East or West

By open-minded-geek

17.8K 120 302

Honestly this whole book is just a mess. Idk what I was thinking and writing ๐Ÿ’€. REBOOT COMING SOON!! **Sexua... More

H&M boo
Backflips for gifts
Fortnite, fortnite and more fortnite
One wish
I know who I want
A misunderstanding
Please, princess
Keep my father's name out of your mouth
Wow, Mama
I hate you
Are you going to fix it?
Brain dead
The mood is brightened
A hopeful promise
Geo's POV
Princess of the South
A love kiss
Please don't turn around
Sully & Geo's POV
I apologized
Shatter her heart
Tired of being bored
Geo's POV
Best friends dating best friends?
Confessions and surpises
A wound with no pain
A poisoned blade
Sleepover at Sully's
A phone call from Jaylin
My heart hurts
Thug that shit out
Fuck around and find out
I'll be fine
1 MONTH TIME JUMP: Street pizza and Lock
New York

Spin around the block

337 4 5
By open-minded-geek

I'm back home now and I'm about to call Sully so we can run Fortnite. They just updated it and I haven't played it. I also heard that they added "My Hero Academia" on there. Cool, right?

"Hey, princess. What're you doing?" Geo comes and sits down on the beanbag he bought for my gaming room.

"I'm about to run Fortnite with Sully. Why? What's wrong?" I question.

"Nothing, just wondering. Let me play with you." he says.

I can't let him play. He's so trash.

"Uh, maybe next time." I say trying to let him down gently.

"What?! I'm so good at the game though." he lies through his teeth.

"No offense, pretty boy. But you're actually really trash. It's okay though, I'll teach you. Just not right now. If you want, we can play COD for my stream tomorrow... after you ask her out." I say.

"I actually don't think I should. What if she sees? Let's play privately." he says.

"True. I haven't been streaming anyway, though."

"Yeah, I know. You really should though." He takes his phone out and begins to divert his attention to that. I'm glad he didn't leave.

I send a quick text to Sully to let him know that I'm getting on and he replies almost immediately with "ok". I log on and see that he's already in the lobby. I send a quick invite and he joins. After he joins, multiple others join. They're my fans.

"Oh, my God, Kia. Where have you been?" they all ask.

"I told you guys that I was going on a hiatus. That doesn't mean I won't play though. I just won't be socially active." I respond. "Can you guys leave though, please? I want to run Battle Royal and I can't because it's too many people in here. I promise I'll play with you guys later though, okay?" I ask.

"Okay," one says.

"Bye," the rest say and they leave. They're so sweet.

"Okay, Sully. Duos." I say.

"Alright." he has a mic so there is no need for me to be on the phone with him.


Geo stands up and begins to walk out, "where are you going?" I ask.

"I need to get an outfit together for tomorrow. I'm not going all-out though. Just casual." he says.

"Oh, okay. After this run in creative, I'm getting off." I say.

"Okay, I'll be in the room." he says. I nod to let him know I hear him.

After creative: "Okay, guys. I'm getting off, but I'll start streaming again in three weeks, okay?" I say. They all say okay and then I leave the party, then shut my PC off.

I walk into Geo and I's bedroom and see him knocked out. It's only seven. My phone then rings. It's Keisha. I answer, "hello?"

"Hey, Kia. Do you want to go to that new club down the street from the mall with me?"  Keisha asks.

"Oh, uh... sure." I respond.

"Okay. I'll pick you up in an hour." she says.

"Alright." I hang up the phone.

I walk carefully into my room and straight to the closet. I find this silk, red dress with a slit down the thigh. The dress comes to right above my knee, but the slit goes all the way up to my hip. I'm about to slay this outfit so hard. I also spot a pair of black, five-inch red bottoms and a black and red purse. Oh, yeah.

I like to do my hair and makeup before I put my clothes on because I don't want my hair to fall onto the clothes as I'm doing it. I only have about forty-five minutes left so I need to do something quick. I take my high ponytail out and let my hair fall. I'll straighten it real fast. My hair is pretty healthy, and my curls have never been damaged. But I don't have heat protectant for it so my hair might get a little damaged this time. It's okay though because it won't take long to get it back healthy.

I straightened it and now I only have twenty-five minutes left to get myself together. I rush into my closet and put everything on. I look pretty good.

My ass looks good, my non-existent boobs look good, my hair is flawless, and my makeup is eating. My wings looks so good and identical. I walk into the room to Geo; he's still sleeping. I tap his shoulder, "hmm?" he groans.

"I'm going out." I whisper.

His eyes open immediately, "where?" he asks.

"To the club with Keisha." I let him know.

"What club?"

"The one down the street from the mall."

"Okay, be safe. If anyone, and I mean anyone touches you, gets smart with you, or even remotely looks at you sideways, call me and I'll spin around the block. Okay? Also, you look beautiful, princess." he says as he falls back down onto the pillow.

"Yes, sir and thank you." I kiss his forehead and head out.

As soon as I step outside, Keisha pulls up. I walk to the car and open the door, "hey, Kia." she says.

"Hey," I reply.

She starts driving and eventually starts talking, "I invited you out because I wanted to talk to you about Mea." she says.

"Yeah? What about her?" I ask.

"She's been talking the most shit on you and dragging your name through the mud. I had to cut her off because of that. I didn't like how disrespectful she was getting and I felt bad for her even feeling comfortable enough to tell me all of that. I wanted to meet up so we can hang out. Just the two of us." she says.

I've known Keisha since we were ten, but she's always known Mea, so I've always known why they hung out so much. I'm glad she was on my side this time though.

"What was she saying?" I ask.

"Just the basic 'bitchy' stuff any other mad girl would say. Like "she thinks she better than us," "she's a whore," she even said that you fucked Sully and Geo."

"What? That's so un-true! Geo and I are waiting until he gets done with whatever he's doing so he doesn't have to leave right after we do it. He wants to spend time after we do it. And Sully never even thought about it until recently when I started seeing Geo. But it was too late for him. For us." I say.

"Yeah, I know and I was trying to tell her that but she wasn't having it. I cut her off yesterday because I felt really bad." Keisha says.

I've known Keisha for a really long time. Long enough to be able to tell when she's lying. She isn't right now.

"Thank you... for being  a good friend." I say.

"I wasn't a good friend. I haven't been, and I'm sorry, Key. I promise I'll make up for it. Drinks are on me tonight, okay?"

"Don't forget you said that." I point.

She laughs, "I won't, I won't."


We park down the street from the club but we can still hear the music playing from inside. It's so loud and the base from the music is really hitting. "Awe, hell yeah." Keisha says. We interlock arms and walk up to the door.

"ID's?" the bouncer says. We flash him our driver's licenses and he approves us to go in, after I slip him a 100. I'm only 20.

Once we go in, we see a bunch of people dancing, drinking, smoking and everything. "Let's go to the bar!" Keisha shouts over the music. We walk over and the bartender asks, "what can I get you two tonight?"

"Four shots of Pink Whitney!" Keisha shouts. Ah, hell. She knows good and well we both get drunk off of that fast. I have a high alcohol tolerance, but about three shots of Pink Whitney just about does it for me.
*yeah, I used this in TMWS but it's my favorite drink sooo*

He pours them and Keisha tells him to put it on her tab, "alright. You ladies have a good time!" he shouts.

We say thank you and walk out onto the floor, and the song "Party Monster" by The Weeknd starts playing. This is my shit.

Keisha taps my arm repeatedly because she knows this is my favorite. I smile at her before making my way to the dance floor.

The lyrics to the song ring in my ear, "I'm good, I'm great," I start to rock, foot to foot, feeling the beat, trying to prepare myself for the beat drop. "Know it's been a while, now I'm mixing up my drink," Here it comes. I slightly lift my dress up so that I can have more room to move.

"And I, seen her," the beat drops, and the base carries, making me start to shake my ass. I feel Keisha come behind me and grab my hips so that no other creeps can. She always did this for me, and I love her for it.

Once the song is over, we head back over to the bar and get another shot and some water. My throat is really dry. Then I hear another song that I like. "Money Man" by Peso Da Mafia. I tilt my head to the side a little bit and look at Keisha. She was already looking at me before I turned to her.

She's looking at me like "let's go eat this shit real quick."

I grab her hand and we walk to the dance floor.

"Know I ain't ask for it, me and the plug go hand in hand, talking 'bout taking them trips, ah ah ah... I'm tryna stay and get rich," and then the beat drops for this song.

We both start doing the dance to the song and everybody around us forms a dance circle. Oh, God. I'm usually nervous when shit like this happens but I'm okay with it right now.

"My city it's a lot of killin', Trappin' you might call it dealin', My brother's wit it you know they willin', Tellin' n***as how I'm feeling, aye, aye, aye,"

Time flies by really fast and we killed the dance floor majority of the time. Keisha was always the fun friend and I love that about her. Whenever I'm with her, my anxiety goes down by tons because I know she has my back.

We walk outside and we're both fucked up. I don't know why she drank so much knowing damn well she was driving. It's okay though, I'll call Geo.

"Hello?" he answers.

"Hey, hey, heyyy." I laugh.

"Kia? What the hell is wrong with you?" he asks.

"Okay, so boom. Me and Keisha were in the club, right? And I was fuckinupthedancefloor," I slur my words, "buuuut we drank just a little bit too mu-" I get interrupted by a hiccup, "too much. Can you come get us, please?" I beg.

"Why did you two drink so much knowing you were driving yourselves, Kia?" he asks in an annoyed tone.

How rude. He's making it seem like I'm the bad guy. I just wanted to have a little fun.

"You know what. Forget it," I hiccup again, "I'll ask someoneelse," I say.

"Kia, no. I'm on my way. Stay put," he demands.

"What if I don'twannastay pu-"

"Hey, beautiful. You ladies need a ride?" a guy asks. Another guy is next to him.

"Nonono, my boyfriend," hiccup, "is on his way." I reply with half-opened eyes.

"Here, come with us until he gets here," the guy grabs my arm.

"Kia, who the hell is that?" Geo shouts over the phone.

"Get off of me," I tug myself away.

"Stop acting like that." he says.

I swear, I just can't catch a break.

"Kia, I'm driving right now, be careful and wait it out," Geo shouts.

The guy must've heard Geo  talking over the phone because he snatches it and throws it across the street.

"Hey, do you know how much I paidforthat phone?"

He gets a firmer grip on my arm as the other guy grabs Keisha. She tries to tug loose but it's just not working. Nobody stops to help us even though we're literally trying to fight.

"Come on, get off," I whine.

"Stop fighting it and just come the hell on!" he shouts.

I hear a car, one of those really fast ones with the loud engines. It's Geo's, I know it.

The car sharply turns around the corner and out steps... Geo's friend? Corolla.

He rushes over to us and pulls his piece out, "you better let them go if you know what's best for you." he says aggressively.

When you first look at Corolla, he looks so sweet and soft. But right now, he's everything but that.

The guys let us go and back away slowly, scared of what might happen if they turn their back on Corolla.

"Hey, are you two good?" he puts his piece away and touches our shoulders.

"Yeah, thanksalotman," I hiccup.

"Come on and get in the car. Geo should be he-" another car pulls up around the corner.

That's Geo. He opens his car door and sprints over to me, pulling me into a tight ass hug. "I can't breathe," I say dramatically.

"Where are the dudes?" Geo asks Corolla.

"They dipped out. They went that way," Corolla points to the corner the guys turned around.

"Watch her." Geo demands, talking about me.

"Geo, where're you going? Don't leave," I beg.

"I'll be right back, princess. Stay with him, okay?" he kisses my forehead before taking off.

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