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By bowuigiiscannon

104K 2.9K 7.1K

"It's just hard not to feel like a monster when that's all your viewed as." "I hope you know I don't see you... More

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12.2K 197 220
By bowuigiiscannon

Luigi's POV

Today mark's week four of me and Mario's treacherous quest to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser's clutches. We traveled from the Mushroom Kingdom to the outskirts of Bowser's castle.

Once again, the fate of the Mushroom Kingdom rested on both me and my brother's shoulders. I stared at the large size of the castle. I could feel my body begin to tremble at the thought of once again having to enter the castle.

I jumped when I felt a fist punch my arm. I looked down at my brother.

"Don't worry. We've done it before, and we can do it again." My brother said, full of confidence.

"I-I know, it's just- We barely made it out last time. Besides, what if Bowser is actually prepared for us this time?" I asked, my body still shaking.

"Then we'll just have to be prepared for what he has to throw at us. Besides, we have to do this. Who knows what that over-sized koopa could be doing to my princess in there."

"R-right." I said.

Mario could still see the clear worry on my face. He let out a small sigh.

"Alright, I was saving this for when we got inside but since you seem really tense, I suppose we could make use of them now." Mario said.

"Use of what?" I asked, looking over at him.

He grabbed the small bag he had around his back and placed it on the ground. He pulled two power-ups out of the bag.

"I thought we ran out of those back at the rock world!" I said.

"Well, I figured it would be best to make you believe that since this is where we're going to need them most." He said with a grin.

He reached into the bag and handed me an ice flower. He pulled out a propeller hat for himself.

"How come you get the propeller mushroom?" I complained.

"I gave you the ice one because you can hardly handle yourself in a fight." He said.

"So not true."

"Is so. Besides, this way when we enter you won't have to be as worried about getting attacked. You can freeze them on the spot."

"Well, alright."

"Remember, try not to use up all the flower's power in one go. We wanna make sure you have some ice when we face Bowser."

I nodded and followed behind Mario as we entered the castle. I felt my body temperature immediately increase as we entered the lava filled castle.

I could feel myself slowly walking closer to Mario, the further in we got. I'm not exactly sure why Mario chose to bring me over one of the toads to go and rescue Peach.

But I didn't want my brother to have to come here alone. It would be just him against all of Bowser's goons and then Bowser himself.

I'm just not sure how much I actually helped on these kinds of missions. But Mario always says "I couldn't have done this without you" So, maybe I was more helpful than I thought.

I continued to follow behind Mario. The castle was so large that I could hear our footsteps lightly echoing throughout the hall.

Our walking then stopped when we came to a large gap. We could see the path ahead continuing across the large pit of lava.

"Don't suppose you can jump that?" Mario asked.

"You're not serious!" I said with a frightened face causing my brother to laugh.

"Lighten up, I'm just kidding."

"So what's the plan?" I looked at him.

He simply pointed at the propeller hat on him.

"Oh, right."

"Hang on, and whatever you do, don't look down." He said.

"I don't know about this..." I said with uncertainty."

"Hey, you could try jumping over still if you want?"

Seeing as there was no other way, I tugged onto my brother's arm tightly. He took off into the sky. By accident, I looked down at the boiling pit of lava we were slowly hovering over.

I almost lost my grip, and tightly shut my eyes. Mario lightly landed on the ground.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Let's just hurry up and find Peach, okay?" I said, my body still shaking from flying over the pit of lava.

I continued following behind Mario. I could see giant iron doors not too far from us.

"See that? Not too much further, let's go!" Mario said.

He was about to take off running before I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"What's the hold up?" He asked.

"Don't you think it's a little weird that we haven't seen ANY of Bowser's koopa troops yet? The gate's completely unguarded." I stated.

"Well, yeah. But, maybe he wasn't expecting us to get past the giant lava pit." Mario stated.

"I suppose, but my gut is telling me that-"

"Look Luigi. I know you're scared, but this is it. We have to keep going. If we stop here, we're never going to save her." Mario said, insisting that we should keep going.

"But-" I started to say but Mario proceeded to go forward.

I quickly caught up to him and proceeded to follow behind him. I begin looking at the large pillars and the giant metal statues of Bowser.

My walking came to a stop when I heard the sound of one of us pressing down on a pressure plate. Mario instantly stopped walking once he realized what he stepped on.

The giant metal doors suddenly began to creak open. Behind those doors were practically an army of Bowser's henchmen.

Me and Mario exchanged wide eyed looks.

"I told you something was off. We're doomed." I said, my body beginning to tremble again.

"We can take em'. Besides, you still have that power-up right?"

"Right." I nodded, absorbing the flower's power.

The horde began charging toward us. I immediately began firing ice beams towards them. One of them came really close to attacking me with a spear, which Mario managed to take out.

The more of them we fought, the further apart me and Mario became. They were cornering us. After freezing 40 of them with a large beam of ice, the power from the flower vanished and I was left with just my fist. It didn't take long until 5 koopa troopas had me cornered with spears.

I watched Mario, who still had his propeller hat fly onto one of the pillars where none of Bowser's henchmen could reach him. That's when he noticed me.

The ice that managed to freeze some of the henchmen already began thawing from the high temperature in the castle. Even with a good amount of them frozen, we were still outnumbered by at least 100 of them.

"LUIGI!" Mario called.

I looked up at him then looked back at the 5 henchmen who had me cornered. I then looked back up at Mario, who looked tempted to jump down from where he was.

I simply shook my head, trying to signal to him to not risk both of us getting caught. He gritted his fist, and looked like he was going to try and take on the horde of them.

"Mario, don't!" I yelled at him, which managed to stop him in his tracks.

This also made the henchman raise their spears closer to me. Mario gave a hopeless look and took off in the direction we came from. The henchman was going to try and follow him until he flew back over the gap he flew me over.

Since they couldn't pursue him, the rest of the henchmen drew their attention to me. One of the koopa's had a vest on, which led me to believe he was probably the leader of the bunch. The leader squeezed through the rest of the henchmen and approached me.

"What should we do with him general?" One of the koopa asked.

"We could throw him into the lava pit!" One of the koopa pitched in.

"Quite!" The general snapped."I'm sure King Bowser will have an idea or two. For the moment, cuff him." He ordered.

One of the koopa approached me with handcuffs, which instinctively made me hold my arms away from them. The koopa raised their spears closer to me again. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to submit.

I felt myself flinch when they locked the cuffs on me. It felt as if the cuffs were cutting into my skin.

"Alright boys, we caught one of the brothers. Let's get a move on. Next stop, Bowser's throne room." The boss announced.

One of the henchmen poked me with a spear causing me to wince.

"You heard the boss. Get walkin'" The henchmen snarled at me.

I quietly began walking, following behind the boss. I felt weak to my knees. It was only a matter of time before I would have to face the King of the Koopas and there was no way I could avoid it.

This could potentially be the end for me. Part of me was tempted to just throw myself into one of the pits of lava and get the whole thing over with, but the coward in me prevented me from doing so.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at a pair of two large doors with Bowser shaped handles.

"Better hope the boss is in a good mood. For your sake." The boss of the henchmen said.

I watched the koopa walk up to the door.

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