Paranormal Investigators to P...

By shadow_phoenix2022

7.7K 172 189

When Sam, Colby, Seth, Josh, Nate, Amanda and Mackie band together to explore and discover secrets about a le... More

Deserted Driving
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 1
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 2
Increasing Isolation-Part 1
Increasing Isolation-Part 2
~Suprising Start~
~Invigorating Invites~
~Declining Demands~
~Peculiar Premises~
~Scary Slumber~
~Desperate Defiances~
~The Story Starts~
~Worrying Wins~
~Joint Journey~
~Divine Determination~
Escaping Execution
Fractured Friendships
Lurking Lies
Fame and Fortune (Part 1)
Fame and Fortune (Part 2)
Twists and Turns

~Past vs Present~

294 6 7
By shadow_phoenix2022

[•Meanwhile with the others•]

Seth and Sam hunched down in the main room of the lobby as they fiddled with the spirit box in an attempts to get it to connect to Sams phone. It had been 10 minutes of them trying it was getting there but it was a hugely time consuming process.

Nate, Mackie and Josh on the other hand were creating small CCTV cameras with the extra cemeras that Mackie and Amanda had brought with them to film their videos of the asylum. They were trying to get them to fit in a corner long enough to scan each hallway path and entrance to see who enters and leaves and from which way exactly.

They finished not even 15 minutes later and finally fixed all 5 cameras in different hallways each one positioned to ensure both sides of the halls can be seen through the connected device, Mackies phone. They are interrupted by Sam and Seth who quietly rush in with Amanda close behind. Sam and Seth tell them that their ready to go ahead with the plan. Amanda listens in and agrees as well, saying: "The children spirits are willing to help. As well as some adult spirits." They all smile knowing they even had supernatural beings on their side.

They all go over the plan:
-Sam and Amanda will stake out in the lobby and find out where that person is keeping Colby through the spirit box and phone contraption.
-Nate and Josh on the other hand will follow the directions Sam and Amanda give them so they can find Colby.
-Seth and Mackie will hide out behind the centre entrances table whilst looking over the footage through the small cameras, so they can warn Nate and Josh whether the said person is coming to them or not.

They all get ready at their stated positions as they await any news from Sam and Amanda. "Is there any spirit willing to direct us to Colby, safely?" Sam asks quietly. A few agonising moments go by. Both of them sit in silence as the static from the radio echoes through the phones speaker. "Last room...Nurse hall..." a disembodied voice speaks through cutting the static off for a second before it reverbs back.

Nate and Josh listening on the other side, slowly and cautiously make their way to the last room in the Nurses Quarters:

They cautiously peer in through the door. No one is around. They creep in, avoiding all of the scattered pages on the floor. They stick to the walls as they walk towards the second door. Josh quickly speed walks to other side of the door, silently. They peer in and the second room is empty. "Blood..." Nate mutters as he unnoticeably gestures towards small drops of nearly dried fresh blood on the ground.


They walk into the said room. They diligently walk over to the left side of the room avoiding the door, as they could hear someone on the other side. They stop in their tracks. Josh bends down on the ground and picks up a bat, that has blood on it. They look at one another. Nate nods, knowing exactly what Josh is about to do.

Nate quickly waltzes in front of the door, as he purposefully falls into the room where they could hear someone. He falls to the ground gaining the attention of the kidnapper. The said kidnapper startled freezes in his position giving Josh enough time to swing in with the bat and strike the person on the head. The said person falls to the ground with a huge scream, he stops moving and speaking, clearly indicating that he was passed out now.

Nate had already gotten up and walked over to Colby, untying him. He undid the rope, before he carefully took of the muzzle, trying not to graze the large wound on the back of Colby's head. Josh sends everyone a message so they can come to them.

[•Less than 20 Minutes Later•]
The entire group is now together. They tied the person to the chair. They only put tape onto their mouth. Colby's wounds were being tended to by Mackie and Amanda. The person comes to and starts trying to free himself. He shakes and practically seizes in attempts to free himself the thightness of the rope restricting that movement.

He groans, giving up. He looks at them, anger prickling through the violet-gray eyes. "Why did you do this? Is someone paying you?" Josh asks taking the reigns of this unwanted interrogation. The person rolls their eyes. Josh angered slaps them right across the face woth no mercy or hesitation. To the rest of the team that gave off "I've already done this a couple of times and nothing fazes me..." vibes.

The person looks back even more angered as they try to lunge at Josh who doesn't even flinch, but instead leans down to get to the persons eye level taking everyone including the said person off guard. "I'm going to take this piece of tape off of your mouth and you're going to tell me everything about this whole shit show. If you don't I won't hesitate to beat the fucking life out of you in front of everyone here." Josh says as he slowly rips off the tape making sure to make it as painful as he could.

The person stays quite for a bit trying to form the best speech of his life. "I'm a hitman and I was ordered to kill all of you. In the company I work for, no one gives real names even clients, so the person you're looking for isn't going to be easy to find. The name that the person gave me was: Ace." The person confesses everything top to bottom just as requested.

This however was an unsatisfactory answer for Josh who was fuming at the inadequacy of this said company. He was practically fuming. "Tell me your name. Your actual name." Josh says as he grabs the persons hair pulling his head up to make him look directly into Joshes eyes, that looked almost red with the amount of rage that covered them and hid the small amount of unease he felt.

The person looked him dead in the eyes, before whispering: "Vixon Mareno...." The person says as he chuckles dryly. Josh lets go of his hair. He turns around frustrated. Sam, Seth, Nate, Amanda and Mackie all look at him confused. Josh slowly pushes his jacket back and takes out a pistol and aims it towards the guy. Everyone gasps horrified except the guy that has a gun trained on his head.

Everyone is now trembling in fear, exceot Josh and Vixon. Their staring at one another. Bitterly. "Killing me won't take the bounty off of you Jasper-oh uh my bad- Josh." Vixon laughs sarcastically at his slight fumble with Joshes name. Josh tenses slightly hearing the name said by Vixon, as everybody looks at him confused.

Josh sighs, closing his eyes. His arm falls down, the gun no longer aimed towards Vixon, who's snarky expression still remains intact, with no hole in his head like Josh wanted. "Who's Jasper? What bounty?" Sam says as he looks at Josh with a long standing fear in his eyes. Josh avoids eye contact with his team and only looks at Vixon, whos waiting for Josh to give the go ahead, so he can explain the backstory.

Vixon raises his eyebrows towards Josh as he smirks cheekily. The dark aura dissipates as his eyes glaze over with sheer joy and eagerness as Josh waves his hand in the air, giving up, it was pointless to avoid this, they were going to find out sooner or later.

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