Where The Heart Take You

By _Simp_3

11.7K 460 33

Cale is beaten by Choi Han who from the incident and the fact that no one cared about the boy when he was in... More



1.6K 69 0
By _Simp_3

"I'm glad I was able to make you laugh even though I don't know how I did it"

All of a sudden Cale's face darkened.

"you wouldn't understand"

Both then heard footsteps and a maid entered without even knocking.

"Oh, Hans I'm sorry you have to guard the trash"

She said as she placed some badly pressed clothes on a chair near the bed.

"You shouldn't talk about your master like that!"

he scolded her

"You call THAT your master?!"

She said, indicating to Cale but when Hans looked at him his eyes were now empty, dead, without a spark.
His body started shaking

"get out now! "

He scream at the girl.

Cale's body went cold as he heard this.
He felt his stomach sinking and he felt sick.
What was happening to him?? Was he going crazy? Why was he acting like this? Was this some kind of joke?

He thought Hans was sweet and lovingly but maybe he was wrong. 
Maybe this was all part of his plan to get rid of him.

"You really should stop calling him that, miss"

He said in a calm voice which sounded completely different
The girl didn't listen and kept saying something about how he deserved death and she didn't care.

Now Hans was furious.

"If you dare say a word to MY Master AGAIN I swear to god you will regret it"
He threaten
He got up from his seat and walked towards the servant who dared to insult his master like that.
"You need to leave"
He said in an unusually harsh tone and the woman quickly bowed before walking away.
Hans turned around and walked towards the bed where Cale was laying.
The young man tried to move but couldn't.
How was he supposed to defend himself against a butler who just threatened a maid?!
How was he supposed to fight back???!!

"Don't worry, young master, everything will be fine. Now get some rest, we'll meet later".

And just like that he left the room to go to the count and report the maid and other people who aggravate the situation of the redhead.

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