INNOCENCE || 18+ [on hold]

By LivingMyFantasyyy

910 17 2

Aleyna has got herself in a mess well more volunteered Aleyna is a lawyer, hard worker, and she has a set and... More

Disclaimer || Aesthetics
1 || Work
2 || Memories
3 || Runaway
4 || The offer
5 || Gone
6 || Last Resort
7 || World
8 || Shit
10 || Just the beginning
11 || New normal
12 || Hulk
13 || Lucia
14 || Noodles

9 || Days

35 1 0
By LivingMyFantasyyy

Song: SZA-Gone girl



Fucking idiots, one thing I hate the most about the human race is disloyalty.

Especially when it's from my own men.

I can't say it's hurts to realize when my men have betrayed me, I would shoot every one of them without thinking twice. Or even blinking in an ounce of compassion.

I have two men that I trust which is Dante and Leo. My brother and form of a friend. Yet even then things are rocky.

I was born alone and will surely die alone. Everyone born into this wicked world is just temporary and will soon die as well. Alone. Or me watching in satisfaction as they get teared apart limb by limb crying out for mercy.

Yet there not in luck for i'm no mercy giver, I take and take until I have get what I want not giving a shit about the cost.

"Please! I have a wife and kids waiting for me at home" The paphetic excuse of a man cries.

I grab a cigarette and slip the white box into my pocket, nodding at Dante to keep going.

"Your wife still with you after finding out what you do" Dante ask, sharpening the knife in his hand.

"Uh, yeah." I light my cigarette and lean back in my chair, eyeing the sweat ticking down the burn mark on the side of Noah's neck.
"We needed the money my son is sick, come on guys, He pleads eyeing Dante as he preps his knife.

Son of a bitch, not only did he steal from me. He doesn't even have the balls to tell me why.

I lean forward his words catching my attention, "money is the root of all kinds of evil" I say my attention diverted to the hysterical man tied to a chair.

His life hanging by a thread.

I don't know if he takes me as a fool or a fucking child.

"You familiar with that saying" his eyes snap to mine as he nods wearily.


Timothy 6:10, "You find it true" I genuinely ask the man that my body now rages with hatred. While I glance at him.

Dante sends me a look, probably wondering why I'm asking the man he's about to torcher to death useless questions.

He studders before he speaks "I- I don't know." A wicked smile graces my lips as I listen to his pour excuse of a answer. Not bothering to reason with the man.

Just filled with excuses. I'm doing his poor wife a favour.

The correct answer is true. I started this Mafia for money, I have and still kill men for money. Those who steal is for money, and those who sell others out even loved ones is for money.

Or the fear of it leaving.

All for the love of money greed is a nasty disease.

I lean my head back into the chair taking a drag of smoke enjoying the burning sensation I feel in my lungs. "True" I grit out not having the decency to look the man in the eye.

"Is that not why you sold me out" I question a sudden rush of rage traveling through my blood.

He's quick to answer as he simply denies the truth "n-no no that's-" Getting up I cut him off as I relish in the fear traveling through his body as I slowly walk up to him.

Fucking idiot. Doesn't even have a son.

Now he's just pissing me off, Taking one final breath of smoke I turn the end of my cigarette putting it out on his filthy lips, burning the nasty dirty skin.

He screams in pain knowing that he fucked up, I couldn't care less about his pathetic little life. The pig was going to die anyway.

"Please! please! please! I'm sorry" he begs for his life. I turn to face Dante signaling him to put away his knife. Confusing taking over his features.

He knew I was not one to give mercy, yet without question he obeys. Noah catches a glimpse of the action as he lets out a loud exhale of relief.

Amusement fills me, the bastard really think's I'm going to let him live. Luck is on his side for now for I have more important things to deal with right now.

Taking my gun out of my waistband I aim it to his head, confusion takes over every man's face in the room but mine.

"Your lucky" I eye the man in his eyes as without a second thought I pull the trigger, the metal bullet flying straight to his head. Blood splatters everywhere including my white shirt. Fucking bastard.

I step back to eye my work. Art

His lifeless eyes star back at me with a bullet lodged right between them. Crimsons red blood leaks down his filthy face.

I tell Dante to go watch over the shipment at one of our locations the exact one the now gone bastard sold us out for. Only for twenty thousand dollars. Idiot.

The only reason why his death was so bland was because neither of us had time for him.

Why? because I had a dead doe eyed girl in my penthouse hooked up to a hospital bed that I had to go deal with.




Darkness surrounds me. Endless pits of black.

Fear quickly lodges it self throught my body. Eyeing the place my soft skin begins to burn. Burning from heat and pain.

Hotter, hotter, and hotter by the second, there's nothing I can do for I don't know where I am. Darkness and fear all around me. Spirits speaking to me.

I begin walking on nothing running from whatever darkness I'm in.

Not able to escape it.

Screams. Screams surround me running for my life as after what I think has been hours my irises begin to see a form of light. Running to it with thirst. My thongue dry.

It's a never ending race, Like the flaming hot desert. Everything being a allusion. Whispers of pain and death fill my ears as liquid leaks from it. Slapping my hand into it more liquid pours out paining me deeply. To blind to see.

A woman stands whispering things to me I can't see the thing yet can tell where and what it is. Non earthly sense pouring into me. I hate, I hate it.

This isn't home. Not the one I dreamed of.

Flames set all around me as death itself calls out to me. Trying to drag me into the darkness along her.

She longs for souls, never satisfied with all the ones she ruined and reck havoc upon. No where to go.
I turn to her a whicked smile gracing her lips as she thinks she's going to feed off my soul.

She doesn't care how she hurts others. She strategic in her ways causing chain effects and generational curses. Not caring about the damage. It pleases her.

Only caring for ruining others just as she ruined her self. Dragging them down into endless pits with her. The Queen of the underworld.

I feel my body giving out, weak from the heat I direct my steps toward her. What good am I anyway.

Closer and closer I near death until I'm only a few feet away, stopping at the sound of my name. So exauseted I'm barely able to regonize it yet only one person's calls my name so effortlessly with love.

Turning my face burning with heat I feel my skin beginning to leave me as I turn to face the calling of my name. Death screams my way yet I tune her out dragging my dead body deeper into the darkness.

The calling stops, gazing around I see and hear nothing as I begin to accept fate. Until I see her.

Niya starring back at me bones scatterd everywhere.
Tears leave my skull at the sight of her here. Why is she here?

She's not supposed to be here I run towards her convincing myslef it's just my dead mind playing stricks on me. Yet I can't my skin gone from my body. Stuck to my place the darkness.

As retched screams leaves her bones at the cause of the tortures. The pain she suffers. The pain I suffer seeing her like this in this horrible place eating away at her soul. My soul.

She's all I have I can't lose her aswell. Even if I want to lose myself I fight for her. Impossibly standing on nothing as I turn back looking death in the eye, a smug smile on her lips.

Yet it's wiped clean as I find the little bit of strength in my body, rejecting her for she's not worthy of my soul I wont give up, And most surtenly not to her.

She screams at her loss, not mine yet it's all tuned out with the loud beeping of machines.

A giant gasped of breath leaves me as I fear to open my eyes afraid of what I will find. Yet I do as I smell food immediatly awakening my senses.

Tubes, tubes taped to my skin as foreign liquid travels through,
Awakening in a foreign room, one that's surtenly not mine.

It's pretty yet dark, nudes and black shades fill the room. With hints of gold and salmon pink, bringing out some light in this place. Looking down I realize I'm laying down on a massive bed, most likely a king.

The room is filled with large floor to ceiling windows adding life to the place. Yet my searching is cut short at the large gurgling sound coming from my stomach.

I debate calling for help, but I go against it remembering I have no idea where I am and can barely remember how I ended up here.
I sligly turn my head to watch the machines to make sure I'm stable eniught to leave.

Once everything looks good I gently removed the tubes taped to my now pale body. Using the little strength I have I get up from the large and odly comfortable bed to walking out the room.

Leaving I see nothing but a large hallway, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and art covering the walls. With a few white doors on each side. I make my way down the hall, a slight limp in my steps.

Down the large beautiful staircase I gasped at the sight infront of me. It's a penthouse.

Floor to ceiling windows fill the place covering all around it. A large kitchen filling the room with a even larger living and dining area. An open space, I love.

My penthouse was nice but this?

Making my way down the rest of the overly large steps my body freezes sadly aquiented with that strong dominating presence. My whole life falling apart as a rush of remembrance fills me. And why I'm here.

My cheeks tint a light pink for some odd reason turning back around I start making my way back upstairs like a mouse until a strong voice stops me, my body reacting immediately.

"Your awake" he hums almost to himself yet I can't see him so my overly curious self makes my way back downstairs limping into the kitchen I see the back of his overly handsome figure.

He's coverd in a black tee shirt and black sweats that are hanging dangerously low on his hips. As he compliments his outfits with his gold chains.

Not even having the audacity to face me he's already commanding my around. "Sit" he lighly demands and I do just that. Seconds later a beautiful plate of homemade food is set before me.

Pasta, my favorite chicken Alfredo the steam hits my face as a small satisfied hum leaves my lips. After what feels like hours the brute faces me eyeing me weirdly. Looking at my pale face and probably messy hair. Disgust written allover his face.

I say nothing.

He takes the seat somewhat next to me on the island as he fixes himself a plate and pulls out his laptop, I'm guessing for work.
None of us say nothing as we eat are meal, He seems almost complety onbotherd by me. It's acually disturbing his presence and demeanor is so strong it's like I'm not even here.

Me being to embarrassed about the whole situation I take approximately four bites. Getting up ready to leave until I stop forcing myself to stay and ask this question that has been burning inside me. Why?

Tuning my head to face him I ask him "why did you help me?"
"None of your business" is all I get as a response, clearly telling me I'm bothering him as I don't even know how he does it but he dismisses me without even saying a word. I hate it.

"How long was I out for" I ask him I deserve to know, I watch his large tattooed fingers typing away angrily on the keyboard, His plate being somewhat empty. Browns drawned together. Contemplation I eye on his features

He finally turns eyeing me then my full plate of food sitting infront of me, a smile makes its way to his full lips it extremely small, it can even go unnoticed by some yet I caught it.

"3 days" He says he's tone unaffected.


Sorry for the late update loves.
And also I feel like the story is
a bit bland and dry right now
but trust me it's gonna get better and juicier.

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