This love (remma)

By slutforluna

3.5K 76 59

It is ten years later. Rikki and Emma meet again and soon discover that the sparks of their teen romance are... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

155 2 3
By slutforluna


The next morning, Emma woke up to the light shining through the small window. They forgot to close the blinds. Rikki lay next to her, curly blonde head resting on the pillow. She seemed much younger in sleep, without the pain present on her face. Emma got out of bed and decided to make some breakfast. Upon opening the fridge, she didn't find much, so she went out in search for something to eat. She arrived at the grocery store in yesterday's clothes and brought hangover-food. Rikki looked pretty drunk last night, so it seemed like a good measure.
When she got back, she heard Rikki stirring in bed. Emma opened up different cabinets, looking for a pan, not wanting to wake Rikki up.  She found a half-drank bottle of vodka at the foot of the stove. Emma suspected this to be the infamous drink that lead Rikki to calling her. She finally found a pan and started on the omelet. As the eggs and vegetables simmered, she brewed some coffee. The fresh smell woke her mind up a little. She plated the food and took it to the bedroom. Under the circumstances, Rikki truly deserved breakfast in bed. When Emma entered the room, Rikki's eyes flew open.
"I thought I heard you" Rikki smiled faintly.
"Good morning" Emma sat down on the bed and passed Rikki the plate.
"Thank you, I'm starving." Rikki started eating straight away.
"You're welcome. I thought this might settle your stomach a little." Emma said pointedly.
Rikki put the cutlery down and looked up at Emma. Her eyes showed a a wide range of emotions. Emma wasn't sure what to make of it. She was sensing an argument coming.
"Look, Emma I'm really grateful for you, but my dad just died so I get a free pass for getting a bit too drunk." Rikki said defensively.
"I'm not judging you, just be a bit more careful with this type of stuff. You must've been really out of it if you tried to kiss me. Me!"
Rikki closed her eyes and started massaging her temples in frustration. Then as if she'd decided to say what's on her mind, she looked back up at Emma, holding her gaze.
"Gosh, you really are stupid if you think for one second that I haven't loved you since we were sixteen!" Rikki snapped. "And I understand if you think what happened last month was a mistake, but  it wasn't a mistake for me." she added, in a much softer tone.
"Of course it wasn't, why would you think that?" Emma thought back to the way she reacted then, and  oh... that's why.
Rikki didn't answer, as she read the realisation on Emma's face.
"I love you, Rikki. Probably always have." Emma finally admitted something long unsaid.
Rikki moved in to kiss her, and this time Emma didn't resist. The kiss was rough and long, releasing a lot of built up frustration. Emma felt that Rikki's cheeks were damp from tears, so she broke away.
"Oh darling..." Emma didn't know what to say.
"I'm- I'm so happy but I'm also really really sad." Rikki was silently crying, tears streaming down her face. Emma pulled her close and hugged her tightly.
Her mind was racing. What does this mean for their relationship? And what about work? She has to call in sick for a couple of days. But after that? How will this work out?
Rikki's breathing had calmed now, she wasn't crying anymore, but Emma became more tense by the second. She was trying not to panic about this. Don't mess it up.
"Are you okay?" Rikki lifted her head to look Emma in the eyes. "Don't bother lying, I felt your shoulders tense." Nothing Emma did escaped Rikki's attention. Not even the smallest movement or shadow of emotion that crossed her face. So she had to share her worries now. There was no point in trying to hide her feelings.
"I was just worrying about stuff. Everything is happening so fast and I'm still in yesterday's clothes." Emma blurted out.
Rikki rewarded her with a genuine smile.
"That's alright Em, you can change if that'll clear your mind." Rikki said sarcastically.
She hasn't even opened her suitcase yet. Emma hoped that Leo packed sensibly for her.
She was pleasantly surprised by the trainers and gym clothes. Leo did a great job with everything, thank goodness.
"Would you mind if I'd go for a run?" Emma didn't want to leave Rikki behind, but she really needed some fresh air and exercise.
"Of course not. I can look after myself, you know." Rikki was convincing enough, besides, not much could go wrong while Emma's out for a run. It would benefit the both of them if she had some time.

Emma ran along the beach, just like she used to as a teenager. The salty air and the crashing waves comforted her. She finally felt at home. She thought of her days being on the swim team. How she loved it. But there were more pressing matters than nostalgia.
Emma imagined her life with Rikki, what it would look like. She couldn't help but love the idea. The two of them living together, going home to Rikki every day, waking up in the same bed. Yes, they would have to figure out a solution for distance, but it could work.
It became apparent to Emma that it was much more difficult to picture a life without Rikki. This was not something she could just leave and brush under the rug. She had to have her.
There is no such thing as "too soon" in this situation, Emma thought. They've loved each other for so long that it didn't feel soon at all, in fact it felt a bit too late. With this thought, Emma turned around and jogged back along the beach. Back home, back to Rikki.

Authors note:
Wow it's been so long! (I'm sorry to keep you waiting, it was exam season and things)
As compensation this chapter is a bit longer than what I normally write ;))
If you're still reading, thank you.
Have a lovely day
Em <3

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