Thorne, Jacin, Cress, & Winter

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HandsomeHero: Hey guys!

PrincessWinter: Um..Thorne?

HandsomeHero: Yes, Your Highness?

PrincessWinter: We're sitting right next to each other. 

CrescentMoon: Oops! Forgot to tell you-I didn't give Thorne his eye drops yet. 

TheGuard: Then how can he type?

CrescentMoon: I enabled voice commands, of course. Sometimes it works wrong..

TheGuard: Of course. I should've known. Oh, by the way, Winter, can you toss me that portscreen?

PrincessWinter: Here.

TheGuard: Thanks. Now, let's see...Mmm hmm...Yeah...Okay...

HandsomeHero: What are you doing?

TheGuard: Hey, idiots, did you hear that Queen Levana is planning to visit New Beijing palace? Oh, look, here's a little part that says...Mmm hmm...Okay, so Kon Torin is going to marry Queen Levana. That's not weird at-wait, WHAT?!?

HandsomeHero: We have to pull Kai into this conversation! Cress, can you do the honors?

CrescentMoon: I'm on it, Captain. 

KaiWasKidnapped has been invited to the comm.

PrincessWinter: Um...your comment. 

KaiWasKidnapped: What's wrong?

TheGuard: Your Majesty, I just saw the news feeds. Kon Torin is going to marry Queen Levana! AND-

KaiWasKidnapped: WHAT??

TheGuard: AND-

KaiWasKidnapped: NOOOOOO!!!

TheGuard: AND-



KaiWasKidnapped: *silence* What did you just say?

TheGuard: SHUT UP. Okay, so Kon Torin MIGHT have to marry Queen Levana, but she's probably going to say no, because there's more news. They found the Rampion. They're following us right now and when Levana finds you, she's going to marry you!!!!

KaiWasKidnapped: OH NO I- Wait, Jacin, you're actually sad that I'm going to leave? Wow... We've turned you soft!!! :D

TheGuard: Shut up. I will not lose a wink of sleep. 

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