? Eight? I didn't judge you when you fucking left and he cried for you all the damn time waiting for you to come back I don't judge you because I try not to think about you. But  you don't get to show up like this. No.

Landy looks ashamed. Tavon runs outback.


Marvin knocks on Zhuri's bedroom door.

MARVIN- Bird can we talk?

With no response he knocks again.

MARVIN- baby girl?

Marvin walks into the room and see's Zhuri is gone and now he's pissed.

MARVIN- bullshit.


Fingers intertwined, Morgan and Neal sit on the edge of the sofa in silence.

NEAL- what's on your mind?

Morgan sighs. Disentangling her fingers from his, she looks into his eyes.

MORGAN- My Dad um he said I can't see you anymore.

NEAL- What?

MORGAN- he's on this huge power trip. And he's making out like you're so bad dangerous guy.

NEAL- (playfully) I am dangerous...

Morgan can't help but to laugh at little.

MORGAN- Neal how can you play with right now? Do you hear me? My Dad said I can't see you anymore.

NEAL- I heard you loud and clear but all I take from that is your dad can't see you seeing me anymore.

Morgan blushes.


NEAL- is that not what dangerous guy would do?

MORGAN- sneaking around is kinda fun.

Neal smirks and then they begin to kiss.

Morgan phone rings.

NEAL- ignore it.

MORGAN- it could be Zhuri.

Morgan looks at her phone.

MORGAN- oh it's my Dad....(she answers) Hello?


Tavon sits on the steps of the porch attitude on his face he's steaming.

Zhuri appears.

ZHURI- Hey. Happy Birthday

Tavon still pissed about his mother.

TAVON- what are you doing here Zhuri?

ZHURI- can we talk?

Tavon nods.

ZHURI- I'm sorry did I do something are you mad at me?

TAVON- after last night and you being MIA all day besides that text message you think you can just show up and say happy birthday and everything is supposed to be okay with us?

ZHURI- No no I don't think that at all....I'm sorry about last night. I was just tired.

TAVON- maybe I'm tired to?

She looks in his eyes, trying to figure out where he is.

ZHURI- Tavon you don't understand the day I just had...and you told me before that you love me and you would always be there for me...because it's tough right now you just change that?

TAVON- Im not the one putting us through tough spots Zhuri....if you want to play victim maybe you should go in there and join my mother.

Zhuri is shocked but now she understands.

ZHURI- your mom is here....that's why your so upset..

TAVON-(deflecting) no I'm upset because of tired of everyone thinking what I'm feeling doesn't matter....I didn't even want this fucking party in the first place.

ZHURI- I can't believe I showed up here like this...and you were going through all of this....I'm so stupid.

Zhuri begins to cry.

ZHURI-(crying) I'm so sorry that I did this to deserve so much better than me....

Tavon looks back at her trying to hold in his tears he's still angry.

ZHURI-for the record I did come here to ask you something but it doesn't matter anymore.

Zhuri leaves.

Tavon breaks down. Taylor and Kent come outside. They see him and Taylor sits next to him and holds him.

TAYLOR- I'm sorry. I should of never thrown this party I just wanted you feel special today.

TAVON- is she still here?

TAYLOR- yeah she said she's not leaving until she talks to you.

Neal and Morgan come outside.

NEAL- what the fuck happened?

MORGAN- I gotta go Zhuri is missing.

TAVON- missing? She literally just left.

MORGAN- she was here? I gotta go.

Morgan leaves.


Morgan arrives home Kim and Marvin sit in the living room.

MORGAN- her location is off and she isn't answering but  she should be about ti be here anyway Tavon said she was at the party.

MARVIN- let me guess you was at the party with Neal?

MORGAN- your obsession with him is getting weird,

MARVIN- you're grounded go upstairs.

MORGAN- What? It's not even past curfew.

MARVIN- I said go upstairs!

Morgan storms upstairs.

KIM- and you wonder why the hell Zhuri left you're going crazy.

MARVIN- no what's fucking crazy is she was missing therapy and your dumb ass got the messages and thought they said she was doing well....what fucking sense does that make?

They begin to argue.


MORGAN-(crying) Z are you in there?

Morgan goes into Zhuri's room and sees Zhuri, unconscious, on the floor, splayed out empty pill bottle in her hand.

Morgan screams rushes over to her holding.

MORGAN- (crying) Zhuri....please get up. Please. DAD! Zhuri come on please

Morgan  begins to panic and calls 911.

MORGAN- (crying) I need ambulance my sister she um she's passed out....I can't find her heart beat she's not breathing I don't even  know...I don't know what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right.

OPERATOR- how long has she been unconscious?

MORGAN- I don't know! I don't-

Morgan faints and lands next to Zhuri.


TAVON- (to Neal) you invited her? Didn't you?

NEAL- who?

TAVON- my mother.

NEAL- Oh Yeah is that why the house looks like that?

TAYLOR- Neal you can't do that.

NEAL- what do you mean he needed to see her he has no family.

TAYLOR -he has us. He's always had us,

NEAL- look I love tnt forever y'all know that but N&T go home to their parents or some sort of family every single night....who does Tavon go home to? That shit not fair.

TAVON- but that's not your choice.

NEAL- you're  right maybe that was Neal thing to do maybe I didn't think it through maybe it was just me thinking with my heart again but she's here Tae. Talk to her even if you got to yell or say how much she hurt got to let that shit out man.

Tavon looks at him.

KENT- as much as I hate to agree with the wild shit he does...he's right.....holding on to hating Tammie just made me angry literally my whole life fighting and swinging on  everyone when really the person I was swinging at was her.

TAVON- Zhuri.

KENT- huh?

TAVON- I was fucking blown about my mother....I kinda took it out on her about us....I gotta go.

NEAL- I'll drive you.


Kent Neal Mekhi Tavon and Taylor arrive and see ambulances outside they all jump out the cars

TAYLOR- what the fuck is going on? Who are these for?

They try to get inside and see the EMT's bringing out two stretchers.

Taylor breaks Kent holds her Tavon freezes.

Neal runs over trying to talk to someone

NEAL- my girl friend lives in this house and her sister are they okay?

They ignore him.

EMT- you need to back up and wait for the parents Z

TAVON- the parents to say what? What do they have to say??

They see Marvin and Kim walking outside getting into the ambulance.

NEAL- let's follow it.

TAVON- what?

NEAL- I said let's fucking follow it.

They all rush and get into the car and follow the ambulance.


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