Niragi x Arisu x Male own cha...

By _KingOfAces_

2K 44 11

Itsuki was a gentle soul who never hurt anyone and was as shy as possible. He never talked, but when he saw a... More

Part one: The arrival
Part two: Getting to know each other
Part four: Lost
Part five: fight or flight
Part six: chaos ensues
Part seven: tenth of hearts
Part eight: Game cleared

Part three: new recruits

249 4 1
By _KingOfAces_

When Niragi woke up, it was already 4PM. He felt a warmth on his chest. He looked at the smaller man and gently brushed his fingers through the youngers' hair, and sighed contently. Itsuki was very pretty to Niragi. The cute boy had adorable freckles and blue-dyed hair. He also had a few piercings on his face; a septum, an eyebrow piercing and snakebites. Itsuki told Niragi he actually wanted more, but his father wouldn't allow it.

Niragi thought Suki was the perfect mix of handsome, cute, and hot. Suddenly Itsuki's brown eyes fluttered open and he looked at Niragi with a shy smile, before kissing the other's lips. Itsuki stretched his body, then asked groggily: "How late is it, Ragi?" Niragi brushed his fingers through the other's hair and messed up his hair playfully. "It's like 4 PM love, but there is some lunch in the microwave." Niragi grabbed the two portions and they ate the wonderful meal, the beach had quite decent cooks, and the meal consisted of rice, sour cucumber, vegetable, and egg. They both grabbed spoons, and Niragi spooned some of the meal up, offering it to Itsuki. Itsuki chuckled at this and took the bite from the spoon.

When they finished lunch, Niragi walked towards his closet and grabbed a very cute skirt. Suki squealed in delight. To him it was the cutest thing ever, It was a black skirt with light blue details and a cinnamoroll on the front. He paired a baby blue crop top with it and some striped thigh highs. He also layered some necklaces and belts he found in Ragi's closet and eventually he started changing into clothes, but first putting on some lacy panties. When he was in the middle of putting on his thigh highs he looked into the mirror and saw Niragi staring at him hungrily.

Itsuki felt bold and bent over, pretending like he dropped his earrings. He heard a sharp inhale behind him and suddenly someone was standing behind him. Niragi sucked on the other man's neck and his hands wandered over his boyfriend's lean figure. "You look amazing, Suki." He whispered in the other's ear. Suki smiled cheekily and continued changing. When he was done, he did a little twirl for Niragi, making his skirt fly up. Niragi licked his lips and looked like he wanted to pounce on the boy when out of nowhere came a static sound. "Niragi, come in." It was Alguni calling in over a walkie-talkie. Niragi sighed annoyed before answering: "What. I was in the middle of something." Suddenly he heard Chishiya burst in "We don't care about you fucking your little boy toy we need you at the conference hall."

Before Niragi could start screaming at Chishiya for disrespecting his partner, Alguni started talking again. "Right, come here. Now." And the walkie-talkie clicked off. Itsuki was still admiring his outfit, not really catching anything from the conversation. "I'm very sorry, sweetheart, duty calls again they really fuck me over today." Niragi could see disappointment slip into Itsuki's face and saw his smile turn into a pout. "Why can't we go on a date?" Suki whined. "Later okay Suki, I promise," Niragi said, before grabbing his rifle and walking out of the room. Itsuki gave an annoyed huff at this, he finally thought he had Ragi to himself, but guess not...


Niragi walked into the conference room, seeing two people tied to a chair with a bag over their heads. It gave him quite a big feeling of déjà vu from a few days ago with Itsuki. Niragi looked around the room and said: "What are these losers doing here, and why am I here." Niragi spoke annoyed. Chishiya scoffed at this. Niragi marched over to the man and shoved the barrel of his gun against Chishiya's chin. "You think you're funny, little shit?" Chishiya raised his hands in surrender. Niragi smirked at this and said: "As I thought." Niragi now turned to Hatter with a raised eyebrow. "We found them sneaking around on our premises," Hatter answered the silent question.

Niragi pulled the bags off their heads, he saw a handsome man and a girl. He grabbed the dude's chin and a smirk grew on his face: "What do we have here a little twink." He cackled. The dude gave him an angry stare, yanking his head away. He didn't really pay attention to the chick, he was gay after all. Niragi walked behind the pair, pushing the barrel of his gun against the woman's head, before stating: "Names, why are you here, now." The pair looked at each other.

Itsuki was all alone in his room, bored as shit. He decided to try to find something to do and decided on exploring for a bit. Itsuki noticed when Chishiya was giving the tour he completely skipped over the right wing of the Beach. Itsuki wondered why and decided to check it out. He first went to the bar to get a drink, he had only drunk alcohol a few times in his life, but he knew he was an absolute lightweight. Itsuki didn't care however and just wanted some fun. Surely Niragi wouldn't be happy, but oh well. Better ask forgiveness than permission.

When he went to the bar he asked the bartender to give him the strongest drink they had. After only one glass of this drink, he could barely walk, but he didn't care. He drank a few more shots of tequila before making his way to the right wing of the Beach. There was nobody in that wing, which seemed a bit weird because the Beach is always crowded. He tried a few doors, but nothing special just a few closets. He tried another door and he walked straight into a luxurious bedroom with a huge canopy bed and an expensive-looking bathroom, but once again totally abandoned.

He almost decided to give up when he saw a very fancy-looking door. His eyes widened in excitement, maybe it was a huge library filled with books, or a cinema room, maybe even an arcade room? He opened the door and stumbled in. Suddenly there were about fourteen people staring at him. He looked around the room. It was certainly not what he expected... After a quick scan, he saw Niragi standing there staring at him with a raised eyebrow. He also saw Chishiya standing there, with a blank expression. "Hi, Ni~. Hi Shiya~" Itsuki slurred. Before turning around and seeing two people tied to chairs. One was very very familiar.

He stumbled over and looked at the man's face, "Oh my god, hi Su~ Long time no see, why are you tied up? Although it's kinda kinky not gonna lie." Itsuki giggled at his own joke. He looked over at the other person half expecting the handsome companion that was with Arisu when Itsuki saw him for the last time. But he was quickly disappointed because it was just a random girl. He turned back to Arisu and said: "Where is your friend." Arisu looked at the floor. Itsuki's face displayed a quick flash of dread. "Oh... My condolences, pity he was very handsome." He slurred once again. He did not see Niragi's expression quickly change from shock to anger. "But then again you are very handsome too." Itsuki continued giggling.

Arisu just laughed awkwardly at this, while Niragi's eyes turned into slits. Itsuki looked around the room once more, and said: "Am I interrupting something?" He started untying Arisu, but suddenly Niragi was next to them. "Stop," Niragi said in a commanding voice. Itsuki looked up at Niragi and looked at him innocently, before pouting. "Why..." Niragi massaged his nose bridge annoyed and said "Come with me." Niragi took Itsuki's arm quite forcefully and took him outside of the room. "Hey! You're hurting me." Itsuki said annoyed. "Itsuki are you drunk?" Niragi asked, "Maybe~" Itsuki answered with a goofy smile.

Niragi groaned with frustration. Before saying. "That room is off limits Suki," Itsuki pouted and said: "But my friend is in there Ragi." Niragi pushed Itsuki against the wall before saying in a creepily quiet voice. "A friend you were flirting with yeah. Should I let him know you're mine? Make you moan my name so loud everyone in that room can hear it?" Itsuki blushed and looked at Niragi before smacking Niragi's chest. "It was just a joke Niragi, chill," Itsuki said, getting annoyed himself. Niragi screamed at the younger: "You're mine Itsuki! Not his, WE are dating." Itsuki stared up at Niragi angrily. "So I can't have friends, is that it?" Niragi was getting really frustrated, "You know what, fuck you." He smashed his hand into the wall, making Itsuki flinch.

Niragi didn't care anymore, he fully attacked Itsuki's lips. Itsuki kissed back, it was an angry kiss littered with frustration and annoyance. Niragi roughly bit Itsuki's ear, before kissing down to his neck, leaving harsh and angry red spots behind. Itsuki moaned loudly, and weaved his hand through his boyfriend's hair, pulling it roughly. Before turning them around and giving his Ragi the same treatment. Suki sobered up a bit and pushed Niragi away. "Niragi can you promise you won't hurt Arisu," Itsuki said seriously. Niragi took a sharp inhale and said with obvious aversion, "Sure..." Itsuki looked at the other man, "Pinky promise?" Niragi huffed and grumbled some inaudible words before taking Itsuki's raised pinky, intertwining it with his with a sigh. Itsuki kissed Niragi on the cheek happily and said: "I'll wait for you then." Niragi hummed and gave his partner one last kiss before walking back in.

"Sorry for the disturbance, boys." He saw Arisu glance over to the new hickeys on his neck, making his face shift to a disappointed expression for a few seconds, this made Niragi smirk cockily. "So as I was saying Su, names, why are you here," Niragi said mockingly, emphasising the nickname. He was about to ram the end of his gun in the other's face, and he was already halfway through his motion when he remembered Itsuki's words. He stopped, threw the gun back over his shoulder, backed up a bit and huffed in annoyance. The other executive members stared at him shocked, they were all one hundred per cent certain Niragi would hurt the other man.

"Well my name is, Arisu, Ni. And the girl beside me is Usagi." Niragi looked at the other man with a look that could kill. "Why are you here." Alguni burst into the conversation, sensing the tension between the two men. "We were told the Beach contained some answers about this horrid place we are in." Niragi cackled at this but to his disdain, he was shushed by Hatter. Hatter showed Arisu and Usagi the wall of playing cards they already collected, and did his usual talk about the three rules. "You have our missing seven of hearts." Hatter cackled with glee, before quickly snatching it from the table and kissing the card.

Hatter threw his arms up and twisted around to Arisu and Usagi. "Well then, enjoy the Beach, and remember the three rules." Hatter motioned his lackeys to untie Arisu and his companion, while Niragi was still sulking in the corner because he was shushed, he did stare daggers at the other man, however. Niragi marched out of the room to his boyfriend, he made sure Arisu was just walking by when he pounced on his partner staring Arisu straight in his eyes and littering Itsuki's neck with even more hickeys. Itsuki moaned at his and pulled Niragi closer. Niragi was unaware though that Itsuki and Arisu also had eye contact whereas Itsuki gave the other a flirty wink.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing, why are these people just having sex in the open," Usagi said to Arisu. Arisu just hummed, still trying to stare at the younger Itsuki. He tried to remind himself that they were just friends if you could even call them that, and that Itsuki only called him that nickname because he was drunk. The way he said it was so arousing to Arisu, but he knew he could never get through the ruthless Niragi. The way Niragi said that nickname disgusted him, how could Itsuki even get with this guy, the cute man could do way better, like him...

Arisu got nudged by Usagi, it seemed like she was already talking for a while, "Hey, can you actually listen to what I'm saying?!" Usagi said annoyed. Arisu snapped out of his thoughts and said: "Oh yeah sorry, what were you talking about?" Usagi huffed in annoyance and started talking again. Arisu couldn't focus on it though, and immediately thought about how hot Itsuki looked in that outfit, he would love to rip it right off him. But he knew he couldn't because he wasn't experienced at sex and could never get past Niragi.

Once in a while Arisu hummed and said yes or no, but eventually, Usagi figured out he wasn't paying attention and just stopped talking. A girl came over a few moments later and gave him a paper, which read:

"Hi Su~ come to room 420 please, I want to catch up!"
- Love, Itsuki <3.

"Sorry Usagi, I gotta go," Arisu said hastily and before Usagi could even get an answer in he was already gone. He began his search for the room four hundred twenty, and encouraged himself mentally, before knocking on the door. "Come in~" He heard Itsuki answer in a sing-song voice. He walked inside and saw the younger laying on the bed, before he could say something Itsuki said: "May I braid your hair? It's so pretty!" His eyes lit up with joy. Arisu smiled at this and he nodded to the younger. Itsuki sat down on the bed and pat his lap Arisu looked around cautiously and laid down with his head in Suki's lap.

Itsuki threaded his hands through the other's hair and said: "Just tell me if it hurts, I'll be careful." He felt Arisu nod against his thighs. Itsuki grabbed his bag and pulled out a few elastics and plastic butterfly clips, Arisu would get the prettiest braids ever. Itsuki gently sectioned the hair into three sections before braiding the top one, Arisu winced a few times because Itsuki was braiding quite tight, but Itsuki reassured him every time he was almost done (a whole ass lie). Suki then braided the last two sections and the end result was three braids, one on top and two on the sides. Itsuki smiled and clipped on the butterfly clips. "You look beautiful, Su!" Itsuki giggled.

Suddenly they both heard the room door open. Arisu's eyes widened when Niragi walked in. "Hi, Ragi! What do you think of my masterpiece?" Niragi walked over to them, anger evident on his face. "What is he doing here Itsuki." Itsuki pouted, "I just wanted to catch up with my friend." Niragi scoffed at this in disbelief. "Then why is his head in your lap." Itsuki narrowed his eyes, "Because I was braiding his hair..." Niragi threw down the plastic bag he was holding, and Arisu tried to stand up, but Itsuki pushed him back down. "No. Stay," Itsuki demanded.

Niragi got even angrier at this, "Get him off. Now." He commanded, but Itsuki just gave him a middle finger. "Are you seriously taking the grade eleven response now?" Niragi said sarcastically. Arisu feeling the tensions rise tried to stand up again but he was once again pushed down. Niragi hit the wall, "God dammit Itsuki, are you fucking serious?" Itsuki just glared at him. Niragi threw Itsuki back onto the bed and pinned him down. "Stop this, now." Itsuki spat at him. Niragi grew tired of the blatant disrespect, and after wiping the saliva off he said: "Fine if you're not gonna listen I'll handle it my way, fucking brat."

And he attacked the other's lips angrily pining the other down by his neck. Itsuki's eyes rolled into the back of his head, he never would have thought he would get off so much on being choked. Niragi ripped off his shirt, exposing his boyfriend's piercings and tattoos once again, Arisu spotted this too and instantly felt himself getting hard. Itsuki moaned breathily, before whining; "That was one of my favourite shirts, Ragi." Niragi just ignored him and slipped his hand under the other's skirt, his cold hand send shivers down Itsuki's spine.

Only then they remembered there was actually a third party in this room, he was sitting at the side of the bed awkwardly with a huge tent in his pants. Niragi smirked at this, "Can't the little twink control his dick?" He mocked, but he only got an angry stare back. Niragi gave Arisu a show on purpose, kissing his boyfriend everywhere, everywhere. Itsuki whispered something into Niragi's ear, Niragi did not look happy with it and whispered back angrily. Suki seemed to have whispered something very convincing because suddenly there appeared a smirk on his face. Arisu had to admit both men were insanely attractive , although Niragi was a little psychotic.

Itsuki shuffled over to Arisu and asked in a begging voice. "Can I kiss you?" Arisu nodded quickly. Itsuki started making out with the older man, before moving down to his neck, leaving a trace of sloppy kisses. Arisu moaned at this. Suddenly Niragi was behind them both, slipping his cold hands under Arisu's shirt, and touching his nipples. Arisu bit back a moan until Niragi slipped his hands into the older's pants. Arisu really thought he wouldn't like Niragi touching him, but to his embarrassment he really, really did. Niragi took advantage of this and touched the older's dick through his boxers, making Arisu shiver. "This is my first time..." Arisu stuttered. Niragi and Itsuki both looked at him surprised before they looked at each other and smirked and let's just say, Arisu wasn't a virgin anymore after that night.

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