Avery's Heart #4

By Brezzy31

202K 10.1K 788

This is Avery the youngest Flores brother's story of love and loss. He wants love more than anything else in... More

CH 2 Memphis
CH 3 WTF Memphis
CH 4 Catching Feelings
CH 5 Working Man
CH 6 OH Shit
CH 7 My heart
CH 8 Winning Avery's Heart
CH 9 Let's talk about Sex
CH 10 Home Sick
CH 11 Thanksgiving
CH 13 Memphis Broken Heart
CH 14 Avery has no plan
CH 15 It doesn't feel like Christmas
CH 16 Moving On
CH 17 Vegas Baby
Titan's Strength

CH 1 My Life

22.2K 665 49
By Brezzy31

Avery's POV-- Sexy ass Memphis pictured above.

There is some annoying mechanic show on the TV while I'm trying to relax on the couch. Why don't I change the TV you wonder, well that would be because this is my brother Adrain's house so if wants to watch a stupid show he will, as he so kindly told me an hour ago. I'm board out of my mind waiting for Mischa to come home from the dance studio and save me from my oaf of brother.

I'm brought out of my boredom by my brothers voice. "You know you don't live here right? And that I like alone time with my boyfriend right?" I scoff and roll my eyes. "Of course D. But come on don't you remember what it's like to live at mom and dads cut me some slack dude."

I give my best puppy dog eyes that my brother Angel falls for them every time, but not Adrain. My brother just shakes his head at me and resumes watching his show. I get up and go into the kitchen because I'm starving and start looking through his fridge for the second time in ten minutes. Man there is nothing to eat here, I should probably go grab something at the diner but I hate eating alone. I pull out my phone and start texting some of my friends to see what everyone is up too.

Before I get any answers I hear the front door open and close. "Honey I'm home." I hear Mischa call out in a teasing tone. I walk into the entry way where Mischa is taking off his shoes. I look at him and pout. "And what took you so long to get home? Your classes were over an hour ago."

Mischa straightens up and laughs at me. "Well mom I wanted to stay after and dance for fun is that ok with you?" I sigh dramatically. "Fine fine just take me to eat I'm starving and you don't have anything to eat in this whole house!How do you guys survive here."

Adrain walks up and kisses Mischa and I make a fake gagging sound at their display of affection. "Ok maybe I lost my appetite." Adrain pulls back from Mischa's mouth. "Good Avery maybe you can go do something else then and give me some quality alone time with my boyfriend." I laugh when Mischa pinches D's bicep. "Be nice to your brother Adrain or you won't be getting any quality time with me. Got it mister."

I feel my phone vibrate and look at my texts. "Actually Mischa don't worry about it, I'm going to go out tonight and don't worry D I will go to my own home tonight." I put on my shoes and hug Mischa goodbye and flip off my brother as I walk out to my car.

I get in my Toyota and head for the diner. I love turning up my music and get lost in the melody as I drive. When I park in the parking lot it looks a little busy but I walk in anyways. I see Memphis sitting at a both with another guy so I go sit on his side of the booth. "Hey boys what are you guys doing this evening?" I smile at both men.

Memphis takes a sip of his soda. "Not much little man. What are you up to?" I love the way Memphis' eyes crinkle when he smiles wide, I have to force myself to look away from his deep blue eyes. "Trying to find some trouble to get into." I look across the booth at Memphis' companion he is what I would describe as a twink with dull brown hair and brown eyes nothing special but not ugly just average."Hey I'm Avery nice to meet you."

The guy grumbles. "Hey, Adam nice to meet you." I glance back at Memphis. "Have you guys ordered yet?" Memphis puts his arm on the back of the booth skimming my neck and a shiver runs down my spine. "Naw little man I was waiting on you." I beam up at him I just love his sexy Texan draw when he talks I have to force my eyes away again. "Good I'm starving."

The waitress comes and takes our orders and Adam is all grumpy when he orders. I give Memphis a look and he shakes his head like, I don't know what the fuck his problem is. Memphis and I debate on whether or not Gas Monkey Garage is an annoying show or not.

"Memphis I swear my brother watches it on a loop just to annoy me." Memphis sips his soda. "I'm sure your just reading into it Avery, D isn't like that. Well anymore, Mischa keeps him on the straight and narrow as much as D can be on the straight and narrow anyways." I laugh. "You just wait, I will invite you over one night just so you can see for yourself how obsessed he is with that stupid show. He should be a mechanic not an athletic trainer."

Memphis quirks a sexy eyebrow at me. "Really just because Adrain likes a show about cars he should change his whole career? Did you bump your head or something?"

I shake my head sadly. "No but I just found out about him dating this older guy Mike when he was a teenager, he is the guy who taught Adrain how to work on cars and even let him putt around in is auto shop.Well anyways this guy really did a number on Adrain and his self esteem and I think that made him switch career paths. I think he would be really happy as a mechanic it's his passion not helping snot nose high schoolers ice there muscles."

Memphis bust up laughing. "Little man your barely not a snot nose high schooler yourself, don't judge Adrain's career path, he is doing good despite that asshole Mike taking advantage of him just support your brother no matter what." I burrow into Memphis' side. "I know I'm just being weird about the whole thing." I change the subject to something lighter and we talk and laugh until our food arrives.

Adam is still acting sullen when we start to eat so I try to include him in our conversation more . "So Adam are you still in school or have you graduated yet?" He looks up from his plate. "Oh, I'm in my last year."

Well I guess he isn't much of a talker I try to engage him again."How did you and Memphis meet?" I see Adam blush and I glare at Memphis. "Oh my god Memphis did you just let me crash your date?" Memphis shrugs his big shoulders and I look over at Adam. "I'm so sorry Adam I had no clue this was a date."

Adam blushes even redder. "It's ok I guess it was just wishful thinking that Memphis was interested in me." I glare at Memphis the big oaf can be so oblivious when it comes to romance. "Let me just get a box and I will leave you two alone."

Adam holds up his hand to stop me. "No don't go before you got here Memphis was just staring at me anyway. You actually get him to talk and laugh so I'm learning about him even if it's second hand. So please stay." I laugh and punch Memphis on his arm, a bad habit I have picked up from my friend Grey. "Memphis you are hopeless."

Memphis grunts as he eats his burger. "No I'm not." I give Adam a look like yeah right and soon he is busting up laughing too. I finish my chicken strips and steal the last sip of Memphis' drink and laugh when the big man pouts at me. "Damn now both of you are ganging up on me. Maybe I should have ignored your text earlier."

Adam jumps in. "Oh no this is much more fun to watch." Memphis grumbles some more as Adam and I exchange a look and bust up again. Memphis pinches my ear. "Stop it Avery or I swear to god almighty I will burn your favorite candles next time I'm at your place if you don't stop trying to make me look bad."

I gasp. "Not the candles you know better than anyone they are just for looks. I swear between you and Adrain always lighting them I should get some kind of bulk discount at the store."

I look over to Adam. "I'm an interior decorator and I swear the men in my life are so clueless about anything decor that they are always messing up all my hard work." Adam looks at me funny. "Damn how many men do you have in your life?"

I blush myself. "I didn't mean it like that. I have three brothers two of whom are gay, well one identifies Pansexual but anyways they both have partners so I swear I feel like I'm surrounded by nothing but boys. I need a girlfriend who understands me." I sigh whimsically."If only." Adam busts up laughing. "Oh my gosh Avery you are hilarious."

I look at Adam and wink."I try, Well boys thanks for letting me crash your guys dinner but it is sadly time for me to make my exit." I get up and drop a ten on the counter but Memphis picks it up and stuffs it back in my front pocket. "Don't worry I got you little man."

I sigh."Ok guys it was fun I will see you soon and it was nice meeting you Adam." I wave as I leave the diner to get back in my car. I drive slowly back to my parents. I really need to get my own place but damn the career I picked the jobs are far and few between. I think it's time I go try to get a position at an established company I don't think I can make it all on my own like I thought I could when I graduated.

Even with the money I saved from doing my first client Nicky's House I still don't have enough for first and last months rent. Even if I did how would I pay for power and water with no steady income. I think I might have to call in a favor from Memphis soon. Memphis works as a custom cabinet designer at a remodeling company. He is always saying how he can put in a good word for me. I think it's time I take him up on the offer and see if I can get a steady job.

Man I don't want to grow up but I guess it's time. I want my own place or at least not to live with my parents. I have dropped a million hints to Mischa and D about letting me rent the spare room at their condo but either they are completely oblivious or my brother has shut the idea down with Mischa already. Damn being an adult with all these adult responsibilities kind of sucks.

I pull up to my house and sneak in knowing my parents are already asleep since it's a work night. I quietly change into some sleep pants and crawl into bed. Man I guess I will call Memphis in the morning and see about getting that job. I can't wait to use my talents even if it's working for someone else. I can still dream about one day owning my own design company and being a self made man even if it takes a little longer then I had plan. I know one day I will have my dream.

Ok so here is the first chapter. I hope you guys liked meeting Memphis isn't he the cutest. Anyways Vote or Comment and let me know what you think. I'm kind of sad this is my last first chapter with all these characters my next story is going to be a stand alone.

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