Fairytale - (Dis)/Enchanted (...

By AlexNeko_990

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Fairytale (On-Hold) 🍟 --- Gabriel lives in a Fairytale, in a place known as Andalasia. He was all fully anim... More

Prologue: Once Upon a Time
Chapter One: Wishing Well
Chapter Two: New York City
Chapter Four: Bird Seeds
Chapter Five: Tasty Treat
Chapter Six: Realization
Chapter Seven: Emergency Makeover
Chapter Eight: Happily Ever After

Chapter Three: Morning Disasters

203 8 6
By AlexNeko_990

A/N: Okay, so turns out Pip is a chipmunk. I'm gonna change that back in the prologue.

Also, I don't know about the height difference and stuff (Face claims). So let's just pretend in this, Gabriel is shorter than Robert, and he is thin but has some muscles.


It was now morning in New York City. The manhole Gabriel previously came out of was being checked by the workers.

"All right, let's close it up." One of the workers said. Before any of the workers could, Edward appeared. "Hey, buddy! You ain't-" He was interrupted by Edward.

"Silence!" Edward said, pulling out his rapier pointing it at the worker. The other workers tried to stop Edward only for hi to swing at them, not hurting anyone.

"Guys, I got it." The worker said.

"Your name, peasant!" Edward said. "Quickly!" He told the worker.

"Arty." The worker who is Arty replied.

"Are you in league with the wicked old hag who sent my poor Gabriel to this foul place, Arty?" Edward asked, looking around. A scream was heard, and Pip flew out. Edward grabbed Pip. "Is this man party to this evil plot, chipmunk?" He asked.

Pip tried to explain to Edward, but since they're not in Andalasia. He can't speak like he normally does.

"Aw, poor chipmunk. Speechless in my presence." Edward said. He got off, and walk closer to Arty. Arty backs up towards the van. "What say you, sir? Don't try my patience." He told Arty.

"What are you talking about?" Arty said.

"I seek a charming boy." Edward said. "My other half, my one true love, the answer to my love's duet." He said.

"I'd like to find one of them too. You know?" Arty said. "Either a girl, or a guy."

Edward retracted his rapier. "Then keep a wary eye out, Arty." He told Arty, putting his hand on Arty's shoulder. "Come along, Pip." He said, and went off.

"Are you OK?" Another worker asked Arty.

Edward ran onto the streets, and got onto a car. Pip was following him.

"Get off the car, you nut!" The driver yelled, honking his car's horn.

"Did you see that chipmunk?" Arty asked his coworkers.


Back in Robert and Morgan's home.

Gabriel woke up on the couch, he sat up yawned and stretched. He opened his eyes, and saw how filthy the apartment is. Books, papers, magazines everywhere. Unwashed takeout's on the tables. Clothes all around the place.

"Oh, goodness." Gabriel said, he clicked his tongue a few times in disapproval. "This just won't do." He thought of an idea, smiled and stood up. He went towards the window lifting it up, and sings. "Aaa, aaa, aaa-a!" 

Rodents around the trash, Pigeons on a statue, and Bugs around old foods. They all heard Gabriel's voice and made their way towards Gabriel.

Gabriel was reading a piece of newspaper, and felt something. Rodents came from the pipes under the sink, flies flew in down the chimney, pigeons flew in from the window.

One of the pigeons hit themselves onto the glass. Gabriel became worried and dropped the paper. "Oh, my. Are you all right?" He asked the pigeon. Once he saw that the pigeon was alright, he smiled.

Gabriel looks around at the other animals. "Hello, there." He greeted them. He saw the other animals, some he has never seen before. "It's always nice to make new friends." He clapped his hands. "All right, everyone, let's tidy things up." He starts to sing.

{Happy Working Song from Enchanted}

Come, my little friends, as we all sing a happy little working song
Merry little voices clear and strong

Gabriel sings, the animals starts helping tidying up the apartment.

Come and roll your sleeves up, so to speak, and pitch in
Cleaning crud up in the kitchen as we sing along

Gabriel rolled up his sleeves, a pigeon hands him a broom and he starts to sweep in the kitchen.

Trill a cheery tune in the tub as we scrub a stubborn mildew stain
Pluck a hairball from the shower drain
To that gay refrain of a happy working song

Rats and pigeons flew inside of the bathroom, as they start tidying it up. Cockroaches appeared from the bathtub's overflow hole, and clean up the bathtub.

A rat pulls out a hairball, Gabriel grabs it with one hand he uses his other hand and held the rat, the rat gave Gabriel a kiss on the cheek.

We'll keep singing without fail otherwise we'd spoil it
Hosing down the garbage pail and scrubbing up the toilet (ooh!)

Gabriel and a bunch of rats were scrubbing the bathroom's floor with soap.

A pigeon jumped onto a trashcan, opening up the lid. The flies ere holding a wet towel, and squeeze the water out of it and into the trashcan. Some rats were scrubbing the toilet with toothbrushes.

How we all enjoy letting loose with a little "la da dum dum dum"
While we're emptying the vacuum up
It's such fun to hum a happy working song (ooh!)A happy working song

Gabriel came out of the closet, opening the door. The pigeon was holding the vacuum, cleaning up the floor. Accidentally sucking some of the cockroaches up.

Gabriel bends down, he took out the tube, and picks up the cockroaches onto his finger. The cockroaches sings along, and flew away.

Oh, how strange a place to be 'til Edward comes for me my heart is sighing
Still, as long as I am here I guess a new experience could be worth trying

Gabriel went out of the balcony and sings, while the animals were still cleaning up the apartment.

Just then, a male Indigo-Feathered Canary wearing a small cowboy hat appeared. "Why, hello there." Gabriel greeted the Canary. The Canary whistled. "Oh, you're from Brazil, your name is Azure, you and your husband Nico are visiting, with your son as well." He said. "My, how wonderful. This Brazil, sounds like a magical place. I hope you and your family have a lovely time." He told Azure.

Azure whistled, and flew away.

"Good bye!" Gabriel said to Azure, while waving his hands. He soon went back into the apartment, and into the kitchen.

Hey! Keep drying!
You can do a lot when you've got such a happy working tune to hum
While you're sponging up the soapy scum
We adore each filthy choir that we determine
So friends, even though you're vermin we're a happy working throng

A rat was licking a cup, before drying it.

Gabriel starts dusting around the house, he kicks a pile of clothing, as some pigeons grabs them.

A cockroach sprayed the dirty microwave with soap, and a bunch of rats were cleaning it with their tails.

Cockroaches grabs onto the takeout's and threw it into a trash bag that was held up by a pigeon.

The rats that finished cleaning and drying the plates, rolled it towards a pigeon who grabs it and place it back onto the cabinet. One pigeon wasn't able to grab the plate, it fell along with the plate breaking.

Morgan work up, she went out of the room and saw the animals.

Singing as we fetch the detergent box
For the smelly shirts and the stinky socks
Sing along! If you can not sing then hum along!
As we're finishing our happy working song!

Gabriel was in the living room, the animals were around him.

Morgan went into the living room, and saw Gabriel singing with a bunch of animals around him.

Gabriel sings, as a pigeon hands him a bouquet of flowers. He threw it into an empty vase. He sits back onto the couch.

"Aah! Wasn't this fun?" Gabriel asked the animals. A pigeon ate a cockroach.

Morgan ran back into her dad's room. "Wake up, wake up!" She said, trying to wake up her dad. She grabs a pillow and hits Robert with it. "Wake up!"

"What is it?" Robert asked, slowly turning towards Morgan.

"Come, you have to come see!" Morgan said, pulling Robert up with her.

"What is it?" Robert aske, getting out of bed.

"I can't tell you. You have to come see!" Morgan said, pulling Robert out of the room.

"What's wrong? Are you OK?" Robert asked. They went towards the living room. "Yes. What is it, Morgan?"

"Look!" Morgan said. The father and daughter saw the animals around the room.

"Oh, my gosh. Get out! Out!" Robert shouted, he starts getting the animals out of the apartment.

"What do I do with them?" Morgan asked, grabbing the tails of two rats with her hands.

"Get them outside. Get rid of them." Robert said.

"Put them back?" Morgan asked.

"Put them outside! Don't put them back." Robert said. "Open the door!" He said. Morgan went towards the door, and opens it. The animals starts to go out of the apartment. "Good! Watch out!" All of the animals went out.

Robert and Morgan heard the shower running.

"Stay there." Robert told Morgan.

"But, Dad." Morgan whispered.

"Shh. Stay there." Robert told Morgan. "Hello." He called, once he reached the bathroom's door.

"Come in!" Gabriel said.

Robert went into the bathroom. "Yeah, can I-" He stopped, when he saw Gabriel walked out of the shower naked. Fortunately two pigeons held up a towel for Gabriel, covering his entire body.

"Hello. Good morning, Robert." Gabriel greeted, his hair was wet and sticks to his forehead. He walked out of the shower, the pigeons wrap the towel around his body. "Oh! That's quite thoughtful of you. Thank you!" He thanked the pigeons, and the pigeons flew away. "Oh, I hope you had sweet dreams." He told Robert.

"I think I'm still in one." Robert said.

"This is a magical room." Gabriel told Robert. "Where does the water come from?" He asked, gesturing towards the shower which was still running.

"Uh, well, the water comes from the pipes." Robert said, going over towards the shower and turning it off.

"And where do the pipes get it?" Gabriel asked, he dried his hair with a smaller towel, and fixes it.

Robert was still astonished from how Gabriel looks. "Uh, I don't know. From... wherever the pipes get it." He said.

"Oh. It is magical." Gabriel said, smiling at Robert.

Robert saw how Gabriel has the towel wrapped around his entire body, and couldn't help but ask. "Why do you have a towel wrapped around you?" He asked.

"Oh." Gabriel said, looking at himself before realizing. "You see, I just feel a bit shy at people seeing me without my clothes on. So, this is how I usually am." He explained. "I do hope, that it doesn't bother you."

"N- Not at all." Robert said. Gabriel smiled.

There was a knock at the door, Nancy went over to it and opens it. Nancy was there.

"Hey, girlfriend." Nancy greeted. A pigeon flew out of the door, which she didn't see.

"Hi, Nancy." Morgan greeted.

"What do you say, you ready to kick it?" Nancy asked, walking into the apartment.

Morgan closed the door. "Kick what?" She asked.

"Honey, why do you still have your PJ's on?" Nancy asked, seeing Morgan still in her PJ's.

"It's been pretty busy around here." Nancy said.

Nancy saw how clean the apartment is. "Wow. It's really neat in here. Did you guys get a maid?" She asked.

"No. Not exactly." Morgan said, giggling.

Inside of the bathroom, Robert was cleaning the water from the floor.

"Don't worry. My friends will do that." Gabriel said, he sings. A pigeon bumps into Robert.

Robert was pushed back, he accidentally grabs onto Gabriel, causing the both of them to fall out of the door.

Gabriel was on the floor. While Robert had his hands on the floor around both sides of Gabriel's head, supporting himself from falling onto Gabriel.

Nancy walked in, and saw the two.

"Nancy?" Robert said, when he saw her.

"Oh, hello!" Gabriel said, waving at Nancy.

"Who is this?" Nancy asked, pointing at Gabriel.

"This is nothing." Robert said, quickly getting up.

"I'm Gabriel!" Gabriel said, he stood up and went towards Nancy, holding his towel.

"This is nobody." Robert said.

"I was on my way to the castle to get married." Gabriel told Nancy.

"He's married?" Nancy questioned.

"No, he's not." Robert said, pushing Gabriel back a bit. "Not yet!"

"What does that mean, "yet"?" Nancy asked.

"Nancy, he was lost. I was trying to help him." Robert explained.

"With what? Finding the shower?" Nancy questioned.

Gabriel gasped, he went towards Nancy. "The shower. The shower is wonderful, Nancy." He told her.

"Oh, I'm sure it is." Nancy said.

Robert pushed Gabriel back. "That's enough. Thank you." He quickly went after Nancy who was about to leave. "Calm down. Please, let's talk."

"Talk about what, Robert?" Nancy questioned. "How I never stay the night? Because we both agreed, Morgan's here, and you have to maintain boundaries and I thought, "I'm so lucky. He's sensitive!"" She said. "I didn't know, but I'm okay that you swing both ways. But I didn't realize you were worried about crowd control." She went towards the door.

"I don't swing- We'll talk later." Robert said.

"Don't bet on it." Nancy said.

"What about taking Morgan? Some grown-up girl-bonding time." Robert asked.

"What, so you can have some grown-up boy-bonding time?" Nancy questioned. She looks over to Gabriel who waved at her. "I don't think so." She opens the door and went out.

"Goodbye!" Gabriel said to Nancy. Robert turn towards Gabriel. "Oh, she is lovely. You are one lucky man." He told Robert.

"Get dressed, please. For school." Robert told Morgan. "Just... Please." He said, and went out of the door.

"Did something happened?" Gabriel asked Morgan.

"You have no idea." Morgan said, shaking her head a bit and went to go change.


After Robert failed to try and talk to Nancy, he is now at the bathroom's door again.

Robert knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Gabriel asked.

"OK, you know what? You got to go." Robert told Gabriel. "I don't know what your deal is, if you're waiting for Prince Charming... or you're just-"

"Prince Edward." Gabriel corrected.

"Whatever." Robert said. "I'll get you to a bus, a train, a plane, wherever, and then that's it! I can't get involved after that."

Robert went away, and Gabriel came out. Gabriel was wearing a long-sleeved white button-up, black jeans. And a green waist cape with flower patterns on them, which only covers his behind while revealing the front.
A/N: If anyone don't know what a waist cape is, I suggest looking it up, and it's basically that.

"What is this?" Robert asked, seeing the clothes on Gabriel. "Where did you get that?" He asked, following Gabriel to the living room.

"I made it. What do you think?" Gabriel asked. Robert was shocked, as he saw the curtains that was cut. "You're unhappy." He said, seeing Gabriel's expression.

"You made a cape out of my curtains?" Robert questioned, going over to the curtains.

"You are unhappy. I am very sorry." Gabriel said.

"I'm not unhappy, I'm angry." Robert said.

"Angry?" Gabriel questioned.

"It's an unpleasant emotion. Ever heard of it?" Robert asked.

"I have heard of it, but I-" Gabriel was about to say.

"You have created a completely unnecessary problem with Nancy that I now have to resolve." Robert said, interrupting Gabriel. "See, the fact is, I was just getting ready to take a very serious step forward. A proposal, actually."

Gabriel became excited. "How wonderful!" He said.

"Well, now she's got it in her mind that you and I..." Robert didn't finish.

"Kissed?" Gabriel asked, covering his mouth. Not knowing that kissing wasn't the only thing.

"Yeah, something like that." Robert said, walking around the room looking at the curtains.

"Oh, no." Gabriel said, before he thought of an idea. "You should sing to her!" He told Robert.

"Sing to her?" Robert questioned.

"And maybe that would reassure her of your affections to each other!" Gabriel said. He went towards Robert. "You need to rush to her side, and hold her in your arms," He grabs Robert's arms and wraps it around him. "and then pour your heart out in a beautiful ballad." He went out of Robert's arms, and looks out the window. "And then she'll know for sure. Why are you staring at me?" He asked Robert, seeing him staring at him.

"I don't know." Robert said. "It's like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something." He said, still staring at Gabriel.

"Is that a bad thing?" Gabriel asked.

"Other than that cape, where did you get those clothes?" Robert asked Gabriel, seeing the button-up and jeans.

"Oh, I borrowed them from you." Gabriel said. "Not to worry, I'll make sure to return them. I do hope, I don't look horrible." He said, checking his outfit.

"You look..." Robert was about to say, he turned around and saw Morgan. "School! We're late! We've got to run!" He said. He ran into his room.

Gabriel and Morgan look at each other, Morgan shrugged.


Back in Andalasia, Narissa was watching Gabriel from the wishing well.

"Oh, wouldn't he just love to come crawling back here and steal my crown!" Narissa said, closing the vision. "Cast me aside like so much royal rubbish!" She walk to the side, leaves fell onto her. "What?" She said, getting leaves out of her hair.

Nathaniel was cutting the bushes, making them into images of Narissa. "Perhaps Prince Edward won't find him." He said.

"Perhaps he will!" Narissa said, raising her voice. Nathaniel accidentally cuts Narissa's head, it fell onto Narissa who threw it into the well. She thought of something. "Oh! I do wish there was someone who cared enough for me to go after him." Nathaniel became nervous. "Oh, a man like that, strong and brave, I'd do anything for him." She said. Nathaniel got down the ladder.

"Never fear, my queen. I will stop him!" Nathaniel said, and jumps into the well.

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