Why Me?

By xwebberdan

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"Violet, omg i'm so sorry, I'm stupid for doing that" he said. "you aren't stupid" I said and pulled him in t... More

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By xwebberdan

I woke up the next morning next to Jake. He was sleeping so peacefully so I decided to take a picture. After some time of scrolling on my phone.

I decided to go shower. I was halfway done with the shower, when somebody walked in the bathroom. "Fuck you scared me" I said to Jake.

"Sorry" he said as he washed his hands. I got out of the shower and got dressed, I wanted to do my makeup but I didn't have any here.

I decided to walk to Colby's room cause Kat didn't take all of my makeup that time. I went to Colby's room and knocked. "Come in" he said as I opened the door.

"Hey, do you have any of my makeup here?" I asked. "Uhm, yeah there is something in the bathroom" he said as I smiled. "Thank you, I'll go grab it" I said as I took my makeup.

I was about to walk out when Colby stopped me. "Hey, can we talk?" He asked as I turned around to face him. "Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about?" I said as we sat on his couch.

"About us" he said. "Colby, you know there is no 'us' anymore" I said. "Yeah I know, I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry, and i hope we can be good friends" he said with a warm smile.

"Colby I appreciate your apology, I'm sure we can still be friends" I said with a smile. "Okay, can I hug you?" He said. "Yeah" I said as we hugged.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now" I said as I stood up. "Okay bye" he said as I walked over to Jake's room. "What took you so long?" Jake asked me.

"Oh I just talked to Colby" I said as sat down so I could do my makeup. "What did you talk about?" He asked. "How we can still be friends, that's all" I said.

"Oh okay" he said as I stated doing my makeup. When I was halfway done I felt Jake kissing my neck. "Jake, I have to get ready" I said. "For what?" He asked. "For, girls day" I said.

"Can I come?" He asked with puppy eyes. "Jake, I said Girls day" I said. "Okay, but at 6 I'm taking you somewhere" he said. "Where you talking me?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he said with a smirk. "Okay" I said as I finished my makeup.
I got up so I could leave, until Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a kiss, I melted against his lips.

Before I pulled away. "I have to go now, bye" I said as I grabbed my bag. "Bye" he said as I walked out of the room. I waited for Kat to pick me up in the living room.

Come outside I'm waiting.


I texted her as I walked outside. I got in her car as we started driving. "So, what's between you and Jake" kat asked. "I don't know, but he is taking me somewhere today " I said with a smile.

"Okay, btw when is your movie coming out?" She asked. "I think something like 10 September " I said. "Okay that's pretty soon" she said.

It was pretty close, but I didn't really care. Me and Kat picked up Tara and Devyn, then went shopping. We shopped for almost 4 hours before I realized it was almost 6.

"Shit" I said. "What?" Kat said. "It's almost 6 can you drive me back to the house?" I asked Kat. "Yeah sure let's go" she said. "What's happening at 6?" Devyn asked.

"Jake and Violet have a date" kat said. "I didn't say it was a date" I said as I looked at Kat. "What? Jake and Violet?" Tara asked. "Yeah, they even had sex yesterday at the party"

Kat said. "Stop" I said as I put my hand in front of my head. "Okay okay" kat said as we pulled in the driveway. "Bye" they all said at the same time.

"Bye girls" I said as I closed the car door and went inside. I walked to Jake's room, as soon as I got there I dropped my bag on the floor and started fixing my makeup.

"Hey, where were you?" Jake asked. "I was shopping, and we lost track of time" I explained. After I fixed my makeup I got in a different outfit.

"Ready?" He asked. "Yup" I said as we walked out of the room and went outside. We got in his car as he started driving. "We're here" he said as we got out of the car.

I saw that we where at some kind of a park. He took my hand and started walking me twords this cute picnic he had set up.

"Aww Jake, this is so cute" I said as we sat down. We sat there talking, and looking at the stars. "Hey Violet, can I ask you a question?" He said as I sat up. "Yeah sure what is it?" I asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as I pulled him for a kiss. "Is that a yes?" He asked. "Yes" I said as he pulled me on top of him as we started to make out.

"Hey let's go home" he said. "Okay" I said as we got our stuff and got in the car. Before we left I took some pictures of us. We started driving and went home.

When we were home, we started walking in the living room, and saw the roommates looking at us. "Kat, did you tell them?" I asked. "Yes" she said.

We sat down and I showed Kat the pictures we took. "Aww you guys look so cute" kat said as she pouted her lip out.

"Hey guys, wanna film a video? I haven't posted anything in a while" I asked. "Yeah, of course" they all said. I went upstairs to grab my camera I had left in Colby's room.

I grabbed my camera and went downstairs. "What are we going to film?" Sam asked. "Uhm maybe truth or strip?" I offered. "I'm down" Jake said.

"Okay I'm gonna put a pole up in my Instagram story then we can play" I said as they all nodded. I posted the story on my insta and then started filming.

"Hey guys it's me Violet here, today we are going to film a truth or strip video with the roommates" I said as they wawed to the camera.

"I asked you guys on Instagram to ask us some questions, and I'm going to be reading them today" I explained as I opened my Instagram.

"Okay first question! Where was the craziest place you have done the deed?" I asked. "Wow already starting juicy" kat Said. Jake, Corey, Colby, and Devyn took off their socks.

"Okay, mine was in a changing room" I said. "Mine was in the back of the car" Sam and Kat said.

"Okay next question! How did your last realisionship end?" I asked. "Well.." I said as took off my hoodie. And colby took off his shirt. All the roommate's answered the question.

After some time we ended the video, as we all put our clothes on. "Okay, I'm tired I'm going to bed" I said as I stood up and walked to Jake's room, I changed and got ready for bed.

When Jake walked in. "I told them about us, course they wouldn't stop bugging me" Jake said as he changed. "Okay, I was thinking about telling the tomorrow, but I guess I won't need to"

"Good night" Jake said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Good night" I said as we both fell asleep.

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