Cinder, Winter, Cress, Scarlet, and Iko

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Thorne'sGF: Scarlet?

Scarlet: Yes, Cress?

Thorne'sGF: Cinder changed my username!

Scarlet: And?

Thorne'sGF; Scarlet, can you please help me change it? 

Scarlet: Um.

Thorne'sGF: Please!I can't let Thorne find out about this! He's going to be so mortified!

Scarlet: What I fail to understand is how a hacker can't figure out how to change her own username.

Thorne'sGF: Don't judge! I'm used to virtual traps-it could trigger a virus!!!!!

Scarlet: And, by the way, I'm pretty sure Thorne will be delighted by your username. Don't tell me you haven't seen the way he looks at you.

Thorne'sGF: What do you mean?

Mechanic: Give up, Scarlet. She's never going to notice it. 

Thorne'sGF: CINDER! Not her!!!! 

Thorne'sGF has logged out.

Scarlet: Huh. Anyways, :Mechanic, what are you doing here?

Mechanic:I have HUGE news!

Scarlet: Yes?

Mechanic: But we need to get Cress and Winter in here. 

Scarlet: Cress just LEFT. 

Mechanic: I know, can you PLEASE convince her to return? It's important.

Scarlet: Ugh. Fine.

Mechanic: I'll get Winter. 

PrincessWinter: Hi!

Mechanic: I've got Winter.

Scarlet: That was fast... I'm still convincing Cress. Hold on.

Scarlet: Almost got it...

Scarlet: She's curious.

Scarlet: She's here. 

Thorne'sGF: Hello. 

Mechanic: Thank the stars! Okay, everyone. First off, have any of you seen the newsfeeds lately?

Thorne'sGF: Of course. Hacking also means staying on topic.

Mechanic: Anyone else?

PrincessWinter: Wait... do you mean the Lunar newsfeeds, or the Earthen feeds?

Mechanic: EARTHEN. 

Scarlet: Yes, I have. I've been teaching Wolf about Earth, and part of that is watching newsfeeds. 

Mechanic: Completely irrelevant information, but thanks anyway. 

PrincessWinter: I'm the only one, then. 

Mechanic: Then I'll fill you in. The rest of you, have you watched the celebrity feeds lately?

Scarlet: No. That's not part of the curriculum I'm teaching Wolf. 

PrincessWinter: Obviously not. 

Thorne'sGF: Yes, I have. We're celebrities on Earth right now. But only on the secret feeds, where only a few people can access. Including hackers.

Mechanic: Exactly. 

Scarlet: Go on...

Mechanic: We have books about us. 

PrincessWinter: We DO?

Mechanic: Yeah. All of us.. except for you. I mean-your book is still coming out. 

Scarlet: This feels like promo.

PrincessWinter: Not fair!

Mechanic: But your book's supposed to be really thick!! That's good!

PrincessWinter: I'll have to wait, then. IKO, MANAGE THE COUNTDOWN!

IKO: Yes, Princess! Countdown managed.

PrincessWinter: You may leave.

IKO has logged out.

Scarlet: What's with the new minion?

PrincessWinter: Iko thinks that being in contact with a princess will make her bigger in the music industry. Who knows? She might be right.

Mechanic: Anyways.. I have my book already, called Cinder-

Scarlet: Let me guess. Mine is called Scarlet.

Thorne'sGF: What's mine called?

Mechanic: Um.

Scarlet: *facepalm*

Mechanic: Anyways.

PrincessWinter: I shall check the countdown!

Scarlet: I'm going to teach Wolf. Bye.

Mechanic: Wait! Isn't this news so amazing? Isn't it awesome?

PrincessWinter has logged out.

Scarlet has logged out.

Mechanic: Cress? Will you stay?

Thorne'sGF: Hmmph.

Thorne'sGF has logged out.

Mechanic: NOOOOO!!!!

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