Wasn't it magical?

Por CouchieSlayer420

3.7K 140 29

Welcome to Season 2 and the continuation of "The Magical Ways of Riverdale". This season takes place during t... Más

Memories from a Magical night
Honeymoon of a million stars
Audaz and Belle Topaz
Hollywood vs New york
Destructive Learning
Grammys And Wedding Rings pt.1 
Grammys and Wedding Rings Pt.2
Grammys and Wedding Rings pt. 3
School Is In Session
Salvatore School Tour
The Original 8 and the Uktena twins
Origins and New directions pt. 1
Origins and New directions pt .2
Origins and New Directions Pt.3
Training a Tribrid
Frozen Fire
A Time before it Froze
The Flamin' Unholy Trinity
A Matured Tribrid
A Topaz takes a trip to New Orleans
Papa Tunde's Blade

Fire babies and Jason Blossom Pt.1

69 3 0
Por CouchieSlayer420

There was a living legend about vampires...that they can't procreate. The only supernatural creatures in the world that can are the Uktena clan. All the Uktenas want is for the world to be happy. So the witches of the Uktena sent messages to all supernatural couples that dream of having kids. A spell for other supernatural creatures to have a biological baby, the only supernatural creature that can procreate is the werewolf. Besides the Uktena witches giving the spell away they also included the materials that you need to cast the spell. Luckily, for Fangs, Dotty, and Toni mostly since she is the only Topaz sibling who has kids....that she's well aware about.

Hate to say it but Audaz and Belle weren't planned but they were a wonderful surprise. This time around it's going to be different. Unfortunately Toni and Cheryl's parents are not in their lives anymore for one there are spots in Toni's memory on her parents exact where abouts. While Cheryl's parents are very much alive but they're not on speaking terms until they fess up for what they did to her twin brother.

But there is one adult figure that is blood related to Cheryl who she trusts with her children's lifes.....Nana Rose. Nana Rose is the oldest living Blossom. During her youth she was known as the "Rainbow Phoenix" because she obtained and mastered all colors of the Internal fire making her a shoe in for the "Phoenix Queen " position. That's enough about Nana Rose for now we'll talk about her later as of right now. Cheryl and Toni are asking Nana Rose for some of her wisdom and guidance for their family's future.


Riverdale, New York

Red Blossom Grove

Thistle House

Nana Rose- It's been quite some time my grandchild, so what brings you and your wife to Thistle House?

Cheryl-It has been some time since we've seen each other and for that I am very sorry Nana. The main reason why we stopped by, is because we want to learn more about my family's history but the more pressing matter. Where is my brother?

Nana Rose saw the hope in her grandchild's eyes and that's when she realized that she can't hide this secret from Cheryl anymore.

Cheryl- Don't sugarcoat anything tell me the truth I can take it she said giving her a nervous look

Nana Rose led them to her living room and sat down on the couch

Toni- Before you begin could you maybe start from the beginning and don't leave anything out?

Nana Rose- Jason was always a rebellious boy but some how he managed to become the popular boy in school, the polar opposite of your father. Your brother had his beliefs that he was nothing like your father, Clifford loved  to hurt and torture people . Your father is an evil and jealous man, he witnessed something in you and Jason.

Toni- What did he see?

Nana Rose- Fire power, and lots of it. she said reaching for a large hard cover book that rested on the coffee table

Cheryl- What is this? she said lightly grazing the golden lettering

Nana Rose-  All of our supernatural family history is right here.....everything that you'd want to know about yourself is in this book.

Toni- With all due respect Rose, that still doesn't tell us what happened to Jason or where he is and if  Cheryl's father killed him or whatever he did to him.

Nana Rose- Be patient child

Nana Rose- As I was saying, Jason was next in line to become something Clifford could never be the "Phoenix King".  Jason was the spitting image of your father when he was younger but Jason he was better , he worked harder then your father, and he was smarter. she said making eye contact with Cheryl

Nana Rose- That made your father furious....so one night he kidnaps Jason. Jason being Jason he didn't go down with out a fight. You remember that scar on your father's stomach....that was Jason until he knocked Jason out by overheating his blood stream to his brain.

Nana Rose-Clifford kept him where no one would find him and he would torture him with water magic from a element manipulator. Weaking his internal flame, stopping his heat circulation , and scarring him.

Cheryl- Oh my Gaia, what happened to JJ? she said with tears threatening to spill

Nana Rose- He was beaten than frozen  into a block of ice and he was thrown into Sweetwater river.

Toni- If you knew what happened to Jason this entire time why haven't you done anything?

Nana Rose- How dare you!, I've done everything in my power to pin point the exact location of my grandson. I've never stopped looking actually Miss Topaz, I remember one day I was close to uncovering the truth. That's when I met those mutts for the first time, it's not that I haven't done anything, it's because I'm just one person and I need people in my corner to help me.

Cheryl- Why didn't you tell me or ask me to help? I don't understand.

Nana Rose- I'm sorry my dear child.....

Cheryl- Why do you keep dodging the question Nana! where is Jason!

Nana Rose- They'll kill me if I tell you she said nervously

Toni- Who will kill you ?

Nana Rose- Those dirty wolfs that your father hired to spy on me. she said with a snarl

Toni- Dirty wolfs? there are only two wolf packs in Riverdale, Do you mean the Gargoyles?

Nana Rose- Yes....they know where I live, they could be listening right now she said in a whisper

Cheryl- How long has this been going on?

Nana Rose - I've been fighting against your father to treat you kids like kids and not competition since you were born. But the Gargoyles...about three months, please Cheryl it's up to you now save your brother and continue our Family's rightful legacy. she said with tears in her eyes

Cheryl- I will Nana I promise she said wiping her own tears away

Toni stood up and called Joaquin

Cheryl- Who are you calling Babe?

Toni- I'm calling Joaquin

Toni 📱- Joaquin, I have a job for you.

Joaquin 📱- What is it Boss?

Toni 📱- I need around the clock security for Nana Rose, Cheryl's grandmother, I'll send you her address.

Joaquin 📱- Who is stalking Miss Rose?

Toni 📱- The Gargoyles, don't kill them just beat them up but if it comes down to that I trust your judgement. Also, I need a team to find Clifford and Penelope Blossom and I need them alive.

Joaquin 📱- You got it, Is there anything else you would like me to do for you?

Toni📱-There's been a rumor that Jason Blossom has been dead since our freshman year of High school. Turns out that rumor was a lie and he's been captured, I have a lead Jason has been frozen in a block of ice for 8 years plus. He should be at the bottom of Sweetwater.

Joaquin 📱- What would you like me to do with him?

Toni📱- Find him and bring him in alive as we-

Cheryl- If you're going to find JJ I want to be there...I need to be there.

Toni- I don't think that's a good Idea Babe

Cheryl- I'm tired of having everyone thinking that I need protection, for fuck sake's I'm the Devil and if anyone needs protection it's going to be those vile braindead Gargoyles! she screams

Toni- I just want you to be safe Cheryl anything can happen to you!

Cheryl- Well I'm willing to take that risk if it means saving my brother and my children's uncle.

Toni's face softened

Toni- Okay she said to Cheryl

Toni📱-You heard that JD?, Cheryl is coming with you on your mission.

Joaquin📱-Understood, tell her to meet me at the Wyrm so we can discuss. he said before hanging up

Toni- Joaquin said to met him at the Wyrm and I'll stay here with your Nana until her security comes.

Cheryl- Got it she said collecting her belongings

Toni- Please be safe, and make sure you're not being followed.

Cheryl- Oh I won't be followed, I just taught myself how to teleport with my powers she said with a smile

A swirl of fire all of sudden began to surround Cheryl

Toni- What the hell? she said trying to block the light from her eyes

Cheryl- Ta Ta

In the next moment she vanished in thin air leaving her heat behind her and a burning kiss mark where she had stood last.

Nana Rose- You know you don't have to be so protective of her, she has fire that'll burn the emotionless sinner. And your son my grandchild, Audaz is a Hybrid Phoenix and Uktena vampire he'll be something great one day.

Toni- What about my daughter Belle, she doesn't have her vampire or fledgling vamp powers yet. But she does have some type of water manipulation powers, super intelligence, and Sense of Aura.

Nana Rose- Interesting, Belle has Blossom blood in her she should be wielding the power of fire not water. In your family does anyone have any elemental powers?

Toni- Not that I know of no....but that would be cool.

Nana Rose- I would keep an eye on Belle

Toni- What the hell do you mean by that? she said defensively

Nana Rose- We have our facetime chats all the time, she feels as though you don't believe in her because she's a how do you say "late bloomer".

Toni- Of course I believe in her, I'm just new to this Cheryl and I created vampires with elemental powers. That's something no one has ever heard of before. I just don't want my kids feel like experiments. And sending them to that school in Virginia will help them figure themselves out the way Cheryl and I can't.

Nana Rose- Welcome to parenthood....well supernatural parenthood.

*Knock Knock*

Toni- That's them, hey guys come in .

Sweetpea and Jughead lead about 20 other serpents inside

Nana Rose- Oh my, is it really necessary for me to have these many guards?

Toni- You're apart of the Uktena family now Rose, I want eyes on every square inch of this place. she said to Sweetpea

Sweetpea- Got it , I'll set up on the roof he said before vamping away

Toni- Everyone split into groups and surround this entire property!

Jughead- What do you want me to do Toni?

Toni- Protect Rose, I'm going to the Wyrm you and Sweets are in charge she vamping away


White Wyrm

We don't talk about the "White Wyrm" enough for one it's a historical piece of property owned by the serpents for centuries. The Wyrm is a place for serpents who have no where to go, it's a place to get a meal when everywhere is closed besides pop, and it's many other things. To the royalty trio and the core four it's just a place for family.

As of right now Fangs, Cheryl, Toni, Joaquin and Riverdale's wolf pack are all conversing in Toni's office.


Fangs- So what's the plan?

Cheryl- We're going have to split up, knowing my parents they probably fled the states so that's a trip in it's own.

Cheryl- They've been hiding him for all these years.....why? . So....if Jason is still at the bottom of Sweetwater river he'll be heavily guarded.

Joaquin- Let's go over what we know. We know that the Blossoms hired the Gargoyle wolfs, But what if they hired some one else? he said using his tooth pick to pick his fangs

Archie- What do you mean Babe?

Joaquin- To throw us off waste more time on those people when Jason could be somewhere else?

Cheryl- My Nana would never lie to me, she might keep secrets but she wouldn't lie to me about anything. Especially, about Jason so I'm sure my brother is at the bottom of the fucking river.

Joaquin- Jeez, sorry it was just an idea.

Toni- Let's focus on the task at hand please she said while rubbing her wife's back to try and ease her nerves

Cheryl- Hell Hounds!

Toni- Hell Hounds?, What are Hell Hounds?

Cheryl- Of course why didn't eye think of that,Hell Hounds are werebeasts with hell bound powers and abilities. They can also shapeshift into people and roam the earth.

Toni- How can we spot a Hell Hound I've never heard of them until now.

Cheryl- Spotting a hell hound isn't so simple, they are very dangerous companions from Hell. But you can through their hair color and their eyes, all hell hounds have the same colored hair Jet black. The more powerful hell hounds have brighter colored hair.

Fangs- How can you determine someone's strength from their hair color?

Cheryl- The same way the vampire and wolfs with their eyes changing color. Anyway....I'll just explain it this way from weakest to strongest. Jet black, white, blue, yellow, orange , and red. For their eyes it's actually quite simple they all have bright orange kind of bronze eyes.

Reggie- Now, that we got that covered who's gonna get what job.

Toni- Reggie, Mad Dog, and Fangs and I will go find Penelope and Clifford. Cheryl, Archie, and Joaquin you'll go get Jason. And I'll Birdie and her group deal with the Gargoyles and the hell hounds.

Fangs- Are you sure you don't what to go with Cheryl?

Toni- She doesn't need protection guys why haven't you realized yet?

Archie- Realized what?

Toni- We have the god damn devil on our side we already have the upper hand she said with a determined grin

Toni- Another thing everyone before you leave keep in mind that we are playing with literal fire and to watch each others backs. And if we do find Jason in that block of ice and manage to get him out bring him to this location she said while writing an address and handing it to Cheryl

Cheryl- Isn't this the address of the boarding school?

Toni- Once we get him he's going to hide out there for some time until we get the heat off our backs from your parents.

Cheryl- Was that a pun? and if it was it was really bad babe.

Toni- No, it wasn't a pun in all seriousness you guys can leave I have to talk to Cheryl. she didn't say another word until they all left.

Cheryl- So, what did you want to talk about?

Toni- What was your brother like before he disappeared? she said while leaning on her wooden desk

Cheryl- The sad thing is I didn't even know he was missing until that day you said that the "Jason" I thought I knew was just some copy. But the Jason I knew was a bright light, he was a protector, a fighter, and my best friend. Poor JJ, he's been missing all this time and I had no idea.....I'm a terrible sister. she said bursting into tears

Toni- No you're not, I'm going to tell you what you are Cheryl Topaz. You are the most amazing woman I've ever met. What happened to Jason was not your fault it's your parents....they destroyed your childhood, took your will of wanting to be powerful away from you, they took Jason away from you. What you are Cheryl....your a symbol. You're the symbol of love, hope, and comforting fire. You are stronger than you know....in order to become stronger you must truly believe you can do it. Believe that Jason will be ecstatic to see you and being able to hug you for the first time in 8 years.

Cheryl wipes her tears away

Cheryl- I'm sorry Toni, I know how much you wanted to have more kids but it looks like because of my family again. We have to put our life on hold.

Toni- It's okay babe, we have all the time in the world to have more kids. We will get over this speed bump and when the time is right. We'll make more fire babies. she said with a comforting smile


I didn't want to make this any longer and keep you guys waiting so here it is .

PSA: I had recently made a Instagram account strictly for you guys. Where y'all can interact with me more on a personal level, Announcements for my books, Live Q and A's etc. That's what I have planned if you want to be apart of it my name for that account is @tribridlesbian.

Also, "T. M. W. O. R. Characters Series Powers, Abilities and Supernatural history" is a book of mine that I've been working on a lot more than my other books recently. The title in it's own is pretty self-explanatory.

what did y'all think?

word count- 2814

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