Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 40

2.1K 68 7
By alyun100719445

"Laughing again. Laughing again. Since when did third brother love to laugh so much?" in the room next door, Chu Li, who had his ear pressed against the wall, called out exaggeratedly. Tianshu and Tianheng, who had been forced to be in the same room as him were both rendered unable to judge him for his posture and blatant eavesdrop for, they too were curious about their lord's continuous laughter. 

Of course, by no means was Pei Yuanxian a stern and serious master to serve. Quite contrarily, the truth was quite the opposite. Pei Yuanxian was quite protective and defensive for his subordinates. For those whom he grew up with, he was quite compassionate and generous. Occasionally, when they use him to crack a joke, he wouldn't take it seriously either. But to say Pei Yuanxian was someone who liked to laugh... That was hard to imagine.

"Hey, Tianquan, you grew up with third brother. Have you ever seen him treat someone he'd only just met so well before?" Chu Li had left the wall and suddenly drew close.

"Perhaps, Shen Liang's different?" Images of the old butler Lin's words of finding the lord a marriage partner surfaced in Tianshu's mind. Honestly speaking, their master appeared to be in a good mood every time Tianquan comes to report Shen Liang's activities for the day every day. Every single one of them already had half the inclination to take and treat the Ger as their future madame. 

"Isn't it exactly because he's special that it's troublesome?" Chu Li sighed. Unable to maintain his handsome demeanor for more than three second, Tianqian and Tianshu found the man taped against the wall shortly afterwards again. Tianquan and Tianshu's faces darkened as they shared the urge to slap the man.

"Since the lord mentioned the banquet, perhaps the lord knows something?" after the two exchanged jokes, Shen Liang changed the topic back onto the banquet. In his previous life, the Elder Princess's Manor was covered in a gloomy atmosphere by the death of their young master Duanyu. They didn't have the heart to do anything, much less host a banquet. But the banquet was held by another royal family member. Liu Shuhan didn't forget about him and took him along to the banquet. But...

That banquet was his first formal appearance before the public since his return from the countryside. There were many people who were curious about this legitimate heir of the Marquis Donglin Manor, but in the end, he only humiliated himself. What happened there also planted a seed that would ultimately result in Qi Yue's death. Now that he thought of it, Shen Liang gritted his teeth. Duke Jianqin, Liu Shuhan, and all of those from the Shen Family who were present and participated at the banquet, there will surely be one day when Shen Liang will make them pay for their actions.

"Don't make such a dark expression. With this lord here, who would dare to touch you?" the pair of phoenix eyes that gazed at Shen Liang flickered. Pei Yuanxian sensed the strong killing intent that emerged from Shen Liang. He felt puzzled, and at the same time, inexplicably distressed. For a Ger, Shen Liang's stubbornness and strength was abnormal. But he was also clear that as the Wei Family's grandson and Shen Da's younger brother, no matter how heavy this burden was, Shen Liang had to shoulder it.

"You speak as thought the two of us share a personal, intimate relationship. But you have my gratitude, my lord." He wasn't sure why, but when he heard Pei Yuanxian say that Shen Liang's heart still warmed. 

"Little one, learn to occasionally allow yourself to rely on others," he reached out to pat his head again. Pei Yuanxian then remarked with a smile, "You offended Liu Wenjin on the streets in public today. They will not let you off easily. I believe you must be aware as well that my aunt is very concerned with matter concerning the bandits. During the banquet, she will undoubtedly seek the opportunity to speak with you in private and question you. Before that opportunity arises, the Liu brother-sister pair will attempt to prevent this from happening. But they are not fools and know that they cannot make any obvious moves. Otherwise, that would only increase my aunt's suspicions and doubts. I imagine they will attempt to utilize other means to tarnish your reputation and discredit your words. They could say that you bear a grudge against them and is deliberately targeting them. If my aunt believes them, everything would be settled for them. Liangliang, you need to prepare yourself."

Speaking frankly, the Elder Princess's banquet would not be a peaceful one.

"En. I understand. Their harassments are nothing more than a few childish gimmicks. I have a general understanding and have troubled the lord to concern himself with them." Shen Liang was not dumb. Even if Pei Yuanxian didn't say anything, he was aware that the Elder Princess's banquet would be anything but peaceful. Just like the banquet delf by the Duke of Jianqin in his previous life, as long as he was Shen Liang and occupied the title of the heir of the Marquis Donglin Manor, those people will not let him go.

"Also, another matter. Have you heard of what happened with the Murong Family?" Seeing that Shen Liang was adamant about drawing a line between the two of them, Pei Yuanxian felt helpless and could only shift the subject.

"Murong Family?" Shen Liang arched an eyebrow. Shen Liang left the manor early today and was unable to receive news from the Nether Guards on capital affairs. Did something happen?

"Do you know why Murong Hai was willing to offer one million taels for the whereabouts of the Blood Jade Linglong?"

Pei Yuanxian did not appear to want Shen Liang's response. He lifted his teacup and took a sip before continuing, "For his madame. Murong Hai's wife is a pageboy who grew up with him. Back then, in order to wed him, he turned away an Imperial marriage offer. With his decision, the Murong's family's foundation built from centuries of hardship was almost decimated. The head of the Murong Family then, that would be Murong Hai's father, was only able to save the Murong Family after reluctantly giving away half of their family fortune. After their marriage, the husband-husband pair had always led an affectionate life together, and their back courtyard lacks even a single concubine. But three years ago, Imperial Court's finances ran thin and became tense once again. The emperor began to set his eyes on the Murong Family once again, and even sent people disguised as Jianghu master to kidnap the Murong madame. The Murong Family had expected as much and was prepared for it. On the surface, they cooperated with those sent by the emperor, but they also sent people to track down the Murong madame's whereabouts and were able to successfully rescue him. However, in the end, they still underestimated the old emperor's schemes. They were able to save their madame, but not before he was administered a slow-acting, chronic poison. Rumor had it that it could not be cured by anything but the Blood Jade Linglong, which may or may not have a chance."

Murong Hai could be considered a righteous and just man, born in an untimely period. The imperial court was riddled with holes and flaws and the emperor concerned himself only with plotting against his subordinates rather than strengthening the country.

"It's rare to find such a gentleman. The Murong madame can be considered fortunate. Even if he dies, he would be able to rest in peace." This was something Shen Liang had never heard of. In his memories, besides the men from the Wei Family, which other noble family's young master in the Imperial Family didn't have two or three concubines to serve him?

"You're envious?" Pei Yuanxian raised his eyebrows. He had imagined that Shen Liang would believe in such love existed.

"I'm a Ger and would naturally hope to meet a husband who can treat me wholeheartedly." Shen Liang lowered his gaze and said calmly. Rather, he had hoped before, but he held no such expectations today. But hearing of such an affectionate pair, Shen Liang would still admire what was deserving of admiration. After all, he was still a live being, and wasn't a creature that lacks blood and emotions. 

"You deserve the best," a pair of phoenix eyes locked onto Shen Liang as Pei Yuanxian said affirmatively.

"Would your next words perhaps co-align with something along the lines of, you are the best?" Shen Liang teased as he looked up.

"Haha...." Pei Yuanxian was startled and then laughed out loud. It was a while before they returned back to the subject, "For the past three years, Murong Hai had dedicated both his fortune and his energy into finding a cure for his wife. He had finally derived the Blood jade Linglong, but didn't dare to use it rashly. He had hired the best doctors to investigate the treasure's use before administering it to the Murong madame but this morning, I had just received news that the medicine not only didn't cure the madame, but also worsened his condition. I'm afraid he doesn't have much time left now."

"What kind of poison does the madame have?" The Blood Jade Linglong was crafted by Jiang Heng. As the legendary unparalleled doctor, it didn't make sense for the Murong madame's condition to worsen.

"Duo Qing!" *Duo = sever. Qing = emotions.* Unsure of whether it was Shen Liang's misperception, but Pei Yuanxian's voice seemed to have dropped several degrees. A tinge of murderous intent could even be detected.

"Dog emperor!" It was too cruel. For an ordinary person, Duo Qing couldn't be considered any poison, but for affectionate couples, then it was indeed a poison. Every time the victim of Duo Qing's heart is moved, the poison would be provided the opportunity to course through the heart veins. The victim would sense unimaginable pain. The old emperor was aware of the Murong couple's affection for each other and deliberately planted such a poison in the Murong madame. He didn't feel satisfied with just one person's life, but also schemed to tear the entire family apart.

In addition, Duo Qing was a poison that was rare. It was no wonder that the Blood Jade Linglong wouldn't work. But... since the Blood Jade Linglong was useless, how was Qin Yunshen able to make the Murong Family fill his casket with a Blood Jade Linlong that would serve no purpose then? Was there another reason that Shen Liang wasn't aware of?

Thinking of this, Shen Liang's brows furrowed. The more he thought of it, the more he realized his inadequacy in his previous life. It seems like there were many things that occurred in his previous life that weren't as simple as they seemed. He must have neglected some detail or consideration.

Pei Yuanxian didn't expect Shen Liang to directly scold the old emperor. He arched an eyebrow as his lips curved into a dark smile, "Dog emperor, indeed."

He didn't have any of the qualifying traits a ruler needed. Calling him such only insulted dogs, in fact.

"He's your uncle," After Shen Liang composed himself, he raised his gaze and gave Pei Yuanxian a sullen look. After, he vaguely recalled another matter, and turned to ask, "Has the lord sent people to notify those necessary of my brother's affairs?"

"Just that?" Wasn't he changing the subject too fast?

"Otherwise? I don't know how to cure the poison."

"Not necessarily!" Pei Yuanxian's words carried an underlying meaning. Although he couldn't guarantee that the scriptures left by Jiang Heng were in Shen Liang's hands, Tianquan did tell Pei Yuanxian that Shen Liang had amassed quite a collection of herbs from the local apothecary. If it weren't for pharmaceutical purposes and study, what use did Shen Liang had for the sudden large purchase? A primary reason for today's visit was Pei Yuanxian's intent to sound Shen Liang out.

"The lord overestimates me," Shen Liang's gaze shifted as he suppressed the rising vigilance in his heart. It's impossible. Pei Yuanxian shouldn't know about the scriptures in his hand!

"Perhaps." Pei Yuanxian retracted his gaze and looked down. His long, slender fingers toyed with the rim of his teacup: "The news had already been sent out. This lord sent people to the base already. Rest assured."

This little one was too defensive. But from his reaction, Pei Yuanxian suspected that there was an eight out of ten-chance possibility that the scriptures were in Shen Liang's hand. 

"Many thanks, my lord. It has gotten late and if there isn't anything else, I'll excuse myself," the atmosphere between them had undergone a change and Shen Liang no longer saw any reason to stay. He stood up.

"Wait," Pei Yuanxian called out as he lifted his head. A tall, slender figure materialized. Shen Liang observed the new member with suspicion. The person had a fair and clean appearance with two notable, small dimples on his cheeks when he smiled. He was a very charming and adorable boy. But, why was he smiling so brightly at Shen Liang?

"I have already heard about your courtyard being tarnished. His name is Yaoguang. He's a Ger and one of the Ironclad Guards' leaders. His martial foundations are so-so, but sufficient. In the future, just let him follow you."

Pei Yuanxian stood up and headed towards Shen Liang. His tone gave no room for refusal.

"What do you mean by so-so? I'm a professional, alright? Master, you underestimate this subordinate too much." Shen Liang didn't even have the opportunity to respond when Yaoguang expressed his dissatisfaction first. He then grinned brightly: "Greetings, Wangfei. I'm Yaoguang and will be your personal bodyguard from now on. Rest assured. With me here, no one will be able to touch even a strand of your hair." * Wangfei = wife/madame of a duke. In this case, Pei Yuanxian.*



How come he wasn't aware of when he had suddenly derived such a title?

Shen Liang moved his gaze back onto Pei Yuanxian. Although he didn't say anything, the words expressed from his gaze was evident and obvious. Unless Pei Yuanxian was a fool, it was impossible to be unable to decipher it.

"This lord also thinks the role of Wangfei suits you."

It was rare to see Shen Liang so speechless, and Pei Yuanxian fed the flame.

Shen Liang shouldn't have anticipated him to act like a duke in the first place!

He wasn't a fool, but he knew how to act like one!

Shen Liang took a deep sigh, "My lord, my Zhonglin Courtyard only has three rooms. One of them is even a living, public quarter. The remaining two rooms is just enough to fit me, Qi Yue, and Qi Xuan. Do you believe it's possible to fit another person in?"

"Since you've accepted Fu Ying, then accepting another Yaoguang won't be too much either. Besides, does Liangliang want this lord to tell Shen Da everything that happens in the Imperial City?"


Threat! This was a blatant threat!

Shen Liang gave the man a heavy glare. He was supposed to be the duke of the kingdom. Does he dare to act any more shameless! Have some face, will you?!

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