Dead Girl Walking


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Dallas Faye Grimes was many things, a mom at 18, an aunt, the sister of a sheriff, and a survivor in more way... Еще

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Family
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Dixon
Chapter 5: Uncle Rick is Superman
Chapter 6: Bruises and Flashbacks
Chapter 7: Broken Heart
Chapter 8: Sleep Angel
Chapter 9: The CDC
Chapter 10: Hot Showers and Secrets Revealed
Chapter 11: Start of a Beautiful Friendship!
Chapter 12: I Choose To Live
Chapter 13: I Lost A Friend
Chapter 14: Hunting Accident
Chapter 15: The Farm
Author's Note
Chapter 17: First Kiss and Gunshots
Chapter 18: Farmer's Daughter
Chapter 19: Peaches
Chapter 20: You're Pregnant?!
Chapter 21: The Barn
Chapter 22: First Date
Chapter 23: Why?
Chapter 24: Where's Hershel?
Chapter 25: Wreck
Chapter 26: Please Come Back
Chapter 27: Randall
Author's Note

Chapter 16: Out And About

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The next day, everyone brought the vehicles to the farm. Hershel was allowing us to camp here until I was back on my feet, which my brother was grateful for. Shane had also shaved his head for a new look as he puts it, but I know he's hiding something. He's been acting weird since he got back from getting the equipment to fix me up. We also got to know the people of the house. 

There was Hershel, an older man with white hair and a thick country tone. He has three daughters, Maggie, Beatrice, and Beth. Maggie is the oldest and really serious most of the time. She's very kind to Atticus and Carl though. She also asks about Glenn from time to time, so I think there's some tension between those two. Beatrice is actually Maggie's half sister, since her mom married Maggie's dad before all this. She's sweet and has been spending a lot of time with me. Atticus has also taken a liking to her and according to Beatrice, she's the only one out of the family that he'll let hold him. Beth is the youngest and is Beatrice's full sister. She's really kind and innocent. I think she's dating Jimmy, but I'm not really sure. 

Jimmy is a typical country teenage boy with an attitude and cockiness. Patricia is or.... was married to Otis, who got attacked on the run with Shane, at least that's what he said. That's everyone on the farm and only my son, and I are allowed to sleep in the house until I'm back on my feet, so the rest of them have to set up camp outside, close to the house. 

Turns out that Sophia hasn't been found yet. Daryl and others have been searching the woods off and on, hoping to find her. Atticus hasn't been able to tell anyone what happened out there, but he hasn't really left my side, which I don't mind. Everyone had been doing things outside the house, but I've been confined to bed rest for the last few days. I was starting to go stir crazy, but people came to see me from time to time. 

"Knock Knock" I looked towards the door, where Beatrice was leaning against the door frame with her usual smirk that I had noticed she always wore. 

"Hey..." She smiled wider as I sat up straighter with my back against the bed's headboard with my son sleeping next to my. His head was on my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair. Beatrice walked in and took a seat on the edge of the bed, putting her hand on my leg. 

"How are you feeling this morning?" Her voice was raspy, almost like she just rolled out of bed. 

"I feel fine.... Just going crazy, stuck in bed all day" I muttered, looking down at Atticus, who stirred slightly, gripping the blanket in his hand. Beatrice chuckled quietly, grabbing my attention again as she bit her lip slightly. 

"On the plus side, daddy say's you should be good to try walking today, if you're up for it" A wide, relieved smile spread on my face as I nodded, maybe a little too enthusiastically. 

"Yes.... Please, it's so boring!" I groan out, slightly loudly, earning another chuckle from Beatrice as Atticus moaned, stirring. He slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"Sorry bubba, I didn't mean to wake you" I picked him up carefully, sitting him in between my legs as he yawned. 

"Morning sleepy head" Atticus turned his attention to Beatrice, smiling. 

"Beatwice!" He exclaimed happily, holding his arms towards her. She laughed loudly, making me happy as the sound was like music to my ears. Beatrice picked the small boy up into her arms, tossing him slightly, which caused him to let out a string of giggles. 

"What do you say we try to help mommy get out of bed? I think she'd like some fresh air, what do you think buddy?" My son just nodded excitedly before looking to me with his wide, toothy smile. 

"Well momma, you ready to get up?" Beatrice raised her eyebrow at me with Atticus on her hip. I rolled my eyes before smiling. 

"As ready as I'll ever be" It took a bit, but with Beatrice to keep me steady, I was able to take my first steps in about four days. Beatrice sent Atticus outside to find my brother, while she helped me get changed into a pair of jean shorts, a loose fitted white t-shirt, and my combat boots. 

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, allowing Beatrice to braid my hair so that it rested against the middle of my back. She came around to stand in between my legs, pushing some of the loose strands of hair behind my ears before placing my cowboy hat on top of my head, her eyes locking with mine. I found myself staring into her green eyes, watching them sparkle as she smiled. 

"All ready to go. Can't even tell you were shot in the first place..." She broke the silence, taking a step back as she helped me back to my feet. 

"Nope... But can definitely feel it" I joked, making her frown at me as she put her hands on her hips. 

"I'm kidding... I feel great. I'm just ready to get out of this room" She rolled her eyes, wrapping her arm around around my back as I was still slightly wobbly. We took it slow as we walked through the empty house, out the front door and into the bright sunlight. 

The men were crowded around a map on the hood of a car, making me smile slightly as I saw my brother. Lori and Carol were busy hanging up laundry, while Carl and Atticus played with some toy cars nearby. 

"Next time wake me, all right? Especially on laundry day" I heard Lori tell Carol as she was picking up some items of clothing. 

"I can manage. I had an idea. I wanted to run by you" 

"What's that?" 

"That big kitchen of theirs got me thinking. I wouldn't mind cooking in a real kitchen again. Maybe we all pitch in. And cook dinner for Hershel and his family tonight" Beatrice and I started towards them slowly as we both heard Carol's suggestion. 

"Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied" I felt my heart sink, because I still felt guilty that my son was safe, but Sophia was still out there, missing. 

"After everything they've done for us, seems like the least we could do" Lori finally adds as the two of them hang up the wet laundry on the line. 

"I for one think that's a wonderful idea" I speak up, grabbing their attention. A wide smile spreads on Lori's face as she comes to hug me, letting Beatrice step back. 

"Sweetheart... I'm so happy that you're back on your feet, but you shouldn't be pushing yourself" Lori pulled back putting her hands on my cheeks. 

"I'm fine Lori, really.... I needed to get out of that room and I can barely feel anything now" She didn't seem convinced, but nodded as I looked over at Carol, who smiled softly as she hung up another shirt. 

"I'm glad you're okay Dallas" I cringed internally as she used my first name. She wasn't happy that my kid was safe and hers wasn't... I didn't blame her. 

"I'm going to go find Beth, you alright here?" Beatrice asked, obviously feeling the tense atmosphere. 

"Yeah, thanks Bea" She nodded, kissing me on the cheek quickly before walking away. I felt my cheeks flush red as Lori gave me a teasing look. 

"What was that about?" She asked with a smirk. 

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.... Hey, can you watch AJ for me? I'm going to go see Rick" I didn't wait for a reply as I walked off, towards the men and Andrea, still huddled around the map. 

"All right, everyone's getting new search grids today" Rick explains, pausing. 

"If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far" He continues as Daryl puts on a flannel to cover his gray tank top. 

"I'd like to help. I know the area pretty well and stuff" Jimmy walks up to the group, awkwardly, making me cross my arms, amused as I stand to the side. No one has taken notice of me yet. 

"Hershel's okay with this?" My brother asks, unsure. 

"Yeah yeah. He said I should ask you" I roll my eyes, knowing that he's lying. 

"All right then. Thanks" 

"Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me. Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse" Shane speaks up from his spot in the open door of the station wagon. I glare at the ex-cop, still not trusting him after the stunt he pulled at the CDC. 

"Anybody includes her, right?" Andrea asks. 

"Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high" Daryl speaks up, sadly. He sounds worried and I kind of feel bad for the guy. He cares about Carol and Sophia. 

"It's a good lead" I finally speak up, grabbing everyone's attention as I come to Daryl's side. Andrea offers me a smile as Rick looks over me, nervously. 

"Maybe we'll pick up her trail again" Rick decides, obviously wanting to worry about me, but focuses back on the map. Daryl wraps his arm around my shoulders, squeezing slightly, so that I have to wrap my arm around his back. 

"No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here, take a bird's-eye view of the whole grid" He declares, pointing to a place on the map as Dale walks up to my other side, sitting the gun bag down on the car. 

"If she's up there, I'll spot her" 

"Good idea. Maybe you'll see your Chupacabra up there too" I raise my eyebrow at T-Dog, confused as Daryl rolls his eyes, putting his hands on his hips as I cross my arms again. 

"Chupacabra?" I ask. 

"You never heard this? Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time when he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra" Dale explains, handing my brother a shotgun. I do remember that story, but I had completely forgotten about it till now. Jimmy starts laughing. 

"What are you braying at, Jackass?" I elbow Daryl in the stomach, but he doesn't even flinch as Jimmy just smiles. 

"You believe in a blood-sucking dog?" I roll my eyes at the question before walking over to my brother, who immediately wraps his arm around me. 

"Do you believe dead people walking around?" I ask, curiously with a small smirk. Jimmy just frowns, reaching for the gun on the car, but Rick stops him, grabbing his wrist. 

"Hey hey. Ever fire one before?" Rick takes the gun into his hands, looking at Jimmy, like he has two heads. 

"Well, if I'm going out, I want one" 

"Yeah, and people in hell want Slurpee's" Daryl says sarcastically as he slips his crossbow onto his shoulder. I stifle a laugh as Shane stands up, leaning on the car's door. Daryl walks off. 

"Why don't you come train tomorrow? If you're serious, I'm a certified instructor" I send another glare towards Shane as I reach for my pistol that's in the bag, but my brother grabs my wrist. 

"For now he can come with us" I heard Andrea tell Shane before I make eye contact with Rick. 

"I don't think so" 

"Come on Rick.... I'm tired of laying around" I whine like a little kid, making Rick take the pistol from me with a serious frown. 

"You were just shot and are just now getting back on your feet. I'm not having you out there, risking your life... You will stay here with Lori and the kids, is that clear?" I wanted to argue, but knew that there was no use, so I just nodded. They went back to discussing routes, but I was angry and annoyed. I stormed off, back towards the house. 

I got to the porch steps, glancing over at Atticus, still playing in the dirt with Carl, so I just sigh before taking a seat on one of the rocking chairs. There's an acoustic guitar off to the side, bringing a small smile to my face. I picked it up and started strumming a tune that came to mind. 

He's an innocent little boy

She's a single mom

She fills his room with toys

And he fills her heart with joy

He's the real man of the house

He's a child of course he pouts

There's a sadness in his eyes 

If he sees his mother cry

He'll hold her tight sometimes she cries

He'll lay with her

To let her know that it's alright

He's the sunshine in her life

He's her moonshine at night

He's her life

I played the last note, turning my attention back to Atticus as tears filled my eyes. I love him, but sometimes I still wonder if keeping him was the right decision. 

"Wow.... That was amazing" I jump, startled as I see Beatrice, leaning against one of the railings next to the steps. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes, but by the frown that spreads on her face, she saw them. 

"H-How long were you standing there?" I asked, avoiding eye contact as I looked down at the guitar still in my hands. 

"Not long..." I knew she was lying, but I just brushed it off with a nod as I sat the guitar to the side with a sigh. 

"When did you learn to play?" Beatrice boosted herself to sit on the porch railing, in front of me as she smiled slightly. 

"I took lessons when I was six, but kind of loss passion for it after I had AJ" After that an awkward silence filled the space between us as Beatrice started swinging her legs slightly. 

"You're a great mom" Her statement, had me confused as I looked at her, raising my eyebrow. 

"What?" Beatrice bit her lip with a small, soft smile. 

"You're a great mom... I don't think you get told that enough, especially these days" I don't know why, but I teared up again and started sobbing. I put my head in my hands, to hide my face from her. It wasn't a sad or angry cry, but it was a happy one. It wasn't long before I felt arms wrap around me and I could feel Beatrice's hot breath against my ear. 

"You're a great mom Faye.... You're also not alone, because you have your brother, Carl, Lori.... And me. You have me, Faye" I wrapped my arms around her torso tightly, ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach as Beatrice ended up in my lap from the position of the hug. She whispered calming words into my ear as she ran her fingers through my hair. We stayed like that for what felt like ages. 

Little did the two of us know.... We were being watched by Lori and Beatrice's sister, who were all three watching our interaction with huge smiles on their faces as Beatrice and I were in our own little world. 

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