* Discontinued series* The un...

By Redlife123z

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This is a sequel for my kindergarten fanfic series. Y/N Pov side After the events at Kid school. You and Jasp... More

Ch 1 Kindergarten hero
Ch 2 Mall
Ch 3 Airport
Ch 4 Hotel
Ch 5 Carla messaged
Ch 6 Breakfast
Ch 8 Arguments
Ch 9 Test
Ch 10 First day
Ch 11 Moping up some evidence
Ch 12 Punishment room
Ch 13 The start of progress
Ch 14 Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa
Ch 15 Obedience
Ch 16 Guity
Ch 17 Fire ants
Ch 18 Mom meet
Ch 19 Truth or Dare
Ch 20 Diana
Ch 21 The teach off
Ch 22 Nightmares and Dreams
Ch 23 Breaking rules
Ch 24 Movie date
Ch 25 Under the moonlight
ch 26 The hack to success
Ch 27 Helpful Articles
Ch 28 Operation New Share
Ch 29 Is it worth it?
Ch 30 The secret cover
Ch 31 R.A.I.N
Ch 32 The conference
Ch 33 Santa gift
Ch 34 The court session
Ch 35 Will they accept?
Ch 36 Starting a new journey
I writing a third story
Update/ Roxy

Ch 7 A dear friend

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By Redlife123z

After a day worth of study. It was time for dinner at Ruby's house. Jasper was getting more gas. So it was just me and Kid. I was packing my bag. Went the conjured door was opened. " Hey Y/N. Can we talk." It was James. Both them and Kate were sharing a room together next to us. " Sure." I glance over into there hotel room. Inside was Adam and Kate chatting. " The kids look like they're getting along." " About that." James closed the door. " Can I ask you something about Adam?" I frozen. " Sure? Did he do something wrong?" He has been acting up lately.

Kid Pov
After the hole mornings incident. I decided that I would try to start again with Kate. Things were going well. That was it till James went in to are hotel room, and closed the door behind them. This wasn't good. " What your favorite tv show" said Kate. This time, I don't answer. Instead, I tip toe my way to the door. Cupping my hands to the shape of a glass cup. Place it on the door, and listen in.

Y/N Pov
James had finished telling me about this morning breakfast with Kid and Kate. I heart ached at the idea of what he was feeling. Penny was a sensitive topic for all of us. I looked at James, and continued to pack as I answered. " She was a friend and student at his late school. Unfortunately she died during the incident at their school. I think you might of heard about on the news." James mouth opened, and there eyes widened. " I don't know. I mean, I know about Adam relationship with his old school, and what happened there. But I don't know that he was friends with that girl. I just thought that they were just classmates." I smile a fake smile. " There a lot of things people don't know."

I almost done, and was about to call Jasper. When suddenly, I heard crying coming next door.

Kid Pov
Hearing there chat, made me cry. And this time, it wasn't silent. Kate sat next to me, with box of tissues. Trying to wipe away my tears. I could tell she don't know why, but she don't seen to care. I feel like such a baby right now compared to her. The door then slowly opened. Reviewing that it was Mom who had opened it. Seeing my face, she bend down. Wiping my tears away with her gentle hands. " You want to talk." I nodded, and followed her inside.

Seating on the bed, clutching Phoebe in my arms. Like she my child. Mom warp her arm around me. The warm, and protective of her body slowed my tears. I lean my head against her body. Wiping way any tears less. Even do I had mom. I still felt alone.

" You miss her don't you." I nodded. " Look, I know it hard. But it does get easier." I pulled up my shelve with the bracelet on, and stared down at it. Fibbing around with the beads. " Then why does it hurt so much?" " Well grief is like a seasonal allergic. There are days, where it feels like the allergic is too much. And some days, it feels like it barely there. But no matter what, it's always there. Just at different levels. What gets easy, is not how many bad days you have. No one can control that. But how you handle it. That's what gets easier." " You got that from a book. Don't you." " Maybe?" She said, grinning a mischievous smile. I couldn't help, but laughed.

We had made it to Carla house. The outside of the house was beautiful decorated. Colorful lights on the roof. A inflatable Santa and reindeer. A snowmen that wasn't a inflatable. Plastic candy came of red and green. Carla and her other mom were outside. Carla was making the snowmen, and her mom was salting the path way. I hop out of the car, and walk over to Carla.

" Hey Carla, nice snowmen." " Thanks." Jasper, Mom and Carla mom join in. " Hi, I Carla step mom Emma." Emma had her hair in braids. And skin like Carla, with a pair of green eyes. " Y/N, and this is my brother Jasper. By the way thanks for having us for dinner." " No problem" she faced us. " Now, why don't you kids run along inside."

Carla and I were in her room. Inside her room was two beds. One for her, the other for her step sister. A small wooden table. White walls, and hard wood floors. A circle rug in the middle of the room. Which we were both seating on.

" So, how your studying going? Do you think your going to pass?" " I hope so, but if I do. Is there anything else I need to know?" " They have this thing called the punishment wheel." " The punishment wheel?" " Yes, it a wheel. Which they spin to determine your punishment." " What kind of punishment?" I said apprehensive. " Let just say that one of them, cause a kid to go to the hospital." I fiddled with my hands and bracelet. "Sounds great." I bit my lip.

" Carla." It was Carla sister. She looked a lot like her mom. Or at least what she would look like as a preteen. " What is Gabby?" " Did you eat my leftovers?" " Maybbbbbbbbbbbe" said Carla with a mischievous smile. Gabby looked liked she about to yell at her. That was it still she saw me. " Kindergarten boy?!" " ummmm" was all I could say.

" Carla, you never mentioned that your friends with a celebrity." " Celebrity?!" We both said. " Dude, everyone knows about you Adam." My face turn red like Ted shirt. No wonder why people were glancing at me at the hotel breakfast. 

Wait, if everyone here know about me. Then the people running the daycare also know about me. If they know about me and the others. They will know what happened at my school. And if they know that. Then that's give them information. Which gives them the upper hand at what to expect from me. And if they have the upper hand. That means, once I step in. I be a complete underdog. What the heck am I supposed to then?

Kid: Happy 2023 guys
A/N: That right, this chapter. This the first chapter that being posted in 202
Kid: This is also the last chapter to be released on your break
A/N: Yep, this in fact the last chapter I will be releasing before my break over. I unfortunately will be starting school again next Monday.
Kid: This is why I hate Mondays
A/N: But don't worry, I still going to be updating this story. I was actually able to get a lot of writing done this break. It till then, I see you guy later. Bye 👋

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