Wasn't it magical?

By CouchieSlayer420

3.7K 140 29

Welcome to Season 2 and the continuation of "The Magical Ways of Riverdale". This season takes place during t... More

Memories from a Magical night
Honeymoon of a million stars
Audaz and Belle Topaz
Hollywood vs New york
Destructive Learning
Grammys And Wedding Rings pt.1 
Grammys and Wedding Rings Pt.2
Grammys and Wedding Rings pt. 3
School Is In Session
Salvatore School Tour
The Original 8 and the Uktena twins
Origins and New directions pt. 1
Origins and New directions pt .2
Origins and New Directions Pt.3
Fire babies and Jason Blossom Pt.1
Frozen Fire
A Time before it Froze
The Flamin' Unholy Trinity
A Matured Tribrid
A Topaz takes a trip to New Orleans
Papa Tunde's Blade

Training a Tribrid

68 4 0
By CouchieSlayer420

Training a super natural being will always be hard.... difficult is another word to describe this situation. But it has been surprisingly easy for Dotty to teach someone else. Especially, a person who possesses three of the most powerful supernatural creatures known to man. A vampire, a werewolf, and a witch I mean it would be difficult if Dotty didn't have the set of skills he was blessed with. Don't get Dotty wrong at first he was not up for this and he thought training a kid was gonna be grueling torture. Daniel found something besides singing and dancing that truly makes him happy.....teaching.

It has been a little over 2 months since Dotty has been training Hope and she is truly remarkable. He believes she could become something great . Today, Dotty is going to teach Hope some defensive training skills and he is pretty excited .


Salvatore Boarding School

Gym ( I don't know why I've been calling it the training center Lol I was trying to find a cooler name for it)

Dotty was waiting criss crossed in the middle of the gym meditating waiting for Hope. Dotty decided that he wasn't going to go meet her and walk with her to the gym today. He wanted to see if she has any good time management skills. If she really wants be apart of the serpents she'll show up on time. Some time has passed and Dotty has grown impatient so huffs and looks down at his apple watch then said.

Dotty- Where is this kid?

He walked out of the gym and walked into someone making their books fall out of their hands.

Dotty- Oh I'm so sorry he said reaching for one of her books

Josie- That's okay , I should have been looking where I was going. she said before finally making eye contact ;while also trying to pick up her books.

Fun fact whenever Josie feels embarrassed or flustered her cheeks glow a faint red....well a very noticeable faint red. And that's exactly what she did when she registered that she had bumped into the Prince of all vampires ...Prince Dotty.

Dotty- No, it's quite alright ...Josie he said standing up at the same time as her

Josie- So uh what are you doing here all by yourself don't you have those special training sessions with Hope?

Dotty- Yeah, I was just about to go look for her.

Josie- Oh that reminds me, I bumped into her too she was in a rush she told me to tell you that she went out with my dad on a mission and they'll be right back.

Dotty crosses his arms then says

Dotty- What kind of mission and where? and why didn't an adult come and talk to me about this?

Josie- Sometimes they get rid of the threats to the school, recruit new students from the area, and stuff like that. she said ignoring Dotty's passive aggressive comment

Dotty- What do you mean by monsters? the only "monsters" I know are the vampires, Were wolfs, and the witches .

Josie- Yeah, mystic falls is a weird place she said with a nervous smile

Josie- Like folklore and mythical creatures.....fairytale monsters they've been bugging us since Landon and Raf got here. But we did come to the conclusion that the monsters want Landon.

Dotty- Interesting, so when your dad is out with Hope on these missions he just basically leaves the school unattended?

Josie- No.. he has Dorian watch over the school sometimes one of the witch teachers miss Emma.

Dotty- That's all I needed to hear.....thanks Josie he said walking away

Josie released her nervous breath and sped walked back to her dorm room


Entrance of the Salvatore Boarding School

After taking a stroll through the school Dotty had finally managed to get to the entrance of the school. It was bright and sunny....a nice day to train outside instead of inside a matter a fact he thought to himself.

Dotty- Wow look at what we have here the almighty tribrid Hope Mikaelson! he said sarcastically

Hope gave him a nervous look as she closed the passenger door

Alaric- I am so sorry Mr. Topaz It's my fault I should have had an adult come and talk to you before leaving but it was an emergency. And there was no time to do anything

( When I try to incorporate the storyline of legacies with them fighting monsters and shit. I think that's kinda boring in my opinion but for the sake of legacies. I'll keep it but change it to make it my own.)

Dotty- We have a time limit ..I have a time limit. If you haven't noticed I'm only staying here until I feel Hope is ready to become the full tribrid ..unlocking her vampire powers. I'm gonna be generous and give you my vacation year ..if Hope isn't a vampire within the year. There's gonna be a problem....and if you haven't noticed having a problem with me is really gonna suck. he said with the upmost of confidence in Alaric's face.

Dotty- Facing the vampire queen is a death sentence with out training my sister is the strongest person I know. In all of my years of living....with every enemy we faced she never backed down. What I'm saying is Toni is a person that is not only physically strong but she's also a genius in all aspects.

Hope- Well how strong is she?

Dotty- Strong enough to vamp past you with your hearts in her hand with out you even noticing your heart is missing until you try to breathe again. I don't want you to be afraid your my student so you don't have to worry. So that's why I'm upset that you guys are wasting my time!

Alaric- Listen, this is what we do ...this is how it was before you got here and this is how it's going to be after you. Hope is one of my best students and she volunteers to go on these trips with me.

Hope- Yeah, and I thought we were gonna come back on time it's not his fault it's mine.

Dotty- I'm having trouble understanding this whole "monster" situation. Your daughter Josie said that mystic falls has a monster problem and it all started with Hope's boyfriend Landon. And the next time you need help come and get me I want to join on your little monster bonding time.

Hope- That really isn't necessary Dotty-

Dotty- Hush, Hope the adults are talking...please be quiet.

Marcel- Do we have a problem here?

Dotty- This doesn't concern you so fuck off

Marcel was already walking past in his work out clothes after his morning jog. He saw that Hope, Alaric , and Dotty were in some what of an heated argument. When Dotty decided to get into Alaric's space that's when he felt it was time to intervene.

He walks closer to the small group of three and forcefully making Dotty face him. That resulted in Dotty shoving him back. That's when Marcel tries to charge at him but his sister got in between them stopping immediately.

Hope- No we don't, Marcel keep walking please!

Marcel- Step aside sister so your big bro can take care of this please.

Hope already knows she wouldn't convince him in the calming way he always has to be so stubborn and difficult. Just like his damn father.....like father like son right?

Marcel- I really don't know who you think your talking to but you don't know me I don't take disrespect from anybody.

Dotty- Cool story bro, like I said before this doesn't involve you so get kick rocks he said shoving him again

Marcel flashes his hybrid eyes and fangs, that sparked an interest in Dotty because no one has ever dared to challenge him the way Marcel is currently doing. He found it intriguing so Dotty decides to toy with him for a bit. With in that same second Marcel went to attack him but Dotty got a hold of him and throws Marcel to the open field next to them.

Dotty- I suggest you back down, I would hate to ruin that pretty face of yours he said with a smirk

Marcel- Are you threatening me? he said with a snarl

Dotty- I'm not threating you......I'm actually trying to save your life because once I kill you I can finally train Hope in peace. he said with his hands in his pockets

Dotty- But I won't kill you because I would hate to be the reason I took someone's father and son from them. Not only will I have the Mikealson's hate me but then the 2nd generation leading up to the third. So instead I'm gonna embarrass you in front of your whole family. he said getting into his fighting position.

Marcel looked between Dotty, his sister, and his son and back to Dotty. He let out a loud hiss and howl. He vamps up to Dotty throwing the first punch missing resulting in Dotty punching him in the stomach launching him away from Dotty. Marcel held his stomach in pain....but he quickly recovered.

Dotty- That's all? I expected more from Klaus Mikealson's son especially since later in your life you obtained this new power. The upgraded version of a hybrid more specifically your father....known as the beast.

Marcel- Shut up!

The next punch Marcel threw landed on Dotty's jaw forcing him to spit blood on the floor. Then the barrage of punches forces Dotty on his back.

Hope- Marcel stop it! she screamed

Dotty- Look at what you've done..... now your own sister is embarrassed of you he said with a grin

That pushed Marcel over the edge his eyes glowed with his black veins appearing under his eyes. He let his mouth gather enough venom to put any vampire down. His venom slightly foaming in his mouth Dotty had his forearm under his neck trying to maneuver his way out .

Hope couldn't watch anymore so while they were still fighting she went to get her dad to try and stop them. Klaus pushed past the crowd, crowding his son and the prince but it was too late. The most he could do was scream for his son

Klaus- Marcellus!!!!!

It was like everything was going in slow motion with Marcel about to bite Dotty and Klaus's roar echoing in the background.

Marcel bit Dotty's forearm and he screamed so loud...loud enough to turn heads miles away from the school. Marcel got back on his feet and stood back to admire his work he felt like he was on top of the world watching Dotty hold his limp bleeding arm with a large bite mark from yours truly. Marcel was smiling until Dotty got back up.

Klaus- How? why hasn't the side effects started yet ?

*Warning blood and dismemberment talk coming up*

As Dotty got up he winced trying not to use his injured arm that also so happened to be his dominant arm. Within the same second his feet planted the ground he said this...

Dotty- Didn't take you for a guy for cheap tricks

Marcel- Glade I surprised you

Dotty- Wanna see what I can do?

He flashes his red eyes letting the power of berserk mode take over him. The young serpent prince looked Marcel straight in the eyes and ripped off his own arm. He first got a grip on his elbow leaving a bit of his arm that wasn't effected by the venom. This was a painful process so everything is happening at it's own pace. All you could see and hear is bones breaking, cracking, and snapping, skin being pulled apart like hot string cheese, blood squirting ......painting the grass beneath him. After Dotty had ripped off his own forearm he held it like a Viking with their turkey leg.

Marcel instantly frowned

Marcel- What the hell are you?

Dotty begins to regenerate right before everyone's eyes. Then he took the watch from the wrist of his dead arm and put it on his regenerated arm.

Dotty- Here's the thing about Topazes being royalty....we are special creatures. You see, me letting you have the upper hand was just me having fun. Now that you see what I'm capable of would you like to continue to your death. he said calmly with a small smile

Niklaus and Marcel's son Deric vamps next to Marcel

Deric bowed his head to Dotty out of respect...plus it's his job and if he doesn't respect anyone in the royal family he will die or suffer the consequences.

Deric- I am truly sorry for my father's behavior sir it won't happen again he said looking at him in the eyes

Dotty- It's okay, I actually enjoyed our little throw down. Marcel here might be the first supernatural being ever to willingly challenge me and survive. Cause usually I don't hold back.....but since your family and I are like this🤞. I can't kill you that's something a traitor would do.....anyway what I'm trying to say is.... he said staring deeply into his soul

Dotty- If you ever try something like that again I will have no choice.... to reach into your torso and get a hold of your spine and snap it like a twig. Then I will rip out a nice piece of your spine..... suspend you in the air by your fat neck...then stab you in the heart sticking you to a tree. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? he said emotionless

Marcel didn't say anything but scoff looking at his father then back at him

Klaus smacked the back of his son's head hard

Marcel just nodded rubbing the spot Klaus had slapped hit him

Dotty- Now get out of my face! he yelled suddenly

Deric and Hope flinched at the sudden rise in his voice

Dotty- And as for you Hope I have something exciting planned for class today. he said with a smile

Klaus- If you'll excuse us Marcellus has to make a quick phone call to his wife. he said gesturing for his son and grandson to move along into the school

Deric- Why do you need to call Mom dad?

Klaus- Because he's in so much trouble that's why sweet child

Marcel- Oh shit he said nervously


Greatmat (Outside)

It has been about an hour into Hope's first defense training session and for the past hour Dotty has been making Hope copy his defensive fighting poses in mixed martial arts. If Hope could keep up with Dotty she just might be able to catch up with Toni.

Hope- Was it necessary for what you did to my brother?

Dotty- Your brother is an egotistical daddy's boy that needs to be hollered at in order to learn from mistakes because when you speak softly he'll won't understand. he said calmly

Hope- What gives you the right to talk about my family like that? she said becoming annoyed

Dotty- Hope, I tell nothing but the truth and for how I see it. When he tried to assert his dominance over me in the library that day you weren't there. It's quite apparent that your brother is threatened by me but I gave him every reason not to challenge me. He did it anyway and he was taught a lesson end of story.

Hope- When are we gonna start offensive training? she said with a frustrated huff

Dotty gets into his fight stance

Dotty- Fine I'll give you a taste....our first sparring session starts now!

He round house kicked Hope in the stomach forcing her to the ground

Dotty- Being impatient will lead you to your death....get up and don't disappoint me.

Hope slowly got back up on her feet

Hope flashes her wolf and began to throw a barrage of punches and a few kicks. Dotty dodged all of her attempts . He maneuvers himself around Hope almost like a snake and like a snake they know when to strike. Hope went to throw another punch at her teacher but Dotty pulls her fist slightly forward hits the pressure point in in her shoulder and arm.

Hope- Ow! what the hell did you do to my arm?! she said holding her shoulder

Dotty- Pressure points he said simply

Dotty- Before you say anything learning about pressure points is an advanced level type of training that you clearly are not ready for. Given the circumstances meaning.....are you going to be patient and let me teach?

Hope- Yes, your majesty

Dotty- Good, cause were done for the day go hit the showers. he said wiping the sweat from his forehead with his towel

Hope bowed before leaving but was stopped when Dotty said this

Dotty- And Hope...

Hope- Yeah? she said with her gym bag strap on her shoulder

Dotty- I left some herbal tea that really good for your muscles and your lungs...I suggest you drink some every now and again.

Hope- Cool, sure and uh thank you for not killing my brother he just has a hard time making new friends. she said with an awkward chuckle

Dotty- No problem and I'll see you tomorrow on time right?

Hope- Yeah you will see you tomorrow Mr. Topaz she said with a warm smile


Dotty's Guest Room

Dotty sat on his bed doing some song writing while listen to the instrumental he made when his door all of sudden was kicked in.

Dotty- What the fuck!

Rebekah- Who the hell do you think you are!

Dotty- Rebekah Mikaelson as I live and breath he said with a smirk

He smirked because he was shirtless and his muscular figure was on full display with his sweat pants and back Nike socks. That's not all besides he just loves making Rebekah flustered and a blushing mess.

Rebekah- Daniel Topaz what are you doing here?

Dotty- To train your niece into unlocking her vamp powers and becoming the full tribrid. Plus she's joining the serpents.

Rebekah- Stop distracting me that's not why I'm here. I'm here because you thought it was cute to beat and defile my husband!

Dotty- I gave your sad excuse for a husband multiple chances to stand down .telling him it is bad idea to challenge me. But he did it anyway.....I'm guessing Hope or Klaus filled you in on what happened?

Rebekah- Why are you here really after all these years why?

Dotty- I don't know what your talking about?

Rebekah let her emotions get the best of her with letting that comment slip. During the Viking/Medieval time period Dotty and Rebekah were an item before her and Marcel. She was really in love with him until he disappeared. Toni's father had told only Klaus and Elijah the reasoning for leaving with his kids and the plan. Then Klaus felt sorry for Rebekah cause her lover is leaving and she has no idea. So he told her the truth well parts of it so she wouldn't try and go after him.

Rebekah- Nothing she said quickly

There was this silence between them until Dotty broke it

Dotty- Is there anything else you need.....it seemed urgent with the way you broke down my door.

Rebekah- Don't give me that look you have no power over me anymore she said with her hands on her hips

Dotty- We both know that's not true.....Topazes are one of a kind so when we give our love to someone. It stays with them forever he said coming close into Rebekah's space leaning down to her ear

Dotty- Good night lover girl he said backing up slowly to look into her eyes

Rebekah knees him in the nuts hard Dotty instantly held onto his package falling backward onto his bed

Dotty- Fuck!

Rebekah- Your smooth talk tricks won't work anymore...and that was for Marcel she said after storming out

Dotty- She was one hell girl then....and she's even hotter now. Why did we break up again he said to himself


I have so much good ideas for this book and as a reminder updates starting after this up incoming Monday will be slow. Because the second semester "spring term" starts on the 23rd being Monday. Anyway that's it for now until I update again or something.

Seems like the Topaz Triplets are coming closer and closer to the truth what will happen when people from their past trigger their memories.

Will there be more beef between Marcel and Dotty?

What did y'all think?

word count- 3436

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