Purely Submissive

By SchemingxStoat

183K 5.8K 953

Shiloh spent his entire life focused on making his parents proud. He never took the time to discover himself... More

Author's Note
1 - Harrowing
2 - Disinter
3 - Trouvaille
4 - Confounding
5 - Serendipity
6 - Kicky
7 - Incipience
8 - Cosset
9 - Introspection
10 - Envisage
11 - Actify
12 - Exordium
14 - Rollick
15 - Unleash
16 - Descry
17 - Acquiescent
18 - Oboedire
19 - Elevate
20 - Caprice
21 - Congenial

13 - Assuage

8.3K 296 37
By SchemingxStoat

I'm sorry for any errors. I really wanted to get it posted so it is unedited. 

Shiloh was fascinated by everything they saw throughout the club, every room they peaked into brought about new questions. Rhett quickly took over guiding the trio throughout the club as Shiloh got distracted by all the new things. With each room they entered Shiloh was receiving a new compliment. Their pale purple and alabaster skin stood out against the dark colors of the club, but with every blush, the other members would just grin and promise to talk to them more. By the time the trio had made their way through the entire club, Shiloh was overflowing with questions and new information. At some points, their curiosity won out the questions slipped out, but Rhett or Malin always answered them. Shiloh was carefully narrowing down the questions they planned to ask when they made it back to the room. They had plenty but also knew that there was no rush to learn it all at once.

The playroom was silent compared to the rest of the club and Shiloh couldn't help but relax in the comfort the quiet gave them. Rhett guided them over to the massive bed, picking them up with ease to perch them on the side. "Alright, Baby. Do you have your questions?"

"I do. Can I write them down or something so I don't forget?"

"Of course." Malin rifled through various drawers before finding a notepad and pencil.

Shiloh pulled their legs up, sitting crisscross in the middle of the bed as they scribbled down their questions, "Okay... Firstly... Is it always so... sexual?" Shiloh's cheeks were still red from the various compliments they had received during their adventure through the club, but the blush darkened even more at the question.

"Sex or sexual activities are a big part of the lifestyle for many people. It takes a lot of trust to allow a dominant to make daily decisions, but it's a different kind of trust to allow them to take your body to various extremes. However, there are nonsexual ways to reach those extremes too. It all depends on your interests and sensitivities. There are some people in the lifestyle who don't enjoy sex at all but find release through different things such as completing assigned tasks and receiving praise or through caring for their dominant or submissive. It all depends on what works for you, what allows you to slip into what we call subspace. It takes trial and error to find what those triggers are. There will be things you enjoy, but don't send you all the way there while there will be certain activities that may always do so."

"There is also domspace, where there are certain triggers that send doms into a more dominant headspace. For example, a sexual trigger of mine is begging. One of my characteristics is my playfulness and this typically carries over into the lifestyle. I enjoy teasing and having a submissive laid out being pleasured so nicely, that they can't help but beg for more easily puts me into that headspace. On the other hand, a nonsexual trigger would be kneeling. I know you saw the submissives kneeling on the floor or on cushions next to the dominants. I take extreme pride in knowing my submissive finds comfort kneeling by my side, it's hard to put into words what exactly about it triggers it, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Does that make sense?"

Shiloh was silent for a moment as the information sunk in. The two dominants watched Shiloh's reactions carefully throughout the explanation in an attempt to understand their feelings towards it all, "I understand, would uh lack of sexual experience be an issue?"

Malin's eyes darkened with hidden lust as he assumed why Shiloh was asking this specific question, "The amount of sexual experience is never an issue. While some people prefer someone to have some type of experience, there are also people who enjoy being able to be their partners first for various experiences."

Shiloh's face was on fire before the next question even left their lips, "Which do you two prefer?"

Rhett tried desperately to hide their grin. He and Malin had talked about just how innocent they thought Shiloh might be and although Rhett didn't care either way how much experience their submissive had, he knew it wasn't the same for Malin. "I don't mind either way. Depending on your creativity there is always a new experience to be had."

"I'm a possessive man Shiloh. Experience isn't a deal breaker for me, but knowing I or Rhett would be the ones introducing our submissive to new sexual experiences is one of those triggers that send me into domspace."

"And if I have no sexual experience at all?"

"Define none."

Shiloh kept their head down, eyes on the bed in an attempt to hide their embarrassment, "I... uhm.. I've never... It'sneverbeentouched."

"What hasn't been touched?" A whine of embarrassment escaped Shiloh at the question.

"M-My penis..." Shiloh peaked up to take in Malin and Rhett's reactions to the information but quickly looked down from the heat coming from their stares.

"You've never been pleasured here? Not even by yourself?" Malin brushed his fingers over Shiloh's exposed bugle, the action causing Shiloh to tremble where they sat at the new sensation.

"No... Father said erections are just the body's attempt at distractions... That they should be ignored and giving in was just a sign of weakness." Malin nearly growled in anger at the poor excuse for a human being.

"Do you want to be touched there?"

"Y-you haven't answered my question." Shiloh tried to sound stern only for the words to come out nearly a whimper.

Malin took Shiloh's hand and placed it on his erection, straining against his leather bottoms, "Does this answer your question or do you need a more in depth explanation?" Shiloh released a shakey breath, their mind fogging with the unfamiliar feeling of lust. "Now tell us babydoll. Do you want to be touched right here?" Malin and Rhett both trailed their fingers over Shiloh's obvious erection.

"Have you thought about us touching you here? Maybe with all that research, you've done you've thought about more than just our hands here. Am I right?" Shiloh squirmed on the bed, unsure if they wanted to press further into the touch or move away out of embarrassment. Although their body was at war on how to respond to the intimate touches, it easily responded to the question as they nodded quickly.

With a whimpered plea, Shiloh gave in to the new emotion and pressed further into the teasing hands. "Please... please touch me. It's all I've been able to think about."

"Don't worry Doll. We'll take care of you."

Rhett and Malin worked together to slip the romper off Malin, just to discover the only thing that had been holding Shiloh's erection in place was a lace thong. Rhett guided Shiloh to lay back in on the bed, running just the tips of his fingers from their chin, down their neck, and down the torso. He repeated the action numerous times, taking a different path each time. Sometimes he would brush over Shiloh's hardened nipples while other times the sensitive nubs were completely ignored. Rhett placed distracting kisses along Shiloh's jaw. He would randomly place a feather-light kiss on Shiloh's before quickly retreating causing Shiloh to stretch in an attempt to continue the kiss, but with each stretch, Rhett took advantage in attacking the sensitive spot he had easily found during his exploration. The action caused Shiloh to bite their lip in an attempt to hide the embarrassing noises they had no control over.

While Rhett was busy with Shiloh's upper half, Malin was familiarizing himself with Shiloh's lower half. He kissed everywhere except for the erection covered in lace. Anytime Malin brushed against it in his determination to kiss every inch of Shiloh's exposed thighs, Shiloh would whimper and thrust their hips uncontrollably.

"Please please please, please. I-I I need..." Shiloh wasn't sure what they needed, but they did know that it was only these two that would be able to give it to them.

"What do you need, Shiloh? Your cock in my mouth? Rhett's mouth on your nipples?"

"Yes! Please!" Shiloh gripped the sheets of the bed in an attempt to keep some semblance of control of their own body, but they had become so overtaken by the lust they had pushed down for far too long that it made no difference.

Just as Rhett finally sucked hard on Shiloh's right nipple, Malin licked a line from the base of Shiloh's cock to the leaking tip. The simultaneous actions forced a loud moan from Shiloh.

Rhett flicked his tongue over Shiloh's nipple, nipping at it. He did the same to the other before pinching the two nubs between his thumb and pointer finger, flicking and squeezing them as he finally pressed his lips to Shiloh's.

Malin mouthed at Shiloh's cock through the lace from base to tip repeatedly until he finally slipped the thong down just enough to wrap his lips around the tip. He pressed his tongue into the slit, licking away all the pre-cum. The strangled moan Shiloh made sent trembles through Malin. From the moment he knew Shiloh was untouched and he and Rhett would be their first he was floating in his dominant headspace. He had one mission and it was to make Shiloh's first blowjob unforgettable.

Shiloh begged against Rhett's lips, hands gripping his sides for some type of purchase. Anything to ground them through the intense emotions.

Malin simultaneously lowered Shiloh's thong as he took the rest of their cock into his mouth, not stopping until his nose was pressed against Shiloh's skin. Shiloh's entire body reacted as they were encased in the warmth that was Malin's mouth. Their back arched, muscles tensed and trembled, and they began to chant Malin and Rhett.

Malin bobbed his head slowly. He knew Shiloh was quickly approaching climax, but he didn't want to rush it. Although his head moved slowly, he sucked hard. With each pull, Shiloh released a strangled moan. They tried to thrust their hips, chasing their orgasm, but Rhett easily pinned them to the bed as he teased and played with Shiloh's nipples.

Malin teasingly brushed his teeth along Shiloh's cock as he bobbed his head, the action was the catalyst of Shiloh's orgasm. Their entire body tensed and shook with pleasure as they whimpered and moaned. Rhett flicked, nipped, and licked at Shiloh's chest and nipples leaving red marks and hickeys on their pale skin. Malin continued to bob and suck, drawing the orgasm out for as long as possible until Shiloh's cock softened in his mouth.

Shiloh's eyelids fluttered as they tried to focus on the two men who had just given them a mind-blowing experience. They watched entranced as Malin crawled up Shiloh's body to Rhett. Their eyes stayed locked on the duo as their lips pressed together, Shiloh's cum passing between the two as they kissed and causing the budding submissive to moan wantonly under them. The two continued for a moment longer before finally separating and moving to lie on either side of Shiloh.

"How was that for a first touch, Babydoll?" Shiloh could only moan softly in response, rolling over and pressing their face into Malin's chest.

"Don't be embarrassed baby." Rhett moved closer so his front was pressing against Shiloh's back, closing in the space that was left when Shiloh rolled over. "There will be plenty more firsts and we will enjoy taking each one." The two men could feel Shiloh's body tremble at the thought.

"Promise?" They looked up at Malin with red cheeks and damp eyes that were sparkling in a way they hadn't before. A new part of Shiloh had been unlocked and Malin and Rhett could not wait to explore them more. Malin's statement about him being possessive ran on repeat through Shiloh's mind. "Take each of my firsts, ruin me for anyone else."

Malin growled and gripped Shiloh's hips tightly, pressing them hard against his chest. "Be careful what you say because we will follow through. We will take each of your first, cherish them, own them. And by the end of it all, we will own you. You will be ours and only ours. Is that a road you're ready to start?"

Shiloh had spent a lot of late nights thinking about it all. With the research, they had already done, what they remember from the first club, and everything they had learned that day, they knew for a fact that it was a road they would happily take over and over again. They wanted these two to care for them, guide them, own them, dominate them. They had decided it some time ago, but that night just solidified it.

"Yes, Sirs."

Thank you all for reading! I'm really sorry for the long wait and for any errors. Holiday season means I'm crazy busy and I just wanted to get this out for y'all.

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