Our Strange Love

By Lena-Presents

1.1M 70K 17.5K

Through a strange series of encounters, a delinquent high schooler and upright university student find love... More

Part 1 - Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 5
Part 2 - Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 3 - Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13*
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Part 4 - Chapter 16
Chapter 17*
Chapter 18*
Chapter 19
Chapter 20*
Part 5 - Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Part 6 - Chapter 26
Chapter 27*
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 7 - Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Smile for Me - Time 1
Chapter 33
Smile for Me - Time 2
Chapter 34*
Chapter 35
Part 8 - Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Part 9 - Chapter 41
Smile for Me - Time 3
Chapter 42*
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Part 10 - Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48*
Chapter 49
Chapter 50*
Epilogue: One Year Later
Afterword + Spin-offs

Chapter 37*

16K 1K 456
By Lena-Presents

"Huh? Why are the blinds closed?" Riley questioned Eran as they walked towards Milton's Midtown. The sight of slivers of light peeking through the blinds felt strange coming from a restaurant that was usually invitingly visible from the street.

"I guess it keeps in the heat," Eran replied, pulling the confused Riley towards the door.

Riley felt Eran hold his hand only briefly before hearing a loud POP! Confetti floated to the floor.

Elias sat lazily at the bar. With zero enthusiasm, he greeted Riley, "Happy Birthday."

At the same time, Bubba was beside the bar applauding.

Jay stood next to a chair at the closest table, grinning. "Happy Birthdaaaay," he sang in a manner that sounded a bit like mocking.

Tony's absence was no surprise. It's not like I didn't already know, but it finally feels definite that our friendship has ended.

"Ah..." Riley tilted his head to the side and scratched his cheek with one finger. "Thanks."

"Why?" Jay took a step closer as he detected Riley's lack of excitement.

"Ah, no. I'm really thankful." I think this is my first birthday party in... at least ten years. But it's not like I can say that without creating a strange mood. Trying to avoiding an uncomfortable atmosphere, Riley glanced around. "So, how aren't there any customers here today?"

Bubba explained, "The past few days I've had a couple of signs giving them a heads up." He gestured with each thumb to the 'Specials' blackboard and front door. "The sign on the door said closed since after lunch up until you came." He snapped his fingers. "I need to hurry and put it back up."

He walked to the back of the kitchen and returned with a broom and hinged dustpan. Bubba shoved the tools' long handles towards Jay's hands that reflexively accepted them. Jay followed Bubba's back with startled, dismayed eyes as the owner left to officially lock up.

Reaching across the large, round table, Elias stabbed a marinated tomato out of the serving bowl with a toothpick. "Congrats on being 19. What are you going to do first?"

"Well, I don't know." Riley leaned back in his chair as he thought. Somehow he'd ended up sitting between Elias and Eran.

Eran transferred the vegetables he'd been given by Riley to the perpetrator's plate. "He's already done practic...al...ly..." Eran trailed off.

Riley looked at him sideways. That morning, Riley requested that Eran show no negativity for the entire day. Of course, Eran denied being a negative person. Riley did appreciate that Eran was trying despite having slipped up many times.

Elias nodded, dexterously spinning the toothpick to its other end. "I think I understand why you're not so excited. Oh, speaking of, your competition has completely disappeared."


"They all decided there was no chance in beating Eran's passionate lover."

Somewhat embarrassed, Riley glimpsed at Eran who was surprisingly blushing at only a barely noticeable level.

"Still, it was hard not to stare. Eran bruises nicely, doesn't he?"

If Eran appeared startled by the comment, it was overshadowed by the defensive glare Riley shot Elias.

"It's a shame," the emotionless man continued. "Love is pumping out the pheromones. Eran's at his prettiest."

A possessive aura radiated from Riley, strong enough to make Jay who was sitting beside Elias finish his bite of pizza in slow motion.

Eran notified, "You're talking like I'm not sitting right here." He paused then looked directly at Elias to add, "Don't call me pretty."

"Eran's mine," Riley finally spoke, resisting the temptation to grab hold of his lover. "Yes, he's handsome and sexy and cute, but I'm the only one who's allowed to say so out loud."

"You're not allowed to say I'm cute," Eran countered plainly.

Elias assured he was joking. "The fans really have backed off, though. Your hard work paid off."

"Hard work?" It really wasn't, Riley thought back to that particular night. Even if I'm 19, there's still something I can't do. I agreed to graduate first. He mentally groaned from impatience. I want to put it in! Maybe I can convince him to go back on that condition like he did with the other one.

"Whoa, Riley!" Bubba suddenly said. "You're in public!"

Except for Elias who was casually just taking a swallow of his drink, the confused others looked at Riley.

Jay immediately looked at Riley's crotch. Riley shoved the pervert with a fist. "What are you looking at?"

Eran moved his eyes from Riley's face to where Jay had looked. He then turned to Bubba with confusion plain on his face.

After chuckling, Bubba clarified, "I meant the expression on Riley's face. He looked like he was about to eat Eran." Bubba stuck out his tongue. "Blech. Get a room. Or should I say, 'Go home.' By the way, when are you finally going to move in?"

An awkward silence followed Bubba's question.

Bubba continued avoidantly, "As an adult, you need to start thinking about your future. After graduation, what are you two gonna do?"

"Us two?" Eran repeated.

"Aren't you serious? You're part of his future, so wouldn't you two discuss it?"

"I'm going to get a scholarship to go to Eran's school and get a part-time job."

Elias stabbed a few more tomatoes and monopolized them on his own plate. "Is that what you put on your form?"

Jay's face suddenly took on a visible nervousness.

Confused, curious, and suspicious, Riley asked, "How do you know about that?"

It looked like Elias was going to avoid the question, but then noticed Eran looking at him with a similar questioning expression.

"I told him about mine," Jay admitted.

"Since when—" Riley and Eran both started at the same time.

Elias took over. "We're all one big happy family, right? Shouldn't we all get along?" Elias paradoxically said with no emotion.

"Right," Jay put his hand on Elias's shoulder. "He's kind of like my brother-in-law... sorta..."

Elias removed Jay's hand from his shoulder like a used handkerchief. "Anyway."

"You can work part-time at the store with me," Jay offered. "I'm sure my parents would pay you."

Riley shrugged. "Maybe. It's not like I have a preference."

Jay leaned in Eran's direction. "Yo, Eran. You're going on that trip with your professor, right? Can Riley use your car?"

"HUH?" Eran's sad eyes turned cold. He then looked at Riley. "You want to use my car while I'm gone?"

He sounds ticked off. Riley silently pointed to Jay. It's all his idea, not mine.

Jay tried to defend them. "Don't want Riley to sulk at home. He's nineteen with his licence—and you don't have to worry; I'll take care of him.

Eran paused. "Just keep the tank full and don't go out of the city. Only Riley can drive—but don't go out when it's icy. Don't forget I'll be able to see how many kilometres you've driven."

"Yay! Eran! You're the best," Jay said cutely and pounced on the man from behind.

"Wha—?!" Aghast, Riley immediately stood up and pushed Jay off Eran's shoulders. Not even friends can touch!

Elias mumbled with a toothpick between his lips, "So you act cute with everyone."

Surprised, Bubba remarked, "You sound jealous."

Elias put his chin on his fist and glanced away. "He told me I was special."

With that serious face, I still can't get used to him joking...

Jay bounced over to Elias and draped his arms over Elias's shoulders. "You are special." Elias pulled him off, still expressionless.

"None of you are normal," Bubba announced, bringing an undecorated cake to the table. "We're not singing. Now pass your plates."

I want to hold his hand. It wasn't just the cold air that caused Riley's longing. He's been quiet tonight. He tried to read Eran's expression as they walked to the car. Eran's blank stare and mouth in a straight line meant he was thinking.

"Why didn't you tell me about the form?"

"It's not important. I already told you I'm going to your school."

"What if you don't get in?"

"Then a different school."

"What major?" Eran stopped when he noticed Riley's frown. "Sorry. When is it due?"

"Start of next semester."

"We can talk about it later." Eran started to continue towards the car but Riley took his hand and stopped him.

"I want to go to my apartment... to check the mail and stuff."

Eran looked downwards, seeming conflicted.

"I'll give you directions on the way."

Eran looked at Riley and blinked with wide eyes. Then he nodded.

The two were silent as Riley unlocked the door to his apartment. They entered the chilly space. Eran hesitated before taking off his coat.

"We won't be here long," Riley said as he took off his own. He noticed the landline phone flashing the light signalling voice messages and hit Play.

"Hey, Riley. It's me."

Riley stopped breathing upon hearing the voice coming from the speaker. Dad?

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