Lunar Chronicles Comms

By lunaspell

20K 983 731

Live comms from the characters in Lunar Chronicles! @lunaspell More

Comm 1: Thorne, Cinder & Kai
Thorne, Jacin, Cress, & Winter
Levana, Winter, Kai, Thorne,and Cinder
Kai, Levana, Jacin,Cress,and Thorne
Jacin, Winter, and Thorne
Cinder,Iko,and Wolf
Iko, Wolf, Winter, and Thorne
Iko, Wolf, Scarlet, and Thorne
Iko, Wolf,Cinder, Winter,and Thorne
Iko Levana Wolf and Kai
Cinder, Wolf, and Thorne
Cinder, Kai, and Scarlet
Cinder, Wolf, Cress, and Iko
Wolf, Kai, and Thorne
Cinder, Kai, and Thorne
Scarlet, Wolf, and Kai
Cinder, Winter, Cress
Cinder, Winter, Cress, Scarlet, and Iko
Cress and Thorne
Thorne, Cress, Scarlet
Cinder, Thorne, Kai
Kai, Scarlet, Wolf
Jacin, Thorne, Iko
Iko, Thorne, Cinder, and Scarlet
Scarlet, Cinder
Wolf, Scarlet, Winter
Cress Iko Thorne Cinder
Winter, Scarlet, Jacin
Iko Scarlet Thorne Cinder
Cinder, Scarlet, Kai
Kai, Thorne, Wolf
Kon Torin and Kai
Levana, Scarlet, Cinder & Kai, Iko, Levana, Cinder, Scarlet
Annual Comm Party

Winter, Cress, Iko, Cinder, and Thorne

436 27 21
By lunaspell

Hey guys!!!

I haven't been updating as much as I would like.... sorry... finals..

I had finals this week, and next week, too... So yeah. BUT, I'll probably find time to post anyways.

Hope you enjoy!


ThorneIsBae: Help ME!!!!!

PrincessWinter: What, Cress?

ThorneIsBae: LOOOK!!!!

PrincessWinter: OH. That does.. not look good.

ThorneIsBae: You think?!!??!!

PrincessWinter: You could... um.. change it?

ThorneIsBae: I'm kinda... scared exposing my portscreen to a virus.

PrincessWinter: *facepalm* Well, if Thorne could change it, why can't you?

ThorneIsBae: Well...

PrincessWinter: Listen, I don't have time to try persuading you. I'll get IKO to change it, that's easy.

ThorneIsBae: Because she's an android? And no matter what happens to her, it doesn't really matter, because she's not human and can't process human feelings?

PrincessWinter: Shush, that makes me sound evil!

ThorneIsBae: But it's true.

PrincessWinter: Yeah, but don't let my minion see that. I'll invite her in. Delete what was there before.

ThorneIsBae: Okay.

Comm history cleared.

IKO has logged on.


PrincessWinter: Iko, I have a job for you.

IKO: Anything, my esteemed Majesty!

PrincessWinter: ....

PrincessWinter: ANyways. I need you to go into Cress's portscreen and change her username.

IKO: Into what, my mistress?

PrincessWinter: Something appropriate, please. I don't want Cress to go around again with a ridiculous name. It's giving me headaches.

IKO: Yes, I shall do so... right about... NOW!

ThorneIsBae: Nothing's changed.

IKO: Sorry... loading problems... you know, it's really hard to get a good signal from up here without getting caught. Unless we have connection in space.

ThorneIsBae: Spi-fi. I know. I'm a HACKER.

PrincessWinter: Spi-fi?

ThorneIsBae: Yeah. Wifi is for the WORLD- Spi-fi is for space. It's easier that way.

PrincessWinter: Um. Ok.

IKO: Ah-HA! I got it! Loading finished... behold your new username!

Cress: Um.

IKO: Isn't it a masterpiece!?

Cress: It's... Um. My name.

IKO: I KNOW! *beams and looks around for positive reactions from others*

PrincessWinter: Um. I can't-um.

IKO: It's like mine! So fans will think that you tried copying me!

PrincessWinter: Which will achieve WHAT, exactly?

IKO: They'll say,"Oh, a friend of the princess copies her! She must be so popular!"

PrincessWinter: How do you- UGH. Never mind.

Cress: Um.

Mechanic has logged on.

Mechanic: Hey, guys! OH. Cress? Um. Your username? It's plain. Not that it's not good. Plenty of people use usernames like that. But, I was thinking, since we're the subjects of books, you could.... maybe be a BIT more... LOUD?

Cress: I didn't do this. *virtually points to IKO* She did.

Mechanic: Oh. *nods understandingly* That explains EVERYTHING.


PrincessWinter: Is she... practicing her sarcasm?


Cress: I think so...

PrincessWinter: Should I tell her that that was good?... Or should I just tell the truth?

Mechanic: Say nothing.

IKO: I have to go now!



Cress: Bye!

Mechanic: ...

PrincessWinter: I'll be expecting a blueberry muffin tomorrow morning, at eight o'clock precisely, with a raspberry tart and powdered sugar! And remember the usual hot cocoa!

Mechanic: It's.. nearly summer.

PrincessWinter: UM, HUH-lo!!! My name! It might... um... MEAN SOMETHING?



IKO has logged off.

Cress: On that note, I have to leave.

Mechanic: Yeah, me too.

Cress: Winter, thanks for the favor. Even though IKO did it... but whatever.

PrincessWinter: Yeah, ok. Anytime....

HandsomeHero has logged on.

HandsomeHero: Plush Thornes are available today at HALF-PRICE! In local stores now! ANDD....

PrincessWinter: Oh GEEZ..


Cress: Yes, ma'am!

HandsomeHero: Wait! There's a special deal....

Mechanic has logged off.

Cress has logged off.

PrincessWinter has logged off.

HandsomeHero: Wait!!!!

HandsomeHero: If you give the Rampion a paint job... you get twenty Thornes for free...

Mechanic has logged on.

Mechanic: No one cares, Thorne.

Mechanic has logged off.

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