Partners In Crime

By SB_8379

133 10 4

So 'Partners in Crime' is about a boy in love who loves this girl who happens to become his partner because s... More

16 Epilogue


6 1 0
By SB_8379

Ezra POV

Dinner..with her boss...AS HER BOYFRIEND? So she didn't kill me. I smiled and nodded as I counted my money. She smiled so much she hugged me. I didn't hug her back but before I could tell her I didn't like that she left. Next week...dinner..her boss..all those things processed in my head. I couldn't do this. 'I cant i cant i cant' I walked out of the room and saw her in her bedroom. Even though I couldn't do this, I just pushed for her.

Time skip :P

Ezra POV

As days was finally here. I'm gonna have dinner with my "Girlfriends" Boss.

"Wake up!" I felt Mia hit my shoulder. I jumped out of bed and looked at her. "I'm gonna kill you if you ever do that again!" I yelled. She smiled and left. I had my outfit picked out already for dinner tonight. It started at 6 pm. "MIA YOU LET ME SLEEP IN!?" it was 11:45. I ran downstairs about to fucking kill this women. "I HATE-" i cut myself off. She had a big box in her hands smiling. Then she shoved it in my arms. I opened it. Guns....knives...etc. And a suit!?

"I didn't know we had a dress code." I was kinda surprised. "You'll be matching with me idiot"

I sighed. I didn't want to dress up for tonight but if it made her happy so be it. "Well be leaving kind of early. Be ready." I wasn't prepared but as soon as she said that I ran to my room to get ready and make a plan for the day. I hope nothing goes wrong. What if he makes us prove we're dating? Ew. her boss seemed crazy when he bought stuff from me. I wonder what he did with it anyways. He looked like a nice man. Of course he was a bad guy. But he seemed to fit the part of an innocent man. He must be good at that then. All his people must be trained well or something because they can all cover up their tracks pretty well. I entered my bathroom and began brushing my teeth. Then shaving and brushing my hair right after. Then putting the gun holder around my chest and attaching them, and knives. I slipped the suit on over and headed out.

I saw Mia in her dress. I couldn't help but smile. She looked very pretty. Sense the sun sets early now that's when we would head out.

At dark

She insisted that she drive so I just let her. When we arrived it was a huge mansion bigger than mine. It had a pool and big windows. She wrapped arm with mine. I pulled back, forgetting our act. "Dumbass." she said under her breath. I wrapped my arm with hers and we walked in. We were greeted by a maid. "He's waiting," she said smiling. Mia led me to the big living room. I saw the back of her boss just sitting there. 'I can't face him.' Mia basically dragged me to the room. I was sweating to death. She forced me to sit down. I smiled awkwardly at her boss. She shook his hand. "This is Ezra!" she smiled. "Let the boy introduce himself mia." he seemed stern. "Im Ezra C-carter" Her boss smiled. "I heard you steal art too?" I nodded. "Where did you meet such a good thief like this mia?" She giggled. "Long story." I stare at the wall. Before her boss could ask another question she kissed my cheek. "That answered my question," he said.

Let the dinner began i guess.


~625 words~

Short chapter today guys. longer ones in the future hopefully though. Chapter 5 should be our around tomorrow.

Chapter written by: Mellypoo69!


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