Hidden Light (A DragonBall Su...

By Animeforliiifesister

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Redemption is a difficult thing. Not everyone is capable of achieving it, having gone into the darkness for t... More

Author Note
Unexpected (And Terrifying) Visitor
Getting to Know a God
Continuing the Party
Super Saiyan God
A God is Born
Battle of the Gods Pt 1
Battle of the Gods Pt 2
Power Unearned
Earth's Best Delicacies
Lord Beerus's World
An Evil Emperor Returns
Earth Invasion
Battle for Earth Pt 1
Battle for Earth Pt 2
Battle for Earth Pt 3
A Different Type of Saiyan
I See Your Light
Saiyan Heroes Finally Arrive
Class Rivals Clash
A Final Battle
Friendly Conversation Pt 1
Friendly Conversation Pt 2
Going for a Stroll
A Deal
Heading to the Planet with No Name
His name was Frost
The Tournament Begins
A Cheater Exposed
Return of Golden Frieza
A Small Act of Kindness
Hit the Assassin

An Emperor vs A Criminal

95 3 2
By Animeforliiifesister

Frieza's P.O.V.

Everyone continued to boo at Frost for cheating, but he didn't seem to mind in the slightest. He actually looked quite proud of himself. Piccolo struggled to stand up, placing a hand on his chest and glaring at Frost. 

"Well, it seems that if anyone is gonna walk away from here a disgrace....looks like it'll be you, Frost." he stated. The alien simply chuckled however, shaking his head slightly. "You say that, but we both know who truly won today. Turns out underestimating me became your biggest downfall." he replied. He turned back and started to walk away, heading towards the bench with the rest of his teammates. 

While I'm not surprised that this is who Frost truly is, I still couldn't help but be annoyed. The way he was walking away with a smile on his face, not feeling the slightest bit of humiliation or shame, it was unsatisfying. It wasn't enough to see him disqualified for a simple technicallity. From the very beginning he's acted smug and sure of himself, and I want to see that wall of ego be crushed - and I want to be the one to crush it. 

"You...." Champa growled, holding his hand out towards Frost below, seemingly preparing to launch an attack, "you think you can just walk away after disgracing me like that. I won't let you get away with this-"

"Now now, there's no need for threats," I called out, catching everyone's attention, looking at me surprised as I stepped to the edge of the platform, "and there's no need to disqualify him either....because I'll be the one to crush him myself." 

Zira's eyes widened, looking at me in shock. Murmuring started to go around the spectators. Frost looked at me surprised, raising a brow and tail flickering behind him curiously. The announcer gave me an unsure expression. "But your ally Piccolo is still able to continue. With Frost disqualified, he can stay in the ring-"

"The Namekian forfeits....don't you?" It wasn't a question - it was an order. One that I would act upon if he didn't forfeit willingly. Piccolo looked up at me, staring at me long and hard. The cold expression on his face showed he didn't approve of this chance, but he also knew I wasn't asking either. After a tense moment he finally nodded. "Yeah....I think I'll do that." he said slowly. My smile widened at his response. 

Piccolo flew back up to our bench, and I was about to jump down until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hold on a sec, if anyone is gonna crush that prideless bastard, it'll be me!" Vegeta stated, giving me a firm glare. I chuckled, turning to face the Saiyan prince. "Now now, that's not fair. I was already suppose to go before you anyway, remember? It's only fair I get to face him, don't you think?" I said. "Hmph, don't you talk to me about what's fair after demanding Piccolo forfeit his turn." Vegeta countered. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, arms folded across my chest. He really wasn't going to let this go, was he?

"Fine then, how about this - let me deal with Frost? And if I beat him, I'll forfeit the next round, and allow you to have the rest of the glory for the remainder of the tournament. Will that satisfy you?" I asked. 

Vegeta blinked, seemingly not expecting my deal. However after a brief growl he simply nodded. "Fine. I guess that works." he stated. "If you two really go through with this deal, you had better pull your weight, Vegeta. I don't want to waste one of our teammates for nothing. And you have better win this match, Frieza." Beerus stated, giving us both a stern glare. We both nodded, assuring him we wouldn't fail. With that matter settled, Vegeta finally returned to his seat and I turned back to face the ring. 

"Frieza." I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Zira approach me. Her expression with full with concern, and she clutched her necklace with a trembling hand. Even so, she took a deep breath and looked up at me.

"Please be careful." she replied. 

I blinked. I wasn't expecting to hear that from her. I quickly looked away from her, shaking off the heat I felt returning to my cheeks, and flew down to the arena. Once at the bottom, I planted my feet firmly onto the ground, looking at Frost from across the arena. He bore a confident smirk on his lips, chuckling to himself. 

"So, you want me to keep my win? You must be very sure of yourself." he stated. I chuckled myself, my own smirk widening. "I suppose that's one way of putting it - another would be that I know you're nothing compared to me." I stated. 

"I hope you know I meant what I said before - I won't be holding back in the slightest," Frost held up his forearm, allowing a bit of the venom hidden inside to drip from the hidden hole, "You see, I reserved this venom against your green friend until absolutely necessary, so as not to lose the element of surprise. Now that it's out in the open, I can use it all I wish. That means no more secrets, no more holding back, and no more mercy." he stated, saying the last part darkly. I raised my brow. So he did intend to use his little weapon after all....

"Hey, wait a minute, you can't do that! These rules are sacred and must be respected! Use that weapon again, and I will disqualify you!" the announcer stated. 

"That's what the little green man with the microphone says, but what do you say, Frieza?"

I didn't even need to consider my answer. "If that's what he wants to do, then let him do as he pleases. It won't make a difference." I stated. The announcer looked at me shocked, not seeming convinced by my answer. "Are you sure about that?" he asked. I glared at him, causing him to jump and nearly drop his microphone. "You heard me, so don't make me repeat myself. And if you still have a problem with it, I'll have to eliminate you instead." I stated coldly. The announcer laughed nervously, looking to Lord Champa.

"Uh, a little help here...."

"He can use it, I don't care." Champa stated. The announcer blinked, looking to Lord Beerus, who merely shrugged. "Go ahead." he replied lazily.

"There, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" he slowly lowered his arm, keeping his gaze onto me. "So it's agreed - for this match only, all weapons, including venom, are allowed. We can fight as we see fit...." his eyes suddenly got a bit darker, a shadow casting over his face, "but wait....there's still that pesky rule about not killing your opponent, isn't there? Now that we can use weapons, what if we accidentally land a lethal blow-"

"I suppose we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it." I replied. Frost blinked, seeming somewhat surprised by my response before nodding.


Only one more moment passed before the announcer finally decided to begin the next match.

"I guess we're ready then!" he stated. Champa shot a blast at his gong above, and the annoucer shouted out. "And, you may begin!!"

Frost made the first move, lunging forward at fast speeds right towards me. He raised his fist to punch at me, but I was quick to block it with one hand. He grunted as he continued to throw punch after punch, while I continued to block. I paid extra close attention to his arm though, realizing he was trying to strike me with that needle of his. 

Eventually I saw an opening, and struck my own fist into his stomach. He gasped out, going flying into the air. He stopped himself in midair however, giving me a sharp glare. Frost brought his hands together and shot a mirage of red energy blasts, heading right towards me. I sighed, disappointed by his predictable technique. I flew forward into the mirage of blasts, dodging and flying past each one effortlessly.

Frost's eyes widened slightly, seeming surprised by my swiftness. It wasn't long till I shot my own large energy blast, a large red beam heading straight towards him. Frost flew lower, ducking at just the right time before getting hit. However, this momentarily left him open - and I was able to appear right behind him.

I gave a firm kick to his back, causing him to cry out in pain and plummet towards the arena floor, causing him to crash onto the ground with a hard thud. I chuckled, slowly lowering myself to the floor, watching as Frost struggled to get back onto his feet. He gave me a sharp glare, tail flickering in agitation. 

"Ghh, you got lucky...."

"No, you got lucky. I'm surprised that kick didn't snap your spine." I stated. I slowly walked towards him, chuckling darkly. He seemed to get a little nervous, quickly having his guard back up. "A bit of advice, from one....acquaintence, to another. Repeated patterns aren't something you want to rely upon, less your attacks start to become predictable." He growled at me, eyes narrowed.

"Don't you dare talk down to me!" he snapped. He gave a cry as an intense blue aura surrounded him, and he once again lunged forward, fist raised to give another punch. I only sighed, clenching my fists and letting an purple aura of my own to surround my body. Similar to what Goku did before, I caught his fist with ease. His eyes widened, and I gave my own smirk. I raised a hand to charge a red energy blast, and shot it right in his face.

He cried out as he was sent flying far across the ring, skidding on his stomach as he came to a stop right at the edge of the arena. I took my time walking towards the criminal, watching as he struggled to to even sit up onto his knees. I finally felt myself frown as I stood before him.

"*sigh* What a shame. I'm not sure what I expected, but I certainly didn't expect you to be quite this weak. Your attacks are predictable, and the only reason you won the last two matches was cause of the venom you rely upon. It's pathetic." I hissed. I involuntarily whipped my tail onto the floor, causing a cracking sound to go through the air. Frost didn't look up, remaining on his knees and clenching his fists. 

"Oh well. At least it's all over now." I raised my hand, preparing another energy blast in front of him....

But then suddenly something snaked around my ankles, causing my eyes to widen as they became constricted. 

"What the-" I was suddenly yanked down, bending backwards. I quickly used my tail to stop myself from landing on my back, but I failed to have enough react time when Frost was suddenly above me. 

"I'll show you who's truly pathetic." 

He brought his fists together and slammed them into my stomach, causing me to gasp out in pain. I lost balance under my tail and landed on the ground with a hard thud, pain immediately shooting through my spine. Anger was quick to take over, causing me to snarl up at the smirking punk. 

"Why you little-" I didn't have time to respond as his tail, which was what constricted my ankles, picked me up and threw me aside. I didn't hesitate to land on my feet, but was surprised to see Frost wasn't letting up. He immediately brought his hands together, charging another red energy wave and sending it out. I leaped up, barely able to dodge it, only to have Frost come flying after me right away. We both growled as we threw punches at one another, each one colliding with the other. I don't know what suddenly got into him - somehow his reactions and attacks were much faster, and I could even feel the power behind his punches were stronger than before. 

I finally whirled around, slamming my tail against him, causing him to grunt in pain and finally back away. We both paused our attacks for a moment, panting hard as we floated in mid air. "Did I really touch such a nerve? What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" I demanded. 

"Hehehehe, I'm not too sure, honestly. I guess that was just the motivation I needed to really take this thing seriously." he stated, wearing a wide smirk. Despite his annoying personality, I couldn't help but feel a bit....impressed. He faltered majorly in the beginning of this match, but now he was adapting quite well, and his movements were starting to show his clever side. I smiled, tail flickering behind me. 

"It's been quite some time since anyone has been able to stand on par with my current form. I commend you for that much, at least. But this is still far from over." I stated. Frost nodded. "I couldn't agree more." 

He used two hands to charge another large energy beam, and released it towards me. I copied his movements, and shot my own energy beam. The blasts collided and exploded, causing smoke to cover the area. I growled and flew back, attempting to see him through the smoke, but it was too thick. 

"Grrgh, where the hell did he - GAH!"

Before I could even realize what was happening, it was too late. I felt the needle pierce the back of my neck, followed by dark chuckling. 

"Finally, I thought I'd never find an opening." 

I felt his tail slam down onto my shoulder, causing me to plummet towards the ground, crashing hard into the arena floor. Once again, pain burst around my body, but I tried to fight it, struggling to stand back up. The venom kicked in right away, compromising my vision almost entirely. Everything was blurry, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on anything. I could barely see Frost land a few feet in front of me.

"I'll admit, Frieza, I too am impressed by your skills. It's been a long while since I've had a fight like this. It's almost fun, really. But I'm afraid I don't intend on losing." My vision finally started to clear a bit, and I could see that Frost was charging a red energy blast with one hand. "Thank you for the interesting time. But it's over now." he stated. 

This wouldn't work. I had assumed from the beginning that I could beat him in my current form, but Frost is stronger than I had assumed. It seems I don't have a choice but to reveal my true power....

I suddenly began to chuckle, causing Frost to look at me confused. "I must congratulate you, Frost. Because of you, it seems I don't have a choice but to use my true power. You should feel honored that I feel he need to even use it." I stated. Frost's eyes widened slightly, but he growled and shot the blast....but it was immediately blocked by the intense gold aura that enveloped my body. 

"Gah! What is this?!" Frost cried. The aura got more and more intense, the glowing light becoming even brighter. I could feel my body start to change, and the power began to flow through my veins....Frost was about to learn the true meaning of power. 

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