Unintentional Passion

By PlayNmyCurlz

44.6K 1.9K 116

Geovanni Have you ever gotten that feeling that somebody was watching you? And that person who was watching... More

5 days
Solid Ground
Back to Reality
After Dark
9:30 be ready
'93 NBA Finals
No sex
First Date.
Just.. Please..
Family Meeting
The Mist
Favorite Places
Just tell me a story
You can go out
Keep in touch though
Cotton Club
No Monsters
The Presence
God of War?
Lite Work
Not a baby..
Take Me Home


455 14 0
By PlayNmyCurlz

15th century
Unknown Island

"Why have you brought me to this place?"

"Your heart hasth mourned long enough ," Baal said as he waved his left hand around in the air.

"My mind knowth these words true. I have mourned for centuries,but do I not have all the time in thee world?," I said and looked at him.

I watched as he smirked. He nodded his head.

"You do. But you wont," he said.

"Baal, I wish not to decipher thy words. Speak plainly," I said and groaned.

"Your heart and soul was tainted by me and then it was ripped again from your bosom by war. They are gone.  However your sister was correct as always.  This test  is complete and we decided to grant certain abilities to you," he said.

"Don't you and her get tired of playing with me?" I asked him.

"We didn't know if you could feel as humans, how you and Hannibal would flow within this world. We didn't know if we had to destroy you and him," he said simply.

I looked up at the night sky and looked at all of the bright stars. I knew my beloved and my ancestors were among those stars.

" Melqart there is a way to fill that emptiness have," he said.

I looked over to him and watched how the moon bounced of his white skin. His blond hair placed in a ponytail with a red ribbon holding the strains in place. His black eyes piercing my dark ones, I watched as a smile appeared across his face.  His tall frame leaning against once of the many trees that littered this island. He pushed himself off the tree and made his way over to me.

"Tadessa for now," I said and sighed as I finally gave in.

"Tadessa.. I like it. well then Tadessa, you must build a bond. A family. You need people to support and be around you to fill this void you fill," he said as we stood eye to eye.

"Have you filled your void Baal?" I asked him.

I watched as he moved his hand to my hair and began to tug on it.  He looked up at me and smirked, showing me his fangs.

" I have two daughters that has filled that empty space and I will go by Athan," he said as he backed away.

"Now I want you to train your new left hand ," he said as he turned around.

"Yes father," I said.

"Come daughter, let us go and get your sister," he said as he began to fade into the thick bushes of the isle we were on.

I picked up my speed and began to follow him.  A sister? I had a small family that was taken from me. Now centuries later the void is still there. It needed to be fill, even if it wasn't the same.

' Tadessa what do you think?' Athan's voice whispered into my head. 

I watched Athan approached closer and closer to this woman bathing in the river, the woman was beyond gorgeous. I quickly ran to the other side of the river. I jumped up a tree and sat there. I watched as Athan very slowly approached her. He looked up at me and I saw his eyes glow a dark shade of grey as he's fangs grew.

I sat my attention back to the woman. She was a lot shorter than me and Athan. She was mixed with the black and Asian blood. I watched as she sung some song as she bathed.

' Go and introduce yourself and remember, seduce her,,' Athan said.

I didn't notice he had stop moving until I looked up and saw him sitting in another tree across from me.

I nodded my head and began to take off all of my clothing.  I jumped down and slowly made my way over to the river's edge.  I watched as the girl jumped and stared me in my eyes. I smirked and walked deeper into the river. It wasnt very deep. Unless inwas very tall now. .

" Who are you?" she asked me in her native tongue.

"Somebody like you," I said back.

I took all of her beauty in. She was a lot darker then what I first thought she was.  Her body was fit. She was an amazing site to look at.  I felt my fangs tingle.  She looked at me with curious eyes.

"What does that mean?" she asked me.

I slowly walked closer to her.  The water was waist high and have to admit it did feel wonderful. I hadn't bathe in a while.

"I'm somebody that is trying to figure out what my ancestors want from me too," I said as I read her most inner thoughts.

I placed my hand on her cheek and she looked down at it and slowly up to me.  So warm, she felt a familiar comforting feeling.

" Can you see and speak to the ancestors?" she asked me.

I smiled and let out a small chuckle.

"You are very beautiful," She said as her hand came up to meet my cheek.

I took my free hand and turned it so her wrist was facing upwards. I bit down on my bottom lip and looked her in her eyes before laying a soft kiss on the thin layer skin that held the most intoxicating scent of the red liquid that I have come to love. Her blood flowed through her body and made its way down to the most sensitive part of a woman. I smiled as she inhaled and exhaled a shaky breath.

"Are you scared?" I asked her.

"No," she said as she moved her hands around my chest and stomach.

I let out a low growl.

' Careful Tadessa ,' I heard Athan voice in my head.

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow.  I heard him chuckle.

' Just relax her more before you take her' he said.

I nodded my head as I felt her hand on the side of my face. She pulled my face down so my gaze was back on hers.  Her eyes told me that she craved something.  I placed my hand on her waist and brought my head down so my lips can meet hers.  I felt her inhale.

"Tell me to take you," I said against her lips as I left a slow kiss on them.

"Take me wherever you go," she said.

I smiled against her lips and grabbed the back of her head as I slowly kissed her. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to her. I moved my head to her neck letting the tempo of her heart beat pulse against my lips. I forgot how warm I use to be and how fast my heart would beat. It still beats but it beats at very slow rhythm. I slowly moved my hand down to her stomach and to the softest places on a womans body. I felt her tremble as my fingers slowly massaged every part of her flower.  Her breathing was picking up, the flow of blood was increasing.

"You feel so good," she moaned out as the grip around my waist got tighter.

Just as she tossed her head back in complete submission, Athan jumped down and wraped his arms around her body. She didn't move her body was in a trance. I watched as he placed kisses on her neck and rubbed over her stomach and chest as I continued to rub on her pearl. Her head was still tossed back.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned out.

Just as her body shook with pleasure I sunk his fangs into her neck. Allowing for the liquid to course through his body. She looked at me out of half opened eyes as Athan nooded.

'pulled back and release some vemon,'

I nooded my head as she started to fight me a bit. I did what i was told as i felt some of my energy begin drained.


I slowly pulled back and licked my lips. She tasted so good and sweet. I sighed. And looked at Athan. He nodded at me.

"Gather your clothes then follow me," He said.

I walked away gathering the clothes I had tossed off. I placed the pants I had on back on my body and the light long sleeve shirt I was wearing.  I looked down at my feet. I hated shoes. They made me feel confined. I loved the feel of the earth on my feet.  Shoes wouldn't allow me to do that.

"If you want to spend your life walking this earth you must drink. If you want to take revenge on those who have stole from you, you must drink. Drink and be with us forever," Athan said as he slid his nail across his wrist and placed it to the girls mouth.

I sat on the bank of the river and watched as the girl drank hungrily from him. He looked at me and nodded.  I stood up and walked a few feet away and began to dig two holes. One for me and the other for my new sister and Athan. 

" Very good daughter," he said as he handed me the limp girls body.

I carefuly placed her into the ground.

" She will be sleep for a few days. me I will sleep for a day or two.  She will be strong like you but not as strong," he said as he looked down at the girl.

"I want you to watch over us when you have awaken and eaten. You may go about and visit our friends. But don't stray to far Jordan, " Athan said as he got down into the hole and began to cover up the hole with dirt.

I sat back against the tree and watched the moon and listen to the melody of the river.  I had to wait and protect. I closed my eyes and listen to the sounds of the island.  Just wait and protect.
It was going on day 3, Athan and I were sitting on the back having a snack of fish. It was something refreshing more than food. My queen loved these. She loved how the blood of the fish was sweet and salty. Said it reminded her of the last time she enjoyed the sun. Hence this test father and my dear sister has created. I sighed and grabbed another fish out the river and leaned back . I have to admit my mate has always been right, this little guy was the sweetest thing I have tasted in a very long time.

" Ezra," Athan said out loud.

" You have been thinking hard on this I can tell," I said as I chuckled and leaned back on my elbows.

I looked up at the night sky and tossed the fish out into the river.

"It means helper. Which she shall be your new left. After we find your right. I shall depart for a few centuries ," he said.

I nodded my head as I heard the ground move. I watched as Athan got up and walked over to the grave we had dug days ago. Not too soon after he got over there. Ezra rose from the dirt. I watched as her once black hair was redish and something. Her eyes were now a beautiful dark green.

She looked at Athan and attacked him. Trying to bit and claw his neck apart. I wouldn't blame her if I got turned into a vampire without permission too. I watched as he chuckled and tamed her. Before I knew it they had taken off. The first feed. It is the best. I laughed and laid back down with my hands behind my head.

It didn't seem very long before I heard them come back to camp. I stood up and met Ezra . She had grown but still not as tall as me. She was more muscular than before as well. Her hair was all puffed and curly but still very nice on her. She looked at me and smiled.

"I guess we are sisters," she said.

"I believe we are," I said and laughed.

She laughed too.

"Go and gather clothing for my new daughter.Then we shall party. I shall contact you once I have spoken with your sister and her mate about arranging the party," Athan said.

I smiled and nodded.

I looked over at Ezra and smiled before we both took off full speed running through the forest in Fiji for the first time.... I did feel something fill inside of me as we jumped up and started to fly through the night sky and to whatever city that caught our attention for a little fun.

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