Door NatalieOLeary2019

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Door NatalieOLeary2019


I placed a bunch of flowers down on Colin's grave and looked at the headstone. The headstone wasn't here the last time I visited before I left San Francisco, just a wooden cross that had a gold plaque with his name on it.

Colin Anthony Garrett.

There wasn't a story about how good of a person he was, how kind and loving he was to those who were lucky enough to be close to him. There was only his name... His birth and his death.

Little his mother knew that she wasn't the only one that wished I never came into his life. He would still be alive if I hadn't. I guess it's something I have to forgive myself for... but I'm not there yet.

"I'm sorry."I whispered. I walked away from his grave and towards the waiting car. It was one of those grey sky days with little drops of rain coming down now and then. I was waiting on it to pour. "Thank you for waiting, Noah."

"Of course, Mrs Austin."He smiled and opened the car door for me. I slipped inside and we took off towards home. The mansion... I guess it's home for another day.

"Mr Austin called. He's running behind but he assured that he will be home soon."Noah said and looked in the mirror at me.

"Okay."I replied. Jeremy's been at the office all day dealing with some last-minute business before we leave tomorrow. He said he wants everything in order, but I think he's worried about leaving the company again.

The party I was dreading, being around so many people congratulating us for being married a second time. They'll all know what we went through last year. Will they feel sorry for us or will they secretly blame me like Miss Garrett did?

I wasn't happy with either.

"Wow!"I heard his voice from behind me and I turned around. Jeremy was leaning against the door frame with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, watching me from across the bedroom.

He wasn't ready to leave of course since he was late home, but I didn't mind. I know work is important.

"Do you mind helping me with this?"I asked while holding the necklace around my neck. I've had my single years so I know doing a clasp on your own is no easy task.

I turned around as he walked towards me. I felt his presence, his fingers gently skimming my skin as he took the necklace from me."Nothing says I love you like jewellery."

My lips quirked upwards into a smile and I chuckled lightly."I remember those words every time I wear this."

"And now these."Jeremy replied. I looked in the mirror and saw that he was holding an open box with diamond earrings sitting inside. I turned around and looked at them."Do you like them?" He asked.

"Yes, of course. I love them."I smiled and removed my earrings before taking the new ones from the box. I turned around and looked in the mirror as I put them on."Thank you."

"They look good on you."Jeremy moved my hair back from my neck and kissed me. His lips pressing against my skin made me tingle. The feeling I get when he touches me is one I can never get enough of. I suddenly felt giddy.

I turned around and placed my hands on his shoulders and slipped his suit jacket down to the floor. He moved his face forward and he kissed me hard. I pulled back with swollen lips."You should get ready, I think we're going to be late."

"I don't mind being late."He replied. Jeremy glanced down at me undoing the buttons of his shirt. I hadn't even realised that I was doing it."I don't think you do either."

"Late to our own party. Your mother would not approve."I pressed a teasing kiss to his lips and walked away but he grabbed me so I didn't get more than two steps.

I giggled as he pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling the zip of my dress down."I don't care what she says. I don't answer to her."He replied.

"No, You answer to me."I smirked teasingly.

Jeremy moved his hand up my neck and into my hair. He pulled my head back and whispered in my ear."Then tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."

His hand was placed gently on the small of my back when we walked through the downstairs of Tom and Ava's home. What Jeremy wanted and I wanted were two different things so we arrived late. But as they say, it's better late than never.

Waiters in tuxedos were circling with champagne glasses on silver trays and there was a massive buffet table of fancy finger food in the dining area. Decorations of white and gold were hung up but everything looked very classy and sophisticated.

When someone mentions banners and balloons you automatically think of a child's birthday party, at least I do. But these ones were not tacky, there weren't any foil cartoon-looking figures of a bride and groom. They were classy... just like the Austins.

Honestly, I don't mind the foil cartoon-looking figures of a bride and groom. I'm not a rich girl, I married into money but I grew up middle class. I still save where I can, just like my father taught me.

"Promise me you won't leave me alone."I whispered to Jeremy as we moved through the sea of guests towards the kitchen. He chuckled in amusement.

"I promise."I didn't believe him, because I know how men think. I know how my husband thinks. It won't take long before the men have disappeared to the study for cigars and scotch.

I'm sure some women would be happy to lose their husbands at a party, I usually wouldn't mind the idea myself. But when I'm in a room full of people I don't know and the questions of Michael are bound to come up, it's nice to know someone has your back.

"Alex?"I looked at him from across the room with furrowed brows. He walked towards me already holding a champagne glass in his hand."What are you doing here?"I asked as I hugged him.

"Hello to you too, Flower."He replied before pulling back from the hug."As if I would miss your party. Your mother-in-law invited me."

"That was nice of her."I looked at Jeremy and smiled.

"Yeah, It certainly was."Jeremy replied. I know my husband's facial expressions. It was obvious that he didn't like that Alex was here."I should go thank her for that. You're okay here, right?"

"I'll be fine with Alex."

"Alright, I'll be back."He pressed a kiss to my lips before walking away.

Jeremy has always had something against Alex, but I've never been able to figure out what that something is. Perhaps it's jealousy because I have another man in my life. Who knows.

"That man really needs to learn how to smile." Alex had a cheeky look on his face. The feeling was mutual between him and my husband.

I rolled my eyes at him"My husband smiles... sometimes."We all know Jeremy isn't a smiler, he's a very serious man. Maybe too serious sometimes. He smiles around me... That's what's important.

"Your husband..."He exhaled."I can't believe you married him again. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you and all that, but after your conversation with his mother I thought you wouldn't come back."

"I love him, Alex. I realised that it wasn't doing either of us any good being apart."I sipped from my champagne glass.

"When you know you know, I guess. Let's hope that mother of his keeps her opinions to herself."

"I sure hope so."I replied as my eyes wandered the room. I spotted Stuart walking around aimlessly pretending to pay attention to the artwork on the wall."I didn't know that Stuart came with you."

"Big crowds and fancy events aren't his thing, but he wanted to come along and show his support. Honestly, I think he doesn't like being home alone. He likes to be by my side all the time... like literally all the time."

Oh, that sounds like trouble.

"How do you feel about that?"I asked curiously.

"Smoothered... Sometimes I feel like he's fucking smothering me."Alex chuckled and looked in Stuart's direction."I love him though. It's hard for him to trust me but I understand because of his past, but we'll get there eventually. He's worth it."

Sounds intense but okay. I kinda know what that feels like, Jeremy has always been possessive over my actions but I know he worries about me. With everything that's happened the past couple of years he has every right to.

What does Alex mean because of his past?

"He looks lost, I should go and save him. Would you be okay?"

"Sure, I'll be fine."I smiled and he kissed my cheek before crossing the room towards his man. I don't know much about Stuart, but maybe he'll be good for Alex.

I walked into the large kitchen/dining area receiving a smile and congratulations from people I didn't know. Ava invited family and friends that Jeremy knows but I don't, I haven't met many people in his family. I'm sure the only reason they know me is because I'm the only person at the party wearing white so it's obvious that I'm the bride.

"There she is.."I heard Tom's voice before I saw him. But when I did, he brought a smile to my face. He walked towards me and laced his arms around me."Darling, it's good to see you."

"It's been a while."I pulled back from the hug and smiled."How are you?"

"I'm doing well, Darling. We're happy to have you both home for a couple of days, when do you go back to New York?"He asked.

"Um, tomorrow actually."I replied, knowing that he would be unhappy with the answer. The Austins love having their son close just like any parent would. I'm the reason why he's so far away.

"I hoped not so soon. But I appreciate that my son is even here at all. We've always had a strained relationship, but I can see there's some improvement there."

I grinned and set my empty champagne glass down on the island countertop."He misses everyone. Jeremy has a hard exterior, he likes to pretend that he doesn't have feelings or doesn't care... but he does. He misses you and Ava."

"Well, you know him better than anyone."Tom handed me a refill.

"Thank you. And thank you both for the party." I looked around the downstairs of their home, it was filled with guests mingling and having a good time. The decorations, the food and drink... it was everything that I couldn't have done."You didn't have to do all this."

"We wanted to. We didn't do things right the first time around, so I'm glad that you both had the opportunity to do it you're own way this time. I can see a smile on my son's face, that makes me happy."Tom smiled as he looked across the room at his son.

I wondered if he knew.

If he knew that Ava was the reason I left for New York because she wanted me away from her son. It's funny how the tables have turned... It's not Tom and me that are keeping secrets this time. It's me and her.

A couple of hours into the party. So much for showing our faces and leaving, I thought to myself. It would be rude to leave, I know that. Alex and Stuart had already left and it was late. I didn't have a reason to stay.

I finished washing my hands in the bathroom and left. I was upstairs where the guests weren't allowed, because the queue for the downstairs toilets was too long. When a woman needs to go, she needs to go.

I walked the hallway feeling restricted in my tight knee-length bodycon white dress. I wanted to take my shoes off and carry them in my hands but I thought the rich guests would think less of me for doing so.

I overheard talking from one of the bedrooms and I recognised the voices immediately. I walked closer to the room but remained quiet and tread lightly.

"I'm not coming back."Jeremy said.

"Your father needs you... we need you. This is not working out and it's not something that you have a choice about. The family business is suffering, everything we've worked for."Ava sighed in exasperation."Your father is at his wits end, I'm at my wits end. We're too old for all of this."

"I can't come back. Vanessa is not ready to come back and I'm not leaving her. We're married now..."

"Talk to her."Ava cut him off in desperation."Sit down and explain the situation, you know she would understand. She loves you, Jeremy. She would come back here for you."

"I don't want to put her in that position. My answer is no and that's final."He replied firmly and walked towards the door to put an end to the conversation.

I quickly moved away from the door and into the next room. Closing the door gently behind me I stood in darkness so I pulled my phone from my bag and put my torch on. I stood by the door listening to Jeremy's footsteps down the hallway.

I shone my light around the room and saw that I was in Tom's study. Ava's quiet sobs I could hear through the wall gave me a feeling of guilt inside. I felt bad about the situation knowing that it was because I took him away from them... away from the business.

I walked towards the desk and sat down on the edge hoping that she would go downstairs soon so I could leave. If I walk out of the room right now she might hear me and I don't want to risk that.

I accidentally leaned my hand on the laptop keyboard and the screen lit up. On it was a half-written email. I knew in myself that I shouldn't read, but I couldn't help myself once I realised what it was.

It was a goodbye email... to another woman.

In surprise, I knocked my purse off the desk and my things came flying out all over the floor. I quickly got down to my hands and knees and picked everything up while trying to be as quiet as I could.

But the sobbing had stopped and I could hear footsteps on the wooden flooring. Crap!! I scrambled for the rest of my things and stuffed them into my Gucci bag before hiding behind the office desk.

I heard the creaking of the other bedroom door open and I remembered that the laptop screen was still lighting up. The evidence of his affair was right there. I stood up slightly and closed it gently.

I heard the noise of her heels getting closer and the creaking of the floorboard outside of the room that I was hiding in. Please don't come in here.

I heard the sound of the doorknob twisting and the door creaking as it opened, but then it stopped and I heard voices.

"Darling, I've been looking for you."Tom said.

"I was just taking a few moments of quietness, I have a headache. It probably has something to do with the loud music."Ava replied."Is everything okay?"

"Yes, fine. But some guests are about to leave, you should come to say goodbye."After a couple of seconds, I heard the sound of the door closing and both Tom and Ava's footsteps retreating down the hallway.

I released a breath of relief. That was a close one.

I know nothing would've come of Ava finding me in here, she would've been fine about it. But I didn't want her to know that I overheard her conversation with Jeremy. I didn't want to be involved in it. I didn't want her to put me in that position and to make me feel guilty for living where I live.

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